Fixing Up "The Ugliest House" Job ~ House Flipper 2

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what's happening everybody Room Master welcome back to more house flipper 2 and we have one Mission left so I was told that apparently if we do this last mission it'll actually unlock more than just this house for us so there's apparently houses we've never even seen that actually unlock after this this is all just comments I'm I'm going off comments I don't know if this is accurate so we got 2 four five we got five we got six total here so if we do this it should technically add another one here but that means anything other than that is new stuff that it's only after we actually beat the thing so I guess we're going to go do that plus that also answer the question on I've seen people say that reason I don't want to mess with this is this whole place can kind like instantly just turn some Mint or basically just go to like everything is gone on like any sort of wall stuff floor everything and so I don't want to do too much and then have it do that cuz that sounds awful so uh yeah I think this is where what we're going to go do is into the ugliest house we're apparently going to go do this thing which if this picture is Right looks like it's going to be insane so I don't even this okay this pretty bad pictures do do not do it justice uh we're going to sell this stuff we're keeping that oh this random stuff laying outside there we go apparently we're keeping the weeds and the trampoline oh my God it actually worked that was amazing oh that just made that just that just that just oh it started me off on a good good happy feeling I didn't I didn't know the trampoline actually worked I've never tried to jump on a trampoline in this before that is that's my that's gonna be my new way to get around I can do this anywhere like oh I need to get up on a roof to like paint something like that like oh man all about the tropine all right I'll give me this that doesn't seem good oh this really doesn't see this these are the stairs funny thing is it actually lets me use it as stairs okay places uh I bet I bet this place is going to cost a lot to actually buy afterwards I'm assuming we'll be able to buy afterwards it's not going to just not let you right that'd be so weird okay so all this is good get the rest of stuff down here there's all kinds of stuff I have to sell this what was this odd texture okay keep on selling everything that I can I me that's what we'll start with we'll start with selling and then we'll start doing all the rest of the stuff that it wants I'm going to I'm going to clean up in here this is like the only thing that's down here it seems so take care of this real quick I don't need that anything else inside I don't see anything so I think we're good you want me you want me to remove this wasn't expecting that all right why am I removing this are we going to move the wall over are we just removing this entirely I mean I I probably should sell these there wait you're still saying something here oh the garage door am I removing this part of the house still saying oh cuz it's outside now right this talk about opening it up a bit this is uh doing that for sure right I missed one little spot right there all right here we go this like I don't I don't understand what was happening here to begin with and I'm knocking that down too so there's just not going to be anything down here is what you're saying other than this little section here okay we go last a little bit I mean I this is okay I'm just going to start selling everything is there even a point to even a even a point to clean it I don't know yeah cuz it even wants me to destroy the floor so is there even a point to clean it feel like there's not okay it says 43 stains 16 to 43 I should have looked at the number I hope it does like glitch out or something crazy 16 to 43 um you know what this does worry me like I hope we're all good up all of you it doesn't take long to remove it so that's fine hope that's fine all right remove all the spray paint oh this is crazy to me what am I looking at what why is there a cell phone inside of a boxer right here there like somehow Secrets involved in this I don't understand I don't know mysterious phone in a box buried not sure what's going on there um oh is this just a bathroom I have broken it no this goes upstairs okay nothing to do in here nothing to do in here nothing to do in here all right okay so we just got to finish destroying this this is a lot of Destruction this is so much destruction I love it hello my favorite flipper I couldn't wait to share something with you everyone is so thrilled that you took over this renovation the town's folk are really impressed with your work in finove so thanks to the successful fundraising and with you being in charge we can trust that the work will be finished this time course some professional stop but you're just being nice what exactly happened last time oh there were problems with funding it the town had a disagreement with the investor and the workers weren't paid on time so they stopped showing up as one would expect and by the time the town figured out how to deal with the situation the whole ugliest house thing happened it was a popular place for some time among the tourists but the interest is dying out lately so though there was no reason to hold off the renovation any longer just in time for you to come in and do your magic um it's no magic it's just hard work the ugliest house thing short memory huh someone named it that after the first crew left then it became a popular place for tourists to take funny pictures of and for some that was enough of a reason to hold off the renovation it increased tourist traffic you know but