South Park's HUGE Comeback Season

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so somehow in 2023 we are in the midst of an honest to God South Park Renaissance cannot say that I ever saw this coming I've been a fan of South Park for a long time as you can probably tell from my dozens of South Park videos but just before season 26 began this year I suddenly saw a massive spike in viewership on tons of my South Park videos then when season 26 began they spiked even more I never would have guessed that my episode breakdowns for the 26th season of South Park would outperformed my breakdowns for the most recent season of Rick and Morty but here we are I covered 5 out of 6 episodes of season 26 and to close everything out I wanted to put everything in one place and add some final thoughts on the latest season of the show this video is basically a compilation of all of my individual breakdowns plus new thoughts on things I missed or got wrong in between each episode breakdown and finally there will be a big final thought section on the season as a whole if you're not interested in re-watching all of the breakdowns you may have already seen don't worry I'll have time codes in the description so you can jump between my new thoughts on each episode and final thoughts on the season plus I'm going to talking about my overall thoughts on this interesting South Park Renaissance as well so let's do it South Park's 26th season just premiered and Jesus let's just take that in for a moment South Park's 26th season just premiered that's crazy the season premiere tackled some recent Kanye West controversy in a very different way than usual but in my opinion probably much more effectively and though they didn't actually put Kanye himself in the episode they completely dismantled a string of anti-Semitic comments incredibly clearly and effectively but it also naturally built off of what the past season or so has established for the show and brought back a now pretty frequently recurring character in a fun New Way so let's break it down so I think what makes this episode work in classic South Park fashion is that its primary focus is on the kids and a dilemma that they're going through on a personal level and through exploring that dilemma they introduced the social commentary I definitely prefer it when it feels like the issues the kids are having are actual kid-focused issues issues that any kid could deal with in this one Stan is bummed out because Kyle is starting to spend more time with Tolkien a very relatable concept for a kid and I actually think this works doubly well because not all only as Kyle Stan's longtime best friend but over season 25 and the streaming War specials Stan started becoming a lot closer with Tolkien so his longtime best friend and his new friend are now hitting it off and spending all their time together without him it not only builds off of the history of the show but the most recent developments as well really effectively Kyle and Tolkien are now making tick tocks together and everybody in the school except for the main gang seems to love it I was wondering when South Park would feature Tick-Tock more prominently and the way they showcased Kyle and token's content made me laugh a lot I think a lot of older audience members just react the same way that Stan Cartman and Kenny do here dumbfounded by what this even is funny side note I checked out their username Kyle tolkien23 on Tick Tock and it looks like South Park production probably locked down that account it's set to private but I would kind of love it if they started animating little tick tocks that Kyle and Tolkien make together and just posting them post-production Johnny here as I was editing this it turns out they actually sent this Tick Tock live and it does seem to be from the South Park production they're posting Kyle and tolkien's tick tocks so go follow Kyle Tolkien 23 on Dick talk but Stan's jealousy over the situation kicks Cartman into action and as per usual that's what sends everything flying off the rails in order to try and split Kyle and Tolkien up he starts trying to fill tolkien's head with anti-semitic lies about Kyle particularly echoing the idea that Kyle runs Hollywood and this idea starts spreading around not only the school but also the entire town can we just admit this whole woke thing isn't working I mean it's been great in so many ways but now it's like every movie and every TV show you know oh hey it's my comment section whenever I talk about a show being rebooted there has obviously been a lot of anti-Semitism in the news cycle recently but it was absolutely most prominent when Kanye West was doing podcasts and interview press tours South Park is lambasted Kanye before in absolutely classic episodes like fish sticks and later in The Hobbit generally parodying his inflated ego in really fun ways this time rather than bring their version of Kanye back to South Park they incorporate these controversial statements and claims into another ongoing character Cupid me who sort of represents this very troubled aspect of Cartman's own mind and I actually think this Fusion of these ideas into Cupid ye was really smart for a few reasons for one the conversation around Kanye during that press tour did largely become about his mental health and whether or not he was having a manic episode so tying the story into Cartman's mental health I think is effective two previously the reason parody and Kanye was fun was because you could push it to such hilarious extremes yeah Kanye is egotistical but refusing to budge when he can't understand the fish sticks joke is an escalation in a really fun and absurd way but now Kanye is saying things that are absurd and harmful and he's also doing it in a way that is frankly Beyond parody like how are you going to escalate Kanye into parody when he's already going on talk shows praising Hitler the answer is you probably aren't and lastly I think that Cupid ye's whole Aero gimmick is a really apt visualization for how these anti-semitic ideas kind of end up spreading it seems like it should be very easy for these harmful stereotypes to get weeded out with the simplest of research and critical thinking but the more their Echo in the news cycle even if it's to criticize the takes the more people sort of just get stuck with these little Nazi arrows and this stuff really has been spreading I've been running this channel for over six years and in all that time I have never once gotten any even remotely anti-semitic comments that is until the last six months or so no joke there has been a real influx just last week I got someone who blamed Justin roiland's ousting from Rick and Morty on quote unquote a Jew in Hollywood yeah it's getting pretty gross out here and I know these are mostly outliers but still I think that South Park's approach to shooting down Kanye's claims was really smart and really effective form a story around those kinds of ideas spreading and then refute them directly to the camera at the end of the episode and point out that finding this information is not difficult if one idiot says that a certain group runs Hollywood look into it and to top it all off they even give a full-on history lesson as to how Jewish people joined the ranks of Hollywood in the first place breaking down their Roots as entertainers in Vaudeville when other job jobs were more difficult for them to obtain and how those entertainers eventually ended up moving to Hollywood and forming the first movie studios which at that time was not seen as high class work and their descendants are now a decent percentage of the thousands of people of all Races that make Hollywood run and in perfect South Park fashion they bring it all back to a comedic ending when these producers decide that Kyle's message was so clear and effective that they actually want him to run Hollywood a funny Capper but even funnier is what they do when they cut to credits they only list Matt Stone who is Jewish as the Creator writer and director of this episode even listing Trey as the assistant to Mr Stone but I really love that South Park was the show to approach this issue so clearly because frankly there are a lot of people who watch South Park who are a little bit impressionable I hope this one gets through to them of course I expect I'll still get a lot of weird and awful comments about it too so that's cool there were a few other things I really liked about this episode one when everyone started confronting Kyle about the aspects of Hollywood they don't like you hear some pretty