AWD Converted Turbo VR6 Corrado at Wookies in the Woods!

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[Music] [Music] hey my name is danny lands i'm out here at wookies in the woods from california and this is my all-wheel drive swapped corrado vr6 turbo [Music] 2300 miles from orange county to here so it was a long haul we did it straight through took about 35 hours after i finally got this car done i just felt like this was the ultimate place to take it so corrado's always been my favorite vw i mean that that's always been my favorite car i got this one about eight years ago and about about three four years ago i decided i was really going to get into trying to learn how to build the car and fix it up and at the time i had a mark 7 golf r and the all-wheel drive was just really amazing in that car it made it what it was of course and so when i started thinking about putting more power in this car i started thinking about a limited slip diff and then i thought well now the ultimate way to go would be to to make it all wheel drive like my golf r which sounded pretty crazy at the time i had people convince me that it was pretty straightforward but it really wasn't and it was a lot more expensive than i thought it would be but but it works and it does put the power down incredibly well there's zero torque steer and it's a really cool and unique car corrado's already kind of a unique car but now mine's a little extra unique [Music] yeah so once i decided that i wanted to try and do this i just kind of scoured the internet hoping for someone who was actually parting out these parts rather than you know i definitely didn't want to try and scavenge out of an r32 because they're kind of sacred so yeah i just i just found a guy that had the gen 1 hall decks out of a mark 4 r32 with the rear suspension which is what i wanted because it had the rear brakes and everything and he had the o2m transmission and the shift box as well you know so i bought those complete from florida and had them crated and shipped to california so from there it was kind of the first step in my mind was let me figure out how to fit this rear end into the corrado and so i cut a giant hole in the trunk floor and started trying to position the haul decks up in there and figure out you know where i could position it and get it to fit oh i actually fabricated my own brackets that mount to the mark iv trailing arms and then used the corrado vertical coilovers so it's kind of a mix of corrado and mark iv rear suspension so the it is a mark 4 r32 drive shaft but it was shortened about 60 millimeters and then rebalanced take it to the drive shaft shop and and have it redone and then the other tricky part was the where the drive shaft sits in the tunnel and the corrado i had to place it pretty high and so the shift box you know and the clearance for the prop shaft was really really tight and so there was probably 20 hours of work just into fitting the shifter in the stock location and still having it clear the prop shaft so little stuff like that takes forever i think i have about 1500 hours of work into the car that's my 1500 that's my best guess yeah it was a lot of work busy person just like everybody else so it was you know some long nights here and there and the occasional saturday going from like 10 to 10 just you know burning a 12-hour day to try and make some progress probably one of the biggest hurdles initially was getting the transmission to fit properly and making sure that the angle drive lined up with the tunnel and everything which should have technically been straightforward but it just didn't turn out to be one of the biggest learning experiences was just building the whole turbo system you know i mean again vr6 turbos are not unique there's plenty of them out there you know not building it from a kit just building it from the parts and and kind of figuring out how i wanted to fit everything again fitting stuff was always the hardest challenge so because it's a water to air intercooler i have a radiator for the intercooler that's almost as big as the mark iii radiator that's for the engine so just packaging everything in there was was tricky having issues with the standalone and just getting it to run right and finding the right tuner and and all that kind of stuff it just required a lot of patience i blew a big old hole in my fifth fifth cylinder piston running lean on the first trying to log a pull so when stuff like that happens you're just back to the drawing board to try and get it to work atp manifold and a precision turbo 5976 a very small turbo pretty small turbo it is a t4 housing but i wanted to have a quick spool and and have torque because you know it's got the all-wheel drive and i can i'm not going to be fighting the torque steer so i wanted it to spool quickly and have a good power band and then yeah it's got 630 injectors uh aem 400 pump it's running a fuel cell in the trunk so we've got plenty of fuel right now we're running about 17 psi and it pulls pretty good and like i said because of all wheel drive it pulls down the power pretty good and you know it's got upgraded brakes front and rear uh deleted the abs all the brake lines from the like from the master cylinder to the calipers is all brand new so the official dyno number on the car was uh right around 250 horsepower at all four wheels but pretty much everyone who's ridden in the car doesn't believe that number so um i'm just gonna say i think it makes more than that but you know that's the official number so so i was i was going to drive here by myself uh trailer the car you know a week beforehand i kind of almost jokingly you know asked my buddy chance if he'd want to come along and and he was game and and his girlfriend tiffany was too which was super cool and so you know all of a sudden i went