as I said lately their interest has been dying out and now with your help it has a chance to become the most beautiful house on the coast all right getting there won't be easy I'll do my best to make it happen um I mean working with you been a pleasure though I have to confess something when you first reached out to me I wasn't sure you'd be able to make it and to ask about The Driftwood house renovation right away that's boldness you don't see every day so I decided to give you a chance worst case scenario you'd discover house flipping wasn't for you but you did it and now the whole pinov is rooting for you all right um you doubted me you what can you blame me you messaged me out of nowhere I couldn't be sure how serious you were but you quickly proved me wrong so let me thank you again on behalf of the town of pinov we're all so grateful for everything you do here and we hope you won't leave us after completing this renovation who knows what the future holds for a skilled house flipper like you till next time my friend okay all right um it just showed me a bunch of stuff I wanted me to sell I don't see oh maybe it's upstairs okay uh this is this is a lot um I still have this no wrong thing that was actually the last thing to apparently pick up a garbage wise out of this place straight up sell you see this all right I mean I'm assuming we need to come up here what am I selling selling stuff here in that weird section up here and I don't understand why it exists no I have no idea what I'm doing here then still shows demolishing thing all right can I there we go this is all I wanted to do still saying sell too right oh I'm I'm removing the okay didn't realize the paint was part of the like dirt all right remove all of this okay there we go I thought I was tearing this thing down I thought that's what I was coming up here for all right remove all this oh lots of garbage okay you're still saying there's more to clean did I miss something here I see something there this side of the house is fine uh nope close okay I think all this is good assuming I need to sell this and that that garbage oh it is oh this is a bunch of insanity there's so much in this place place all right there we go clean all this stuff off holy so many foot Footprints I going to call them footsteps okay get rid of all this what floor am I even on right now God this place is this is this place is confusing I also did just come in from the roof so that I guess could be a reason why but all this you want all this stuff stay in another the cardboard debris laying around here right wait you're we go garbage garbage okay some of this stuff looks all nice some of it's fine a nasty wallpaper up though there's so much here still oh my gosh all right so I'm all good in here need to sell this I'm assuming okay the bucket probably this thing all this stuff is fine okay okay um we're all good here wait I hope I I don't know if I was supposed to sell that you're still saying two more things am I selling this one more thing what is the last thing this okay all right then it's just matter of cleaning all this stuff up here still saying there's two more stains somewhere the last two stains at oh right here but where's the other one oh wait now it's saying it's done I was apparently two like is this is this the color you wanted so me selling that other one may have just cost me a little bit of little bit of space or possibly I'm going to have to buy more I don't okay this is fine over like I could mark it so I don't have to like worry about this but at the same time I really don't want to is that it right there I can't okay yeah it is right there we go they're keeping the wood frame I'm not even 100% sure if I can paint over that I think you can all right there you [Music] go all right and there's this by the way I've seen a few people like it suggest that in this this has some sort of play this is just saying that they want stuff that's really all it doesn't have to be in that specific order all right move you over [Music] here going to back you up okay okay mean you want me to buy five things buy a coffee table and four chairs for like this I guess all right there you go and there you go just going to unpack things okay we got a wall clock uh I think right here would be not actually I L right there 'll put it right here in the middle yeah I say did that make it disappear or not I actually don't even know tomb of Destruction stronghold grab all right there we go so let's see I think I can probably fit him on here what that one's big I'm going to leave it on well this one's not any bigger they're all they're all freaking Giant stronghold tomb of Destruction actually I lied this one's even bigger than the other one so that one stand on the table you can go in here here we go the ones are too gigantic wait there's another one I forgot about this is in the corner fishes okay this feels like it would tie it together better fact it's not perfectly even I mean I guess it kind of is got fish all right that worked out and that's the whole room okay well we have one nice thing and then the rest is all still nasty what can you do all right clean up all this and I know we still have our house that we bought last time I do want to get to that but I felt like this would be this I wanted to do more cuz it opens up if it does actually open up more houses I'm intrigued to see some houses we've never seen um but yeah keep inting the like button leaveing comments you guys are still very much enjoying this so am I I have so much fun with this uh I've seen some comments where like a couple people like I know my decorations and my style is not for everybody some people are very not happy with my my my my my placement of things it it it it's fine