Buying and Moving a CNC Machine - Peak Sketchiness

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a year and a half ago I had zero CNC machines now I have one that prints plastic one that engraves and cuts plastic a bigger one that engraves and cuts plastic one that cuts wood and one that cuts sheet metal but it'd be nice to have one more I've been casually shopping for a CNC milling machine for about a year post-pandemic prices have been kind of crazy just like everything else also I've owned a lot of CNC machines probably over 20 so I'm kind of picky about what I want but I think I finally found one it's 3 hours away so I don't have time to go check it out and the price is right so if we don't move quickly it's going to be gone I think I can haul it but I got a little problem with my trailer so let's take care of that and get moving this is the dust cap off of this wheel and there's a rubber plug in the middle and it's got a hole in it I don't know it doesn't sound the greatest I guess I better get it apart and see uh see what's going on the wheel seal has been leaking just a little bit I don't know if I have a new one or not okay clean things up and put it back together I thought it sounded a little crunchy and sure enough if the camera will focus we have some damage to the outer bearing race so that needs to be replaced for sure the inner bearing race I don't see any problems with that the bearings themselves I think are okay but my local auto part store had both bearings and races in stock so we're going to just replace both of them they're not that expensive these are Chinese bearings we're going to replace them with some Nationals made in Thailand like all the best bearings this is not the right seal though so got to wait till tomorrow for that I'm going to go ahead and put together what I can put together and this is some rough rough Machining in here I think these are Dexter axles but their quality has gone way downhill at least in my opinion problem is they bought out pretty much every other axle manufacturer so it's kind of the only thing you can get [Applause] [Music] [Applause] anymore there it is this side's a little better they must have must to sharpen the boring tool of course the funny part here is that you got to press the bearing in about that far cuz the dust cap diameter is the same as the bearing diameter there it is all right we got the right seal so let's put this thing back together this is a bearing Packer very handy little tool that it goes like that jam that thing full of grease brakes look really good I don't think this trailer has a lot of miles on it okay there's that stick on the washer nut we'll do the highly technical torquing process [Applause] okay and we'll tighten it hand tight there it is okay not a huge fan of that clip design but it does work put some grease inside the cap because why not then I've got a new little rubber cap I don't know what the purpose of that is I don't know if it's designed to let it breathe a little bit so it doesn't build up pressure inside or I don't know that'll work sounds much better I had one bad bulb otherwise the lights all work here we go okay that was a little bit more involved than I thought we were going to get but I'm glad I checked it finding a bad bearing in the shop is a lot better than finding it on the side of the road so we're going to Hitch up and get moving Machinery trip has turned into a family trip multitasking definitely not all right kiddo where are we is [Music] a he's pretending to be asleep his eyes are open right now oh now they're [Music] closed [Music] can flying child Birds said about touching Birds you [Music] touch [Music] did [Music] he there's my new baby loaded up righty to travel pretty much used every strap I've got 3 hours to home shouldn't be a [Music] problem we're on the way home we're about halfway back everything looks good nice and tight table hasn't moved control pendant looks okay yeah we're good we had exactly the kind of trip you want to have uneventful I think the guys I bought this from kind of laughed at the number of straps I put on it but the more the better as far as I'm concerned nobody's ever had something go wrong and thought I wish I hadn't put so many chains on that it's a pain on these machine tools too there's usually nothing to chain down to to get to your door this machine was built in Taiwan shipped to the port came across an ocean shipped from the port to the dealer reassembled shipped from there to at least three shops before it got here so ain't her first rodeo if it can't survive a road trip it can't survive Machining anyway I'm going to get it unstrapped and we're going to see if my forklift can lift it I don't know if it can but I want to try if it can't do it we'll call in the [Applause] [Music] professionals [Applause] Forks are sticking through by about that [Applause] far w [Applause] pkit bouncing yes I I don't know I got distracted by the dog I can't stress this enough do not try this at home can I have your phone I don't have M so if I need to call M I need to be ready [Music] it's like right on the balance point [Music] [Applause] again what a cute little machine this is a hero vm1 3axis CNC milling machine and if that sounds like gibberish to you it's a robot that cuts metal it's basically