Apostle T.F Chiwenga in Chitungwiza Outreach Day 2: Chegumi

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- no Kimura sighs okay dido jaramana mr. visa Chino okok I coach my chakra my karate chop a laser honest II totally Anaru Jeevan Angelica vanilla guava Drago Pune squad Branca ponies freakin are machines were more open haqqin haqqa a guide in homage thank you Jesus for a wonderful day that you have given us again today we are here to proclaim and to declare int witness the message of your suffering to the people that are elected according to grace since the foundation of the world we now play this our that in open our ears that we may comprehend the brain the length the depth in the height of the knowledge of God unto our very salvation we pray this in a wonderful name Amen tonight a dominar a fungally at Anu dr. temple in Dana's in friend area car naka if an area teacher eatle wasagamack on Io Karnataka a capital one amun-re chickens wa naze uno de tocqueville miss AI Qi Nance additionally two congresses are now in a Chiquita Nomura hero my Moses Marrero Moses holy Mumbai Barry Jennifer gravitas a now Lorraine unit out Rwanda Rotorua cicadas is a beta channel funny way Roberta sobota Mizzou a no cicadas a pass no father Larry Tom Tom Brokaw say Kanazawa a no cicadas a chip umi-chan Oh finally such a gloomy Missoula a no act Erie panini Mitaka Juan de la Fonda mocha tomato cetera la mama de hace la calidad de Chivo by Barry notice a table decor nada take a few okay we opt Penang go gonna go party Lua a canvases a choker amun-re Kimagure ah see Nancy dissertation Chicana dasatinib eternal dojo national gotcha coochie de la tienda de chingar annuity tempo tangata Divina van Gary retro patches are what is the gospel seen on the gusto she go for a high barrier a monotone una vez por todo HR a fungal a vaisya dongha yo patrons even Gary Knepp attending undergo Gregory died in mahogany which to visa kuta upon achieve national kapa haka plan OTC novice machaca boy wanna na karoti gana mana cabanaconde zachariah moon on Okinawa to longer visible Barry uh no Kota nya Moon Luna visa cards saga niveau funa funa capita by burakov rama guaro a kata rachel urato rotifer gary negative Ravi's militia commanders okay to imbibe a rawness olomana waka waka Delano for 1000 mana no gonna 20 in in Katanga Evora chapter Lavinia fester Kings ot 21:02 rhizoma Solomon a Kangana more than thousand destroyed lirikappa bla Solomon moon Amita see Kahneman Akkad ro woon on Okinawa Okinawa kizomba Risa Otto mujra a condemned immature abdomen or 20 I'm gonna go to anger the anger in chapter 3 or 50 Kings moon or to America's like a buoy line like a table lady salmon avocado Shivam by the Chiquita banana Joe no Joe garner digital era book we have asthma burger chapter 3 can a book with a madman boo HPD chapter 6 look at you or Fatima and a moo-moo now live Baraka Johanna nobody now Okanagan here when you come baby I really love Pitino double details a away planet or nation or any levels of planets one could join up Osaka she forget each I drop and a cheap eh I'm assuming our team that Dawa genival serum will induct upon I know chapter nine year Genesis know Arabic adore Akkad agua that there are no more Anita say gravity defying way she don't want even get chacha-ji karate saturated by very Bible muna each Okada rain George of the Bible Munna I think of an ordained is also to buy very muna run up at Silvano up from work now with the ungodly ammonia which cough which I was not watching fresh co2 demand ammonia or negative attractive education is Errol de compartir an inflation Azul Rosado Nicosia rim cinta padamu Leah Cohen gamma W by bill Moyer refreshes at Remagen position a chichi no target inflation ammonia quaint a myofibril muda muda muda Maria Maria di refresh until tomorrow and ammonia ammonium a trombone a river corridor do not engage in free Singapore so ammonia acid Agumon so Largo da moneh Doha Qatar catenary refresh Erica Bible inoperative a say she don't even Gary she is the gospel de richelieu rock Adama is very cheeky Ricky Ramon z1 galleon Korea / - it's you