The USSV Rhino GX Is a $300,000 Super SUV

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this is a ussv rhino and it's the ultimate SUV it's also insane you already know that it's insane because you can see it and it looks insane but trust me it's far more insane than you can possibly imagine this costs around three hundred thousand dollars it's armored and it has gun ports and it is fully street legal you can just cruise around in it and today I'm going to review the ultimate SUV before I get started be sure to check out cars and bids which is my Enthusiast car auction website for cool cars from the modern era now with three listings you can list your car for free and auction it on cars and bids and we've had some great sales recently including this Mercedes G-Wagon which sold for almost 160 thousand dollars this fantastic Tesla Model S 90d which brought fifty thousand dollars and this Porsche Panamera sport Turismo turbo SE hybrid which sold for almost a hundred and fifty thousand dollars if you're looking to buy or sell a cool Enthusiast car from the modern era the 1980s and up cars and bids is the place to do it with great daily auctions and amazing selection at cars and I've borrowed this rhino from iluso which is an exotic car dealership here in Orange County in Southern California ilusso has an amazing inventory primarily Sports cars super cars and Hyper cars it's really quite incredible but they also have this you can check out ilusso by clicking the link in the description below and follow along on ilusso's social media but anyway a little background here because I mean what the hell is this thing okay first ussv that stands for U.S specialty vehicles and they make this the Rhino GX and there's also a smaller model called the Rhino XT now this is based on a Ford F-450 Super Duty chassis and then it's modified clearly the goal is to create the ultimate SUV for someone who really needs security and protection and this has protection it's armored for one thing and there's a lot of other features designed for use in an apocalyptic scenario I mentioned the gun ports but there's way more than just that which I will show you these are built here in Southern California and like I said 300 thousand dollars or so for the ultimate SUV and now it's time to check it out first I'll take you on a thorough tour of this and show you all the quirks and features of the Rhino then I'll get it out on the road and see how it drives and then I'll give it a Doug's score all right I'm gonna start the quirks and features of the ussv Rhino GX by going over some of its more insane security measures designed to keep you safe in the event of an ambush by an attacker or the apocalypse one crazy measure is on the outside you can see right above the door there's this little hand hold and then below the door you have like a little indentation and you have that in both front and rear doors that's there so your security team can hang off the side of the car you're driving along being chauffeured you can have security like hanging here with their guns drawn kind of scanning around to make sure that nobody comes up and ambushes you and so that's why I asked us here that's the level of insanity that we're talking about with the Rhino but anyway next up with the Ridiculousness that is the ussv Rhino I want to talk about the doors now they open obviously can get inside but they are incredibly heavy just unbelievably heavy because they are armored and in fact if you parked on enough of an incline I'm not entirely sure that one person alone could close the doors they are absolutely crazy but they have to be to fend off attacks from bullets and maybe missiles now the doors have Windows in them like in a normal vehicle and you can even see on the door panel on the front there are window switches but you can't roll these windows down that's because the windows are armored as well they are bulletproof and Incredibly thick you can see the thickness right here in the front to help fend off attacks in case your armed security riding on the side didn't shoot the attacker before he started shooting at you but even though the windows don't roll down there is one way out on the doors and that would be this this is a gun port on the outside it looks just like a little black circle but you can open it up and fire a gun from the inside if you're being Ambush the way you do that is on the inside you can see there's this little silver pin you pull it out to release the lock and then you slide this little handle and that opens up the gun port and then from there you can kind of point the gun out and shoot now you don't exactly have a lot of room to aim or to like swivel the gun because obviously you don't want your attacker to be able to shoot at you through this hole so it's very small but it's there and there is one on each rear door so your security detail riding in the back can use this gun Port if you're being attacked again ridiculous and actually there's another way out from the inside at least in back Beyond the Door in the little gun port and that would be the escape hatch it's on the roof and you can see you twist this little lever and then you can push open this escape hatch and you can climb out that way if you absolutely had to or there's maybe a dual purpose for this escape hatch you can pop out there and start shooting again at your attacker if you need obviously that would give you better aim although it does leave you a little bit more open to fire yourself but there's an escape hatch in here if that's important to you and the craziness doesn't even come close to stopping there you have door locks in the Rhino the regular four door locks of course and that's fine for you or me but it's not Rhino buyer fine so there are auxiliary door locks deadbolt locks with metal deadbolts that will lock the doors to an even greater level of security you