Mechanic Finishes Building Office / Loft

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will you sit my na the office project is coming along nicely but it might be nice to have a stair railing that's a little bit less imaginary [Applause] [Applause] helps if you turn the compressor on [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I look pretty oh no this is I told you it's it's a labyrinth in here come on Max they more the merer it's really hard to show the whole thing pretty solid maybe not it's pretty solid Max I don't know this is this is a little loose up here w [Applause] so we want the inside to line up with the close side of that GRE seeet your squint the glass will sit on these rubber pads I also cut a Groove into the header so it won't crush the glass when the floor joy sags how am I supposed to hold it up from the inside you have these things called the posable thumbs you just hook them around the other one going to be the outer frame is built in sections and screwed together I'm using Murphy's Law here I figure the easier I make it to replace the glass panels the less likely it is that I'll actually have to do it also the screws help squeeze the frame together and preload the foam insulation tape it looks fantastic but there's a little bit of a problem you wouldn't think glass would be that flexible but it is I mean it doesn't have to be that strong but I kind of think it needs to be stronger than that so I'm going to build some some beefier middle supports [Music] [Applause] cannot work without copyrighted music right Max I'm used to noisy environments okay right this is too quiet in the shop all right enjoy your yellow door I hope it looks good I really do me too we are getting very very close I took care of some of the details off camera the door is installed and painted I added some trim the window trim is done including the beefed up middle supports that came out pretty good that ain't going anywhere as far as I'm concerned the stairs are done I added some lag bolts to the uprights and I nailed some 2x4s inside the stringers we talked about adding a post I'm not going to do that I reread the code as far as I understand it the six foot span on Cut stringers is for outdoor decks only for indoor stairs all you have to do is support a minimum live load and I analyzed the structure this thing is super beefy it's good for about three times the suggested live load requirement so we're going to quit while we're ahead and see if we can cross the finish line on this project the overwhelming consensus from the last video was just to paint the outside of the office so that's good enough for me I rented an airless sprayer we're going to see how fast we can put on some primer and paint I do have to do some masking though so that's going to take a while stand by that's my first time using an airless paint sprayer it's advertised as no overspray but my floor and my boots would beg to differ it is a lot of overspray luckily I covered up the Malibu we need a gate or door at the top of the stairs just something to keep the humans from falling out but still allow access with the forklift [Music] [Applause] the plan is to make a simple sliding door using these rollers that fit standard Unistrut naturally we had to subject them to a battery of durability and speed tests oh that was number one that was number one [Applause] okay number three that was a tie that was a number three I saw it I don't know three do yeah that was number three I don't know that was definitely number three you say so despite those dubious test results I think they'll hold up a wooden door [Music] [Music] [Music] that'll work [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w that's all I got foot 8 in doing good there it is it started [Applause] do it normally a sliding door hangs from the top track but we just happen to be between two Rafters so there's no structure above the ceiling in this area in this case the top track just keeps the door from tipping and all the weight is carried by the bottom track lad actually worked out pretty good push it all the way to the ladder again un see how much and it's getting closer to the wall as we go so why don't I move that out about A4 of an inch we'll see what that does I think so have I mentioned how much I love painting most of the wood I've painted has at least four coats of paint some of it has five or six plus it's crazy expensive I've spent over $1,000 just on paint and we're out of I don't know about this modern environmentally friendly paint I know it's better for the polar bears and better for our brain cells but I don't think it's any better as paint it's so thin that it it just won't cover but then paradoxically it takes forever for it to dry now some of this paint's been on here for 3 weeks and it still feels a little bit tacky something really weird just happened I think I'm done what do we do now let's take a tour of this fine facility I changed some settings in the camera so hopefully it's less nausea inducing you guys let me know what you think about the color scheme I'm uh I'm not so sure but then again I'm also not a very good judge that is a very yellow door I don't know consider myself fairly artistic but I have trouble with colors my wife says I'm color blind even though the Department of Motor Vehicles begs to differ I installed a flush mount cover on the breaker box I had to order that they just they didn't have it in stock when I bought the uh bought the Box all the trims installed and painted I think it looks pretty nice probably too nice I don't know what we're going to do about the floor it's a hot mess obviously I don't know if we're going to put down some laminate flooring or I'd almost like to have carpet but it probably won't hold up very well I had carpet in my old office and it was kind of nice nice and warm in the winter all we'll see I got to do something about the echo for sure cuz it's it's pretty brutal right now all right on to the stairs I don't know I have to say I think that I like the stairs being the natural wood color better but it was a little weird having all the the printing on the wood got my nice blue accent and you can still see the hickeys in my salvaged sheeting no big deal our sliding door this thing is pretty [Music] awesome just like that we have a great big opening we can load pallets with the forklift I've already been doing a little bit of that started setting up my shelves that's a project in and of itself I've got a heck of a lot of paint for a guy that doesn't like to paint anyway I'm trying to be pretty strict about what I put up here so my strategy is if I find something and I don't remember that I had it I'm either going to toss it or sell it cuz obviously I didn't need it that bad if I didn't even know I had it if I haven't used it for a year I'm going to think about whether I might use it in the next year and if the answer is no I'm going to try to toss it or sell it but I've got a lot of stuff this space is going to fill up pretty quickly luckily you know it's designed for 150 lb per per square foot of load so you could actually put 11 tons up here as long as you sort of evenly distributed it yeah this is great got to put a latch on the door just to keep the little ones safe cuz they like to play up here and then I'm just going to lead this doorway open I don't see any reason to put a door in here yeah the stairs came out really really nice I'm very happy with them I want to say thanks everybody for sticking it out on this project I know it's been a long haul I got to get up on my soap box for a minute hopefully this doesn't come across too much like old man yells at Cloud I've been watching the comments and I've been pleasantly surprised I know from my own past experience and from watching everybody else on YouTube that DIY construction videos the comments can get pretty nasty and I'm not exactly sure why I think it's mostly just that everybody at least tangentially has some experience with construction but also there seems to be this attitude among people in rich countries like ours that if you can't do something as fast or as well as someone who has Decades of experience and thousands of dollars worth of specialty equipment that you shouldn't even try and I just think that is the stupidest possible attitude you know we're creating a society where nobody knows how to do anything and we're actively discouraging them from even trying to learn I'll tell you something about your brain that you may not know when I was a kid I read an article in outdoor life or Field and Stream about what to do if you get lost in the wilderness and the survival expert said the first thing you should do if you think you're lost is stop and build a fire it's not to signal for help or keep you warm or boil water it's just that sitting by a fire calms you down and it helps you think you know we think that we're so smart but the caveman Neanderthal part of our brain is is just below the surface and we are hardwired to build things and to use tools it makes us happy way down in the crom Magnum part of our brain if you want to build something and you don't have every skill and every whizbang tool just think about my house it was built in 1920 there were no building codes no power tools no nail guns no concrete trucks it has no joist hangers no rafter ties no hurricane straps there's not a single sheet of plywood or sheetrock those things didn't exist it was built by half drunk Farmers with a horse and buggy and a bucket of lead paint and you know what it's still standing right where it was 105 years ago 104 anyway all I'm trying to say is if you want to do something don't let the internet discourage you thanks for watching everybody it's a man in his pup leaning against his sturdy railing so sturdy looks good sounds like a storm's coming in that's why we got home early
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 114,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JQqmrUKenlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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