a computer controlled version of that machine back there this thing thing came out of a tool and die shop I think it's been rode hard and put away wet looks like it cut a lot of tool steel probably some other really nasty stuff they forgot to check the hours before they powered it off so don't know how many hours are on it I've never actually seen it run I did see a short video clip of it doing a tool change but I haven't heard the spindle I really don't know what we're going to get here this this is a gamble the machine was cheap and I'm guessing I got what I paid for the control panel pretty shabby looks like we got some tape over some cracks here some of the membrane keys are missing that button's broken so yeah needs a little work control cabinet looks pretty decent the drives and Servo Motors Are All yasawa Made in Japan I believe they are the number one or number two motion control robotics company in the world their robots are called Moto man yeah this is the older ultimax control I believe it's still dos-based don't quote me on that it's not the the wind X control those are a couple of years newer which is kind of a bummer but again the price was right anyway I've got some temporary power hooked up I think uh I think we better throw the switch and see what happens okay here goes [Music] nothing [Music] so far so good not sure what that means guess we'll wait kind of forgot how slow computers were 20 years [Music] ago all right I've actually uh never used a herco CNC control before so I wonder how we're supposed to do this I'm going to say we go to manual okay says ESOP has been depressed okay press manual mode power and start cycle to restore power so manual there we go Servo power is off uh let's see reset servos and spindle okay I had to push the cycle start button to turn the servos on I think we can we should be able to move the machine around shouldn't we uh let's see here we go all right good z-axis goes first that's what we want to see okay so it's going to move the table until it hits the limit switch or the home switch then it goes to the index pulse on the encoder and then it probably comes back to its park position I'm hoping maybe not now it wants to do the tool [Music] changer think I figured it out so we need to go to X and then push time 100 then we want to go positive like so and we'll go to Y okay z o that's interesting will not let you do time 100 in the z-axis I don't know does it have continuous jog okay yes it does have continuous jog that's these buttons here okay not sure how to fire up the spindle I don't know if there's an MDI mode think I might have it so if we go down now we can put in uh let's say 500 uh clear 500 enter okay then spindle on and then I have to hit cycle start probably uh there we go sounds pretty good let her warm up for a minute all right let's go for the big one [Music] 8,000 sounds good sounds really good cool I got to study the tool changer and figure out how that works but so far so good well I can't get the tool changer to work so it should do a tool change so it wants me to put tool one in the spindle but if I push the unclamp button it's going to it's going to freak out and it says spindle clamp and unclamp inputs detected so there must be uh I don't know a adjustment required on a proximity switch or a pressure switch not sure because it does if I go in here to the diagnostic page and I go to that works just fine so I'm not sure what's going on but I do have good news check this out if we go to uh system configuration and we go to display machine specifics look at that zero hours yeah looks brand new to me all right well I think we're going to have to stop here I think we're in pretty good shape my bargain machine does work but it also needs some work which is not surprising we'll have to tear into the tool changer the automatic tool changer is the most complicated part of a CNC machine and that typically means it's the least reliable part but I don't think say anything major I need to get the machine in a permanent place wired up leveled and then we can kind of figure out what's going on unfortunately there's a lot of things going on in the shop right now so might be a little while before we get that done of course the Real Money Pit with a CNC machine is not the machine it's the tooling there's two 6inch vices and a bunch of pull studs and Tool holders unfortunately I must have fat fingered my order and I got a bunch of er25 CET holders instead of er32 so we have to spend about a 100 bucks on shipping to send that b but no big deal that's it I want to say thanks to the folks who support me on patreon they make impulse purchasing a clapped out £7,000 CNC machine a lot less financially precarious thanks everybody for watching and hopefully I'll see you back here for part two which is coming soon does it print shoes it's going to print the shoe we might use it for that what is it going to make I don't know I got your machine running oh it's my machine now it's my machine actually oh you like this song Would you obviously this is a serious work environment
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 164,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DcqD0Gqbn30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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