BUYING EVERY CRYPTO - What happened After 1 Month - Elon's Crypto Crash Is Perfectly Balanced

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why does our journey have to end here when theoretically i mean i could just wait another month and see where we're at who knows what the market might hold by then oh ladies and gentlemen one month ago i purchased over 200 cryptocurrencies each for ten dollars you all called me mad you said i entered into the market at the worst possible time and that i was an absolute insane megalomaniac well look at you now peasants i'm a multi trillionaire oh god i lost so much money oh god well here's my lovely story oh and also it's the two minute mark which means that i am legally obligated to put a sponsor read right here that's right because we lost quite a lot of money on this project but also i have two editors that i need to pay an admin that i also need to pay and also i'm starting a new channel which is basically being funded by these sponsors so seriously thank you very much also on a completely unrelated night put time stamps in the video so you can skip to the bits that you're interested in anyway onwards every time now i'm sure that many of you will know that we've wasted a fantastic and tremendous quantity of money on this project so far but luckily i had some friends who were actually willing to bail me out today the lovely sausages over at infinite lagrange have paid for this entire series and also assisted in the hiring of a second editor and also the commissioning of a rimworld video game essay so what do they want in return well allow me to introduce you to infinite lagrange oh yes very fresh it's a sci-fi grand space simulation game allowing you to venture into the unknown are you tired of humans being too close to you and ignoring social distancing well have i got a solution for you just move to space that's right and now you can even do it for free in this game you can do everything you can't in the real world you can explore ruins engaging diplomacy with gigantic mega corporations you can even own a vehicle that isn't a fiat 500 and my personal favorite you can engage in free market exchanges of goods and resources at competitive prices that's right baby we have space trucking capitalist simulator because why build up a mega fleet of battle ready super cruisers when instead you can channel your inner long-haul trucker the focus on space exploration is pretty damn jazzy and the exciting thing is a season lasts only two months and a new stargate will open just after the season's over so there's always something new to explore conquer and achieve a fiscal monopoly over personally i tend to use this to discover the mythical space corgi power which i've added to my head canon after the devs let me plaster corkies all over the artwork for my tweets so design your custom battleships lead them into space and get trading or you know you can do the other stuff no idea why you would want to fight when instead you could just trade tea or day but sure whatever floats your space boat whilst this game might not be everyone's cup of tea it certainly is mine and guess what it's just released on pc and mobile in most of the regions in the world so if you want to feel free to give it a try it's free you're literally going to lose nothing so why not follow my link in the description to learn more or just hop onto their discord twitter or facebook whatever floats your boat anyway onwards with the video where we get to look at all of the gigantic losses i've made oh it's fantastic hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're back taking a look at what started as a kind of joke project one month ago where i decided to see what would happen if i purchased exactly 10 of every single coin on the finance exchange in total we purchased over 200 cryptocurrencies simply because well all of your friends are out there telling you to invest in cryptocurrencies and they will have differing opinions so i thought i'd just simplify the process by investing in absolutely all of them because surely that would just make me a millionaire in milliseconds at the end of our one week video where we took a look at what happened after the first week we came to the conclusion that most things had gone pretty bad in the initial four days the end results of one week weren't terrible we'd lost 12 percent of our original investment and we're down to just a value of 1 875 from our original investment of just over two thousand dollars some coins made a lot of profit some coins made quite a large loss the hero token of the entire week though was the atm token or the athletico madrid token which managed to gain a 316 increase and went from a purchase of 10 up to 41 it was incredible but of course some time has passed we are now one month later and oh boy has the market seen an interesting twist a new direction and of course later in the video i will be purchasing 1 000 of the most popular coin in the comment section of the last video that was my promise to waste even more money by purchasing the worst coins i could find out there and so we'll reveal what that perfectly balanced and safe financial investment coin is at the end because i'm sure you guys wanted me to only wisely invest money oh god so let's dive into this video and break down just how much money i've lost so make sure you sat back relaxed with a nice warm cup of yorkshire tea in hand of course you have to salute the gigantic union jack that flies above your computer wave a hand to the queen and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like this video each like is one prayer for my lovely crypto wallet to one day rebound and make me enough money so that i can finally retire from this hellscape of watching this bank balance now how many coins do you think actually