funny any complaints a Lord of the Rings prequel show aren't there enough superheroes a Super Mario movie Mushroom Kingdom Here We Come but from a character standpoint I especially love that when Kyle is being confronted Tolkien and Stan were the ones to stand with him and defend him I've actually really loved tolkien's increased presence since the Big Fix and seeing him now have a real friendship with both Stan and Kyle is pretty satisfying for the most part it seems like South Park is continuing to get back to basics with these short little Seasons that have become the new Norm season 25 mostly contained episodic Adventures focused on the kids with some minor continuity sprinkled throughout while the Paramount plus specials have sort of dived headfirst into the bigger two-part serialized stories and while it is kind of a bummer that we only get six regular episodes a year now I think this format is giving us the best amount of variety in storytelling we can hope for and this first episode effectively built off of some of the more subtle character relationships we saw grow in the last set of episodes while telling its own Standalone story it maintained the small status quo shifts like Cartman living in the Coney Island hot dog stand or tolkien's family running category Farms but it didn't draw attention to those things plot wise these are just aspects of the world now these are the places these characters live so overall I was really happy with the season 26 Premiere and I'm pretty excited to see what we get in the next five episodes but I also want to know what you thought about South Park season 26's premiere did you like the way it approached Kanye's latest controversy or do you wish that they had just brought their version of Kanye back to South Park instead did you like the return of cupid me this time let me know Below in the comments and stay tuned for more peace [Music] very impressed with the way they handled Kanye without validating him by making him appear as a character it was impressive satire and storytelling sadly the comment section of this video basically further confirmed how common Brazen anti-Semitism has become it was a huge bummer to see but luckily the vast majority of the response was level-headed and grateful for the commentary that South Park made it's just a shame that they weren't able to address the insane plot twist that Connie and L likes Jewish people again because he watched Jonah Hill in 21 Jump Street you really can't make this [ __ ] up alright let's move on to worldwide privacy tour and Japanese toilet who shot Randy Marsh was it Prince Harry Kanye West HBO Max a toilet paper company find out on tonight's video breakdown of South Park season 26. South Park just aired its third episode of season 26 and this week rather than the more topical celebrity bashing like we've seen from the last two episodes we got a pretty classic Randy romp called Japanese toilet and man did this episode take some twists and turns that I loved but South Park has been all over the news recently partially because Prince Harry and Meghan Markle did not take kindly to their portrayals in the previous episode worldwide privacy tour and partially because Paramount and South Park Studios are getting sued by HBO Max for 500 million dollars for breach of their exclusivity contract there is a ton going on and I'm going to talk about all of it in addition to breaking down this week's episode let's start with the angry Royals move on to the latest episode and then I'll wrap up the video breaking down the massive lawsuit so I didn't talk about last week's episode despite the major controversy surrounding it I did think aspects of it were funny overall it just wasn't one of my favorites though that hardly matters because they seemed to have been entirely validated by the response the episode focused on the prince and princess of the Canadian monarchy leaving the royal family and embarking on a worldwide tour begging for privacy an obvious rip on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle who since leaving the royal family have written books done countless interviews podcasts and a Netflix series I think obviously the commentary being that if they really wanted privacy they should stop putting themselves on public platforms and then we saw something that I didn't think we'd ever see again a Folly that most celebrities learned not to make over a decade ago after the episode aired it was reported that Meghan Markle was upset and overwhelmed by the South Park episode's portrayal and I don't doubt that it would be upsetting to be lambasted in a South Park episode but I cannot believe that in 2023 we have a celebrity publicly decrying a South Park portrayal it feels like a story out of 2005. I mean if Tom Cruise Jews and all of his Scientology money and lawyers couldn't make anything happen after the infamous Trapped in the Closet episode who can in fact the only person who has ever gotten a South Park episode banned is the Muslim Prophet Muhammad I think his counts up to five banned episodes now anyways worldwide privacy tour has been covered extensively in the press and other channels like my dude blooms so I don't want to Dive In Too Deep but man Markle is from Los Angeles she should know that taking a South Park parody on the chin is a much better route publicity wise but let's talk about this week's episode which was much less topical and felt like a real classic Randy storyline after their toilet breaks at their Tegrity house Randy is convinced to buy a ten thousand dollar Japanese toilet at Home Depot one of those super fancy toilets with the built-in bidets that clean your whole ass spotlessly real classy stuff and buying this fancy toilet gives Randy a real superiority complex about his life situation acknowledging that he now makes a lot more money as a Weed Farmer he starts inviting friends over to brunch and leadingly suggests that they use his bathroom does anyone need to go to the bathroom ah no I'm I'm good oh maybe some more coffee then I said it before but this entire situation feels very classic Randy and it's a great example of why I think the people calling for the show to abandon Integrity Farms are wrong to do so there is no reason we can't have classic Randy storylines set at Tegrity Farms this is only tangentially related to the fact that it's a weed farm stemming from the idea that Randy makes more money now and how this affects his attitude he mentions weed but the episode has nothing to do with wheat or selling weed otherwise though I did love the little set decoration detail that at brunch there's a vase on the table with a couple of weed plants in them also can we point out this weird little mix of people at brunch the starches the tweaks Nelson and just Sheila broflovsky I wonder where Gerald was the other fun aspect of the first half of the episode is how Randy's new pompous attitude is affecting Stan's school life Randy apparently called everyone to tell him about his expensive toilet and now they're all ripping on Stan for being rich Stan just so you know nobody gives a [ __ ] okay you know it's bad when Cartman would rather hang out with Scott malkinson and also whoever this kid is I guess his name is Douglas and he's been around since breast cancer show ever according to the wiki but I fully had to look him up we also get the debut of this brand new character named Betsy who actually got some lines did you know some people can't even afford to eat how about caring for something that matters you [ __ ] and honestly great delivery great design I hope we see more of Betsy and her name makes me wonder if she's maybe voiced by Trey's daughter Betty who's done a ton of younger kid voices for the show in the past regardless very funny line anyways Randy being this embarrassing and messing with Stan's school life is another aspect of the episode that feels very classic South Park but the episode takes some crazy turns and this is honestly where it really hits for me Jimmy tries to warn Stan about the toilet paper industry and spouts off some crazy data like the fact that supplying the US with toilet paper takes 31.1 million trees per year which is absolutely insane and sure enough when Randy tries to convince everyone to switch to fancier toilets that clean your ass better he gets shot I did not see this turn coming and I actually rewound it because I wanted to make sure that's what I actually saw but the transition into the conspiracy-laden thriller-esque tone was a welcome one Stan's investigation eventually reveals