a GTL I am carnival to Evangelion but panavia from ugghh opened a person avi planning to find on you in fine jelly or the Apocrypha is we're able to go spell as the diligence Eva be just so I'm not gonna let me remove Chris I can a Middle Eastern I could I wanted to check up on Silverhawks are able to weigh in Java team is really quickly rectified up again I still of Agreda katika Israeli protege bill Jeremy Boris is Eva Braga simcha common Americas and I Joseph eyes nanite your own delicate egg up with my peepee quick and katanga quick change' mu tau which i know wa makara very very now kombucha aramaic nan which a pillow achieves Abhishek Enoch who ever beat about 80% today they're not ghosts oh right things are a magic trick said una cerca Atacama Chris is about Greek amphitheatre right raga freedom is ready rocket Ankeny now Jeju : upin the coop Windham a paper sack of Akuma that could lead an avocado and could tangle a very different game since a jacket a monitor Kazuki 20 C natural D capital seat nama Pulu when she friend Apache Panama by Garko opieop i'm sorry the Gujarati upon the soul is very in staccato savage in Jetta Katie Hagen Zara Scotty capital city 18 on Zarrella but Napolitano tateasa go to Busan Ziva particular image along the capital c KU finca de alcalá who attack autocorrect ah no sekai - game Isis will achieve I jelly or near Michigan ik you know Godzilla is we're able to go spell they are put to good use career Airport daily routine or to go to use property no Monica a consumer may I welcome the p101 niqua energy good news tonight here it was for you tomorrow at Alleluia how good you should be news be to constitute the gospel could ichika subject in a gospel t- good news it's a cookie but the good news kutina the Kanak asuka para para para nada con Agra senator Obama's race a a cotton-pickin October a cockatoo mama mama Teresa boot a very mahakasyapa Toby IVA ice could use a real Canadian we admire yo-yo ma Cordoba rokkit reba Eva I'm going to simmer and religion Raja a complete are continuing our he can yell at this could use a little it was the dinner and the good spirit and this whatever the good news is no fun addictive Iowa could is she Chinatsu Cody knows she knows him from Gary Connecticut beccaboyer eternal friend Roberto energy to Nevada now Mario nobility never never change even or tea - no no matter as learning about cheetahs in adorable - an ammonite white rubber namadwaar you can find another cookies I check with me Hakuna Matata under furniture congratu kasagic woman we all know pomodoro check with me - woman I didn't get to Columbus Ohio it rejects a babe you could be on my dime secondary jeredy Nutella cookie angarchand innumerable primavera oh and a maracas of humanity desertion Ganesha cherubic William Godwin de Carrera I didn't know that inaugurated it could use as it does that constitute the gospel what is the gospel gospel she in every government in the gospel musicians not gospel musicians in LA cañada as Connecticut says in of the gods knowing she I think we refer to calculate and evaluate to assign a guy who the gospel musician richer party we do any amount recorded who she cannot receive action on Z gospel she - no fighters Rosina with other planets Augusto ji-yong we are no impact goes beyond er judges Eva kinetic Anita gonna use Eva chin on Z good to use Luca chapter for to try a few minor pattern out rocket Owen Dana's derived in it's a memory now Demerara inertia Assad Nevada already satadhanva torrenuova he departed mass we are not an Angora to good news she lukkage of the fool who probably xie 14 changi dying no Kyra cara mia let me borrow Mia just so occur to Kyra Kyra dia as I can kinda see is just so I did this I'm a cynic Ogawa [Music] the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor minds 100 rachel urato pujita play daniela romo even gay Estella to karate to preach the gospel to the poor hallelujah dorota's of 0 and a mover behind the cannon depends upon dr. das CD cigar no gory Rosella Kanaka do fan Gary yokka see mocha J's supertaça para de Carrera Pucci yo Federico faggin ichi-chan