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[Music] thank you we are buying this house behind us this is our door these two are two balconies of our property of our house On Top of the Rock good morning beautiful people welcome back to you leave everything and wonder and welcome back to Sicily I'm Luca this is Sarah and this beautiful baby girl is our daughter luche [Music] [Music] we have been following the wine Euro houses initiative since the beginning and when we came back to Italy in 2020 from Argentina we visited tons of houses we visited tons of municipalities villages we are here because here they are selling houses for one Euro so stay with us because at the end of this video we will talk about the pros and the cons but now let's talk about the present let's talk about the news the surprise of this video [Music] we are buying this house behind us this is our door we are so excited to share this with you guys we are in Mota de fermo it's a little village beautiful Village very quiet we are about 10 minutes away from our Olive Grove so this is the perfect location for us we will give you more details after the tour of the house so let's start let's see what's inside here and then we'll talk more about everything welcome home guys let's start a tour of this beautiful house [Music] yeah only two steps and then all the apartment is on one floor so this is amazing for us and for Lucha this is our beautiful and spacious entrance then we'll start from the right the first little room that we find is the laundry room of what it was the laundry room and here we will place probably the washing machine or we'll make another bathroom then this is the kitchen okay here we will have a lot to do we will keep the tiles even if some of them are broken the flooring is not in a good condition as you can see here especially also the ceiling but then with Luca we will talk about all the the job and the renovation that we will be doing close to the kitchen and between the kitchen and the main bedroom we have this small room we think that it will start to be a kid's room something like this because you don't have any windows in this room so it's pretty claustrophobic but then if you open this door and you open also now this is close and close it panel wood panel but in case we can open it again beautiful is the ceiling very high I don't know how many meters would be this it is this this thing probably three and a half three and a half meters and here the flooring is pretty okay like the floor is gone so bad okay you can follow me now here we have our bathroom no there is no license you can go inside and I will Okay so this is a really small bathroom a little small bath maybe there like here in Europe and here in Italy we use a lot a toilet so really basic the sink yes no windows also in this bathroom yeah probably we will use that to make some ventilation and all the pipes need to be replaced because they are too old and they are broken so we have some good ideas this is a little detail of the tires I think they are nice okay but now it's the best part no wait wait wait wait first here so this door everything is super old yes this is a storage room so you can put what you need like cleaning tools or what you need a daily base that you don't want to see and what's on this door this door [Music] this is the door that will lead us to the second floor that is it's not the second floor it's just the Cantina is the basement the body is super super big we will show you that later it's amazing amazing where we fell in love with this house you will see now why [Music] so the floor is amazing he's an ancient trimming TV floor Sicilian one original one we have to of course renovate a little bit but we'll keep this you can see the green the red and the yellow colors with this amazing decorations and then we love the ceiling these vaulted ceilings it's so spacious it's so Airy to be here so the light is amazing and we have also two balconies one here in this room this is meant to be the living room we have two balconies with an incredible Sea View foreign [Music] the floor here is different but the city is the same and this one is the room that is connected to the children room that is here on this side see this this little door here we are both Another Part Of Me with an amazing view of the sea of the valley and of the rest of the village we are in the medieval neighbor of motada firmo of this Village and noble families were living in here so it's very unique and who will try to keep as much as possible the history of this house so we will keep the doors we'll keep the the floors we'll keep if we can the windows and everything that is in here a part of the pipes are broken they're not working anymore we want to keep these ancient Vibe we connected electricity so we have power right now here in the apartment as you can see there is a lot of Works to be done on the walls to clean all these before painting so over here the his water damage is from many years ago that the roof was leaking then they fix it but it is still needs to be fixed from the inside but outside is already done them so we will fix this basically this house has been abandoned for 20 years so the last time people were living in here was in 2001 since then it was completely abandoned that's why you can see all this damage because the houses need to believe the windows need to be opened up so the air can flow and the humidity can go around of course we will need to replace or try to restore these doors I mean I would like to restore them not to replace them because there's some holes here yeah but you can put some wood and there is no insulation the walls are thick they are very very big so this yes and this is the best insulation right now so it's pretty cool in the summer and it's also nice in the winter here how how big they are so basically from here to here yeah this is