that Jimmy had been harassed by big toilet paper when he was in second grade because of an vertically wrote for the newspaper and after Stan tries to reveal the truth and stop a big toilet paper Randy rushes up to stop him and then tells everyone that he's actually very Pro toilet paper obviously deciding that it is not a battle worth fighting bro I got shot the episode ends with Randy digging up the old toilet placing it back in their bathroom and claiming that buying luxury items isn't always worth it because it might lead you to feeling like you need to upgrade everything else in your life and honestly I'm not sure I Vibe with this final message because the episode made some very valid points about toilet paper it kills so many trees every single year and it doesn't even clean your ass very well water is a super renewable resource and 100 does a better job cleaning I really hope the toilet paper companies don't see this video but I did overall really enjoy this episode South Park seems to be fully embracing more episodic stories during their shorter six episode seasons and halfway through season 26 it seems like they're going that route again I like that they started with some more topical commentary and celebrity parodying and now they're doing a story that I'm guessing was just inspired by matter Trey getting a fancy toilet or just using one maybe I like the variety of types of stories going all topical commentary can definitely get tiresome okay now let's talk about this lawsuit because it is pretty crazy I actually speculated about the state of Park standing between streaming services back in my streaming Wars coverage last summer and it has become increasingly clear that that story was entirely about the conflict we're seeing between HBO Max and Paramount plus your son is his friends just made exclusive deals for multiple streaming services basically HBO Max is suing Paramount Plus in South Park Studios for 500 million dollars a few years back South Park and Paramount auctioned off the rights to stream South Park for hundreds of millions of dollars eventually being won out by HBO Max however HBO Max licensed these episodes under the understanding that they would not only be getting the entire library of 300 plus episodes but also the very valuable rights to stream brand new episodes after the air on Comedy Central and at the time the three-year contract would grant them three new seasons of 10 episodes apiece so 30 brand new episodes of South Park then the pandemic hit and season 24's plans changed substantially however South Park still managed to produce two specials the pandemic special and the vaccination special basically the equivalent of four episodes which did air on HBO Max however they allegedly promised that a real 10 episode season 24 would be coming eventually but this is when Paramount plus signed a massive new deal with South Park Studios and I've brought up in other videos how insane this deal was essentially South Park was renewed for seven more years and in addition to more seasons they'd be making two quote-unquote movies a year to air exclusively on Paramount plus now at the time this sounded wild they did produce two post covet specials for Paramount in 2021 but then the promised season 24 never happened and season 25 aired the following year in 2022 however season 25 only consisted of six episodes rather than the previously promised 10. these Paramount Plus movies are basically two episodes a piece so effectively what this massive Paramount deal did was divert four episodes from their production cycle episodes that should go to HBO Max and instead turned them into two specials a year to air exclusively on Paramount plus they basically cut their season order short so they were still technically delivering New Seasons to HBO Max but also giving their own streaming service Paramount plus new exclusive South Park content without adding anything to the South Park Studios workload in my streaming Wars video I talked about how crazy it is that the deals worked out this way and so it does not surprise me at all that HBO Max is suing Paramount here after expecting 30 new episodes to exclusively stream on their service they will effectively only have gotten 12 episodes and 2 specials roughly half the order plus a direct competitor is airing these big event South Park specials I am very curious how this will pan out I expect that either Paramount will have to pay out to HBO Max or South Park Studios will be forced to fulfill their 30 episode promise to HBO Max somehow which will mean they'll need to deliver roughly 14 more episodes after season 26 before the HBO Max contract ends in 2025. it is very clear to me that Paramount suffered from sellers remorse especially after launching their own streaming service and realizing how valuable the South Park library is and though I really love the variety that we're getting from the combo of these shorter seasons and the two specials per year it seems clear to me that this entire Paramount deal used some pretty shady tactics I think HBO Max really has [Music] oh [ __ ] Johnny you good just remember read this read this all right so in conclusion Paramount plus technically did nothing wrong and HBO Max is being greedy make sure to subscribe to Paramount plus to catch two new exclusive South Park special events coming later this year this video brought to you by Paramount Plus so obviously I use this video to briefly talk about worldwide privacy tour which I skipped in individual breakdowns but let's talk about that one a little more while it was probably my least favorite of the Season there was a ton that I enjoyed about it I love how committed South Park is to any and all royal family Stories being Canadian initially established in season 15's Royal pudding and continued in freemium isn't free and even South Park the stick of truth I really love the detail that the prince and princess move into Cartman's old house when they moved to South Park someone had to move in after Eric and Leanne moved to that Coney Island hot dog after talking about Harry and Megan's reaction to the South Park episode and sort of giving them [ __ ] for it I did get a lot of comments suggesting that their reactions were mostly just rumors and after a little more research it did seem to be started by just tabloid journalists without much in terms of substantial sources so I really wouldn't be surprised if it was all Bs to rile up more disdain for them though ultimately I do think South Park's critique of the couple is valid though I do think that they did the right thing by leaving the royal family because the monarchy sucks their massive media tour afterwards is a little sus I understand wanting to do interviews to defend yourself from the attacks but multiple podcasts and documentaries and specials it seems like a lot as far as Japanese toilet goes I still really love this one as a classic Randy story I did get a lot of Guff in the comments for not realizing that he was going to get shot seeing as how he described himself and his family as the Kennedys over and over and uh yeah that's on me not sure how I missed that one I also mentioned that the ending beat where Randy learns his lesson to not desire anything fancier seemed off and I definitely think that was intentional it's not supposed to be a lesson to be taught more like okay we're gonna fall in line because it's not worth ever let's move on to deep learning after last week's relatively non-topical Randy storyline South Park's latest episode tackled a very hot button subject from over the past year or so deep learning Ai and specifically chat GPT and they did it in a very creative way reintroducing Stan's relationship with Wendy for the first time in quite a while and laying out both the benefits and clear Follies in over utilizing AI tech there are some very fun details to break down here plus I'm on a sidebar for a South Park conspiracy Corner because I think they may have used more AI than they let on in this episode so let's get into it so first off y'all think this entire episode was inspired by Bloom's AI written South Park video essay because I definitely think it could have been inspired by Bloom's AI written South Park video essay he basically did the entire thing with chatgpt and even used an AI voice clone of himself for the video it's pretty interesting and this episode definitely explores the idea of relying too much on AI rather than living life for yourself and it does this through the reintroduction of Stan and Wendy's relationship interestingly