Making a Mining Ship - Space Engineers Tutorial

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G'day and welcome back for another Space  Engineers tutorial. Today we're going to be   building our first mining ship. In the previous  tutorial we built this platform here, where we've   got our wind turbines providing power, we've got a  basic assembler, a basic Refinery, a cargo container   and we moved our survival kit from the respawn  pod onto our base. The next thing we're going to be   adding to our base, before we build our mining ship,  is a battery. The reason we're going to build this   first is that a battery is going to accumulate  charge from these wind turbines and it'll be   able to dump that charge more quickly into our  mining ship so it can be recharged more rapidly   than these wind turbines can do and because it's  going to take a bit of time for it to charge up   we want to start that process now, before we start  our build. To build a battery we're going to press   control+2 to get to our second hot bar, press G  to open our blocks menu, then right click on the   battery to add it to our toolbar and we'll head  over to our cargo container, go to our production   menu and I'm going to build 20 steel plate. Then we  can take that steel plate, pop it in our inventory,   walk down the end here and stick our battery down.  Then go back to our production menu and build all   of the remaining components and finish up our  battery. With our battery complete we're going   to be able to start accumulating charg in this  from our wind turbines, ready for us to use in   our ship. During the last tutorial I collected  a fair amount of resources, so hopefully we'll   have enough on this station to be able to build  all the things we need for our ship. I'm going to   order up a few components so that we've got some  manufacturing while we're waiting, I know I'm going   to need at least 100 steel plates, so I'm going to  shift+click on that, I know I'm going to need at   least 100 construction components so I'm going to  shift click on that, and I'm going to probably need   at least 100 Motors so I'm going to shift click on  that too. This way these can be built and they'll   be sitting there ready for us to use later. To make  building our ship a little bit easier I'm going   to build a little bit of a platform. Let's grab  these steel plate out, double click on them. The   reason I'm building this little platform is that  it's going to make it easier for us to see what   we're doing and to move around the ship while it's  under construction. To get started building   a small grid ship is a little bit different to  when we're building large grid because small grid   can't intersect with the voxel around here. We  need another way to lock it down so it's secure   and won't roll over while we're building pieces  onto it. The easiest way to do that is to begin   with a landing gear. You can see a landing gear on  our number nine on our hot bar. As I bring it up   it comes up as a large grid version, we can either  press R to change to the smaller version or press   the number again to cycle between. Both options  work. We can then click and drop one down. Landing   gear (when you drop it down) will automatically  lock to the surface, if they're aligned. If you   drop it from too high it may topple over like so,  or if you drop it sideways it's not going to lock   that way either. If you find that it's rotated the  wrong way, the easiest way to deal with that is to   press the number twice and it'll switch back to  perfectly aligned with your camera view and then   drop it from nice and close to the surface. Let's  clean up this mess with the mess cleaned up let's   add a couple of blocks to our landing gear here  I'm going to stick two on Top This is mainly to   give myself clearance underneath so I can add  blocks underneath as well as all around because   underneath is often quite difficult if you start  really close to the ground the first block we're   going to add to this is going to be our cockpit  we press control 2 go to our G menu and add our   cockpit to this list we can also look at our  progression menu and see why we want to start   with the cockpit if I type Thruster up here we  can see that all the thrusters are currently   locked behind us having built a cockpit similarly  gyroscopes which are required to make a ship turn   are also locked behind it so if we build our  cockpit we've then unlocked everything that we   need place the cockpit on top and then we can use  a new method to get all of the different parts we   need for this so what we're going to do is we're  going to with our welder in hand right click on   the cockpit and it will say components added  to build planner if we then press G you can see   in our blocks menu there's this section down in  the bottom right here called build planner this   is where you can add blocks to a list that can  then be utilized for ordering components from   our production systems so if we then walk over to  this cargo container and not open it up but while   highlighted press shift middle Mouse it will  say all components were successfully put into   production if we look at our production window we  can then see that all those parts for the cockpit   are there we can then press on our inventory  access port with middle Mouse and it will say all   components were successfully withdrawn sometimes  you might have to Middle Mouse more than once to   get all of the parts out collecting all those  components will also clear the item from our   build planner list and weld it up and we'll see  by building cockpit you have unlocked new blocks   so now I have access to the thrusters and we can  add them to our hot bar to be able to place them   around the next thing to add to our mining ship  is going to be the drill to get the drill press   G type drill and we can right click and add that  to the hot bar we we want to make sure