angora CEO Satoru an adjacency Regina number 1 Maya why show promise or upon go deeper into the gospel to the poor Rockefeller F : chronology I double turn on gravity for to the poor Rita see she can see he sent me to you the brokenhearted the protein had a key to a locker room at Memorial and affirmative are available to preach deliverance to the captives consumer consumer recovery of sight to the blind Kakuma the same a powerful to set at liberty them that are bruised cacao cacao as well as good way to preach the acceptable year of the Lord dojin agua chandâga tumanako nominee saga llamado para Duncan Guzzi actually say nobody photographer chinzy walkin desserts are preceded by a lon even Gary Segura Casas changes a box in one color focus omocha you know I know pooja pooja are kinda humor on Balkans were from Gary which item re la la la la la escena Muhammad Sawa that is wave 5 3 tomatillo diversity pataliputra sisa LaRon Bo Ryan's energy so dr. tu mochila quality refrán que la mundo de châteaupers even our embrava within Lebanon did you - away - danga Navarro relative our own bones in the cartoon of the departed zero Allison rockatuer welcome home with job I got it family room is whenever Shoku danga a secondary of the palace in America tonight Emily Huynh Dao chicken 1800 syllabic on Orta numa numa can Gavin's go forgive eh oh yeah gangaraju I spent apologies so enough with tomorrow chewy dude every day my we are Cunha Kazuto chi-chi-chi Chandigarh so his wife Emilia una Maria Devon I really wanna national mundo IRA financially incapacitated for that particular small moment you may notice magnitude day after two days you miss mommy you know Vegas are equal Anasuya rockabilly sanam re aqua Zeta foot in Missoula Rocca sorghum Iowa water will move move I'm Emily satavahanas one beautiful Gary qi- active find a fan Garrity look at that defined as a career change nobody change in orphanage but it's a fun game Kenai changes in the positive arena is detective blando a cigarette brand erosion yeah she knows soccer changing even change in Frankie Rodriguez Pedro second shadowpuss an Angora with the factory she O'Connor activity van Gary mrs. gooje to avoid receiving food with which a Chico Nucci pathology forensic on a TV show de la coruña Jupiter Ajinca Gina Gershon gagana one can abandon anawa AA tsamina slaggy Remo hakuna Jupiter [Music] Haruka Haruka to0 raka Kuruvilla economy marriage a diversified Arouca we are you concur dr. J I'm very qualified doctor but I you a show for America got a yoga conducted a doctor general for big yoga Oh dr. Budetti Duke who took the walk will do a low blow which I would I'm a soldier for por toda saga $2.00 for food sakharova routine to alpha the Okinawa to compete with them we know how Chandi Thank You Luca chapter one verse one she wanted some Gary shall achieve or not they messy so I'll go cooktop Tonga Kapoor Shaad my cornea I see a custom planet Rises into founder is winner with you and your URI regatta would have a knock-on piped in shortener Richard wheeler to which were witnesses the ministers of the weight of court seconds negative idea in reality Vasu merely kinda put the shampoos in shock or upon our session that I tell him issue near the window a shop where am I yes the villas the considered Satan away yes a good pop Ganga put in the cooler arrived oh no no could tell Vanessa don't wonderful note in the window really the Jupiter's and inside my fabulous Akita Villanova cocoon be de Machaut kamikaze disk wanna party or zero day Joe Pardy My dear mr. boppo a visa Korea Rabia Makana maintained by Tom Pendergast aruku bogel it was a Lolita for as much as many have taken in hand to set to 14 order a declaration of those things which are most assuredly believed among us even as they delivered them unto us which from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word it seemed good to me also having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first to write unto thee in order most excellent Theophilus that thou mightest to know the certainty of those things wherein thou hast been instructed to educate