we actually haven't seen a ton about Stan and Wendy in a while back in season 20 all the girls broke up with all the boys as a form of protest including Wendy though Stan tried to win her back with uh Bill Clinton's help but we never got any confirmation that they did get back together until now though the fractured but whole video game has dialogue that implies they're still romantic with each other when the pair are battling together hey that's no normal girl you're hitting there thanks I think and in the future in the postcovid specials it's definitely implied that Stan has feelings for Wendy as he starts drinking when he learns that Wendy is married then in the fixed timeline future in Return of kovid she's single and agrees to spend New Years with Stan you want to maybe spend New Year's together again I'd love that but as far as the current present timeline goes there have been zero episodes that confirm or deny that the pair are in an ongoing relationship anymore until this latest episode but man while this was all very fun as a return to this pairing it was kind of a bummer I expect stendy shippers are not stoked on how this episode went down it starts with baby being very excited and sharing Clyde's incredibly romantic texts with the other girls he said I know I'm in with you because spending time with you makes me feel like I'm home and I can't imagine life without you this makes Wendy self-conscious about her own relationship with Stan and she Scrolls through her phone looking at all of the texts she sent him only to be met with thumbs up reacts from Stan and man Wendy's texts are very sweet and supportive towards Dan I really like the detail that she asked if his dad was doing all right and saying she is always there for him referencing back to the events of the previous episode Japanese toilet when Randy got shot but it sure does make Stan look like an [ __ ] and the rest of the episode doesn't do much better Stan asks Clyde how he sends such great text to baby and he Reveals His secret chat GPT dude like I said this is a very funny use of chat GPT and it definitely made me wonder how many people are out there using like dating apps and AI technology to make themselves seem more interesting than they actually are but man as a fan of Stan as a character this whole following Montage was very sad they go out of their way to show that Stan isn't using chat GPT as a tool or Aid in his conversations he's literally using it as a replacement for his own half of the conversation not even reading Wendy's responses just copying pasting copying pasting and Wendy is ecstatic because she believes that she is actually connecting to Stan on a level she never has before and man the Montage of all this going down is so emotionally affecting with a great song choice and really creative shots to Showcase how happy Wendy is when South Park wants to get emotional they can really get emotional actually I made an entire video about that with ls Mark you should check it out but I think the episode does a great job showcasing why this was a horrible decision from Stan Wendy eventually brings up to Stan in person that she opened up to him about some very sensitive things that happened to her as a child and Stan had no idea what she was talking about furthermore chat gpt's responses implied that something similar happened to Stan I like this metaphor because it shows how dangerous it can be to entirely remove the human aspect from the use of AI and I think this is a major part of the episode's message we'll get back to that in a bit the other major plot line in this episode is that a handful of students have been using chat GPT to write their papers and get good grades including Cartman Butters and Clyde this eventually leads to the suspicion that people have been using learning AI for their papers and the school hires someone to investigate I really loved how the investigator was a literal Shaman I think people thought that this was a specific reference to something but I'm pretty sure the idea is just what if they used the least scientific methods possible to seek out the use of this deeply Scientific Technology it was pretty funny I also liked the return of Rick in this episode Garrison's boyfriend who teaches him about chat GPT and I also liked Garrison's dilemma expecting that he'll get fired if they discover his students used AI but I especially like the way Garrison spelled out the arguments for and against AI with his own personal deliberations likening the occasional use of AI to having a really great writer's assistant to help build ideas but then becoming furious at the idea that Rick may have been using AI to respond to his messages because when you entirely remove the human aspect of creating art or writing you get something that is hollow and only based on regurgitated idea is that already exist and the end of the episode brilliantly showcases this Wendy is cornered by the shaman because Stan sent so many AI generated texts to her phone and to save the day Stan uses chat GPT the entire last chunk of the episode was written by chat gbt meant to cleanly wrap up the episode and tie up the Loose Ends without anybody suffering any consequences it's narrated by an AI voice and what it perfectly illustrates is that the Reliance on AI basically generated a deeply unsatisfying and nonsensical end to their story the episode ends with nobody angry and everybody happy with no real resolution or reason for them to feel that way good how did you pull all that up it illustrates their entire point that AI can be used as a tool to Aid in writing but when used by itself it doesn't quite deliver something worthwhile and the cut to credits that the episode was written by Trey Parker and chat GPT is a great joke to end on now I expect that the only real use of chat GPT in this episode was maybe for the text messages and of course for the final ending sequence though I would also probably expect that the ending sequence required some editing from Trey however I think that maybe there was one more secret use of AI generation in this episode which is a good time to introduce our first ever Southpark conspiracy Corner okay hear me out last week's episode Japanese toilet notably featured zero examples of Matt Stone's voice acting everyone was Trey Parker and the other cast members no Kyle no Butters no Kenny this week there was a single character voiced by Matt Stone and that was Butters and butters had shockingly few lines compared to the usual use of Butters as a character it was in incredibly noticeable in this scene in the bathroom where Butters doesn't talk until the very end and over the course of the episode he only had like three lines to you I'm glad about it to clap chat GPT what are we gonna do additionally at the very end of the episode in the credits there is a special thanks to for AI voices now sure this could just be referring to the AI generated voice for the final sequence but it does say voices plural and play HT also does voice cloning so here's the conspiracy what if a couple of weeks ago math Stone got a fancy Japanese toilet and Trey Parker started roasting him for it opting to write an entire episode around the idea and what if this made Matt Stone so upset that he refused to participate in the episode at all and is still so mad about it that he didn't participate in the latest episode either forcing Trey to use limited Butters dialogue generated by AI technology or maybe Matt Stone is just sick and hasn't been able to read for the show for a couple of weeks I also live in LA and there are a lot of sicknesses going around right now actually if you listen to some of my recent videos you might be able to tell the weeks that I was sick plus many people have pointed out that even Trey's voices have sounded off this week for the most part they were terrible it could be attributed to the fact that these dudes are getting older but also it's fully possible that Matt has been sick and Trey caught whatever Matt had and they're struggling through this dialogue either way Matt Stone's absence from the voice cast is definitely noticeable and intriguing hopefully he's just been sick and will return next week because it's been weird to have absolutely zero file participation in either of the last two episodes and also just such limited Butters dialogue I wonder if this is one of the reasons they've been using Betsy more voiced by Trey's daughter Betty she once again had a line of dialogue in this episode and was featured very heavily in different shots lastly