Buying "Over The Garage" To Start First Flip ~ House Flipper 2

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what's happening everybody Room Master welcome back to more house flipper 2 and I apparently the game doesn't pause when you hit Escape still sits here and time is moving I can actually see it my test is always this so I I didn't test it but yeah all the lights are on I have all the lights on I think there's like some sort of I don't know if it's in here a wiring tool right here yeah we can like actually edit the wiring connect things up this connects here so yeah you can actually set things up I noticed when I came up here um I want to turn that off for a second there we go so this actually does like that light over here this light over here so you can actually set up one room having multiple light switches I didn't know that till I just turned it all on I thought that was awesome but you guys said pretty much I would say overwhelmingly but yeah yeah overwhelmingly it was over over the over the garage that's what we're going to buy and flip today uh it was lavender house next and then blue Bungalow I think was like the kind of Order of Things compact house I think was mentioned but we don't have the money for that I think it was just it would be nice to see uh but we're going to get over the garage okay so what are we looking at ooh ooh oh this is some gross stuff in here oh my gosh all right 51,000 we're going to buy this so we have our first house well that's not good there just straight up like stuff missing uh I guess let's start picking up all the garbage first it's the easiest thing to do uh also literally picking up the garbage in my hands for a second uh for now I think I'm going to just put you right here open okay in there there we go yeah for now I think that's just the best thing to do can I got a bunch of crap back here all right all right see you can't exactly tell where stuff is on this one as well as easily okay uh this is all stuff I got to sell and we got the perk right don't have to worry about yeah we got the perk so if anything actually is worth money and they'll give me the money for it we all good I mean it's making lotss of sounds but I'm not seeing anything popping up oh never mind a lot pop up can I open this there we go a lot easier when I can just walk straight out right give me all the garbage we have another garbage Canon here oh wait I didn't realize that that was a full bag all right taking care of all this uh and by the way thank you for all hitting the like button leaving comments it's been doing really really good and that's awesome cuz I I'm loving this game I'm having so much fun with it and I knew I would I I enjoyed the first game so much still remember like first seeing that game being like eh I don't understand the appeal and then playing it and then 100 videos later almost 200 hours in the game I looked at earlier yeah here we are this I just enjoy this so much I can't read okay collect trash apparently that's not counted as trash all right pick all this up get rid of all of you so we're actually getting money for this right yeah okay I I just I wouldn't I hadn't looked the entire time okay all of this place is super gross yeah like I can see a lot of this stuff I'm going to probably sell pick these things up there we [Music] go all that right anything oh my God anything in here of course there's stuff in here I don't know what I'm thinking nice nope none of these windows are big enough okay I was going to just try to throw it out a window but I can't so where's the stairs right what you in here there's something hiding right there this is going to be literally like sell everything my God at this point what oh it's copy no sell e okay wallpaper super gross good to know I'm not going to sell the windows I don't think that's a good idea right definitely selling the doors all this stuff that's just garbage so the old wallpaper I mean to be honest something I was kind of wondering can we okay r no I don't have the ability yet think can I just like change it if we just readjust this would it changed how it looks I don't know since I can't do it yet we're just going to do this sell everything and we'll just buy all new stuff except for maybe the lights don't anything wrong with the lights might do with these I don't like those ones and this one in here is fine that fits this room oh and there's Beams I could sell too kind of like the beams I think I'll leave those here hey there we go no I just got the ability didn't I oh all right yep okay so now I can do it so this if I go here change the base change the base to Stained Walnut oh and it doesn't look like it's changing anything the front yeah it still looks nasty what if I do revert no it just takes a way back okay all right well my plan was that and I guess we can't do it so we're just going to sell everything thought that would have been really cool but I mean it would be you know you're not really making money I could see that being an issue or you're not spending money I feel like that'd be like a cheesy cheesy part of the game all right think everything's good up here all right Old Clock go nasty rug get out of here got this oh and I forgot there was actually we had new assembly things I could do may need to go do that before we actually sell this house right all this I don't remember what the other things were but it could be something we could put in here you know what I yeah I'm just going to get new ones right all of you I'm okay with these lights these are my these are the normal lights I actually like okay let we got all this garbage outside we're almost done with at least like taking everything out so we can put everything new in right all of you there we go the house itself is nasty me that's not terrible yeah I like that entry way okay okay so what I do about this oh wait I found out that I could do this uh give me copy style so if we hold this can buy this and I think I can put the wait no um okay so that's what we put on top then what the heck do I what is uh I don't know what to think about this I'll lay