it works uh oh right there Meant to hit this is what I meant to hit I think we're good now all right so this is going to be a desk comp right here and as like the the house that we bought last time I have ideas for what I wanted to wait does that say four you want four of these W oh I didn't even notice I guess that oh you want four oh okay making a land room here what's going on here um that's a bad idea yeah matter what this person right here is going to have some cooked legs this person going to have some crazy cooked [Music] legs all right right there right there I still have two more to buy I keep forgetting move this chair over go uh you all right four keyboards there wasn't expecting to be building this in here gosh right there okay and then four mice one two three and four all right and then a couch all right there we go it's going to be a very warm room need some like AC like right up there or something all right we have a game room and we have a different kind of game room there anything in here no everything in here is just it was just simply delete it all I'm not like Banning anything or anything nope guess not all right then this is fine guess we're working our way down the house and here's all nice okay bathroom into bathroom all right that's weird know if I would like that I mean I guess if this is like trying to like separate you know like some sort of business thing I can kind of see that got a bunch of stuff in here oh am I supposed to just start to like connect all these things right that's not even there we go it's like it won't it won't actually let me put it even uh okay oh you know what this one you go right there for a second he what's happening right now go you up here okay it's actually right all right and then you got a mouse uh it's not going to fit SC over a tiny bit SC over a tiny bit and there you go very small Mouse movement turn that sensitivity way up okay we got you got a big old poster right speakers right here speakers right here I mean would I wanted here you like that's right I don't I don't know I guess okay and then the sound the seeing spot all right all right so we have everything up here done let's just move down house everything in here is good we come down here this just super nasty still okay take out all of you there we go oh garbage everything get picked up I don't think I've had a garbage bag yet I don't know how but I just hit me I don't I don't think I've had to pick up a garbage bag yet right that doesn't seem good what what is this this is all nice that's not nice right give me all little small things I mean I think it looks like most of the garbage may be picked up just a matter a lot of selling hey I mean this all gives me the money back right I don't think I'm selling it for yet really not selling for much how much does this sell for two $2 $3 right okay so all this stuff ni little thing up here right get rid of all this I supposed to knock down these walls is going to be a big giant room or something I see I keep seeing these xes okay yeah go bring it all down there we go okay am I supposed to take this yes I am I'm basically just going to where I keep seeing these red IES see if they're are supposed to be destroyed the door oh I see what we're doing here then okay all right um this room is apparently staying the same I'm not selling anything in here says sell the window all right lean this nasty thing up oh I missed a thing wait he destroyed right okay I was was really confused by that right clean all this off one oh it's stuff out here is what I was seeing all right take care of all that then little more out here all right I mean it's looking pretty [Music] good probably shouldn't have just sold that yellow that sucks okay I need the cone just I'm just trying to make sure I've sold everything oh the door frame yeah I should probably sell that okay so we're going to just straight up buy this want this here there you go go all the way over with it yeah it's fine does it actually let me do that oh well okay that just answered my question if you could do that or not I've been told by several people that this is it it literally they've tested it it has absolutely no effect whatsoever you can paint over every single bit of a house on one of these jobs and you will get you will have no money difference so apparently it doesn't actually have any sort of plan whether or not you get paid or not it's just whether or not it looks whether or not you do it right like it it does upset me not enough then I'm going to try to fix it I'm just going to leave it be like what what happened here mean you you may not even know it looks weird it almost feels like I'm going to just do this here you go and you know what nobody's the wiser it's supposed to be like that it's just the edge of the wall it makes [Music] sense just accept it and move on all right down we go I like that I can't see over there I'm still I'm still trying not to mess it up okay what color did you want you also want white all right well that makes it very easy okay this time I going to put can I there we go that's what I was trying to do and it's being all weird because I don't want to accidentally paint something I'm not supposed to on this part much finer tune spots right paint all this and this is a lot less on the this house than I was expecting to be honest I I figured there would be so much more I was going to have to paint here so much more I was going to have to do but I mean we're already done with upstairs somebody did say that this job was a little anti-climatic and uh yeah how how little we're actually having to do um I can see that there's still a lot we obviously have to do but I mean for the most part like this there just not a lot of painting it's over