I want to talk about one other point they made in this episode Stan asserts that AI has to be a tool that is accessible to everyone because it's so powerful that corporations are going to use it regardless and if people don't adapt they will send simply be replaced and I think this is a very unfortunate reality there are so many instances already of companies trying to cut costs by replacing artists with AI and the better AI gets the more likely this is to keep happening Corridor Digital recently did this rock paper scissors quote-unquote anime and while many claim this is mostly just a Cool Tech experiment the reality is is that they frame it as a way to make animation more accessible to non-artists but they also specifically used frames from the anime Vampire Hunter D to generate the art style that they used they literally had to rip off other people's art to make all of this happen at all the channel mother's basement actually did a great video about this highly recommend checking it out I do think that there is a place for AI in art but it has to be an aid of actual artists it cannot be at their expense and unfortunately with our highly profit driven culture corporations are for certain going to see this as simply a way to save money so I do think that they have a point here I do not think people should be gen generating art or shitty stories with AI and selling them for profit because ultimately that art can only exist by pulling from the existence of other artists hard work without any residuals going their way hopefully precedence set in copyright law will prevent artists from being exploited by Deep learning AI but there is no doubt in my mind that corporations Studios and people whose only job is to maximize profits will exploit this technology wherever possible and exploit real actual artists in the process there may just have to be some kind of middle ground in which artists utilize AI as an assisting tool but not as an outright replacement the moment jobs are lost to these machines is the moment that this technology can [ __ ] off but that's all I got this week how do you feel about deep learning has the latest season of South Park done it for you is Matt Stone secretly mad at Trey Parker because of a Japanese toilet conspiracy let me know Below in the comments and stay tuned for more peace okay a few things to address after this one one yes I missed that Garrison actually was worried he'd get in trouble because he was using chat EBT to grade the kids papers but that totally tracks as a concept for Garrison something that he would definitely get caught up in and it works great for the episode two it's obviously very clear that the ending sequence written by Chachi PT is where all of the AI was used including for everyone's voices I didn't really make it clear in my commentary either that whole section was AI it's made very clear in the episode by Mackie and Cartman using very basic versions of their catchphrases and those catchphrases are just very poorly implemented in the story I think Cartman actually calls Stan adamju three I did forget that Matt Stone actually voices Rick so he did have a voice in this episode besides Butters and one that was featured more prominently however it's also a much deeper voice and based on the one week break they took after the episode I definitely think that Matt and Trey really were sick and needed time to rest and lastly I've gotten a lot of pushback on my stance that once AI starts replacing jobs it's a problem in the context of this video I thought it was very clear that I was referring to creative positions obviously there's tons of important work deep learning can do in other areas of industry and especially in research and medicine but I firmly stand by my take that creativity should never be automated art requires Human Experience and I'll never waver on that opinion Ai and Aid of human expression is fine AI replacing it no okay let's move on to dickenbos hot dogs God these shorter six episodes South Park Seasons really do come and go so quick don't they even with two weeks off in the middle it feels like season 26 just started the fifth and penultimate episode of the season of South Park titled dickenball's hot dogs just aired and I thought this was another great example of South Park finding a perfect balance between old and new this is a really great Butters episode a really great Cartman episode and a very strong Kenny episode for his birthday no less but it also definitely feels like a bit of an inside look at how Matt and Trey have been feeling while they reopened Casa Bonita so there's a ton to talk about let's dive in like I said this is a great Butters episode as Butters gets a part-time job at Willy's chili ice cream shop this definitely seems to be inspired by the recent string of states that have been loosening up child labor laws due to the severe lack of people who have any interest in working in the service industry yeah well I guess these days it's real hard for businesses to find people to work so they'll take whatever they can get but I think the story really fits for butters for a bunch of reasons he's generally a really hard worker episodes like Butters bottom [ __ ] showing his surprising work ethic and business Acumen both alternate Futures in the post covet specials actually showcase this well also in one he becomes the ultimate salesman slinging nfts and then in the fixed future an incredibly hardworking server at Bennigan's it also makes sense that Butter's parents would want to put him to work they ground him every chance they get so their perception would be that he should be out working and not getting into trouble but this is also a great Cartman butter Story one of those classic instances where Cartman manages to manipulate Butters into something he isn't actually interested in doing in line with episodes like the death of Eric Cartman ossimo and fittingly Casa Bonita when Butters gets this job Cartman is instantly jealous of the money he'll be making my dad told me if I got a job we could put my paychecks in my very own bank account I want a bank account and this line cracked me up because I actually just watched an episode in season four where Cartman is presented with this exact opportunity take that money and open up a savings account that has compounded daily interest you can compound daily my ass with interest man I'm going to the toy store and buy me a skateboard I think this is a good illustration of Cartman's psychology when his mom told him it's something he should do he said hell no but when it's something another kid has he gets jealous I really loved Leanne's reaction to Cartman asking her to let him get a job recognizing that he is absolutely not cut out for work in the service industry and I also love that this conversation all Embraces the storyline last season that put them in the Hot Dog House in the first place and of course Leanne was right Cartman is an absolutely awful employee refusing to work satirizing a lot of the rhetoric you hear about employment from the younger Generations these days so haven't you heard of bare minimum Mondays it's a thing that young people created because we care about our mental health but after doing exactly no work Cartman starts to wonder why he can't be the boss and he gets an idea in a sequence that parodies the classic opening of two 2001 A Space Odyssey a really funny homage Cartman recruits Kenny and the pair decide to use Butter's new income his Capital to renovate and reopen a hot dog restaurant in Cartman's Coney Island Hot Dog House honestly just a really fun simple idea and I especially loved this entire episode premise feels like a classic Cartman scheme while still building on the continuity that they've established in the more recent Seasons while it was pretty short-lived this is a really fun culmination of the little Cartman Hot Dog House Arc and on top of that it parallels Matt and Trey's real-life Venture saving and renovating Casa Bonita whose ground reopening is almost here a place that people from all over Colorado would want to come and see I love that they did a Cartman and Kenny partnership for this one too one tray character one matte character seemingly representing their partnership as owners of Casa Bonita they usually go with Stan and Kyle to represent the pair but we honestly have not gotten enough Kenny recently and this episode aired on his damn birthday so I'm glad they gave him some focus and man it was really funny to see them show his face in this episode albeit with some sweet