can see them here and to activate them you press this little switch to the left of the steering with a little lock and that will deadbolt the doors closed to make it even harder for an adversary to get inside your rhino that's crazy and two other absolutely wild controls over here to the left of the steering wheel one you can see it's labeled with a little fire that would be your smoke screen if you activate it the car will drop little droplets of oil into the exhaust to shoot out smoke behind you and create a smoke screen I guess to help you lose your tail if someone is after you that's like a James Bond movie thing but this car actually has it and it gets crazier there's another switch there with like some Nails on it and yes you guessed it activate that and it drops nails from the bottom of your rhino so you're driving along someone's tailing you you activate that and then your assailants tires are popped by the nails you have released from your car another ridiculous movie trick but this has it and we are nowhere near finished yet check this out right above the front seats there is a screen mounted in the ceiling now I was a little confused by what this did because the center screen takes care of most of your normal car functions well this is a thermal imaging camera screen it will show you like heat images from outside and you can see it's showing like what's hot and what's cooler and that's what you're seeing here so if it's dark and someone is like running away from you or trying to attack you and it's too dark to see them you can see their body heat on your thermal imaging camera and you can turn up the brightness make it bright lighter or dimmer if you need and you can even switch it so that hot items are displayed in Black if that's what you want to see or switch it back so that hot items are displayed in white all thanks to your crazy thermal imaging camera system that enhances your Security even further now that thermal imaging camera that is showing you this screen is mounted on the roof you can see it here mounted right in the center and pointing forward unfortunately it doesn't seem like you can turn it around which would be cool so you're only seeing what's ahead of you with the thermal camera but it's there and no doubt it makes you feel safer now you can also see near that thermal camera there is a giant LED light bar in fact there are a lot of giant LED light bars on the outside of the Rhino you can see them on the sides you can see them in the back they're a really bright LEDs pretty much everywhere you look here I guess the theory here is if you get ambushed at night you can make it look like day outside and maybe that'll scare away your attackers now all of these LED lights are controlled in this Center touch screen here this little menu can controls them all although it's a little bit confusing it's not exactly very well done because when you tap the lights you don't really know which ones you're turning on and it doesn't tell you whether they're on or off and when I was turning them off earlier I had to have someone stand outside the car and say okay yep no you not that one oh yeah that one okay good it was kind of annoying it would be a lot better if they had a better system to tell you which ones are on or off but if it's at night and you're using them obviously that'll be pretty self-evident since they'll be lighting up the dark but anyway next up speaking of screens in this car right above this Center screen you have the mirror which you can see is also a screen and strangely enough it's a touch screen so when you tap it to select something you leave a fingerprint on your mirror and then if you want to put the menu away and just use it as a mirror you have fingerprints all over your mirror not really an ideal situation also kind of weird this mirror screen really just duplicates the functions of the center screen it has navigation it has like Bluetooth and claims to have radio but the center screen has all that stuff too so for me I would just use this as a mirror although it's not a a particularly good one because you can see behind you your visibility is not great thanks to all of this armoring on the body of the car it really kind of constricts how well you can see out which could be a problem except that everyone will see you when you're driving this and get out of your way now other interesting controls up here one right above the mirror you have this little control panel that's for your suspension and you can adjust the height obviously air suspension this you can go to a very high height if you're going off-road you can go low maybe if you're trying to get in and out there's also a sport mode which I find to be absolutely ridiculous that this crazy vehicle has a sport mode but it does and you can dial that using the little suspension control also another interesting control up here at the base of all the center control stack you have this little box that is a CB radio and a CB radio controller and I guess the theory there is you can use it to talk to other members of your entourage so you're driving along in this and you want to communicate with the other cars in your security team that's how you do it built-in CB Radio and another feature you don't have in your car but you would if you had one of these now as far as the rest of the Interior beyond all the cool security countermeasures it's kind of interesting in here to create these trucks ussv buys the very most base model Ford F-450 since they're going to be heavily modifying it anyway they don't want to pay for stuff they don't need but the result of that is the front the interior up here is kind of a mishmash of really nice ussv stuff in really cheap basic Ford stuff for example the nice stuff the seats have this beautiful look two-tone with nice quilted leather in the center which looks good you have a lot of ussv logos everywhere