here guess this part doesn't really M oh you know what you know what I think it wanted me to yeah fill in this hole oh God save not quick save autosave there we go okay so that's all done now yeah finish painting this part go uh right through here any more of that nope all right the rest of is all a huge one do this all the way down with our super crazy long arms I don't know why I find that so humorous but I really do I of paint I don't remember where the paint was it's right here one bucket of paint lasts for a very long time now with all our [Music] bonuses right there you go we're all good on this finish up this wall okay I think we're all done with that you have finished surfaces now pretty sure this is De down here right right there right there and then over here I definitely noticed the gr like that part right there that awful anything else to do in here no wait you're still saying there's a stain in here oh see the window's dirty too [Music] go and that one's fine this is two more where's what huh oh right here oh my I don't I don't understand how how all the rest are fine okay we're all done with you uh uh we need five tables one two screwed it all [Music] up I want to know what line you are okay right there okay so there's the entrance there [Music] um here here actually I li I'm going put this one over here okay then 15 chairs 15 chairs so each each table's three what I'm going to all have them face the same way at first we'll do this it's going to be slightly just slightly different put them all on the the table at the same angle and maybe not this one doesn't want to do it all right whatever okay so you're you're going right here for now uh probably right here there here right there all right we can easily get around [Music] everything want to move this over okay last one not the last one what am I talking about it's very much wrong two some some people just get a basically cook in here all right some people get be fireplace some people get next be that heater that heater it's fine nice open space for everybody just going to you know that's what's happening in my head with this place to give you an idea okay so we need to sell that okay that's just gone give me give me the hand we're just replacing this oh I haven't even been in this room yet okay there's a lot to do here wait you want me to what am I doing oh am I destroy up run in this place too it did say there's still more stuff outside to destroy and that's this is apparently where it's at just going to make this make this window fall out all right there you go I lied apparently physics doesn't matter [Music] go Section right there right going to float too you I'm just going to them anyways we have to but o demolish perk actually don't know if I have all those I do the only one I I need left is my scanny stuff and selling [Music] stuff right and boom all right so we are finally done with the need to still all right we're all good we need to destroy stuff out here may still be something inside I just don't know I'm all done with that too obviously I need to sell this that and that oh no oh I screwed up yeah it's not enough to get on there need it I can't move it okay what I do about this am I supposed to just I am I am I am I am I am I just got it just understood am I supposed to destroy this I'm like wait a second I still have just like stuff for the hammer finish the job now no way right all the flying floating bits this is by far the most amount of stuff to destroy in one job we've had so far it's so much to destroy right there we go prob almost done with it though okay I have left to do is sell something but wait that does not help me I wanted to bring this upstairs right hit trying to make it so it's faster to move because I move so slow with stuff I can't put it here because this won't work oh and I'm sure I still have to there we go this is perfectly safe F can go wrong here happened to see that right after I sold it like oh wait there's a bunch of stuff on the side of the house Noy am I all done with this is there still more this seems all normal oh right [Music] here all of up here to clean off okay there we go we're all done with that selling boom boom that's all the selling and then I need to do paneling I was like can I put this on here right fix all the stuff that's missing is that all there is I don't know if there was stuff up top so I'm just kind of like running around taking a look real quick I think we're good uh down here oh no what have I done and like nothing happened there right I think we're good what do you want me to sell still a light switch this two windows oh wait no you want me to buy two windows where oh other side of the house right flip it around right there right there there we go okay so we're all good here I need to go back up top all right I need to grab this actually you know what no let me just take this I'm going to bring this all the way down to the ground is there anything left out here so there's still stuff to sell I want this a light switch a bucket that okay so we're all done down here sell this cuz I don't need it anymore okay in here there was nothing in here there was nothing oh right here nothing upstairs we still have this this nasty part of the room that's going to be all this I guess you're doing that thing again that makes me want to put this on the side you give me that option I want to do it but I'll do this one instead that [Music] um and there we go I'm going to try not to cover things up if I do accidentally then you know what it's fine I won't notice wait what do I do about this then this is painted I guess so close that I don't like that like I'm I was I'm pretty sure it's all the way straight down but I wasn't 100% sure so it worries me cuz I don't