shades on but especially because because I literally just put out the video about all the times we see Kenny's face and here is on muffled dialogue no clear dialogue in this one unfortunately but I do love Kenny's restaurant owner look here they're even using it as their South Park Studios avatar on YouTube right now love to see it and this was like a whole montage of an entire day of events too so I like the implication that sometimes Kenny just talks unmuffled to his friends and that's pretty normal we're the only ones who just don't see it that often Cartman and Kenny end up naming the restaurant dickenbau's hot dogs and it's honestly kind of refreshing to just get a classic childish dick joke in South Park it's also refreshing to see these two just laugh hysterically together even though this is an episode about them starting a restaurant a super adult ass thing to do they're still using it as an opportunity to be super immature interestingly it looks like they actually changed the name of not only the restaurant but the entire episode the last minute while making this episode earlier in the week all of the official marketing for the episode listed the title as dick Kimball's hot dog which is obviously just a different dick and balls pun the IMDb listing Wikipedia and official tweets about the show also all listed the episode as dick Kimball's but dickenbos is way better I'm glad they opted to change this gotta get a good German sounding name for your wiener Hut pun I really wonder if the way they portrayed Eric and Kenny as restaurant owners is how Matt and Trey have felt through this entire process opening Casa Bonita throwing out ideas and plans without the know-how and then sort of just watching as everyone else does the construction I'm sure they've learned a lot I did get a chuckle out of them showing that literally nobody wanted to apply to work at the restaurant because literally yesterday I saw a news report about how people were lining up to apply to work at Casa Bonita but I guess that's the difference when you're a couple of kids and not Matt Stone and Trey Parker God but I loved that they brought back Daryl weathers aka the Tucker jobs guy who first appeared in season 8's goo backs and the Revelation that he too is lazy as hell when it comes to employment all right fine never mind we don't want to hire you you're gonna take my jab and ultimately it's Butter's hard work that saves the day and brings customers to the new restaurant earning him his entire investment back but getting Cartman all the credit in the process and man do I love how Cartman gets his comeuppance in this episode Butters uses his incredible business Acumen to develop an exit strategy from the business that includes relocating the cartmans we we find little Eric deserves to get exactly wanting for a long a long time and so the Cartman Hot Dog House Saga ends with Cartman finally moving back into his old house but only after the Hot Dog House became the literal coolest place for a kid to possibly live hate this stupid house I don't want to be here I want to be and take it back God just so satisfying Butters gets his revenge on Cartman for taking advantage once again and Leanne gets another well-deserved win over her son after he forced her through the entire Hot Dog House ordeal though I was a tad disappointed that there were zero references to the prince and princess of Canada having lived in this house from worldwide privacy tour just a few episodes ago I had kind of hoped that the prince was like just still living in South Park but it's super interesting to see them conclude this Arc and sort of reset the continuity on Cartman's house it was a short-lived thing they only lived there for seven episodes and two Paramount plus specials but I kind of like that they're willing to do these little mini arcs and conclude them when it feels right plus I would be shocked if this was the last we see of dickenbos hot dogs it's now one of the coolest places for kids to hang out in South Park and I expect it will become a semi-regular location that they visit in the series I like that the show is willing to continue to evolve and change things up and even change things back I also love that this was clearly inspired by by their experiences opening and renovating Casa Bonita this is sort of the second time they've done something like this back in season 15 they released the excellent episode Broadway brodown right around the time their musical Book of Mormon was released it all focused on Randy writing his own Broadway musical and only at the end did it plug Book of Mormon at all the episode itself didn't mention Book of Mormon even once in the same way that this one didn't mention Casa Bonita either it's just a narrative parallel even though they do obviously have that entire separate episode about Casa Bonita from well before they made the purchase and after voicing concerns about the lack of Matt Stone voices as well as the seeming struggle Trey had to maintain his voices in the last episode I'm happy to say that everything seemed back to normal this week lots of map voices in this one and Trey sounded totally fine I really think they were probably just sick which would explain them taking an additional week off last season they actually only took one single week off in the middle of their six episode run and this time they took an additional week after deep learning so I'm guessing they just needed the time to rest up and heal and that's where we're at I really dug this episode I felt like one of those class Cartman manipulates Butters episodes and it also had some really fun callbacks and built on a little bit of continuity we've been seeing throughout these smaller Seasons a great balance of new and old and a nice little birthday celebration for Kenny who hasn't really gotten an episode focused on him since like the scoots in Season 22 maybe next week is the season finale damn that really came fast but don't worry there will be two more Paramount specials before the end of the year hopefully in the summer just like last year okay that's all I got hope you guys like those dick and Bones peace honestly I think I covered this one pretty thoroughly in my original video but man this is still my favorite of the season I fully expect we'll see dickenbos in future episodes and probably the next video game too it's just such a fun location I can't see them abandoning it and I just can't say enough about how satisfying it is to see Cartman get his comeuppance I did see a lot of people speculate about what the sale of dick and Bows means for Kenny and it would be dope to see him come into more money to help his family at some point we know he becomes rich in the future via post kovid and I'm very open to more status quo shifts especially ones that give us more Kenny because Kenny rules kind of underrated okay on to the season finale spring break and season 26 of South Park is officially over as much as I love the variety of Storytelling we can get from the combination of these six episode seasons and the two specials we'll get later in the year these shorter Seasons really do come and go too quickly season 26 ended relatively unceremoniously with an episode called spring break but with what I felt was mostly a strong episode with some very strong Garrison character development and a little bit of a fearful admission about what may come in the future plus a Randy subplot that was funny but a bit undercooked I would say let's dive in spring break spring break Spring Break season 26's finale is primarily focused on Garrison falling back into some old Tendencies and unusually it's a plot and B plot are almost entirely disconnected mostly only tied together thematically and with a tiny thread at the end I'm not sure if I would have preferred a more connective threat or not but ultimately one of the stories really worked for me and while the other had ideas and messages I liked it didn't fully come together for me let's talk Garrison's Story the episode opens with Garrison telling Rick that it's his spring break and that he got them tickets to spend the Week in Myrtle Beach South Carolina but Rick has reservations yeah but isn't Myrtle Beach where those places are I don't want to go into one of those places I really love the way that this was presented initially as though it's about Garrison not wanting to relapse back into a partying lifestyle fueled by the kind of debauchery you might find on spring break but once they arrive in Myrtle Beach it becomes clear what Rick was actually talking