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[Music] look at me i'm driving an imran i'm gonna come save you everybody in dallas yeah baby yeah man this is gonna be fun guys guess what i'm gonna jump onto playing and i'm going to go over to philadelphia pennsylvania today and i'm going to go take a test drive and then mrap now if you don't know what an mrap is it stands for mind resistant ambush proof vehicle and you're asking why the hell do you need an embrack and i answer you why the hell not i'm in the damn prepping business i need an mrap you know if somebody gets in trouble who you going to call you can't call ghostbusters but you can call atlos survival shelters with an end rap because that sucker will stop a 50 cal machine gun so we got to have it guys we just got to have it so hey listen stay tuned in the video because i'm going to announce the winner of the giveaway from the last video and i'm going to tell you how you can win prizes from this video so guys stay tuned buckle up and enjoy because we're going to go to philadelphia pennsylvania right now [Music] there's philadelphia what river is that [Music] is that jesse intercoastal canal or the delaware river there's four of them here huh yep okay look at all these m wraps so which one's mine how you doing i'm ron how you doing good mechanic yep so i don't know anything about these things so i just want to know about the air brakes how hard you think it'd be to change the oil start it up drive around the parking lot all right this is kind of fun ain't it yeah you ever driven an m-rap i feel safe every time i roll out and i know my friends feel safe as well rogers not in mrap not every day so this thing's supposed to stop a 50 cal i wonder how it does unless this is full of sand i was trying to figure that out how did they do that different layers of armor on here yeah that's that's all up on me that's all that's well i can't imagine a 50 cal that would stop the 50 cal but i could see where you have these different layers here you've got all this here i mean it's just that's all straight steel well it's ar 500 but that's only that's three-eighths right there and this is only quarter but it's double layered so you got a half inch there then three-eighths ceramic balls that actually uh okay yeah there's ceramic balls in there yeah there's the ceramic balls that are encased in um aluminum blocks and then there's a stretch of aluminum it's about this thing tell me about tires these this thing is a 2008. do tires go bad now these are these are run flat tires they actually have a rubber there's a rubber insert there's air in them but once they run out of air they'll actually sit on a rubber insert inside the inside the tire so you've been out here a few times yeah a little bit yeah okay well what would you look at first if you were me uh first things first start it up well check the oil and then start it up see how okay all right yeah we'll do all that how do you open the hood oh is that missing a wing nut well still one off another one you got the case of this this one some of them have key some of them just push does this one have keys or push buttons um yep so that one's got a dually wheels on it looks like the tires are better off on that one let's deal with this one number 10. that one's a cargo car or that one's more uh they're all different they're built for different applications really does mine have a winch on it this one has a winch i like this number 10. oh it's got a side door though oh it's also got a back door yeah it's got a side and a back the tires really nice it's got a turd up there for a machine gun is this what you guys do work on diesel trucks yep oh we work on just about everything man you can say you've done it all after this one huh almost if you spot anything notice it like air brakes are those the air brakes down there yeah those are your brake chambers now what does it take is it what's the deal with air brakes i'm not a trucker so i was reading that it's hard to register them sometimes if they have air brakes or you gotta have a certain license or yeah sometimes you may have to have a cdl for it technically especially as a civilian so and this one will probably be uh since it's not articulated it'd be a class b license really well this thing only has 160 miles but it's a 2008 gmc title yeah it's all your your w it all depends on the weight really it was 44 000 pounds then you have to have a cdl for that oh gosh if i can get up here have you ever opened one of these turrets up yeah i want him out of machine gun out there feels more like the captain of a boat don't it yeah what's that coming out this one bugs so it's got 160 hours or miles i mean yeah this one has this is that a door oh where oh this one is okay so it's got an emergency door looks clinging here i got the machine gun just got to get a turret up there i think it'd be too tall to go down the road though it's got it it's got air conditioning right e2 doesn't it what's that got heat what's that thing there that's all your climate controls does it have a winch on it this one okay so this one has a little stick right there it says bulletproof it body armor garmin [Music] okay how does it roll look he said he said they can't do well when they bought them all yeah tell me what it would take to change your oldness i understand you got to take off the uh body armor under the bottom yes you do can you look at that and tell me what's involved in that yes the oil was clean this guy here is going to be your access point okay oh it does have a winch but i don't see one in there hey you're gonna have to take off to get it to get to everything you gotta take this piece off right here yeah i got bolts up underneath here but that requires taking this off all of this it's not an easy job to do these what do you think it costs to change your well i mean i know i i mean normally oil change is a hundred bucks but what do you think