increased in value from last week's video do you think all of the coins went down do you think only one went up only two what's your exact prediction because some of you might be pretty close let's find out now ladies and gentlemen let's open up with our first cryptocurrency which alphabetically is the one-inch cryptocurrency ah the one-inch coin one thing's for certain this coin is neither a grower or a shower as it made a relatively flaccid 47 loss dropping to just 5.26 now of course if you had invested say your entire life savings into this coin that's when things will start looking pretty bleak for you but luckily i wisely just invested my hourly t spending budget of 10 us dollars into it so honestly i couldn't feel it at all which is honestly to be expected of a one inch core you joined yes that's it coin next up we have the arfcoin which originally over the first seven days actually made us a profit of 23 well now it's down 15 big loss then the acm coin first week 74 gain that's amazing and then the crypto crash happened and it's now down to six dollars which is a one month loss of 32 percent but of course the most shocking thing is the difference from the first week which means it's technically down 61 from the last video which is pretty devastating the next coin is technically a profit that's right we made six percent gain whoa that's amazing on the ada coin which i hear a lot of people talking about i think online no idea what it does cardano is a public blockchain platform it is open source and this uh it's boring it's a nerd coin look if the coin hasn't got a cute dog on it why are you buying it however for some reason this coin has actually done okay it's not turned a loss but of course it has technically decreased from last week where it was up 33 it has technically gone down 20 over the last three weeks which is not the best but we still haven't made a loss on it so it's okay then we start getting to some of the greater losses say hello to the ion coin well i've got some good news for you ion investors if you'd bought this coin one year ago you'd have made 31 gains however if like me you bought it one month ago right at the peak then congratulations you've made a loss of 67 we literally bought this coin right at its peak it does not get more peaky than this oh it was incredible and naturally yes it is now only worth three dollars from our original investment of ten dollars making it one of the worst losses but it's not the biggest loss by far oh don't worry this gets worse now you notice this kind of section on our table is where you just get a gigantic wave of losses that's because there has been a gigantic wave of losses it's just red red red the acro coin the algo coin the alice coin that's right the my neighbor alice coin who could have believed that a coin named my neighbor alice wasn't a sound financial investment for stability or currency transaction so uh yeah that coin went down 57 who saw that one coming and then oh my goodness the wildest ride of all ladies and gentlemen the fan tokens immediately we open up with two of the amazing fan tokens the asr fan token and the atm fan token now the asr token is of course the as roma fan token which actually turned us a very nice profit of 54 and then of course the coin after it atletico madrid turned us a profit of 316 at the end of the last video that's huge well the sr token went from making us 50 to minus 37 and the atletico madrid token went from making us 300 to eighteen percent which certainly means since the last video it's gone down 72 percent which is gigantic but the thing is fan tokens aren't over no no no no no ladies and gentlemen because actually this immediately brings us on to our most successful coin say hello to the og esports fan token this bad boy at the end of the first week was up 51 to 12.53 now however it's up to 35.70 that's right that's a total increase of 257 ladies and gentlemen that's fantastic and honestly i actually know why this kind of happened because surprisingly i actually follow esports i know i even recently got a pro cs esports team to play against a whole bunch of noobs and i turned it into a video for my own entertainment it was fantastic and og esports field multiple esports teams and i do believe the reasons behind this are relatively simple the teams have done quite well lately their cs go team has done fantastic in the current tournament that's going on and i do believe their dota 2 teams also doing okay and they're starting to field a valorem roster which you know might be the future of esports probably not and so generally a lot of these fan tokens are kind of tied to how well the actual team's doing so whilst the entire crypto market basically around us is collapsing provided the actual team you're supporting is doing well in the real world that token does well it doesn't make it a stable currency of course but it does basically make it gambling because you're gambling on whether your team does well because that for some reason artificially inflates the price it's fantastic but of course just underneath the og fan token we have the ogn coin ladies and gentlemen at the end of last week's video this coin made a loss of 19 hardly anything to write home about a loss of 19 is pretty much average but now oh this coin went on a journey it made a loss of 90 now it hasn't technically gone down 90 overall it's just due to the way that this cryptocurrency is kind of structured we purchased in a basically massively overpriced quantity i think for some reason we basically bought at the exact same time a whale bought up a large quantity of coins basically meaning we bought well above the average market price that's okay we made a loss of 90 it sucks uh but that's fine it's just nine dollars at the end of the day in terms of other coins that actually