about as they walk past a mega store plastered top to bottom with Garrison's formerly presidential mug I was wondering how exactly they might deal with the Garrison Trump of it all especially with Trump seemingly ready to run again in 2024 and I think that this slight ease back into that story thread worked really well mostly because they tackle it from a character perspective and less of a commentary perspective of course as soon as the folks at the Maga store realize who Garrison is they freak out leading to his first Temptation well do you want to come inside a little bit oh no thanks I don't rally anymore I think it was super smart to present this as a potential for Garrison to relapse into a lifestyle he's trying to leave behind at the expense of his new partner no less I'm sure that plenty of us know someone who's given up the partying lifestyle maybe when getting into a serious relationship and spring break offers the exact kind of ragers and Raves that might entice someone back into that life but of course as he struggles to sleep Garrison gets the itch and goes out to the mega store while Rick sleeps I love that they used Trancy rave music at the Maga store to really draw the parallel I mentioned earlier and it was very funny how quickly Garrison just starts to relapse right back into rallying well maybe I could do just a little bit obviously thinks immigrants were made of gold or something piece of [ __ ] and even after Rick calls concerned about where Garrison is he's easily pulled back into rallying for the rest of the night I am your Warrior liberal left Hunter Biden laptop not gonna lie I laughed really hard at Garrison just screaming all of these Mega buzzwords without any clear message super funny to see him just kind of yell but I think what the episode does best is Showcase how Garrison falling back into this lifestyle negatively affects Rick so deeply it's actually really sad before they start rallying we see how excited Garrison is to go to Myrtle Beach with Rick and once they get there how dang happy they are together oh Frank look at how happy we are I mean come on look how cute they are here how do you deny it but when Garrison's all night rallying stops him from going out and enjoying the beach with his partner Rick is so disappointed you enjoy the beach I just gotta sleep a little longer okay I really love how this relationship is at the core of the episode it really anchors the story emotionally the shot of Rick sitting alone at the beach is genuinely heartbreaking but man the look on Garrison's face when Rick catches him rallying is so funny and I like that even though Garrison can't help himself but fall back into the rallying lifestyle like it's an addiction he doesn't actually want to when Rick catches him and storms off Garrison chases after him he genuinely tries to stop falling off the wagon and spend the rest of his vacation with his boyfriend but no matter where he goes even when he just tries to use the bathroom he falls back into his addictions [Music] and this last time is the last straw for Rick and Garrison doesn't follow him but I really love how this episode ends waiting at the airport Rick sees Garrison on the TV about to give a rally speech but instead of the typical ranting and ravings he sends a direct message to Rick Rick I am so sorry [Music] honestly this entire final speech is really touching as Garrison laments the person he becomes without his partner and I think this is such a great storyline because it works on multiple levels this episode really showcases the ways we can care for and empathize with Garrison when he's given stories that are anchored emotionally yeah it's funny when Garrison is a bombastic narcissist and does outrageous things but he becomes a caricature when they go that route it was true during the Garrison Trump seasons and honestly it's been true in a few other parts of the series as well and Garrison begging for Rick to help anchor down his character and prevent him from flying off the rails into these kinds of silly ridiculous Stories the ways he did when he was the show's Trump surrogate I think is also representative of Matt and Trey's hopes for the character moving forward it's no secret that they really wrote themselves into a corner with Garrison in 2016 they did not expect Trump to win the election and when he did they ended up having to basically alter a Mainstay character in South Park for four years they kind of lost Garrison as a real character and with the election looming next year and Trump planning to run it seems clear that they do not want to lose their more grounded version of Garrison again and when Garrison returns to South Park and Embraces Rick he even says as much I don't want to go through all that again I just want to stay in South Park with you but clearly Matt and Trey are anticipating the next couple years realistically because though they don't want to lose Garrison we all know it's possible and Rick's response is exactly what they're going to do well I guess we'll just have to see what happens and damn won't we all the B plot in the episode is about Randy and Stan being home alone for spring break while Sharon and Shelley go to Santa Fe and Randy trying to entice Stan into a debaterous partying lifestyle for spring break Stan has a different idea though and Randy doesn't quite understand what he's getting himself into oh yeah Warhammer funny especially because Trey is a known board game obsessive and I'm sure he's a huge 40K fan I mean these 40K models in the episode are clearly actual photos I wouldn't be surprised if they belong to Trey personally but seeing Randy's disappointment when he realizes this is all Stan wants to do for spring break is great and this is when the episode dives into its commentary on some of the manosphere online culture we see these days they've taught you boys to be ashamed of being boys convinced you that your natural innate male desires are toxic this is obviously taking aim at people like Andrew Tate who make an entire living preaching this kind of stuff online they even have a character who is clearly designed after Tate and though they name him something else they literally reveal he's a sex trafficker by the end of the episode so you know put it together that is the part of the episode that felt a little undercooked to me though the Tate manosphere parallels to Randy's point of view are pretty obvious so including a tate lookalike who isn't actually Tate almost felt like it muddied the story but ultimately I really enjoyed how they portrayed Randy here he and the people who feel this way cannot wrap their heads around the idea that some people just want to live these kinds of lives he cannot accept that Stan and Tolkien want to play Warhammer all spring break they don't care about wet t-shirt contests or living a debaucherous frat boy lifestyle and he blames the culture for making them ashamed and afraid to be quote unquote real men which is ultimately just an excuse because he's afraid to look at himself and see that maybe he was a problem and he's directly confronted with this when he tries to get tolkien's Dad on board with getting their boys into trouble and away from Warhammer by assuming that Steven feels the same way he did I mean you went balls out on spring break right tried to see chicks boobs and stuff um no I didn't and in a very Randy fashion he once again cannot even comprehend that not everybody lived this lifestyle and seeing that Steven someone from his generation also didn't live that lifestyle breaks his brain a little bit why why are you saying that why are you making those words with your mouth and through the entire episode Randy uses these excuses to do profoundly stupid things destroying his house with a massive party and even getting severely injured by swinging from the chandelier he can't see the problem with his own behavior and how he's suffering the ramifications of his own actions caused by his beliefs and his lifestyle yeah but I can't leave because my son's natural instinct president that it's the behavioral problem this attitude leads Randy to literally get arrested even though he just thinks it's the woke culture and that he hasn't done anything wrong huh weird I wonder who this obvious cognitive dissonance relates to hmm can't can't quite figure it out the stories coalesce when Randy watches Garrison's speech on TV talking about how poorly he does without Rick without that person who keeps me from destroying myself sharing and while I do appreciate how the stories come together