four or five hundred you bucks i'd be looking close to a thousand a thousand bucks changed well so this has a winch but no it has it so it's got the wings in there though so if you run over a car it's pretty good so where can we drive it around the parking lot okay so is that four-wheel drive okay you think that thing's a dick magnet it's a guy magnet i can tell you that i think every guy would walk up to you and say man you got nimrod i'm gonna jump in and take a ride in it now oh you got a little button you just pressed okay how much fun was that it is go just go just go to the right i guess it has four-wheel drive oh okay the only thing that i'm seeing right now is that your gauges none of your gauges are where only gauges that are working are right here and what gauges are those this is your air pressure when it gets down to a certain point it'll beep at you yeah basically when your air gets low you have to build up the air on these things you have to build up the air i've never driven nothing like this so i know nothing about it when you get down about here it's not going to let you release the brakes sorry is there do you think there's a problem with the air no no no no this it's working fine i'm just showing you that when you get down to like 30 psi on these two yeah you can't release the brakes you won't go anywhere go ahead close the door i guess unless you want to come along you can get 10 people in here easy yeah i like this machine gun turrets because it's got the one you can turn around and i still got a porthole over here i can shoot out of plus this will be my machine gun mounted one it's got the little flip up on it too all right let's go we'll go right go through the dirt all right yeah once the air builds back up so you gotta build up the air before you go right because it won't release the brakes so you really gotta learn how to drive one of these absolutely okay wow so a truck driver would know how to do this oh yes absolutely and at what point do you know you have enough pressure right about net like 90 psi like where it's at now yeah it will be fine and that's only for your brakes correct okay so now you can put it in gear push that in you release brakes can we like drive over a car do you think it crushed a car oh it would absolutely crush the car oh it weighs 45 000 pounds yeah yeah it would definitely crush a car without a problem take it out on the road get up to about 45 50 miles an hour with you i'm guesstimating because my gauges aren't working oh you don't have speedometer no the speedometer is not working so well go left or right i don't care air conditioning works good yes it does [Music] how's it feels a heavy oh yeah she's got a lot of weight to it really oh yeah i'll drive it back okay yeah i'll find a turnaround spot yeah and film me nice [Music] this will be on youtube tomorrow by the way okay cool what do you think this is fun is it oh yeah i guess if a car hit says it ain't gonna hurt huh who'd win look at him he freaked out he pulled over you see that he's like i don't want to hit that even i think he might have lost he probably would have yeah just got that big front push bar it's got an emergency door right there a little bit a couple little rust spots but nothing major yeah no it's actually really clean yeah well it's never been used it never got deployed okay all right all right so how do i do this basically okay all righty here we go guys my first time to drive an mrap oh this is more like a cockpit than anything so now what do you do just keep your foot on the brake hit the brake yep it's the day yep at the day and then pushing this yep push this in push that in then what now you're good okay go ahead well there's a car coming but hold on i want plenty of room man i'll tell you what i do not want to be driving this around dallas freeways oh it's got power it's got power steering [Music] look at me i'm driving an impress i'm gonna come save you everybody in dallas yeah baby yeah oh we got i got a truck coming at me man this thing's weird i mean it's so wide you know what oh yeah damn wow yeah if i send this to a show and almost hit it with a pilot car i think you know unless i got used to i guess a truck driver could drive it you know oh yeah absolutely for me this thing is eight and a half feet wide weighs 45 000 pounds and it feels huge but it drives pretty good you know yeah it's actually good to keep mine these guys drive these around afghanistan all day long in the heat they've got gotta have good air conditioning oh yeah check that there you see if you could if you can yeah because this would be enough and otherwise there's that lady hello any of you hot babes want to go out on a date of might ever have to let me know okay that would be funny show up by the blind eggiest people are probably going what the hell is crossing the road well it's not gonna win a drag race but uh no no it won't this is a blast to drive i must say and the power steering is easy you know but keep in mind our troops are driving around in these things all day long so the chair is comfortable um power steering's good the ac blows cool keep going keep going oh great that's good okay now what uh hit the end and okay and then pull the yellow up pull it pull it that applies your brakes okay then what so this has no keys you just press a button where it says number two push that down yup and then where it says number one put that down how do you know all this stuff huh you're good how do you know all that i actually was in the marine corps oh so yeah oh okay so is this just like in the military yeah for the most part what do you think uh i haven't been in an mrap but i was in the seven tons of humvees and lvsrs lbs which are really big articulated kind of like tractor trailers but they're mainly what those guys do like the lbs and lbsrs they they take around all the big quad cons yeah and stuff like that how do you think what do you think