Building New Roman House From Scratch ~ House Builder

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what's happening everybody in real master welcome back to Morehouse Builder to add another house there's a Roman house now so we're gonna buy this new house we're gonna jump in I I'm intrigued this there's I always like coming back to this with each time they had a new house and at first I thought it was a wild west house because a little update thing was like a wild west thing but then it popped up there was a Roman one I was like oh okay because I could see they seemed Italian some things with other games and I I could see Wild West one being done there hasn't been a wild west house yet in this be cool to build like a little wild west town or something [Music] oh builder in the world of ancient Rome domus was wealthy Roman houses with inner Gardens called Harry Styles these Courtyards with Colin ads appliances and fountains provided peas and I don't even think I said that right privacy the residents creating a harmonious space of for relaxation all right so what are we building with huh what'd you do all right first things first is this yes all right first things first is this [Music] whoa there all right we're just gonna go along and set up all these things now get them all oh it's going up multiple layers okay all right this is fine you need a lot more than I originally grabbed nice thing is in ground from right here we're gonna go back around this way I don't know how long this is gonna be this is uh I don't know it feels like this is gonna be a rather big one but I never know until we actually get going on how long how big they're actually gonna be all right get up here oh it's a window I'm like why am I missing something can I grab this to the window yes I can all right I'm gonna go over here get all these I don't feel like I'm getting the corner pieces I am all right never mind [Music] we're good keep going around look at the corner there we go let's keep getting the corner pieces all right I'll fill the corners up all right and there's more right here they're perfectly placed so I can grab them from inside I also kind of like the fact of this like I don't know it some stuff like the shovel I saw outside clearly doesn't look quite like it's going to be a Roman age but like the scaffolding for instance it looks different than normal and go ahead and grab all of you gonna get the yep I knew I missed some back there come on you can do it I believe in you there we go hey I didn't even realize I could jump up here anymore okay is that hot is that as high up as it's gonna go and I'm out grab you yes I can right you're going across the thing get all these little bits those are the ones I feel like I'm Gonna Leave Behind the most so I want to make sure to hit those [Music] all right am I out no this wasn't placing so for some reason I get all of you there we go I'm out no I'm not what is happening now I'm out grab some more variety there then all right oh the back piece is now I'm about to go out here I have no choice I missed one little piece that's why I was just trying to put them up from outside maybe not missing then you know the top part is this is this the last of it is this up here because it doesn't seem to be going up any higher all right get all of you weird on how it registers I'm out again oh my gosh oh I can't reach it from here that was all those ones this is gonna be the last of it or am I gonna have to order a couple I got 50. I feel like this is probably the last of it all right do all these gonna get all these ones [Music] all right we all good yeah dig a hole for a small pool I'm assuming that's what this is for I got 19 left and says yeah myself whatever if I need to buy more I'll buy more see how the shovel though it doesn't quite look like a Roman shovel it's nope why making Concrete in here interesting I don't know I'm not supposed to do that yeah let's let's do this first all right dig out all the dirt in here rid of all this I'm always happy I'm always happy when there's a new one of these I don't know why and it's always out of like nowhere sometimes I feel like they go wild without any new auditions lately it's been just like new house new house oh no I sold them is there any more around the house I was like what was that I don't see any more around the house I might have to buy some more all right so how is this gonna be delivered uh by 50. it'll be a dude on a horse and buggy yep all right I kind of thoughts though like we've had old style buildings before and we go over there all right you need to go away little sign thing there boom all right put you on here assuming I need to fill this up with like cement or something all right I'll view there we go [Music] no one's in cement so I need to find stones oh literally these I get I get I'm already doing it all right enough of this all right then give me you and one more one more there we go all right interesting all right so we put this in here I think I'm good am I doing it is that enough hey there we go I did it aisles oh okay I gotta actually buy these I was like I don't remember seeing these out there um oh I need 16 of those I'll buy 20. 