that this   drill is conveyed to our cockpit cuz we're going  to use our cockpit as a Midway through to our   cargo that's at the rear the drill has three  cargo access ports one on each side and one on   the back we want to line up the one on the back  with this cargo access port on the front of the   cockpit so we bring it across make sure it's lined  up directly in front of the cockpit and place it   there we want to add some cargo so we're going  to grab our cargo containers we're also going to   grab our conveyor Junction block here the larger  one not the smaller one and add that to our hot   bar if we have a look at our cargo containers in  small grid we have three options these tiny little   ones this medium one and this large one for our  first mining ship we're going to stick with the   medium cargo container the reason we're starting  relatively small is because it's going to cost a   lot of materials to build something that's bigger  so you may as well start with something that can   at least get you mining with this ship early  so you can stop hand mining sooner if we have   a look at our medium cargo container you can see  that there are four four cargo access ports two   large and two small the small ones cannot connect  to these large ports you must match type for type   so if we want to conveyor this in such a way that  large ports are facing forward and backwards which   we do because that's going to help us build our  connector we're going to need a way to convert   from these small ports on the back of the cockpit  to the large port on our cargo container and that   is going to be done with a conveyor converter  the conveyor converter block has this large port   on one side and these small ports on the other  if we make sure that the conveyor converter is   lined up this way not this way this way it will  line up properly with those ports on the cockpit   to do that we can use this line on the large  Port because it aligns with those three ports   if we make sure that that line is horizontal  when we place this it will definitely line up   to our cockpit and that's going to connect our  drill to our cockpit to this conveyor converter   which is then going to to allow our medium cargo  container to sit on the back here some of you may   have found these blocks a bit difficult to place  in the correct position and there's a good reason   for that and it's called autor rotate this can  be toggled by pressing T and when it's on if I   walk up to a grid Space Engineers is going to  try and predict the orientation of the block   that I want to place that means that if I pick  a particular orientation walk away and come back   it's going to change if we toggle this off and I  set a particular orientation for this block walk   away come back it's going to hold that orientation  there are a few specific exceptions to this rule   like conveyors but for the vast majority of blocks  this will hold true and it is quite handy to be   able to turn this off and leave it off most of the  time at least for me I find that to be easier then   we're going to add our connector the connector is  going to be how we attach to our base here and how   we transfer the ores from our ship to our base so  to get a connector let's type connect and we want   this big one this small one cannot connect to a  large grid connector so it doesn't work here we   must use the standard connector so we'll right  click on that and then we're going to build this   using that large Port aligned to our container  and that's why we did the conversion so now ores   should be able to pass from our drill into the  cockpits inventory which does have a moderate   amount of storage then into our medium cargo  storage then into to our connector storage and   then when we're hooked up to the base all of that  can be moved across to the base so let's weld this   part up now so then we can add more blocks to this  as before to order up the parts we can right click   on each block of our ship and you can do this  with up to eight blocks at a time then we can   walk over to our conveyor Port here press shift  middle Mouse and put it into production we have   a look at our production window it'll have all the  parts we need for those four blocks the next thing   I want to place onto our ship is our batteries  I want to build two of these one on each side   we're going to place one just down here lined  up with the bottom of the cargo container and   the conveyor converter and another one on this  opposite side in the same position weld those   up too in small grid you have two battery size  options you've got these little ones and you've   got the larger ones that we've used here the  reason we've used the large ones is because   they can output enough power for our thrusters  and they can also store more power so we'll be   able to fly longer and I've checked ahead based on  how many thrust as I'm planning on adding to this   build and two batteries is about what we need  for this build over time you'll get a feel for   this or you'll be one of these people that uses  a spreadsheet to do it I'm definitely a goby Feld   kind of person we've got power we've got cargo  we've got the drill let's add some thrust to do   that we're going to add this thing here the large  atmospheric Thruster with the plus symbol on it   right click on that and we'll see that there are  multiple types available to us in small grid we've   got these large ones we've got these smaller ones  we've got these flat ones that come in a couple of   different shapes and these little flat ones that  also come in a couple of different shapes the main   difference between these thrusters that's relevant  to us today is how much force they can generate   these small flat ones produce the least next up  is these ones then the flat ones and then finally   the big ones the bigger thrusters also produce  more thrust per unit of power so they're more   power efficient