about this how'd it drive this thing actually drove a lot better than some of the stuff that i was used to really yes it actually had good ac which we never had do you know how to open that i could it just got two handles you pop those two little handles go ahead and do it but they're already popped you pop that one then you pop that one and then this one over here and it should allow you to stand it up and access the machine gun okay there you go so i guess that thing sticks up so it covers your back right the plate well i can mount them it's got a machine gun pen tool mount right here wow yeah how do you crank this thing how do you turn it how do you turn the tart you're gonna you gotta release in here okay then how does it turn releases i remember right just is there a crank handle or something or is it electric this one may be electric but i can't quite remember to be honest with you well the machine gun i guess this is the the pencil right here okay so and then what's this one over here that's just a shooting port i guess you can open it up and shoot out of it as well yeah wow this thing's pretty cool this one's rated for stopping 50 cal that's amazing to be in here and take 50 cal heads absolutely yeah that's max protection but there's a wall there you know so if you get behind that wall it's got what ball bearings in it stuff ceramic ball bearings plus all that ar plate wow what else does this thing have in it does it have like electrical outlets or it's got different ac switches so you can turn them on and off in different areas tires tell me about these tires these tires are 13 years old does it matter uh the best that i would be looking at for those is um like dry rot in certain places can you check it out um what does a tire like this cost those thousand dollars of peas couple thousand apiece or what now is this got two fuel tanks it's got twin fuel tanks uh the exhaust hey buddy check out this exhaust um i see it's got the heat blanket around it but it's pretty rusty what do you think about the exhaust does it need to be fixed replaced or is it good yeah i think i mean that it's not leaking probably the first thing to go right yeah up in here would be looked like it goes none of them they're not leaking yeah but i mean they're a little rusty but look at that bumper that's a 3 8 plate man you run you run over somebody in that thing there wow that's going to hurt and how how was the engine was it cling looking yeah like they just pressure washed it or something oh really wow i don't know how many people have their own private mrap in this country i think it's pretty cool though well guys what do you think you think buy it have it have some fun show it off decorate it make a little showpiece bring it to the shows and let you guys drive it when you come visit the atlas factory or walk away from it put your comments below let me know what you think because i'm going to listen to you because i've never had an mrap before or anything with air brakes but uh it sure was fun to drive it's a little scary to drive but uh it was very very cool um very very cool i must say so guys as always thanks for watching my video today i'll see you on the next one and i'll announce that winner as i do every week so guys i hope you enjoyed that ride in the mrap that was fun that thing actually dries really smooth i mean after everything was said and done it wasn't that bad but you know what it's time to give away a prize so in every video i'm giving away these these ak-47 ar-15 wall hanger things that you like you see right here where you can hang your bags up in so let's go ahead and give away one from yesterday's video not even 24 hours later we're gonna have a winner siri give me a number between one and five hundred it's 58 58 okay so the winner is 58 or the closest person to 58 and my favorite color is blue so if you picked 58 or you're the closest one to it and then you've got the color blue that is my favorite color it is not yellow but guys we're going to do it all over again in today's video you pick a number between one and a thousand and whoever's closest or if you nailed on the head you get your choice of an ak-47 or an ar-15 like you see here and for the 100 bonuses is a very tough one name my favorite president my favorite us president okay for the extra 100 bonus for only for the winner of the gun okay so guess the number to win the gun if you win the gun and you guessed the president you went in a hundred dollar cash bonus so guys i hope you're having fun watching all my videos make sure you like and subscribe hit the indicator bell because youtube hates people like me because i stand for the second amendment and the right to bear arms so they don't like to share my videos so if you don't hit that little indicator bell they probably are not notifying me about my videos so make sure you do that but guys as always i love you i'll see you on the next video and it will be very soon hello atlas patriots thanks for watching today's video you know we live an unprecedented times ron asked if you would like to support yourself and this channel then go to shelter with and take a look at all the specials on survival food and supplies that ron has arranged to help all his loyal subscribers as ron always says it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it remember this company and all other atlas approved products are located on the sponsors page at the atlas survival shelter website
Channel: Atlas Survival Shelters
Views: 232,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shelters, shelter, underground, protection, nuclear fallout, fallout, Atlas, survival, prepping, preppers, water filtration, systems, living, off grid, sustainable, safety, security, family, fun, travel, civil war, exotic rooms, trophy rooms, gun rooms, safe cellar, bunker, wine cellar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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