Butt Welding Automotive Patch Panels - Start to Finish

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today we're going to be repairing some rust at the bottom of a door from a Citroen me6 I think that's how you pronounce it anyway I've done a couple videos on door bottoms and replacing rusted door bottoms and I've laughs welded them the difference today is we're gonna but while this and instead of folding it over the bottom this car was built where the inner panel and outer panel was pinched welded together at the bottom so I'm gonna cut the bottom of this off form up a patch and I'll be back before this patch panel gets welded into place I thought I'd remove it to show you a few things that got it to this point so leave the clamps set the pageant's ID now I cut the old door bottom off to a point where there was only good metal and the door bottom inner door panel was also rusted and I cut that out and put in a little patch panel this is gonna get seam sealer in here both sides so we won't have to worry about that now after I cut this I folded it over at a 45 degree angle with this pliers here to make a V channel that I can Mick weld into and that way I don't have metal just butting up to each other welds on top of it where I have to grind them flush or flat Eastwood makes a tool that creates this 45 degree angle for your seams and they do a great video on why you should do it this way so let me put this patch back on and then I'll show you how I'm gonna do the ends and here's a shot of the end of the patch panel I not the inner panel down a little bit so that I could create a 45-degree angle on the old panel and a 45-degree angle on the new panel and that way my welds would sit in that channel I left the patch long so that I could fold it right along this line that I cut reliefs right there there and there so that could be folded over and curved along with the door at the bottom I'm going to drill holes about quarter-inch and plug weld it to the inner door panel when I get that finished when I get it all welded up I'll be back [Music] [Music] after finishing up the ends by folding them over and welding up the reliefs spot-welding or plug welding along the bottom and doing our best to put the spot welds right next to each other through the valley to weld that up solid we're going to knock down any high spots we might have grind it clean and fill it once I get the filler mixed up I'll be back once you have your filler mixed up we'll just put a nice smooth layer right over the top of that and we're gonna take most of this off but I just want to make sure that I get enough on there we don't have to worry about having low spots or something like that we're just gonna put it on there and then we'll go about spreading it nice and even and that I'm putting it on thick but that's because I'm going to choose grade most of it off and now we're going to use a half round Stanley cheese grater blade to knock down some of the access and we're just taking off the access just a lot of filler that I really didn't need and it just cheese crazy these greens it off like that so you don't have to breathe a lot of dust I'm basically attacking the ridges right now and you can go different directions and now we're going to go ahead and finish it up with an air file with fresh 40 grit on it [Music] [Music] let me get this cleaned up da sand it throw a coat of primer on so you can see the finished panel after a couple coats of primer this is a finished panel I hope you enjoyed this video on butt welding automotive patch panels in a way that protects the integrity of the weld and the surrounding sheet metal from excessive grinding and if you did and you'd like to get my latest videos don't forget to hit the subscribe button
Channel: Lakeside Autobody
Views: 150,829
Rating: 4.7356496 out of 5
Keywords: Butt Welding Automotive Patch Panels, How to butt weld patch panels, start to finish, beginning to end, Butt Welding Rust Holes, How to Repair Rust Holes, Door Bottom Rust Repair, Karosserie Türbodenersatz, soldadura a tope de chapa para automóviles, lakeside autobody
Id: e9bjZ_UxtJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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