which is important to us a little  bit with this mining ship to optimize things a   little bit we're going to use our flat atmospheric  thrusters for our lift but which way do we need   to place these thrusters must be placed somewhat  carefully with the standard thrusters it's pretty   clear which end is going to be the exhaust and  in this case it's to the left of screen with   the flat ones it's a little less obvious but we  can tell by using this bounding box that green   box that's around the block right now the green  box extends in the direction of the exhaust so   the exhaust in this case would be pointing right  or if I flip it around pointing left or pointing   towards our character that's important because  the exhaust will damage blocks that it's next to   so if I were to place this block like this it is  going to progressively damage that battery because   the battery is too close so we have to be mindful  of where the exhaust is pointing so that we don't   damage things to begin with I'm going to place a  few of these flat atmospheric thrusters underneath   our ship we're going to start with a square one  here sitting just behind the cockpit and then   I'm going to choose a d-shaped one here just cuz  I think the rounded Edge looks nice underneath   the connector that's going to be two of our three  lifting thrusters there's a third lifting Thruster   that I want to place but it's going to be placed  directly under this cockpit and we will place it   down later next up we're going to add some reverse  thrust because we're going to be probably pointing   our drill downward a fair bit we're going to want  more of this than we want of the other directions   in order to make room for that and potentially  make some room for some future expansions on our   build I'm not going to place a Thruster here  because I'd like to potentially Leave Myself   the option of adding a drill on either side of  the existing one to make it so that I can place   this block up here because it can't attach to  the cockpit there we're going to add an armor   block here and here and then add a Thruster on the  top and bottom of that armor block one up there   and one down here another one here and here as  well as a fifth and sixth Thruster here and here   lining up the middle of the Thruster with that  conveyor converter that's going to give us six   thrusters for when we're tilting forward next up  let's add some sideways thrust We'll add a pair   of thrusters under here like this and then we can  add some forward thrust here and here do the same   on the other side forward thrust lining up just  in ins side our battery here and then two going   sideways here and here that's going to give us  forward back left right up and gravity gives us   down the reason I'm going to use gravity to give  us the down thrust here is because it's going to   make us more power and weight efficient because  we don't have to carry the weight of thrusters   to push us back down this adds some risk to  Flying but I think on balance it's worth it   for making something that's more capable in all  the other directions because by by getting rid of   anything that pushes us down we can then have more  things that push us sideways forward and back all   right this is all welded up once I've got this  Thruster done and you might be thinking at this   point great we've got thrust we've got a drill  we've got batteries we've got a connector we've   got a mining ship no because thrusters in Space  Engineers always push their Force through the   center of mass of the grid this ship currently has  no ability to turn it won't be able to rotate at   all all so what we're going to do is we're going  to add that ability by using a gyroscope press   G find our gyroscopes we're going to add them on  each side on this block right here one there and   one there I'm just going to rotate them to match  cuz symmetry for direct control methods gyroscopes   will function exactly the same no matter which  way you place them you don't have to worry about   their orientation but if you want to know about  the specific situations where does matter where   you place them I've got a dedicated tutorial to  gyroscopes that I'll link above in this case it   doesn't matter and now we have a flyable ship  which is great because now we can make a way to   connect it to our base I'm going to walk over here  and I'm going to build a connector on our base   I'm just going to attach it to this survival kit  so we'll go back to our connector on our second   page and this time we're going to place the large  grid version align it up to our conveyor port and   pop it there then we got to right click grab the  components we've already made of it which aren't   many with middle Mouse then shift middle Mouse  to produce the rest of them and get this thing   welded up the reason I built that connector now  is that I can move my ship over to that connector   and start charging my batteries while we build  the last bits but I also wanted to demonstrate   some things about this ship before we improve it  I'm going to remove this landing gear here and   hopefully the ship will hover good I can then hop  in the cockpit and I can lift with space and I can   fly around just as I do with my character need to  be careful though that I don't run into these wind   turbines cuz that would be bad for both my ship  and the wind turbines before we fly away just in   case we have trouble finding our way back here  we're going to create a quick GPS for where our   base is so I'm going to open up chat with enter  type slash Allin lowercase GPS and then call it   home that's going to create a GPS location right  where I'm sitting in my cockpit and that means I   shouldn't ever get lost there are a few things  to look at when you're testing your ship one is   its power consumption you want to make sure that  you can lift move sideways and move forward or   backwards at the same time