that back down again but yeah I did find out that can do that on the floors so we back at home there's that one little tile that I didn't have I can actually do that to get the tile now but then I don't know what this is considered it's it's got to be an architectural element building accessories no who what happened here categories give me that back and it's just like roof fences bits and Bobs what that's a fence okay how do I just put the floor down maybe oh you know what I may not be able to do this cuz we don't have the other part of the yeah cuz this is all missing too I bet it's this right here this this tool that we don't have oh we're going to have to go do the other job well let's clean this place up first we can if we do the other job it'll actually give us more money for flipping this place in general but yeah I guess for now let's let's just finish cleaning it all right oh I can't wait till I can like spray more often this is like the one thing that it's kind of slow only because I can't spray this super quick mean know it's actually doing pretty good there's so much stuff close together that that was weird it didn't actually do it but it made the sound anything up there nope all right this is so gross I mean this house is pretty nasty in here I guess it makes sense all right take care of that anything left out here I mean we have all this outside right care of all of you we that came off nice and easy like all right uh can I reach up there wait wait it's working all right oh wait no I missed it here we go I mean it looks like it's gone oh the windows are so nasty I mean even this I want to change uh so you know what let's quickly I can do this part sell this sell that sell this now at least do the front and back doors okay so exterior [Music] door um for the back odds and ends kind of like this the back door no you know what I can change things right okay so we can go right here change style so I could I could choose left or right uh yeah okay this wait this isn't going to work this is a huge door oh wait what okay never mind much for that plan you don't have a as much specifications door frames Noor exterior we I at least had this limitation which is nice okay well I guess we'll do this this going to fit here how do I do this now I don't I don't [Music] understand what door was here before oh did I can I somehow screw this up okay um I mean I think this is inwards then okay so yeah this door is fine garage door I mean I'm going to go with the same style that we had on the other one is this right yeah okay so right here here uh okay that was uh no that is not right there right here what oh what the freak okay so no it's in the right place close okay yeah we're fine all right that was really weird I don't know why I did that it acted like it wasn't going to go first I don't know what to do about this interior doors I mean do I need to do an interior door this is basically what was there okay I mean at the very least I just I just screwed up because I didn't want this kind of door or this kind of wood uh I should be able to just do this we can do Cy Style py style there we go all right all right at least that's nice and easy to do okay we have all that all the cleaning out here is done uh I still have stuff to sell I thought I actually got everything okay and then we got a lot of cleaning back here oh I didn't even realize that the whole thing was that nasty honestly didn't even see that okay uh take care of you yeah so that's all that stuff off here we got the windows actually to clean from inside not a problem there okay okay you're all good there there so much I can hear light up when I push that button so much to actually clean right all right we got the we looks like we got all the uh outside at least done finish up down here feel like we're going to get a cleaning Point like any minute this has been a lot of cleaning do we have anything else in this room no wait no okay that's what I saw hey you're all good clean this off Windows Windows don't even look that bad to be honest right there you go o that's not what I meant to do look that was actually already clean right there there you go we're all good on here this is nice and easy tell me to spray there's nothing there oh we had another one down here okay that was super quick nothing hiding no all right off this window nice and easy I think that's one it was actually already good all right so I think downstairs is done we have downstairs all nice and good oh this looks like a murder scene holy I think it's probably the dirtiest I've seen a place out of all the D ones we've done so far by by quite a bit even the last flipping one I don't think was that bad all right here we go oh all these individual little Windows all right clean up all of this oh apparently that was both sides I didn't even know I was getting both of that this is just crazy on how messy this room is I can't even tell if it's I think it's clean it's just a cement roof what what is happening so much that it didn't clean it off at one time okay go we're getting all this so each one of these windows need to be cleaned my goodness it's fine right you take care of all of this right all right it's all looking good this one up here my god there so many little windows I knew there was Windows up here that needed to be cleaned but I didn't realize they were all just open small ones least is it is really quick feel like it's a little bit faster than the last game the last game wasn't super bad I always felt like that was like the one moment my mouth sensitivity was never high enough right over here gross we're down here yeah I can see this whole ground right here all right anything else you right here so that it are we done in this room I should say oh over here on this wall okay so this room is done now this room is done uh we just got to get this window and there's one on the other side it looked like come on come on last one up here okay oh it's a door I saw those on that side right go ahead and clean off all of you right this is all good actually I don't see anything else in this room it was just down