it's embroidered into the center console also in leather and it's embroidered into the door panel which is nice and you can see the door panel itself has a very nice look leather stitching it all looks very luxurious you have another ussv logo in the seat this gold logo with the Rhino which also looks pretty nice and you have a suede headliner here suede on your sun visors which all looks great the very luxurious experience except because this is the very base model F series you have no gauge cluster screen instead you just have this sort of Green Dot pixelated display which just looks cheap and doesn't really match the character of this car although personally my favorite cheap Ford detail in here is the climate controls absolutely no frills you can see blank switches and just simple little dials to adjust the climate control since this started Life as a base model Super Duty with no like niceties or luxuries added it's just kind of funny to see that in such an expensive truck another interesting one is over on the dashboard you can see this cheap bargain level plastic that Ford uses on their most base model cars right next to this nice leather on the dashboard added by ussv with nice stitching the reason they didn't change the plastic is because that's where the airbag comes out and if you put leather over that it could make the airbag not pop out or not pop out properly if you're in an accident so they didn't mess with that and so you have this cheap plastic next to other nice stuff again kind of looks funny also looking funny is the steering wheel borrowed from the Ford pickups like a lot of other stuff in here but you have the ussv logo in an oval shape in the center where the Ford oval logo would be I just pop that off and put their own logo on instead now in addition to the funny mashup of cheap Ford and nice luxury stuff there's also another funny item in here and that would be the radar detector which is built in next to the steering wheel to the right it's ridiculous this weighs 9 600 pounds you are never going to be speeding you do not need a radar detector in this vehicle but it is there we'll see if I can actually get it speeding when I drive it a little bit later and next up we move on to the back seats for more quirks and features that's pretty interesting back here when this comes from Ford to ussv it's obviously a pickup a Ford F-450 Super duty truck and so pretty much everything from the back of the front seats back is custom made to create an SUV out of this truck and then includes the back seats and also a third row of seats back there so you have good passenger room in the back of the Rhino now for the second row passengers you have some nice amenities back here you have this fixed like tray coming off from the front center console and it has cup holders on it which is of course nice and there's also climate controls back here which controls a completely different climate zone and climate system from what you have up front the climate vents are behind you you can see they're fitted above the third row of seats back there and then there are also a few more vents sort of on the sides of the ceiling going around the back and you can control it all using this little climate control panel here in the second row a completely different climate control system for the rear passengers now also under here you have a couple of charge ports for USB and you can see there's a little voltage meter letting you know how much volts you have so you can charge your devices now also back here this was a massive pickup truck that became an SUV so there is a lot of Passenger space and really you can sit back here and kind have lie down and really enjoy your experience as you're being chauffeured around there's even an entertainment system screen that drops from the ceiling so you can watch movies while you're being chauffeured around in perfect secure Comfort which is pretty nice and if you want even more Comfort ussv offers an executive package with the Rhino where you could have a big screen TV I think there's a partition and the big screen TV is mounted back here so you can really kind of lie back relax and let your driver and your security team do all the work but anyway next up we climb into the third row now getting into the third row would be kind of a challenge because these second row seats do not fold down to allow easy access but they're bucket seats and there's enough space between them that you can just kind of climb through the second row seats and then Place yourself in the third row which is a pretty good situation now being in the third row it's a little tighter than in the second row well a lot tighter but there's still enough room for me and adult to comfortably sit back here although it's worth noting there are three seats in the third row three across and the middle seat would be incredibly tight if you actually had three people in back from a width perspective in terms of length and leg room and Headroom that's all good but I wouldn't really want to put three in back although it is technically possible now as for the third row itself frankly it's pretty nice back here once again you have a nice leather which looks good and on the sides of the seats you have nice leather trimming and a few cup holders and some storage areas and it all looks relatively nice some good attention to detail paid to even the third row which probably won't get used except for extra members of your security detail and next up we move on to the rear of the Rhino and to get into the cargo area you have to swing open the spare tire but before I do that I want to talk about the wheels in this car because they are crazy maybe the craziest thing about the entire car and I say that because the wheels are reversible the front wheels are just the rear wheels flipped around and vice versa they paint both sides and a front wheel