without maxing your  power consumption you can see that I'm at 60%   so that's okay I don't have too many thrusters in  this case I probably should move backwards rather   than forwards and moving sideways and that goes  up to 70% because I do have more reverse thrusters   than forward I also want to make sure that I  can tilt my ship a fair way before it starts   losing altitude definitely do this at a higher  altitude rather than close to the ground so that   you got more buffer in case things go sideways  and speaking of going sideways how far can I tilt   it looks like while I'm empty I can tilt to if we  look at our Artificial Horizon on our just next to   our hot bar I'm probably at something around 60  70° there which is pretty good but that's while   I'm empty this is going to get a lot heavier with  some or more so I think I'm going to want to have   some more lateral thrust and that extra lifting  Thruster that I can place in now that I've removed   that landing gear in order to land our ship there  are a few things we're going to do to make it as   safe as possible first off we're going to press  G we're going to find our connector and this is   just pure force of habit for me I'm going to put  it on number nine and I'm going to select switch   lock you can either drag it down to that slot to  pick the option or you can right click on it and   it will fill from the left so if I right click  on it and select switch lock it'll move it over   here or I can drag it down here and select switch  lock over here I'm then going to fly down and try   and line myself up with that connector this is  definitely easier with third person carefully   bring myself closer make sure I don't move too  fast back into that connector cuz you can break   it when we finally get close a magnet will pull us  into position if you find that you're destroying a   lot of connectors one thing you can do to improve  the safety of moving into that position is get   rid of that magnet we can do that by pressing  K finding our connector scrolling down here and   in this strength bar dragging it all the way to  disabled that way when we move near this connector   we're not going to get moved around unexpectedly  which means any crashing is 100% the Pilot's fault   cuz they've moved too quickly and now you can see  as I move away the connector goes from White to   Yellow as I get closer when it's yellow that means  it's ready to lock as you can see on my hot bar it   says ready to if I press number nine now it'll  switch to Green cuz I'm now locked to that base   your connector also disables its magnetism  automatically for a brief grace period when   you disconnect it will show up blue when it's in  that state let's relock while lock to the base if   I press K and go to my batteries we can see that  we have an orange battery and two white ones the   white ones are on the grid that I'm in right now  or I'm accessing the control panel through that   means they're the batteries on my ship which say  fully recharged in 3 hours this battery is the   one on my base which says fully recharged in 2  hours with stored power of 1.85 megawatt hours I   would like the batteries on my ship to be charged  before the one on the base so I'm going to press   control and I'm going to select both of those  and I'm going to change the charm charge mode   I'm going to change it over to recharge it is now  going to steal the charge from this battery which   is now going to be fully depleted in 17 minutes  and put it into my batteries here there is some   efficiency loss in terms of the absolute amount  of energy in the system transferring power from   One battery to another however all of the Power  that's stored in that battery on the base would   have been lost if we didn't have that battery  anyway because those wind turbines had nowhere   to store it so overall for our uses this is  giving us more energy be careful having done   what I've just done because and I'm going to  save before I do this cuz I might break some things if I disconnect while those batteries are  on recharge I'm going to fall on the ground and   I could break something especially my lifting  thrusters because my batteries won't give out   any power on my ship they may as well be off I  need to press K I need to turn these batteries   back on but I'm going to make this a little bit  easier and I'm going to create a group for them   over on the right here you can see block group I'm  going to say minor batteries save now I have this   asterisk group at the top of my blocks list which  is both of these batteries now we can add that   group to our hot bar press g go to the groups list  over here and we're going to put this next to our   connector with recharge on/ off and now instead of  having to go into the menu to change the recharge   status of these batteries we can simply press  eight on our hot PA and we can have power back   which means we can pick this back up and bring it  back onto the connector lock it to our connector   switch it back to recharge mode and that way every  time I jump into my ship I need to remember before   I disconnect from the base I switch that recharge  mode onto Auto and now we can get back to adding   some more thrust to this so that it can carry  all of the weight of the ores that we're going   to drill first thing we're going to do is add that  flat large atmospheric Thruster here underneath   the cockpit we're going to add a few more side  thrusters three of them like this one two three   another three on this side one two 3 so we now  have four forward thrust six reverse thrust five   left and five right get those welded up and then  we'll check the power consumption of those while   placing these sideways thrusters do make sure  that the exhausts are pointed the correct way   the gray end points away from your ship okay let's  test this thing out see what our power consumption   looks like after that make sure I remember