there yeah I don't even have to clean the window okay take care of all the dirt keep moving over nothing even here okay I wonder if you can just like wallpaper that up or paint that over not something I think you should ever really do are you sure that's how like things just get worse more expensive to fix but I wonder if you can do that in the game oh I didn't even mean to click on the window all right there we go I mean I guess there's no downside to cleaning it more just the satisfying of look it's all clean all right go keep just cleaning all this stuff off we go all of you okay it's all done over here hearing a lot less things pop pop pop pop actually I heard nothing that time am I done I mean there's the windows obviously but I think everything else is done right you're all good more tiny little Windows all right we go and then [Music] you look we can see outside the nice purple house across the street stolen my idea right go take care of all of this originally originally thinking about that was that exact color pattern holy crap like it it's h purple and green maybe really dark green I don't know I don't know I need to clean this is this good this is should be good I think we should be done see anything highlighting on the cleaning nature oh I do miss the people that bought the house like the different people that be like Oh I'm happy with this oh I'm sad there's still dirt you know stuff like that I do miss that I'm hoping I mean I wasn't house flipper like in early the original House Flipper in Early Access for a while I want to say it was this one just came out so I mean there's there's I don't know what'll end up happening I do hope do hope hope hope that the before and after comes back cuz I missed that I love the before and after all right so I think we got the whole place cleaned up oh I don't have it out I actually have to have it out not seeing anything popping up in the dirty variety not hearing any sounds nothing in the hallway that I missed all right I think we're good yep I think we're all good with this uh I don't think there was anything for me to vacuum right no okay then I think other than adding lights and then doing that basically we need the surface area choose what we want for painting I kind of want to change the floor in here I don't really like this this that garbage oh Nikki there's one piece left I don't hear this thing scanning anything either I think I'm pretty sure everything's done there's this book here that I can't sell put this way this way my hand so can I just put it on the window sill all right there we go I have lights here but I don't have any lights inside okay oh I guess it's surface inst ations let's start with this uh downstairs light stone bricks Natural Stone I mean as far as what I can put down there there's not really something I see that fits the thing tiles I mean custom stone color o that's not too bad put a Marvel Drive let's do this one put that down in here all right oh can I yeah there we go all nice and huge right give me some more of these pretty sure I'm going have to buy more than one of these do really like the way of placing stuff in this right put all you in here okay here we go FCI your floors also I I I I I had the last game down pretty well and what I could and could not do the rooms the specific types of rooms I could do this is all new I don't know any of the stuff this time around it's it's honestly very exciting cuz I have no clue what to expect okay so I got this whole room done don't really want to do on any of those spots okay well I guess I'm done with this let sell what we have left $56 paid 400 for it okay it's fine uh as far as the insides faded pink orang and red it it [Music] green no I don't want to make it like black Grays scale is not bad wait material what different kind of paint I'm just going to go with stucco fine go with a light gray buy that place this in here uh close you for a minute actually let's make it small for a second can put it there down to here trying to get this up here is uh not the easiest right can I go crazy God my mouse pad's moving all around okay now you can go crazy we go I love the distance so nice out of paint all right there we go so we're all good with this we just reset we go bring you all the way over to here all right oh I'm in I do want at some point to like just have fun with the paint I think just make some like crazy patterns and stuff I mean that's something we can do now we just be like oh we just do this like something like this a little smiley face pH or something like I don't even know not really a phas abstract art but uh I mean you you can do pixelated art in this if you had a big enough wall or small enough type of picture give me all this yeah I got to shrink it down so it's it doesn't like going down to these little Parts with the big one all right what is oh it's that I was like what is this what am I seeing not too far down right I just realized it's not technically connected to anything feels weird no that was too much there okay right in here this part first uh uh close the door right oh I can't I can't make it bigger while I was doing that there we go I how to paint so quick because I can paint so much surface at one time all right go down go down and I am almost out of paint here we go that one's all good oh but there's the inside pieces oh no nope I forgot right right there all the way over I'm not going to have enough paint for all this it's the only downside of this right out of paint can I just do this not not sell item but copy style buy boom all right this is going to be the same color right oh no it canceled it oh what's happening what was that what was that all red whatever not going to ask questions I'm just going to start painting is the same color so that is nice when I have to like match a color or something which was always an issue that I did I did come across multiple times like there's there's multiple things about this game I really enjoy some stuff I miss about the old one but I do like a lot of the new takes L of the new ways to do things all right out of paint did I