here it feels like it's sort of a solution to a different problem for Andy it ties the two separated plots together pretty nicely but it also doesn't really address the issue that was at hand in this B plot which who knows maybe it doesn't have to it just felt a little separated from what was happening with Randy to me but Randy calling Sharon and crying standing on the porch while she gets back from her trip with Shelley that was super funny and even funnier that she kind of walks past all of the mess that Randy caused only to chastise stand for playing Warhammer on the kitchen table overall I think this is a solid episode not my favorite of the season but mostly very strong The Garrison storyline really really worked for me and the Randy storyline had aspects I really appreciated even though I didn't think it quite rounded out its story as well as I'd have liked but this episode also had Garrison getting the Maga crowd to chant I love Rick over footage of January 6th so like how can I complain but spring break admittedly does not feel a whole lot like a season finale season 25's finale felt a lot more like a final episode than this one this actually felt more like one of those mid-season finale's we used to get when they would split their 14 episode Seasons into two chunks of seven which to be fair with the impending specials coming to Paramount plus later in the year that's sort of what this is during this new era season finales don't need to be this big eventful thing because within a few months we'll be getting two new specials likely with a bigger scale and scope than any single episode would have so honestly I don't mind it much overall I thought season 26 was very strong it really got back to basics for the show without completely abandoning the serialized aspects that the show has leaned into recently and I'm really excited to see what they have in store for us with the two specials later this year I'm really hoping for something big and ambitious alright peace this one seems to be a little divisive and as I said in my video I'm mixed about it as well I really like the Garrison stuff and I didn't think the Randy storyline felt fully fleshed out however the timing is absolutely insane given that the following day after this aired Trump was indicted and then Andrew Tate transitioned from jail to house arrest you gotta think had it happen sooner the episode would have been much more about Garrison being indicted for something he did in his past and dealing with those ramifications in his relationship with Rick which would have worked basically in the same way that this episode's plot does Garrison's former life interfering with his relationship but there's obviously a lot more time for them to explore that I wonder if it'll be touched onto the specials at all I did get a lot of upset comments that the show is just making fun of trump again and won't make fun of Biden but I don't know I didn't really see it that way this was so pointedly not an excuse to just make fun of trump it was literally exploring Mr Garrison as a character through his now Canon history that he was this universe as Trump and honestly I think Matt and Trey are just tired of the government slash election commentary trying to cover it so thoroughly in season 20 LED them to being written into a corner they pointedly ignored the election in 2020 for that reason the only reason they even did much in the way of trump commentary is because they accidentally made him Garrison a prominent and important character in South Park history I don't know I watched this episode and I did not think wow they're going after Trump again I thought oh cool they're making Garrison deal with the ramifications of that entire storyline oh well people are gonna be mad no matter what so let's move on to my final thoughts for the season this is basically how I felt about season 25 as well but I have really loved the balance that they're striking with these new seasons of South Park they aren't abandoning the status quo shifts or continuity that they've established they're shifting things around here and there and they're making references to these changes but they're doing so in episodic Adventures this season especially did such a great job giving us a variety there's some fun modern commentary some classic celebrity bashing and also some fully character-centric stories I truly understand the people who aren't stoked that the seasons are only six episodes they absolutely feel too short but I also love that we'll get another month later in the year to talk South Park when the specials release and the fact that this will also add to the variety of types of stories we're getting especially if they're bigger more ambitious Adventures it's hard to spread the love in a season that's only six episodes but they did manage to give a stories focused on a ton of different characters Kyle Cartman Stan Tolkien Randy Butters Garrison and hell even Kenny got a lot of screen time I don't think the season was perfect but I do think that the direction South Park is taking right now is the right one I'm glad they aren't afraid to change things up but also are focusing on contain change storytelling I sat down to try and rank these six episodes and honestly I had a really hard time doing it I'm very confident about my top and bottom spot but the other four felt pretty interchangeable which I actually think speaks to the overall quality of the Season here's where I landed six worldwide privacy tour five deep learning four Cupid ye three spring break two Japanese toilet one dick and Bose hot dogs damn I can't believe how tough that was I really like everything ranked two through five for entirely different reasons which made it really hard to rank and again speaks to the variety of episodes we're getting even in these limited runs now before I close out let's talk about this South Park Renaissance and the future of the series [Music] [Applause] [Music] my strongest guess as to why South Park has seen such a massive surge in popularity is Tick Tock the show has not only increased its own social media presence there but it's clearly being talked about at unprecedented Levels by the user base the South Park hashtag on Tick Tock yields 41 billion results this has to be the biggest factor in getting new fans hooked on the show there is such a wealth of Clips to draw from to get people interested it actually makes a lot of sense that that's where it's getting interest regardless it is genuinely astounding to see it's not like South Park was ever unpopular but forth to get such a massive Resurgence this long into its life it's wild but the other question is how long will it last will we see these levels of popularity even later this year for the specials or extending in next year for season 27 or into the future for the next video game I'm eager to find out because I really love making videos about this show so expect a decently steady stream of other South Park videos between now and when the specials released this year I've got a video on fractured but whole and also big videos on both Butters and Kenny in the works among many others so let me know if those interest you and what kind of other videos you might want to see we still don't have a date for the specials last year's streaming Wars aired in June and July while the post coveted special is the prior year were in November and December and we usually don't get an announcement until just a couple weeks before release so we may just have to stay tuned but what did you all think of season 26 do you like the direction the show making do the short episode orders annoy you even though we're going to get these specials later in the year and how do you feel about this crazy Resurgence and popularity for South Park let me know Below in the comments and stay tuned for more peace two challenge [Music]
Channel: Johnny 2 Cellos
Views: 1,546,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: South Park, South Park Season 26, New South Park, South Park AI, South Park Kenny's Face, South Park Kanye, South Park Cupid Ye, South Park Trump, Garrison Trump, Cupid Ye, Worldwide Privacy Tour, Deep Learning, South Park Deep Learning, South Park Spring Break, Dikinbaus Hot Dogs, Butters, Butters Ice Cream, Casa Bonita, South Park Lawsuit, South Park Streaming Wars, New South Park Special, Tolkien, South Park Season 26 Breakdown, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Analysis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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