to turn  my batteries onto Auto and then disconnect with my   connector lock now that we're unlocked we're going  to test our three directions of thrust we're going   to go up we're going to go to the side and we're  going to go for forward which takes us to 92 or   91 90 89 as we gain altitude our thrusters use  less power because they can generate less thrust   if we go in reverse we're at 94% but we've already  gained quite a bit of altitude if we go back down   if I now go backwards right and up we're over  100% which isn't ideal as soon as we get over   100% power usage all of our thrusters create less  thrust this means that we'll have inconsistent   amounts of thrust generated I know because I  calculated it manually for this ship that we're   only just a bit over 100% so the reduction in  thrust output isn't enough for it to be too much   of a problem but it also means that we probably  don't want to be adding any more thrusters to this   because they're not going to increase what we can  do with it any extra Thruster we put on here is   going to reduce the efficiency of all the other is  while also making the ship heavier which further   reduces the efficiency so this is about as many  thrusters as we can get away with which is fine   cuz while this is empty we can tilt almost all  the way sideways we can tilt all the way forward   and we can tilt almost all the way backwards so  we have one more block to add to make this into   a mining ship let's lock turn on recharge we're  going to add ourselves an or detector press G find   the or detector and I'm going to place this just  behind the battery right here I want it sticking   out in line with the battery which will make sense  in a little while it's just for Aesthetics right   click add the components get this welded up  and now we have a functional mining ship that   could still use a few improvements but let's  go use it HP in the cockpit turn off recharge   disconnect from our connector and let's go mine  something while I'm hovering I have 44 minutes   of power while I'm flying more aggressively  substantially less so I'm going to have to be   a little bit careful about that all right I'm  at my iron deposit and all I can currently see   is ice that's because if we go into our menu and  find our or detector it defaults to 25 M range we   can increase this all the way up to 50 and then I  still can't see anything cuz I'm still not close   enough oh nope now I can see the Cobalt and there  we go now we can see our iron or detectors do not   have an orientation that they require they detect  within a sphere around the center of their block   so you can place them any way you like I chose  to point it outwards because we're going to add   some other blocks that that looks neat next to  in order to get down to our iron deposit we're   going to need to be able to use our drill so if  we press G there are two ways we can use our drill   you can either use it by selecting a toggle onoff  option on the Block here from the all blocks list   or and this is my preferred way to use it or we  can select block tools and find the drill here   and then add that to our hot bar when we add this  mode to our hot bar it acts just like if we were   using our hand drill if we right click it's going  to destroy a large area around the drill but not   produce any resources if we left click we're going  to get some resources unlike the hand drill though   if you double click this drill will not stay on  hand tools will if you double click so I'm going   to dig down to this iron using right click to  clear a nice wide path so my whole ship can fit   through being very careful to keep an eye on my  Artificial Horizon to the right of my toolbars   it is very important that we keep ourselves as  close as we can manage to Upright as we go making   sure we're using q and E to correct things when  we get a little bit sideways but because of the   way we designed this ship we do have a fair bit  of leeway with that so we're less likely to tip   over than if we hadn't done so but it can still  happen Okay we're down here at the iron I'm now   going to left click I'm going to start at the edge  of the iron deposit here so that I can demonstrate   something important we can see that our weight  marker on the right hand side is going up as I   drill if I press I for my inventory now we can see  that we've got 2,000 kilos of ore in my cockpit   1,600 in the connector and we've got 3,700 in  our medium cargo container but we've also got   a whole lot of stone like a lot of stone we don't  really want the stone anymore because we can more   efficiently work with the iron ore so we're going  to head back to base and we're going to fix that   to get back art I would recommend holding down  right click as you turn around create yourself   plenty of room making sure as we turn around  that we keep ourselves leveled right now I'm   quite crooked on my Artificial Horizon so I'm  going to level that back off and then I'm going   to move forward and push up some of you might be  wondering why have I made this so much harder by   making this a horizontal mining ship why are  we mining something horizontally when we've   got a mine down to it why didn't I just put the  drills underneath the ship well the drills aren't   underneath the ship because the or deposits aren't  vertical the the or deposits are kind of Pancakes   they are very flat and because they're very flat  I want to be able to mine forward back left and   right not just plunging straight down into a hole  all right we're back with our load of iron and   stone which could have just been iron and we're  going to make it just iron for the next load lock   down set to recharge hop out what we're going to  do is we're going to get the ship to throw out   every bit of stone that it mines we stone is quite  heavy and doesn't produce as much material as the   ores we want to just have the ores so what we're  going