did well in a noteworthy the uh polygon matic coin is of course very exciting this bad boy went up 118 of course last week it was up 120 but this coin hasn't gone down which is very interesting because most of the market has pretty much collapsed coins that were doing well like near coin and nano coin they were doing good they're all down ksm coin that's down lrc that's down the juve coin that was up 46 is now down 40 percent all of these coins that were up for the first seven days bam they're down look at this this entire one-month change from the atm coin the next coin that made us money comes right the way down here to the polygon coin it is literally a coin beginning with the letter a going to a coin that begins with the letter m this is the entire gigantic gap of catastrophic loss but it gets even worse when you actually switch to the change that has occurred over the last seven days because it's pretty much all negative if we look at the percentage change from day seven we can literally start right here at the top and just go down so this is since last video so it's not until we get to the 130th coin where we actually had a coin that went up from last video all the other green coins are green just because they went up last week so in total only six cryptocurrencies have actually increased in value from last week's video three of them increased by less than 10 and then the rest basically went absolutely wild meanwhile a lot of coins went down and they went down hard but of course most importantly we need to check in with our favorite coins so let's see how our burger coins doing ladies and gentlemen well the burger coin which we purchased for ten dollars which was i'm pretty sure our biggest loss at the end of last week's video is down even further it is now only worth just under three dollars that's right it's dropped 70 percent fantastic i really thought burger would do well okay i believed in the burger coin the other coin i kind of believed in was the bts coin not because of it being i don't know maybe a smart investment but just because there's a k-pop band called bts i thought the fans would pick it up i saw a news article recently that an among us shaped chicken nuggets from a mcdonald's that was running a bts promotion and it sold for just under 100 000 us dollars on ebay so why wouldn't a cryptocurrency named after everyone's favorite k-pop band also just make billions well it turns out most k-pop fans are buying cryptocurrencies now of course when it comes to actually the biggest losses that we've made overall you will remember at the start of last week's video i had kind of a large quantity of money left on my account because i believe that i'd be spending about 10 000 us dollars turns out i was only going to spend 2 000 so what did i do with the remainder of the money well i put a mix of it into bnb which is down 30 and then most of it went into two things bitcoin gold and btt the reasoning was simple bitcoin gold was right at its peak so it was only going to go down so why not put several thousand on it and btt was one of the cheapest coins i could find there basically meaning we could purchase hundreds of thousands of them for a relatively small investment uh the results are one went down 57 and the other went down 48 yeah that's thousands down the drain which is why today's video was sponsored because i actually have to pay people to make these videos i know that's right whilst i don't live a very expensive lifestyle i do have people that depend on me and of course ladies and gentlemen one of my other favorite coins the unicorn coin now of course forgive my puns and my unicorniness but what do you call a unicorn that's got its covert vaccine an immunicorn sadly the unicorn coin itself is not immune to elon musk's market manipulation and so it's made a majestic loss of 33 and so i guess this kind of brings us on to the final prediction just how much money did we lose you've of course seen this gigantic wall of red and know that yes a loss has probably been made but how big of a loss do you reckon it is do you think we've lost over half our initial investment maybe we've only lost 20 percent at the end of the last video we'd only lost 12 percent of our original investment after just one week so where do we stand after a full month give me your best predictions and if you're spot on you know what you'll get a free tea bag from me which you'll have to actually come and physically collect of course because i don't have any money to ship things anymore well ladies and gentlemen here are the results allow me to present to you our total quantity of coins now we made loss of 40 43 that's right we have made a overall loss of 43 what does this mean well it means the total value of all of our coins is now just 1 214 dollars from an original investment of just over two thousand dollars that isn't the best uh the average coin value itself sits just above five dollars the minimum coin is of course at one dollar and two cents the highest coin is of course the og token of 35 and the average coin is worth five dollars and 86 cents it has been an enlightening journey to say the least but yes we've lost quite a decent quantity of money but as the people on reddit say buy the dip buy the dip buy the dip i can only logically assume that there's someone out there who's stupid enough to buy at least some of the cryptocurrencies they're seeing on screen now which means that potentially in the future these things can go up which means oh my god we need to make more videos on this i know that's right it turns out that quite a lot of you enjoy following along with this very weird series so if you want to see more videos like this then like the video and tell us share it amongst all of your friends online it massively helps out this series and if it continues