32 that's by 40. [Music] all right all right there we go should be everything come on buddy come and deliver it all so I can grab it all and go put all that stuff on there real quick I can almost guarantee I need more of these go what are you doing stop it you're leaving with my stuff why would you do this did I get it all no no you took some of them what did you do with them you made him disappear man did you blink him into out of existence I don't like when they do this happens like every single job yo it's Gotta order more than you actually need because of that I have no idea which one goes in which one [Music] all right now in the corner pieces oh so frustrated by that okay I'm assuming these are yeah the four four corners all right and then you go in the center yep all up on the sides I'm not gonna have enough of these either is the dude totally stole some [Music] oh that's annoying all right what one two one two three all right come on buddy I'll wait for you like this look at that do this get that and then I need water water hey all right you can go ahead and do that while I'm doing it did you take them no you dropped did you seriously dude what is happening why this is not how much I ordered oh God I gotta order another one because the game's dumb it's so frustrating this is the one downside playing like the day within like an hour of it hello oh I was like there's nothing even here what is going on okay so we got that there we go perfect I'm building more of these 194 all right then what are you serious it's the most because it's not a truck or something because it's a dude the most I can order at one time I didn't know that was gonna be a thing definitely want to take it before he leaves too because you're walking away with my stuff come on oh God don't take it all right there you go you can leave I'll I'll get more later assuming this is like the interior walls can I get all of you there we go [Music] all right we got at least one of them I can order two more hopefully he won't leave with those on there because that would suck all right something's gonna be the same height as the other one lying the room real quick there we go you come on go nice and slow so I could move you out there and grab the other one there you go you can leave now and I'll leave them with my stuff [Music] all right I'll view assuming I'm gonna have to put concrete in all these [Music] it's about the same height I'm about to run out right no I actually have more than I thought and there we go all right last one you're in all of this part all right all right super awkward like this is this gonna be enough yeah it says I have more than enough on me let me guess 90 yeah it makes sense we'd be cutting it pretty close to where we needed to be all right [Music] huh what am I doing oh man it's raising the water oh wait what oh no I need so many more [Music] that's fine it's fine come on buddy come on back bring it on back I can grab all this let me grab it I'm not even gonna pull it off here I'm just gonna hope it stays he doesn't walk away with it all right of you I was wondering about that like how this seems like it's gonna leave empty spaces it's not gonna leave empty spaces that was all that one I still have to order two more all right and he disappears because he goes back okay all of you I'm just gonna go do this from the inside get the back end first here we go get all this one you know that one am I out already holy crap it's it's so many for each of these like freaking window frames [Music] this is just small little squares a piece oh you I do like that I don't have to click a million times though just kind of look and hold all right [Music] and I'm out all right last one last one then I imagine this event starts right you and I think it's probably gonna be a lot more than what we use for uh the pool yeah there we go I did it all right there we go I'm gonna grab all of that how do I do I go on top of this I think I'm good all right are we good thank you I can't fully tell okay now I can see it all right that's only this one so yeah I'm definitely gonna need more some more stones that doesn't work all right here we go even the shovel one and two we gotta get our water who might as well keep going give me the water all right and then I do already have stones on me I only had one stone on me all right and then this is definitely gonna be more if I could take all of them and that seems the best idea all right give me all the goods all right because I think it's probably gonna be oh I don't even know I'm gonna do the inside I'm at the parkour my way in there I guess no oh come on now that that seems good just walk straight on here oh what well that's not what I'm expecting all right let's move our scaffolding back because that's way too close okay so you want me to get these things now all right oh I have so many on me I didn't even realize how many I picked up at one time um oh this is just all on the base all right not a problem I'm gonna get another one of these boom I get all of you [Music] I don't know how fast it is it's just so quick I'm gonna run out right there but luckily we have more even right here aren't these like bricks that were made of like Cow Patties and stuff I don't remember I feel like if I remember like something about Roman architecture and the way the stuff was built they actually use like how dumb are some of the bricks and I don't remember I don't know why that's stuck in my brain right now we always thought like a Roman Roman building styles are amazing and uh Egyptian building styles oh I always found them really cool yeah you could definitely see you definitely see by what's left like they were built to last all right there we go all of this out again good Lord oh my gosh would you no I don't know what I just pushed I'm just trying to make a little bar go away because it just keeps appearing I don't know why I think it was a little bit bigger from the picture [Music] we got a ways to go really I mean we're only we're already at 53 percent