to do is we're going to head to our second   hot bar now we're going to add this small conveyor  and we're going to add our small connector so at   the back here where this connector has a conveyor  Port we're going to add a block called a sorter so   we're going to scroll through our small conveyor  block list until we find the sorter small conveyor   sorter this thing has an arrow on it on the side  that is important because that is the direction of   flow that it allows things to move through it  we want to place a sorter here with the arrow   pointing outward attached to that conveyor port on  the side of our connector so we'll Place one there   we'll fly around the other side and we'll do the  same there too making sure the arrow is pointing   outward so if I move around here we can see a bit  more clearly I'm going to rotate and make it point   that way next thing we're going to do is add a  conveyor Junction so we'll keep scrolling find   the junction add one there and another one here  and then on this side we've only got room for one   because of the a detector so we'll just place the  one and now we're going to weld those blocks up   because we're not going to be able to reach them  when we put the next bits on with those welded   up we can now place our small connectors make  sure that the small ones place one on this port   here pointing backwards one on this port here  pointing outwards and then on this side we'll   realize I haven't welded this up and I'll fix that  whoops and now we'll place the small connectors on   here and on this side we'll get three 1 2 and  three and now hopefully the or detector makes   a little more sense because it sits neatly next  to this small connector here get these welded up   and then we can set them up to get rid of all  of our Stone the reason we've added more than   one of these connectors is that the more of them  we have the more quickly we can throw that stone   at out I'm going to now hop in my cockpit press K  and find my sorters small conveyor sorters I have   to select these one at a time and we have to make  sure we set up both of them cuz unfortunately we   can't set them up together so our small conveyor  sorted number two we're going to go filter mode   and we're going to change this to whitelist we're  going to scroll down further and then in this list   we're going to find Stone Select Stone and click  add that means that the sorter is going to allow   Stone to pass through it because stone is on  the white list and then we select the second   sorter do the same thing filter mode Whit list  scroll down Select Stone click add make sure   it's in our active filter list now we can find  our small connectors for the sake of making this   easier later I'm going to rame these to ejectors  because these are going to be throwing out Stone   they're not going to be used for connections and  that's going to make my life easier later when   I'm trying to figure out whether I'm looking  at something that's meant to throw out stone   or something that's meant to connect another ship  we can then select all of our small now renamed   ejectors grab them select collect all and throw  out they will now try and pull any Stone from the   connected inventories into the connector and then  dump it out into the world so since there is no   stone currently inside any of the inventories that  it's connected to let's go mine some as before   make sure we turn off recharge and then disconnect  with our connector we can just go and mine some   Stone let's just mine this Boulder so that we can  get a little bit of iron and a little bit of Stone   from nice and close by left click mining to make  sure we collect and there we go we can see some   Stone getting ejected if I press I you'll see that  the stone amount in our medium cargo container is   now going down same in our cockpit and now we're  out of stone if you're feeling lazy and you don't   want to have to hold down left click while you  mine you can press G and we can go to this all   blocks list select our drill and click toggle  block on off we can then turn it on and that   acts the same as left click drilling so we're  collecting resources and as you can see we're   throwing out this Stone so that's weight we don't  have to carry while we're mining or carry all the   way back to base it looks like we're probably  about full at this stage let's turn our drill   off check our inventory and look it's all just  iron which is perfect no more wasted Mass from   all of that stone let's lock ourselves down and  put our back on recharge something important to   note when we return to base with our load of ores  is that if we go to our inventory screen the ores   do not automatically move to the base we're going  to have to do that manually at least with the way   things are set up here the refinery will pull  some amount of ores into it so that it can start   processing them but it will not fill itself up  so what we need to do is set up a way to quickly   move all of those materials from our ship into our  base this can be done simply by finding our cargo   container on our base which is our small cargo  container and then dragging all of that ore into   it from our ship but there's a better way to do  this so let's hop out of the cockpit walk over to   this cargo container and we're going to name this  cargo container something related to our base and   for the base cargo contain containers I'm going  to put in Cc or cargo container it also happens   to be close to my WD key so it's quite easy to  type in quickly when we want to search for it if   I hop back in the cockpit of my ship and press  I if I type CC only that small cargo container   appears on the right I can then click show only  inventories of the current ship which is why I got   back in the cockpit if I click that we see we've  got the cockpit the connector the medium cargo   container and only the stuff on the ship if I want  to get