get a point that was a weird noise I don't know what that sound was yeah I did I got a that's what I thought it's really weird this freestyle paint on any surface without setting down paint area wait I have to set down a paint area before I'm allowed to paint on Surface right now really I had no idea I want this so it's more efficient okay yeah there's building and then there's demolishing haven't done any of that stuff yet but this whole room's done we got this done pretty happy with this and there's still a lot to do here but I think I want to go do the demolish one and see if maybe I can get the building part cuz I I I can't I can't finish this without this I ain't leaving it like that that's just awful so yeah we're going to go back to how do I leave in my hand nap to grid precise oh okay that's fine uh houses right here right go go to house okay yes like I don't know how to go home all right so which one was it I think it was this one oh painting and Furnishing this was proper Innovation so I think this is where we actually have to not 100% sure there room for his own sadly he doesn't my attic should be perfect for this see I don't think that's going to be it I think it was this one or we have a chance to actually get her get her Hammer I want the hammer I want to be able to do the Full Construction cuz as much as it'd be nice to flip the fat the house fully we can't do it without unless I'm missing something which you can let me know in the comments if I am missing some sort of thing in there that I just didn't see maybe Miss misunderstood I don't know but I I didn't see any way to put a little block down so I feel like it's got to be something to do with the building and destruction right so we're going to the bathroom I mean right now I got nothing here whoa there's always so much paint everybody's always so messy with the paint all right just kind of work our way up I got a cleaning perk point and I got so much because of that last house going to go faster be nice to be able to spray more often but cleaning stuff even faster is even nicer right what what I'm so confused oh it's those are stencils I'm like what I can't I clean some of these but I can the others you're telling me every one of these is not supposed to be here what have you done okay this is fine holy crap yes all right all right all right this is the room we're supposed to be doing I think whoa on the outside what have they done oh it's it's a clicky thing yeah I just realized okay I can just go like this still probably do the same same same effect maybe not there we go you didn't get back there that's fine but where did my brush grow okay they behind the toilet so it looks like it's just over here I must have missed some yep it says there's still one more stain somewhere right there okay so we're all good with that uh let's go to sell sell all this stuff aain brushes let s on the ducky right I don't want to sell the duck stencil apparently that thing all right this that this that all this stuff I'm not I'm not destroying anything am I I'm not getting my hammer yet am I come on man I really wanted my hammer I was really looking forward to that okay what do you want you want this oh I don't know for bath room with some bright bright pink secondary color what is this for oh it's in between no that's fine I'm even whoa that was an accident and I'm digging it this is what we're going with I didn't I didn't mean that background color but oh yeah I'm I'm I'm totally digging it it's they don't specify what kind so you know what it's not my house right there you go okay take care of all the rest of you it's so quick to put up tiles I always hated doing tiles in the first game because it it took so long until I think like the they patch something towards the very end so wait what do I need oh I need to buy stuff so let's sell this first okay you want me to buy a whole bunch of crap all right let's get the toilet first we have marble me we have green marble we do it's a lid right details b b details what is the lid oh here it is this is what I wanted here we go White marble give me gold oh it's the it's what you sit on black marble yeah I like that all right I dig it put that right there I like it all right oh let's choose some ebony countertop I mean I'm already going with marble for that so you know what we're going to keep that going here it is it's like I know I could do it right there marble buy this place you here for a second I don't understand why there's light switch right here weird place for the light switch we do want this as well also do the top as oh that's not no that's not what I wanted here we go this I'm like oh I'm very confused on what I chose now so we put you right here I think I need to move it over to the wall make it fully all fit okay let we get this one actually you know what it doesn't matter I can just buy it place it right here and we just do this oh God this is such a cool feature legit such a cool Fe that's weird cool feature though to just be able to just Boop and you can just do that makes it saves on time of actually placing stuff so do I I don't understand this I've never seen one of these before in my life seen it in the house flipper game and that's it he we got our mirror that right above the sink right there okay I like that uh we got ourselves some fish I like the placement right there got a shelf I guess right here we not be bad toet paper roll what about putting it above the the toilet could be funny but no no no we're not going to do that okay and then this I'm going to tug this in the corner cuz this doesn't need to be by the toilet it just needs well you know put it behind the toilet maybe they clog the toilet all the time okay then we just go copy style paste paste paste all right all right I dig it lights on okay that turned out really nice I did all the stuff in here but obviously that's not everything uh there still staying somewhere oh right there okay I just saw it my side no so there we go it's literally just that is there something down here oh there's a lot of stuff and selling all of this what am I selling oh