I'll get all of you there we go this should be the last of it all right oh I gotta get some other I don't have those do I oh what it's definitely not these tiles all right and I'm not gonna sell these because uh that seems like a terrible decision this right here right yeah 32 all right I'm assuming I'm not gonna be able to grab all this at once wow that's a lot all right come on stop walking stop moving whoa there man be cool not leaving right I don't I don't know if he's gonna leave ever so I'm always like worried I don't want all this stuff to disappear it's not like I'm worried about money I mean got so much cash right now or whatever thing is in this anyways all right go all the way around [Music] all right get some more this isn't so bad can I grab three I think so [Music] I I can lift it up just very slowly there you go now get out of here I just don't want you to take my stuff I get all that I missed one oh there's no way to get out back okay underneath you all right there we go all right am I not gonna have enough a little shy all right that's fine ah give me I just ran through the house but then I remembered you can't so this is all that's left is this little area right in here all right now back to the bricks what am I adding bricks to I understand what do you want me to grab but oh on the inside okay and I'm out just like that I was wondering if I have enough of these so fast this flies up all right there we go I'm out again holy crap that was so fast I don't feel oh I guess there's two okay it's like I don't feel like this is gonna be enough no I I thought there's only one thing left all right go ahead and go crazy there you go I get so fast now they go up oh the skill points I haven't gotten I haven't gotten new skills in so long I feel all right are you like that okay so that's all the bricks we have if it wants more bricks well that'll be a problem I have to order some it's not really going to be a problem watch that order something I like to not have to order things [Music] I understand what just happened that was really weird uh can I walk through this hello I don't know how to get in and out of here [Music] all right install the doors and windows which is honestly quite a lot of windows [Music] okay I was gonna say uh I hope this isn't closed because I'm gonna be stuck in here all right all right I'll deal with you last let's go to the back windows there's so many windows holy crap we're gonna do for the inside walls are they staying the same this looks weird I said abuse and of you all right got so many windows holy crap we still have like the whole other side and there's still a ton on this side all right it is definitely looking nicer than more and more with stuff we put on here like you see this side of the wall and then we go back to this side of the wall and it's like hey I don't know it doesn't look super great in here [Music] all right there we go we got this where we're going this is obviously going to be an open door right yeah we're gonna get in and out of here what's left just this side all right this side and the one in the front we're at 64 percent done right now I'm assuming there's gonna be some sort of roof right and also we have all those things in the back [Music] you and last but not least yep you all right Let's uh Mount the columns imagine you're talking about back here right foreign oh there it is hello what are you doing like it hits these blue things and just like acts like they're a solid object all right here all right let me just gotta put the tops on I know there's more oh it's not even want me to put it but it works all right you got it now what do I need I need beams 41. it's gonna I'm just gonna buy 41. fine come on buddy foreign yes I did it actually gave me the correct amount this time hooray it's a change all right um okay this is an actual I have to click on each one there you go and then I'm going to use the scaffolding I'm assuming to get on top come on there we go all right you you and U there we go I understand I'm overburdened holy crap games you don't need to keep telling me no yeah I guess this will work I don't know the best way to get up here though falling in I stand on this all right all right and I'll put that on there okay like come on you can let me put that on there all right I'm gonna come down here boom boom walk in the title title not a rope all right you you down here well I I lied let's go to the next one let me do it from over here we go and then let's do the same thing over here boom boom oh I need so many more just gonna buy two of them all right come on buddy come on back I got more I need let's go let's go it seemed like it was jumping up a lot in the beginning now we're only at like I don't know we feel like it's jumping up nearly as fast 75 of the way done but it was like I feel like it went from 40 to like 50 to 60 and 60s it slowed down quite a bit I just walk up yeah I can walk too soon because it doesn't show it actually connecting right away it doesn't register it connecting right away all right you and you and you stop telling me I'm overloaded I understand we're going there we go okay you think about the one back here oh that's the entire thing all right that was nice and easy all right there we go all right I like this tactic we're just gonna stand on one side go over do all that and then go the other side and do all that and it just goes all the way down nice and neat like [Music] it's number to buy some tiles earned by a nearby roof or go to the roof and collect the materials wait what we're actually going somewhere else interesting I'm gonna