have the borders up and the borders takes like a few seconds to do but you know what if I can save time not doing it I'm going save time not doing it right there we go I got to see something by the way like what material is this okay it's Venetian plaster so this is different than stucco which is the stuff I'm used to that's why this looks different I guess okay I was just thinking wait it's still saying I got to paint stuff but I don't see anything that we did do anything with this there's a door here originally okay so then I just got to buy stuff all right put you up against the wall like right about here nice little clock right above it coffee table cozy chair next to it uh where is the front door there we go there we go a little bit crooked little bit of an angle it's not just plastered up against the wall then we will put up a little picture of a thing there actually I lied right here watching over you okay and then we got lots of stuff in here to unpack right Little Robot rise Cube uh duck extra duck even more duck duck even more duck so much duck this feels out of place out it with everything else here's a baby toy but here's all these other toys that I wouldn't quite expect a baby to be playing with all right and there you go we got the big box God G freaked out for a split second right there we go so we're all done in here God it didn't open for a second and I got worried like uh oh did I block something and I don't remember okay so we're done in here we're done in here I see a thing right here oh right here okay and then we still have this and we have this this is clearly supposed to be the rest of the tiles for here here we go okay weird angles oh wait I think I need to open this yeah there we go okay I say it didn't overflow right no it did not I'm happy all right then it just needs a couple things I'm assuming each one of these are fine yeah it's all counted as the same thing oh cuz they left the tops off I like that so that's how you can keep it as like you can separate the rooms but you can still have them be for like a restaurant or something okay so ourselves a mirror put it right in the middle right there three things the soap one two three oh okay I got to open this back up again okay three little three trash cans I guess I just stick them what why do I need three whatever man I don't know why there's three but what it's it's fine it wasn't three was it that was it not three okay that's better I don't even know if it was two I'm actually really confused I could have sworn it set a three next to it okay well our B the bathroom's all done uh out here yep I shouldn't have sold the paint I knew I shouldn't have sold the paint I got all this wall to do right yeah it's saying it's down to a certain point too so don't want to go too crazy go nice and easy lag that's it okay um so two couches and I thinking put it right right here right here okay ni little coffee table thing we can kind of put in the middle is it one one or just two yeah okay one store magazines on that's fine all right um I guess over here that level don't be below it I'm confused by this all right are you going higher up I guess door level going right below it coat rack [Music] here right in the middle of the room cuz this is ridiculously huge here you go in the middle of the room there just a big old tree I don't want to put it in the side of the room I'm going move this over a little bit this over a little bit go I like that more I like that a lot more wait I'm done that's three stars and I'm going to double check so we're all good in here we're all good in here all done in here that's every room here the balcony is finished side on the ground is finished I don't understand what's happening with this cell phone but let me know in the comments is this what is this mean what is happening there I don't I don't is it supposed to be an homage like the radiator man thing or like a mention you know like lore about it that I just don't know okay so everything's good in here I feel like everything is fine yeah and there wasn't anything here so this is everything here for sure uh let's go upstairs hway always fine here's bathroom had no changes this has no changes this is all good nothing in here oh you know what I never cleared that box okay I mean it didn't count against me there was no extra points given but okay everything's good like this job's going to pay well all right this is how it looks now compared to when it started I feel like it looks significantly better I think it's crazy the bottom like that's so much space it's so much space I assuming it you want it up on stilts cuz who knows what the water could bring but I mean if this is already pretty high like those houses back there would be doomed doomed but all right I guess we're all good shift enter 59,000 for this [Music] job all right you did it and that's the whole story of course if you know house flipper you know this is not the end there is going to be so much more to come uh already like just from what they mentioned to me uh in like the email and stuff when I got this or it wasn't when I got this it was the after one there there's a lot lot they have planned for this game so I mean we still have a lot to do I still have a lot of flips I still have a lot more I want to do but that was the last it's final flip the story there's still much to do buy and flip houses finish the remaining jobs become millionaire extra creative jump into sandbox mode and share your work with the community just remember to turn on mods in the game setting moving back to pineco um what guess you read the email R Sunset Bay reminded me so much of our lovely town that it made me homesick even if technically it was home all the time don't worry our old house