to do well we'll continue to cover it i'll give you a choice though do you want to see what's happened after two months or would you prefer to wait until the three month mark hop on down to the comment section make sure your voice is heard and we'll follow along with it accordingly but of course speaking about opinions in the comments section it brings me to my biggest mistake of the last video where at the end of it i said i would purchase exactly 1 000 us dollars of the most upvoted cryptocurrency in the comment section and well it turns out there was one resounding winner there were many unique and interesting entries from the bingus token which is a very unique looking token that intends to donate money to animal welfare stuff at the same time there's a lot of calls for investing in weird bsc coins like say safe moon or i think there's one called campfire just a whole bunch of those weird ones we also had a gigantic quantity of bots just harassing people in the comment section if you get a reply from someone in the comment section that isn't my exact account don't do anything with them i'm not giving away cryptocurrencies in the comments section and neither is the 4000 mr beast bots uh so yeah we had to take out all of their requests of purchasing their wild and janky cryptocurrencies so once we filtered all of the rubbish out of the way what were we left with well the overwhelming coin that is the most popular coin in terms of that comment section is none other than the legendary shiba inu coin that's right those lovely little shiba inus prancing around with their cute happy little faces doing little jumps with their little paws oh they're so cute well they have a cryptocurrency now because they're trying to achieve global market domination so yes that means i have to purchase 1 000 us dollar tokens worth of the shiba inu cryptocurrency now the good news is we're purchasing those currencies today which means that actually the market might have reached rock bottom honestly i think the shiba inu coin is an interesting concept but what i would really desire is a corgi coin i'm just saying shiba inus cute corgis majestically superior so uh what am i doing well i'm converting some my own personal etherium supply into us dollar tokens exactly 1000 usdt i know oh dear rest in peace ethereum you were once worth something uh now less so so we're going to convert 0.38 ethereum into 1000 usdt and that's given us now 1 000 us dollar tokens which we're immediately going to run into the market with and purchase ourselves some shiba inu coins it's gone down seven percent today so yeah it's fine we'll be purchasing in for exactly 1 000 usdt at the market rate how many shiba inu coins is this going to give us oh dear oh dear it's given us a lot of shiba inu coins okay we now hold 129 million shiba inu coins uh which is currently worth 999.99999 666 us dollars so um we made a minor loss so far but you know the journey is only just beginning who knows what's gonna happen probably i'm gonna lose even more money and you know what when you're in this deep already why not anyway that's actually the end of our one month recap we lost a gigantic quantity of money but it's actually been quite a fun experience i don't recommend doing this i don't recommend repeating anything that you've seen in this video i think if you are interested in cryptocurrencies uh then great for you but why not vicariously live off of the journey of my cryptocurrencies rather than actually putting your own capital at risk also actually cryptocurrencies and sponsorships have got me thinking about talking a bit more about my income which is why i actually have an upcoming video that i think if you enjoyed this video you're going to be very interested in i've basically collated data from hundreds of youtubers across the platform and i'm going to be revealing how much youtubers actually make i will be explaining exactly how much money i make how much brands pay me for everything i do and of course kind of explaining what i kind of want to do with the money and surprisingly it's not snorting 1 billion tea bags i know so if you're interested to see what the results of that video will yield then make sure to subscribe and turn on the notification bell because that way you'll be reminded as soon as it hits your sub inbox in the meantime i will have a whole bunch of videos where we exploit games as well as the platform of youtube on route to you as soon as possible because why break just the crypto market when you can break everything anyway thank you very much for watching as always a gigantic thank you to each and every one of our majestic patrons whose names are listed on screen these guys help pay for the editors they help pay for my projects they help pay for basically all of my equipment including a brand new pc because the last one was dying so thank you very much you lovely people and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next well look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway thank you very much for watching and i'll see each and every one of you in the next one goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,006,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, The, buying every crypto, buying every cryptocurrency, spiffing brit, ethereum, bitcoin, crypto, cryptocurrency, Binance Is Perfectly Balanced, binance, perfectly balanced, cryptocurrency investing, dogecoin, millionaire, crypto news, the spiffing brit, CRYPTO, elon, elon crypto, What happened, funny, Buying every crypto challenge, crypto challenge, xrp, vechain, shiba inu coin, elon musk, exploit, british, crypto trading, cryptos, altcoins, cryptocurrencies, Crypto Crash, crash
Id: 2QenOBXcb7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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