like this amount involves I just think so and the electricity is working the power is working yes as you can see the wires are external in the future we will be improving and making it uh safer but it's still working for now yeah the idea is everything that is working and everything that it's not broken not destroyed we will keep it for now and just make what we really need to start living here so make it livable luckily this house is not falling apart it's not destroyed like the structure is still solid it's sturdy so we don't have to replace that or intervene talking about the pipes and the water system we have the the town of water arriving here but uh the pipes are all rotten and broken so we will be installing some pipes on the outside so after this walls will be taken care of fixed when it will be fixed or finish and paint we'll be putting some nice pipes Sarah would love to have some um copper pipes they're a little bit more expensive but they are beautiful to see they are external I think that if you need to build something external we can make it like in Copper that are there are many ways to make it beautiful even if they are external so we don't have to break the walls we don't have to as I said before to intervene in a major way yes and I just would like to say that when we put an offer who can I put an offer on this house we didn't know if the pipes were broken if the electricity was working if it was like kind of a blind offer say this is the house do you want the house yes or no and when we put it offer we say okay we like what we see and if it's not working we'll fix it in the future step by step as always you know that we like this project where we can give a second life the things Second Life to properties a second chance to everything so this is I think a beautiful project so basically the pipes should be from there to here and also going on that room where the laundry is and then from here going up to this side where the toilet is so it's not so so far everything is really close we will be replacing all only the water going to each point but the the gray water or the black water that goes to the shore we are not changing those pipes because they look okay they are not made of steel so they are not rotten uh they are already like PVC or plastic which last longer before breaking or getting rotten and this one it's called Pila opileta it's a mint right Luca the old dishwasher and washing machine yes and so this is pretty common to find in Sicily or everywhere in Italy inside and also outdoor like if you see a bar or a farmhouse you have this one and we'll probably remove these and place a nice shower and a laundry machine here first thing first we have to start with the war renovation and the makeover and then once this is done yes we will proceed with everything else so we decided to hire someone for the walls and then Luca will think about the hydraulic yeah everything else that we need [Music] these two are two balconies of our property of our house huge walls are there walls of the house and here we have an external entrance to the basement here we have the really ancient Church so let me show you the basement everything needs to be cleaned here is where the animals used to eat and those stairs are the stairs that we show you from inside so you can um you can come down here the ceiling is super tall about five meters since the the ceiling is so tall and so high you can basically build two floors over here you can see some windows up there you can see the rock over here so basically the house was built On Top of the Rock I don't know what was in there and then on this side there is another huge room with two windows so a lot of potential over here downstairs you can build a second apartment down here super super big it's huge [Applause] I'm curious to know the flooring see how everything is done foreign you may think that we are crazy and yes we are we are a little bit you know yes yes right we are a little bit crazy but we really need a place where we can stay while working on Olive Grove yes a place where we can have a washing machine a shower a place where Lucia can stand and play and not being on the land 24 hours a day yes also because the Olive Grove is a a long-term project this project renovating this house is way shorter it's way easier and faster to to do and we need a place we don't want to keep renting a house so this opportunity came out and we were like okay let's jump let's do it like it was not our ideas to buy house in the village was no no no our focus is on the Olive Grove our focus is on a property with a sea view with uh but still was 10 minutes driving from our property and uh it was cheaper to to buy this house than building a temporary house on our land so yes and I think that it's also smart for people to people to change yes why so it's a work in progress it is also an opportunity because in the future who knows we could rent then our BMB or yes you know for friends or family coming to visit us they can stay here luckily you know we will start talking about the one Euro houses project this is not a ruin this is house where as Luca said will not take too long to renovate it and we are not obliged to renovate it so the one Euro house initiative became very popular in Italy it started here in CCD actually yeah a few years ago and was like boom everybody ah you need to buy this house just one Euro it went viral because the marketing side of the one Euro house it's really attractive I mean everyone is like oh wow I can have a house for one Euro which is really close to one uh US dollar so yes but nothing is for free in life you have always pros and cons the process is that you can really buy something for one Euro also two Euros now there are two different projects and you for young people there is the possibility to go and live by themselves to became independent yeah this project