all of my ores out in one click or mostly   one click sometimes it requires a couple I can use  this deposit all ores ingots and components while   I've got only this cargo container on the right  here there we go transferred across all nice and   empty that means I can go out and collect another  load of ores in my really boring white ship there   are two more things we're going to do today I'm  going to show you how you can make this ship   a little more interesting and then I'm going to  show you how you can make this ship even better   as a mining ship first off let's make it look more  interesting I'm going to utilize the colors from   our drop pod here the blue the White and the gray  to change the color of a block I'm about to place   down I can press p and use the Color Picker here  in this case this gray on the right of our default   Grays is the same gray as the bottom of this ship  but if I didn't have that on my list make sure   I've got a block in hand make sure it's snapping  over the block that I'm looking at you can tell   that I'm looking at the correct block with the  red bounding box around that block press shift   p and it will pick up that color to then use that  to paint our ship we can use middle Mouse and I'm   going to paint all these thrusters to this dark  gray all these ones on the bottom it's going to   add a degree of depth by having this extra color  down here middle Mouse and all of those then I'm   also going to to paint this stuff at the back here  these three thrusters here and the a detector and   the connector ejector system there we go that's a  step in the right direction but I think we still   need some more color and I need more fuel  so next up let's add some blue I'm going   to paint my battery blue and I'm going to add a  couple of extra armor blocks in around here near   my gyroscope I'm going to paint this one blue I'm  going to put that there weld it up then I'm going   to put a little slope in here weld that up and  a little slope in here and weld it up and do the   same on the other side just to add a little splash  of color then on the back side of the battery I'm   going to add a little bit of stuff under here  under these ejectors with one two and three and   match that on the other side I'm trying to limit  how many of these blocks I put down because every   block of detailing you add like this is more mass  that you have to fly with when you're talking   about a mining ship if we get a little carried  away that can actually significantly impact how   effective that mining ship is but in this case  this is also providing more connections between   all these blocks so if you bump something the  whole ship is less likely to just crumble apart   which is probably an advantage now you might have  noticed when I went and mined it was pretty dark   so let's add some lighting to this too go to our  third hot bar and find our lights the block group   we want want to add is this Spotlight group with  the plus so we're going to add that to our hot bar   and I'm going to put Spotlight on either side  of this Thruster here to do that I need a way   to attach it and I want to make this in the white  blocks so I'm going to select the white color of   this Thruster with shift p place that block there  and then place a spotlight on front like so we'll   do the same on the other side and then we've got  spotlights pointing forward I'd also like to be   able to see what's to the side of me so I'm going  to add these interior lights one on each of the   batteries we'll get those welded up and also by  building that interior light you happen to unlock   some new blocks that's not bad either with the  lights built we now want to set them up up back   in our cockpit find our lights spotlights they're  pretty much fine to leave at default the interior   lights though at default only put their light out  to 3.6 M we want to be able to see behind us a lot   further than that so let's push them out to 10  on both of them if you're finding that that's   making everything just a little overly bright  we can select both of our lights and drop the   intensity down to say 1.5 and if you want to enter  a specific value on any of these sliders control   click on it then you get this little popup and you  can type in the value there and now let's go see   how it looks mining with this much light turn off  recharge disconnect let's fly oh I just noticed   I didn't paint one of my batteries I'm going to  fix that now that I'm back in this mining tunnel   you can see how much better it is with all this  extra light around we can see all the rock we can   see all the ore it is much much safer with all  this light so that's why you want to make sure   you add some lights to your mining ships let's  grab some iron while we're here then we're going   to head back and do the last little upgrade on our  mining ship that isn't required but you might like   to have anyway if you're struggling to keep your  ship aligned to grab don't feel bad if you have to   do a quick reload because you crashed your ship  personally I think that's the best way for you   to learn because if you have the opportunity  to do the same thing multiple times in quick   succession you're going to learn more than if you  have to go and rebuild a ship and each time you   get to check to see if you've learned something  is spread apart by several hours of rebuilding   and frustration you're just not going to learn  it as quickly so I think especially when you're   starting out just give yourself a break break give  yourself a chance and reload and use that backup   sa don't feel bad it's not saves coming in Space  Engineers it's just having a better day all right   we're going to lock down switch to recharge press  I type CC switch to our connected inventories on   ship make sure we've got show only inventories of  the current ship selected and click our deposit   all ores to move all that iron on board