have to sell some stuff all right uh where am I going so follow the marker over here all right actually letting us go pretty far out here and pick them all up all right good I was like please tell me I can pick them all up there's any 21 that's only for this side that worked I was hoping I could parkour my way up all right boom boom looks like this I'm gonna need some like top pieces [Music] like that's only one side though I'm gonna need the other side there we go we're doing the other side what oh all right and we're good outstanding go down here all right is that this thing am I still the same ones no I need another material like is this other things I need to come grab from you no I'm about to order these aren't I I mean the place is pretty cool looking I'm definitely I definitely dig it it's got some cool style to it oh I guess let's just order these right here 20 40 . come on buddy bring those over here hopefully it's all of them and not gonna screw with me and be like oh now we're gonna give you random numbers freak out don't freak out don't freak out I freaked out oh crap oh crap I actually got them all all right I thought I was screwed I didn't think it was gonna give it to me this time I'm like oh no we did it again or I did it again I knew I was gonna need these is it just like they just have these giant gaps it doesn't look right all right get all of you there we go and get all these ones as we walk over we're at 89 I feel like we're nearing the end I get all of that there we go it's clicking like crazy trying to put them all on real fast [Music] all right and there's the last one right there am I doing oh we're putting bushes in the center making it all nice and neat I was I was actually gonna decorate this one too all this money there's no point to keep it Maker Place fancier we're already doing it out here I mean I can still add some more decoration I never do gosh can I make this like little I hate this little thing little quick tips I wonder if I can go to the menu and turn them off entirely [Music] because I'd really like to get them out of here we're gonna put trees there because I feel like we're still missing some stuff this little strawberries ain't enough yeah there we go [Music] all right oh I never actually okay cool I like that [Music] hey I think I saw those things I needed to buy yeah right here by 20 and by 20. and I have too much stuff so I'm at theorism um uh I can make more of these let's get rid of these don't freak out whoo I love when you just grab when they just disappear like that you did it again we just make one disappear luckily I only needed 18. all right so these are just the in-betweens yeah these are what struts is that what it's called I see I am I'm not an architect I don't I don't know my like it's in bubbles of parts and buildings what I know is from games all right go ahead and place all of you there we go and then we can go and put all these ones down all right give me all these two and do and nope we did it all right I want to stay here because I actually want to add a couple more things so I've never really messed with other stuff before decorations exterior got pot of plants not really anything that fits there though get some benches out here I mean I guess these are kind of uh some benches under here in between the windows would be better not directly underneath them in weird spots okay I was like wait what what is happening that is delete it no picked it up and moved it a little bit all right um I like that anything else I can do that would fit this area anyways uh not really what's other nothing and the only thing I can maybe think of is like something like this I just don't know if this would fits super well they're gonna fit in there I mean it kind of does a little bit yeah all right all right all right I like it all right so yeah this is the Roman building though that's pretty cool I always enjoy the different styles and different things we do the inside is very empty I don't I don't know and we can add some stuff in here too I don't know exactly like foreign I wish there was more to put in here I don't know what you like is this supposed to be a house I don't feel like this is a house that's what I mean like I don't know I said Recreation this is like what a Courtyard type of thing I I don't know I'm a little confused by it here we go all right we got some nice benches in here now like some people sit down relax hang out on the water like this doesn't seem like this would be a house there's not enough room for like living is there I mean I guess they did with what they could but I don't know I don't know I'm gonna leave it here though so hit the like button leave comments let me know what you thought of this one and uh yeah I'll be back with more of this always does at least okay and I enjoy this a lot so kind of like a uh I don't know like a puzzle to a degree of like building and stuff because it's just like you know you kind of just slap pieces together and get everything all built that's cool but yeah I'm Gonna Leave Here thank you for watching I'll see you in the next video bye bye for now foreign [Music]
Channel: Grillmastah
Views: 11,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: House Builder, build, harvest, gather, scratch, from, game, gameplay, let's play, steam, pc, early access, first look, first, look, new, what, is, what is, release, early, access, pre-release, house, home, rebuild, update, sandbox, follow, 2023, June, Roman, House, roman
Id: LK27hD9Nthw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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