is yours I really like living on the seashore and we decided to find something on the coast come help us buy a lovely house only to Interior is to pastel for my liking since you're a big time house renovator now I thought you could prepare the place for us enough for stuff in advance in terms of wall and Furniture I trust you know what colors and styles they love there's a room for you too if you're want to stay over love your mom all right so there's another job to do to help our parents get a place so if I go to houses there is new ones here I think these are new the great charity Mansion Trevor's Mansion Modern beach no the co okay Coastal residence is new there so it just gave us two new ones here right interesting on the Interiors uh that's that's uh that's something else there all right and then there's still that one more job we still have one more job to do which is crazy but look at this none of this stuff disappeared you know what we're going to do real quick mostly because this I'm tired of looking at it uh we paint this is my house now purple see this doesn't look purple to me but it does look purple here that purple my house getting some purple all right I'm not keeping those wooden beams there I don't like it ah finally getting rid of the horrible Birds who put an intense purple up it's fine I know this is going to some people be like ah God bring the birds back I'm sorry I love all right there we go um this is the kitchen I mean if it's my kitchen we're going to change this around too I want to get instead panels Tils tiles okay first off I love marble I love marble it is amazing I'm going to Marble up the walls here can't sell this place so I don't care about getting what was that what what is happening here what oh the roof is poking through oh it's tripping me out I don't like that right right here that was that was that was something that apparently upset somebody greatly is I didn't I apparently missed one or two those saw that comment I was like oh I don't even know I missed any I thought I'd been doing all the edges think that bothers me not to unless it's a job if it's a job I don't care job I didn't care because it was it was a job I don't know I don't know I didn't have the same emotional connection that I do when I'm trying to flip a house directly or if it's my house for instance on this and then want black marble for the floor I I'll keep it separated like this right make sure that I can get it without having to move all this stuff uh do I really do I want just separated like that I mean I do like that it seems sectioned off like this all right that's fine okay so purple over there it's good I'm going to do the purple hello excuse [Music] me see if this fixes it I don't know what to make of that Roes are broken they're back okay I didn't like that that made me I was really confused and I had no idea what was happening okay so that weirdness is gone everything looks normal again all right thank you for not being horrible and broken I want to finish this real quick though because I'm tired of looking at the birds eh I'll keep you there I mean I'm I'm not against this part I don't like the top part but I'm not against the bottom would go for green anyways purple and green are like you know my favorite color so BTY purple and forest green right up there all right long as I can get rid of these though rid of all the zebras and I don't care about the ones in the middle all right one more there we go out of paint I don't even know how I I don't know how to enough paint to get that far to be honest that was crazy what have I done what have I [Music] done man got to copy this like I said I actually like the bottom I want to keep that part I know I need to get those too I will but it was easier just to cut the whole thing up like that and then this one I'll just manually put on here right well you're getting moved here we go all right now I'm happy it's back to normal don't do that again this is why I generally start at this level so I don't make that mistake there we go the zebras are well they're still not gone I still have this part right here but that's fine I can fix that real quick you what's happening here oh I think I need to clean right there that zebras get out of here who puts upside down zebras like that that's weird is this dirty yes it was okay confused by what I was looking at may get the rest of you there we go look at that I'm happy now inside been redone is not covered in freaking birds and horses anymore zebras it already looks a lot better now than it did before can I completely change this e no no even changing it doesn't do it all right that's just gone oh maybe because it was dirty maybe cuz that was underneath I don't even know I don't know I'm at an hour one now but I'm so I'm going to leave it here for now hit the like button leave com M let me know what you guys thought we will work on the house next time that we got and then what house should we buy next should we buy one of those super big mansions I don't know I don't know but thank you for watching I will see you in the next one byebye for now still have that thing to [Music] do
Channel: Grillmastah
Views: 59,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: House Flipper 2, house, flipper, like, hgtv, redecorate, clean, clear, old, parts, maintianance, game, gameplay, let's play, steam, pc, first look, what, is, what is, Buy, repair, remodel, devastated, houses, sim, simulator, moon, base, House Flipper, update, new, 2023, December, release, hammer, destroy, build, rebuild, January, 2024
Id: nEuwRRG-Vzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 44sec (3584 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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