is completely energy changeable with a rear wheel you just flip it around flip around the center cap and you can stick the front on the back and vice versa which is truly crazy never heard of that before in any other car now you may be wondering why why did they do that well there is a reason when they buy these from Ford they come as dualies meaning they have two rear wheels on each side for four total Wheels in back ussv didn't want these to have a six wheel setup with four in the back and two up front for a few reasons number one if you get a flat tire in the back with a dually set up it makes it more difficult to change the tire and also it means that you have different tire sizes front and rear meaning that a spare tire wouldn't match up with all of the tires on the truck so they created this wheel setup so that the front wheel and the back wheel both worked even though the rear axle is configured for a dually and that means that this spare tire can fit on front or rear wheels you just flip it around depending on which one you're putting it on absolutely crazy never heard of anything else like this but it's a neat feat of engineering for this truck by the way also worth noting these tires are of course run Flats meaning that if they're popped or punctured you can still drive on them up to certain speeds in order to get away from danger but anyway back to the rear cargo area situation like I said to get back here you got to fold out the spare tire which is pretty standard vehicles with a spare tire and then you open up this rear cargo door and that gives you access to the cargo area in back and you can see it's not really all that big back here on account of the fact that there are two large rows of seats in there taking up most of the space but if you do want more space you can fold down this third row and it looks like you can completely remove it if you want as well so you can just pull it out if you want to be a two row vehicle and maximize your cargo space and back but anyway to me probably the craziest thing back here is the way it looks with the door closed it kind of looks like a house frankly it has sort of that overall shape and it's absolutely a massive which kind of contributes to that feeling in fact this vehicle is almost 90 inches tall it's 96 inches wide which is unbelievably wide but the height is really the wild part you're never going to get this into a garage and for some perspective on the height a Honda CRV is closer in height to a Ford GT than it is to this thing this is that tall it is absolutely a massive vehicle with huge presence and in back it really does kind of look like a house driving down the road and it's not just the height and width where this is massive it's also the weight this weighs in at around 9600 pounds just short of five tons of vehicle and that's not because of the Ford Super Duty that's underneath it's because of the massive custom armored SUV that sits on this platform armoring is incredibly heavy and that tells you just how heavy almost 10 000 pounds an immense thing to move around and the size is incredibly obvious when you look at it on the outside it was designed to almost maximize its muscular brawny look and make it seem even bigger than it is which is actually kind of hard you can see all the Angles and the added muscle on the outside it just looks pretty ridiculous but it's also incredibly head turning it will make sure everybody gets out of your way and it's intimidating which is part of the point of a personal security vehicle like this you don't want to mess with the person driving one of these but anyway since I'm on the outside I want to talk naming now like I said ussv that's the brand name that makes this and it stands for us specialty vehicles and the model is the Rhino GX that's this car and like I said there's also a smaller ussd model called the Rhino XT which is completely different vehicle based on the Jeep Wrangler now I have no idea why these two models are both called the Rhino even though they're completely different and they're only distinguished by the two letters at the end of the word one of which is the same in both models and X it seems like very bizarre marketing to me but this isn't just the ussv Rhino it's technically the Rhino GX to distinguish it from the smaller Rhino XT now ussv is based here in Southern California and they convert these Ford f-450s into Rhino gx's here but their main market for these is not the United States in fact they sell a majority of these into Asia and specifically into China where amazingly it is not called the Rhino it's called the G pattern as in George Patton the famous American Military General they named this crazy brutish vehicle after him and in China That's the name they sell it under the ussv G pattern instead of rhino GX which is kind of hilarious and by the way speaking of like badging on the outside I love the ussv logo in the front in the front grille ussv with this Ryan know on it no other brand has a logo quite like that very distinctive to ussv and to the Rhino and finally we move under the hood in the Rhino and it's worth noting the hood doesn't appear to be armored it looks sort of more brutish than the one in the regular Ford F-450 but when you actually open it up it's just not all that heavy it's not heavy enough to really be armored and so I suspect it isn't now underneath the hood you have the engine which is a 6.7 liter Ford turbo diesel V8 and I don't think it's modified for this vehicle which is interesting this engine is known for being able to pull haul tow a lot of weight but this is a very very heavy vehicle so I'm curious if this engine has met its match with all of the armoring and the heavy weight of the Rhino GX I guess we'll go find out all right driving the Rhino this vehicle is catastrophically insane first off you're sitting up incredibly High I guess that's probably