all the stuff in the kitchen okay uh [Music] you I think that's everything yeah okay pick up all this garbage get all this stuff out of here hey none of that stuff I need to pick up like trash there's no trash there okay so I don't need to do anything in that room this room is fine I think it's just this room down here yeah H I'm so disappointed that this is not the hammer one I don't see anything about destroying anything thing yeah so it's right here more trash in here and we just hook it down there bleeding Point what we get that's the last one I could get we go the most amount of stuff that I can get in one spot not you this go we got the cleaning right here oh I saw something no I want the quests okay then we simply have to sell this and I'm good okay yep that's all I needed to do in here this room's all done too nothing in here nothing in here all right so I guess it's just downstairs in the kitchen we should be done in here how about outside no outside's even fine all right yep just in the kitchen it's your trash good Lord wait wait like I've seen this house this reminds me of another house in the first game where we only you only did part of the house I think I don't know weird okay turn you around you right there it's out of the way give me vacuum that's that's not vacuum it's not vacuum okay so we got all of this all the chips all the stuff here give me this okay I think that should be everything oh it's still saying there's still one stain somewhere oh okay then we need to finish surfaces so this we got two spots let's go with some uh yellow tiles with some red in the middle I'm already going nuts on this place so you know what we're just going to keep going with it all right take this oh I got to shrink that down that's too big all right this place is uh going to be a nightmare it's fine okay and then I'm going to sell you and then we're going to take this one going with the marble so we're just going to keep going with the marble pattern size is that the pattern do a bit of rotation yeah no I guess it's all fine now I can go big I finished the job now I'm not quite done yet didn't expect it to be so much all right there we go there we go all right and I'm good so put yes put that away there we go that's weird okay then it's just a matter of I got to buy stuff so let's go with the fridge first buy this I'm going put this thing over here in the corner right and then we will get right there and do something real quick uh where am I right now got to go right here want to take this wait you just tell me that I have something to clean here hold up where oh there's something right here on the stairs is that it okay I'm glad I came up here I didn't realize I was missing one thing I just came up here for this though copy that style oh I lied just just because this is a sink all right all right and T that style okay so is it still on there no copy style paste style there we go I like that all right good I don't have to do anything crazy uh this is okay this is I was like like this is the island right okay so put that there wait do you want two oh you want two okay and then I'm assuming this is a smaller version nope this is the one on the inside okay oh an oven I'm like I feel like I'm missing something and I am move you over to the side take the oven slide that in right in the middle then we're going to copy style and paste style paste style paste style and paste why did you do this how did you handed counter top I can't see it firm actually we just do this right uh copy paste there we go okay okay that's better like I screwed up somewhere and I don't know what I did put you here I'll put you here and you know what I can just do this again copy this style paste that style there paste that style there there you go so it's the same as stuff they already have right then I got to put the hanging stuff up here I guess you want me I feel like that's really high up either that I'm really short right now which somebody pointed something out that I didn't even notice we have a body we have a body look at this there's a body here we used to be just disembodied hands now we actually have a body amazing oh you know what I I I can do okay so I can put this over here I mean I guess I can put it right there so it's at least somewhat even with it how is this this really going to fit I feel like this isn't going to fit oh I guess so it's a lot smaller than I thought it was that is that an egg putting that right there all right put it right there underneath the stove so you don't slip in this way that I still don't know which is the front or back so I'm going to put it right there okay so now we're actually fully done with the job but we're not copy style paste paste paste paste paste now I'm happy look at that look at that look how nice it looks all right shift enter $111,000 okay three stars on the job right accept oh I mean that's more money to spend but not the stuff I need right well hej Museum in a Pine Grove what been heard before but our family's house hosts the only Lumberjack Museum okay not for any longer I'm afraid since my wife and I are very busy these days a few visitors had to close it C out replacing the furniture remember to unpack new Furniture when it's placed oh okay I don't that's not it crew is moving spous Seaside house got a lucky when my uncle offered them to rent them uh s really over home isn't in the best of shape so it's mostly cleaning and refreshing the walls definitely replacing old furniture and unpacking your stuff H so I mean these are new places that I'm assuming as I do unlock to buy but downside is still none of them are giving me my my hammer I just want to get my hammer all I want the hammer and the build walls the build walls is the big thing cuz I don't think without being able to build walls I can put the floors over there I mean as far as here by the way are we done we are done with everything right no I literally have I I I have my vacuum out and I can see it okay I even left stuff over here apparently we go that it oh good it's still night time here when I came back can I go to sleep no I'm