started because many municipalities many little Villages like this started to disappear because everybody started going to the big cities and the old people who were living there started to to die and to end so these Villages started to become Ghost Town yes to fight phenomenal and also not too not to not to have too many ruins if you are not taking care of houses they're so old after a few years they eventually become ruins and it's really dangerous that's why also this brought this one Euro house started it was because so many houses were dangerous so the roof would collapse the balconies so the municipality told the owners you either put this building a safe conditioner or you give it to us and we sell it with the condition that who buys this house for one Euro needs to re renovate or make this building safe and livable and so that was the concept but then there were many pros and many cons the pros buying a property for a very reasonable price repopulating areas they are abandoned an opportunity for young people that are looking for a house or a home and then also an opportunity for foreigners because it's not an initiative that's dedicated only to Italian residents also for foreigners let's talk about the cons and this is very very interesting because not everybody is talking about this it's not so easy yeah especially the marketing and the viral thing they tend not to say everything because it makes more you know a dream appealing to so at the end you will never end Euros because you need to renovate the house so you are obliged to renovate the house and you have a limited amount of time to do it yes and Plaza it's not something that uh they kind that you go there and you just buy a one Euro house they kind of choose who will buy the house because if you are planning to get your residency there and leave her in that town for at least five years you get more opportunity to buy the house and some municipality is even a required you to go and live there and get your residency there sometimes you cannot even resell the house for an amount of years so if you are thinking okay I will go there I will buy this I will renovate it and then I will sell it for a very high price this is not the case they give you a limited amount of time they tell you okay if you buy the house you have 12 months you have one year to renovate it makes like one year right in the morning yeah and many of these houses you need to put at least 30 or 40 000 Euros we saw some places where there was there was really no hope nothing no no steps no just the outside walls and that's it all these Villages are in very remote and isolated location so it's not that you are going to buy a house in Palermo or in Japanese or places that are really well known and then there is just this because it's so viral sometimes you just see the news and then when you are searching and looking for it then all the houses are already gone so yeah they already sold it even before you know putting it on the market they already sold but they want to still make all these news so the the little abandoned town can have some visibility like Lucha right now this municipality is is not selling houses for one Euro or for two Euros but there are so many villages you cannot even imagine isolated abandoned that are selling house like these you have so many possibilities so don't just focus on the one Euro houses initiative because really just go out there and search a little bit like this house is so old so ancient was built like almost 1 000 years ago so making all these considerations at the end of the day we have been paying less for this house and probably 99.9 percent of the one Euro houses because there is not much work to do on this house to make it livable straight away so I mean you can really find the small houses with some work to do from 3 000 to 20 000 Euro and uh it's it's beautiful it's really romantic these places are really quiet you need to be a little bit crazy like Sarah and I and everything is possible and many of you already know us we are known for getting things that other things that are ruined or you know like vehicles that uh were ready for the junkyard and making huge projects and giving a second chance a second life to to do things so when are we starting The Works the renovation the makeover really really soon so in real life next week we are starting yes we will film also this project so in on our Channel you will see the transformation and the restoration of the Olive Grove with the little Stone House and in the meantime probably this first and the renovation the makeover of this beautiful incredible house we hope you enjoyed today's episode if so please share to us smashing the Thumbs Up Button hit the notification Bell and please consider subscribing to this YouTube channel if you haven't done already we love you we appreciate you thank you for coming along with us we will see you next Sunday and remember I'm sorry we will see you next Sunday and remember La Vita Bella life is beautiful and love always wins ciao [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] hahaha [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: LeAw Leave Everything and Wander - Luca & Sara
Views: 4,697,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leaw, leaveeverythingandwander, leave everything and wander, van life, vanlife, reality, couple, italian, italians, italy, sara, luca, travel, van life Italy, van lifers, vlog, luca and sara, baby girl, real, luce, home, diy family, family, babygirl, baby, travelfamily, travel with a baby, outdoors, lifewithababy, drone, explore, van, rebirth, sicily, house hunting, property, seaview, dream, paradise, history, village life, case a un euro, 1 euro houses, buying, medieval, realestate, village, motta d'affermo, wow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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