true of the Ford truck as well that it's based on um but you're looking out over you know this matte black hood that looks like beefy and muscular look at the mirror and you see this like Angry looking you know fender flares you're like okay well this is insane I can't imagine encountering this vehicle on the road you'd probably be absolutely mortified now accelerating is it's a bit of an exercise in patience because this is so heavy I mean I'm flooring it in a school zone right now and in no danger of I like a lot before I get to the next stop sign because it just isn't fast I mean at the end of the day they might add more power to this engine I'm not really sure but it's still a 9 000 pound vehicle I mean you could add all the power in the world and it wouldn't help you that dramatically make this thing fast indeed this is really not about performance in any capacity even though it's so expensive so many vehicles that are this price point deliver both luxury and performance this is more about luxury and you know Safety and Security that's their whole thing and so the performance aspect is not really here but I mean obviously it it goes it keeps up with traffic and that sort of thing it's just really slow interestingly aside from the slowness and the weight which you feel when you're both accelerating and stopping aside from those two things it actually feels a lot like the Ford truck you're sitting here I mean I got a four truck steering wheel you're sitting in the vehicle is about the same size as a Ford truck and you know you got the Ford switch gear and from a driving perspective there's a lot of Ford in this car it's everything else where it's been completely altered and changed and messed with everybody looks at you it's kind of interesting you know I'm driving this car around in Orange County here where iluso is and traditionally in Orange County there's just an enormous amount of supercars and nobody really cares that much but this is just on such an insane level that it still gets like wow like this turns heads here if you want to turn heads in a in a place that's saturated this is the vehicle I will say driving this around you do get the feeling of safety and like comfort that the company wants you to have in the sense that it's both luxurious and you're just sure that nothing is going to screw with you I mean this thing is armored this thing is bulletproof you know the windows don't go down you're you're to weigh a zillion pounds you get steel everywhere nothing is going to screw with you when you're driving this vehicle and there's something kind of you know it's kind of nice like oh I'm I'm just not even slightly worried about anything in this car all right here goes I'm gonna really floor it now yeah I mean it's not that bad but that's 30 35 like it isn't fast by any stretch of the imagination the steering is also I mean the steering is like you would expect from a super duty pickup truck but again you really feel the weight going around corners you can feel it doesn't body roll that much it's pretty controlled with that but you can feel I mean it's a heavy vehicle you're not exactly going to be throwing this thing around the one advantage this doesn't have in terms of safety and personal security is maneuverability if you're trying to like out maneuver a foe on the road this is not the vehicle for that this is the one where if they're attacking you you just kind of hunker down but it's not going to be able to outrun anything and so that's the ussv Rhino GX this is a ridiculous vehicle but in some senses it truly is the ultimate SUV and if a Range Rover is too plebeian for you and if a Bentley bentega isn't Tough Enough there's always this and now it's time to give the rhino OGX a Doug score starting with the weekend categories and styling the Rhinos look at his uh an acquired taste let's just say and it gets a 5 out of 10. acceleration is slow when it gets a one out of ten handling isn't much it's not dangerously awful but it's exceptionally slow and ponderous and heavy yet huge and it gets a 2 out of 10. fun factor is decent this isn't fast or fun to throw around corners but there's definitely some joy in driving the largest most ridiculous thing on the road when it gets a six out of ten same deal with cool factor in today's world of big SUVs being common it's hard to wow anyone with a big SUV but this is really the ultimate big SUV and it gets a 7 out of 10 for a total weekend score of 21 out of 50. next up are the daily categories and features the Rhino has some novel safety and protection measures but it lacks the latest in-car technology and it gets a six out of 10. comfort is fine though it's not exceptionally nice or luxurious that's not really the focus here and it gets a 5 out of 10. quality is good enough the Ford diesel engine will go forever though materials are only okay not amazing and it gets a 6 out of 10. practical quality is a mixed bag it has a lot of seats and it can do a lot of stuff but the Rhino also gets horrible gas mileage and it's too big to park it basically anywhere it gets a 7 out of 10. finally value and these things are huge money over 200 Grand people who seriously need the protection may feel differently but for me it runs a 4 out of 10 for a total daily score of 28 out of 50. add it up and the Doug score is 49 out of 100 which places it here against other relevant massive Vehicles the closest real competitors to the Rhino are the Mercedes G-Wagon 4x4 squared and the G-Wagon 6x6 both of which are more appealing to me but the Rhino takes protection to a totally different level and it's a purpose-built vehicle for people who really need Safety and Security [Music]
Channel: Doug DeMuro
Views: 1,768,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 57UmBsE5lGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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