not allowed to just go to sleep that's lame unless is my bed no all right oh yeah but so this this in here couldn't do the style in here I can now do this bam give me mean that this thing and boom there we go so now I actually have the floor actually all matched up and I'm very happy with it go ahead and get this we're going to sell that thing uh I only have a couple minutes left so I don't want to start another job right now we don't have enough to enough to do really to finish that other house oh I figured we'll just uh finish up the painting in here I forgot I need to click on that side to bring it down right going to paint this thing up a whole bunch of green to finish up our room up here that was partially started by before we got here and then even by us when we got here and then select you and ride to there yeah I don't think this is going to work too small of a thing right there you go we got that wall and I want this one over here too so select you over to there and we go big again I should be able to do the entire thing like this all right awesome okay and we'll get over here okay yeah um that that increasing the amount of paint that I can do on one one go is quite a bit okay so then there's the issue that I noticed last time which is I need to be able to get this cuz this looks weird not having any sort of paint on it happening why won't you let me do this part weird okay take you over to here we go we got that part this all the way up okay I mean it definitely looks better and we even got that oh it's not a bolt okay okay well I lied then we're going to have to take care of this as well yeah this is this this house I Fe is going to be something we're going to just work on over time hly it's like right now we got we were kind of out of time we bought our first house today we did went did uh honestly pretty quick taking care of like that one job it is a good amount of money though for the short amount of time I was there the little amount of money I spent or I mean stuff I had to do really I feel like that was a very worthwhile amount of payment $11,000 seem way too much for what I did okay all right yeah I like this house what we've done with it now bunch of insanity this is going to be my office so all this stuff I do like this so I don't really want to take remove this but I can move it out to like here may no it seems weird actually I think this would work right here here we go oh I sold the paint I need the paint for out here I needed to finish painting this oops all right it's fine in here's fine is this just giant rug I don't think I even noticed that I thought there was the actual carpet well whatever downstairs so I need to fix up in here and as much as I want to delete all this cuz this is gross like if I could just again if I could just do this thing sell this not sell this but replace this part I don't see any way to do it like the base no matter what it's going to change to a different kind right no it's not base it's a front what if we change it to an entirely different type of wood no doesn't matter still keeps that dirty look ah it's fine so I'll just have to sell that in the future but I don't have a place to put this yet I need desks and stuff upstairs which I mean that was the whole reason I was doing this office so we could actually turn it into set office so I mean what desks are there can I get a desk go to this normal store get out of this back Furniture cabinets decoration Electronics Hobbies uh oh God it just keeps going okay I guess it' be in tables right yeah desks we got a few options here oh what is this interesting like the bigger one oh wait we got this one back oh I'm I'm taking this it's always my favorite one all right we're going to put you right here okay and then Electronics computers bu monitor we're going to put it right there put one right there and right there this is what I would actually wish I had three monitors I feel like it would a little bit easier actually to be honest the ones I have right now is two is fine the third one being most of blind my right side would just be useless it would I would miss so much stuff here all right that's fine we got a computer right here we're going to buy this we're going to put it on the side absolutely no air flow horrible place to put a computer I put this right here there we go can I turn these on wait what just from these okay all right well that's a thing um uh how much money do I have I'm down to 36,000 back to the store okay buy some headphones put I'm on top of the computer yeah there we go okay so we got ourselves a little set up I didn't know I could start from here I like that okay so I need to get some other stuff and set it up in here as well but uh yeah I'm going to end it here for now I'm at an hour already didn't even realize this game is too much fun and I I'm addicted to it um I I guess should we continue on jobs next or like to get the hammer cuz I I don't know or am I missing something let me know which which it is there may be something in the store that I'm just not seeing in the structural it's just I don't quite fences stairs other I don't know building accessories is building stuff I mean that's just those things doors installations yeah I'm not sure I feel like it's something we got to like be able to build and I can't build because we don't have the ability yet so we I think we just need to keep doing missions unfortunately before we can truly flip that house and it's all because the front is missing but we'll keep working on this at the same time so thank you for watching I'll see you in the next one byebye for [Music] now
Channel: Grillmastah
Views: 34,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: House Flipper 2, house, flipper, like, hgtv, redecorate, clean, clear, old, parts, maintianance, game, gameplay, let's play, steam, pc, first look, what, is, what is, Buy, repair, remodel, devastated, houses, sim, simulator, moon, base, House Flipper, update, new, 2023, December, release
Id: cS02AOjfn2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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