and our  ship is nice and empty we're good the last little   upgrade I wanted to teach you about for this ship  was the option of adding a drill either side of   our Central drill here the reason I haven't  done that by default is that this ship with   its current amount of inventory and its current  amount of thrusters was fairly tightly balanced   what I mean by that is you can fill up the whole  thing with ore and it will still be able to fly   if you add two more drills you're going to be able  to drill quicker but you're also potentially going   to be able to drill enough that you won't be  able to fly with the amount of batteries and   thrusters this has so you're going to have to  keep an eye on your ship's Mass but because we   can probably do that I think it's worth talking  about adding two extra drills we can pop one here   and one here these thrusters have been positioned  carefully so they do not damage these drills weld   these up and we now have three drills just for  some style points I'm going to get rid of this   slope here add in a cube and then a slope like so  just cuz I think it'll look a bit nicer there we   go here's the ship with three drills so let's try  this out we will turn off recharge disconnect from   our dock let's go over and again just drill our  little test Rock here something to note is that   because we've added two extra drills our little  turn on off command is still only going to work   on the central drill if we want it to work for  all of them first off press K find our drills   select them all and create a block group called  minor drills or whatever you want want to call it   then press G we'll remove this from the hot bar  remove from toolbar go to groups find our minor   drills and then select toggle block on and off  and now all three will turn on and off or you   can continue to just use the block tools command  where we use left click and right click to mine so   let's drill this out if you notice on the right  our mass is slowly increasing at some point I'm   going to get too heavy and I'm going to sink to  the ground and potentially break my ship 57 now 62 66 is too much so for safety we probably want  to stick to under 60 tons so that we can always   make sure that we can still fly with those three  lifting thrusters that we have if we were to try   to add more lifting thrusters we're going to end  up having too little battery power for being able   to maneuver while lifting which is risky so  we' then add more batteries which adds more   weight which means more thrusters and so on  and so forth for over time you'll figure out   ways that you like it to be and ways that you'll  like to fly I tried to balance this Min as best I   could for new players to optimize flight but also  optimize usability so just keep in mind if you add   those drills don't let it get too heavy there we  have it we have a mining ship redock it and let's   talk about a couple of Advanced Techniques that  we could have used instead of using the landing   gear in order to build our mining ship I've added  two connectors to the base just temporarily so   that we can demonstrate these points if we were to  build a new ship and we have a connector pointing   upwards and we were happy to have the connector  pointing downwards on our ship what we can do is   build that connector on the base first make sure  we switch to our small grid connector and then   rotate this so that it's sitting horizontally  then make sure that it's just over the top of   the other connector and then drop it on top like  that we can then weld this up and then once it's   welded we can lock this to the connector below go  to our control panel and select lock now that it's   locked to the base any batteries we build on our  ship as we build them we can turn to recharge so   that they can be charging up as we do all of our  decorative bits and add all our thrusters to our   ship so that by the time our ship's finished  we've already got charged batteries this is   quite easy to pull off for vertically mounted  ones but for horizontal ones it's a bit more   tricky because the small grid connector won't  line up with the large grid one if we place   it directly on the ground so what we're going to  do first is place a couple of light armor blocks   drop our blocks down place two like that then  we place our connector on top of that rotate it   so that it lines up build our connector and just  like before select it lock it down and then you   can build while attached to power on your base  which is really quite handy for getting those   early batteries charged up without having to  wait around for it after you've finished your   build if you got any tips on anything that you  know that I haven't mentioned here feel free   to share them in the comments equally if you've  got any questions about anything I've said here   today let me know and I'll do my best to answer  them next time we'll be using our mining ship to   collect enough resources so that we can build a  large Refinery a proper assembler and go through   all of the production upgrades that we can utilize  with that as well as probably building a little   bit of style onto our base so there's all that  and plenty more to come and I will see you then
Channel: Splitsie
Views: 33,928
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Keywords: space engineers guide, space engineers tutorial, space engineers mining ship, space engineers small ship build, space engineers small ship style, space engineers tutorial splitsie, space engineers tutorial mining ship, space engineers atmo miner, space engineers atmospheric ship, space engineers drills, space engineers miner, space engineers flying miner, space engineers small grid ship, space engineers build guide
Id: i0Ggu2WyigU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 20sec (2720 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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