from having one driver to having three drivers which saved my bacon honestly it made it a lot more feasible was it worth it it was totally worth it um i was just so humbled by the reception of the car here and then you know which was really really rewarding after all the work and time that's gone into it and then on top of that just this this place is just spectacular and i had tried to shake the car down pretty well other places you know there's a lot of good roads in southern california but once you get here and you can drive for five hours and you're on the best roads you're just ripping the car the whole time then you really see what the car can do and and whether it's going to overheat or you know it can handle it and the brakes and the suspension and everything else and so this was i think the ultimate test of the car you know there's a lot of things i want to go fix now that i've now that i've driven it here but but essentially it survived it so i'd say i'd call it a win i've just upgraded the spring rates in the rear because of the extra weight in the back and that helped a lot but now the dampening doesn't feel quite right for the spring so i think the next step is adjustable dampening and and then still want to make some adjustments in tuning and stuff for the engine but i'd say the one thing i don't want to change at this point is the brakes the brakes were really awesome so that was a that's an important thing to have work right yeah i mean in terms of cost of the project i think i guess the honest answer is i haven't really kept that close to track on purpose i'll just say this it seemed for a while there like any time i made any kind of purchase it was at least 200 dollars when i needed some sort of parts for something ultimately you know it is a big financial undertaking you know you definitely have to to budget for it if you really want to do something like this it's difficult to list everything that's that's done to the car because a lot of stuff has has been touched you know the interior i tried to keep pretty original but even then i i found some recaro ls's which which get a lot of brownie points um with the comfort and and they just look really cool so even the interior's been you know massively modified i can't forget the wheels the wheels are you know something that everybody talks about they're they're custom built bbs lms there's there's a lot of details that went into making the car what it is for sure i could not afford to respray the car when i finished it so i decided to teach myself how to vinyl wrap the car and i vinyl wrapped the car a pretty cool blue color just something different i just had a big birthday recently uh number 40 and so my dad decided to hook me up with a respray for my birthday so so we just got it back from paint like four weeks ago and then i had to basically reassemble the car to try and make get it ready for wookies in time so yeah it's very very fresh paint do your research in advance you know youtube and instagram are your best friends in terms of like doing your research finding out what parts fit what works how other people have approached it there are actually a lot of different ways you can build a car like this there is not just one way i'm not going to necessarily say that my way was the right way either i would get the hall decks in the car and kind of do some of the basic fabrication and then you know at that point i would probably turn it over to a professional especially for things like wiring and that kind of stuff just the more i worked on it the more confidence i got and i decided to just do everything myself basically so yeah so the hell deck is controlled by a aftermarket controller it's actually for sale through dap's website vanderveer engineering is what it's called it's controllable on my phone through bluetooth and then it also has a manual override switch so i can basically program it to do it the way i'm using it right now is based on throttle position so when the throttle position is really low like on the highway it's just front wheel drive and then when i get into throttle and corners and things like that it engages the rear all the way up to 50 50. so that's how i'm controlling it it was pretty plug and play a little bit of wiring but it's really was pretty straightforward and it works really really well yeah if you want to if you want to see the details of the build i'm sure nobody wants to watch a one-hour video where i spell out every last little detail so i'm just kind of trying to hit the high points things that i think might be of interest i tried to be really generous in posting tons and tons of pictures for two reasons really one was so if anyone else was crazy enough to take this on they could see how i did it and then the other very important reason was so that if someone saw me do something stupid they would hopefully put some comments up and tell me what i did wrong so um so it was very much for both reasons and and there's a lot of pictures on on my page if you want to see how it was built but but i'll say this i mean i'm i'm not a mechanic and i'm not trained in this you know professionally and i took it on and and just kind of had a will to to make it work and i think honestly if i can do it anybody can i mean there's a lot of time spent on the internet researching things you know a lot of time learning how to weld and do things like that but at the end of the day i mean the biggest ingredient is patience and just you know perseverance with it [Music] you
Channel: Deutsche Auto Parts
Views: 77,275
Rating: 4.9805708 out of 5
Keywords: vr6 swapped Corrado, turbo vr6 corrado, awd swapped mk1, awd swapped corrado, vr6 conversion, awd conversion, vrt corrado
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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