about the beta-catenin auto-fire a pataga ducati xakanaka poutine tweener a Remo naaku chaala Mesa amigo fumitaka Vampira with musiah cootie macho camacho part sac eponymous vato Anna lucasta musica Iguanodon fran gary bonanno Kakuna toc low in samaria cozy disappear Sheila's codependency muzaka Ben gonzo Asuka funakoshi aura you take a few days ago design S&H awkward Asuka with nina nina beaugeois una de otros easy doc una vaca sworn nemesis wahoo Kukui battles Gonzaga catalana we forgive a kendama unanimous I saw Chloe familiarize note then you could be equal determine if you own a quad namazi so from deviantART and record the aqua in sapiens week a fifty John chapter 1 verse 1 Sakon gazenga casa da gesso oxfam Baek danavas Iraqi du kanga seems easy a cat oh so 10 tokaji so appealing rocket endo ah Nana PETA Nocona la casa para de da de sac Iruka generate innovation do you raise antenna goes under nemesis on da kazuto narakasura remedies la la casona nemesis Oh domina Jordan and repeat - when I say Carew heckuva Navotas wanna - gain clarity no record of an en la tienda que una bomba Giorno Buon Giorno even imagine de gasolina Ruka and innocuous vanity repo don't fire a George chapter 1 v [Music] [Music] [Music] in the beginning Hazama Rika Gaara pocket Ibiza hands it economy noir kakuka cigar gonna bring a quark rocky she was no movie gospel I'm gonna go spy on average if this is veggie did I wake you from this hallelujah hallelujah even's we kinda forget it Margarita's shaman iran know who goes by show Cory Japan Japan Oh rich occupancy Leticia Bufoni Samia Rocco forget she she pay John chapter five verse 39 she don't even Gary can ivanovitch in the Mahabharata planning commercial pilot's her booty when everybody's a connoisseur of pain she comes in I jest so monitoring the baby would you marry me moon look to me who paying you a single penny gigabyte baby did you forget it you know I know when you sing appear a very remote or initiate library Rho G Kazuma guaro under tyranny Shahu divine light is so crisp for an opportunity go spill it testimony at Jesus Christ Panama's in October of absorb I guess so I'm gonna hungry try if you 45 is that your one son Gary she do not think that I will continue to defy Moses moseys are can you imagine [Music] shining messages so please - Macarena Molokai Abuelita - nah Rasika never do my face I didn't die I photography by Betty let's say rock I know I have a soul like here so please she don't you go spill the Jesus Christ in person you don't talk about anything else if you preach from the Bible but your message is not to say that on the Christ that is not a sermon you are not preaching the gospel you are blaspheming God you are preventing the scripture you are doing a sacrilege in the sight of God she don't even Gary who died were pursued by Gasol chanting coca-cola Genesis kuzuki-kun Amalekite and Ravenna Padova ditches Oh Chris Roberto Calvi Erica Genesis Buddha agenda agenda Malachi David Enzo mucho dinero Dana J so mu Kodama to planet AJ's o Kesava name Annavaram by be a Moscow pirate attack munechika - Gary Oh Frankie Valli De Palma soar like a so Criscito dear fangame sacrificial pyre h80 diesel pastor a manga kasama festive for Dolph Ziggler with a very careful that the physical web designer designer fan game digital debate integrity darkening of Cascia h oh and a profit n5 survival children typography Nora - Gary she sat upon Regina Hebrews chapter 10 verse 5 Armitage else watches you Topanga [Music] [Applause] - I do funky [Music] mimosa's la pieza de la pau Rosita condom condom Ashikaga monophonic orna Fran Gary yamoa Nakamura amun-re to improve an iguana moccasin dosage a so robbery while a monofin really good one so in conclusion we can actually say the gospel is the person of Jesus Christ if you are not hearing about Jesus then there is no gospel it doesn't matter how long the message is it doesn't matter how eloquent the so-called preacher is it doesn't matter how much money is in his bank account as long as they do not testify about Jesus they have no gospel to offer on to you but this is not the roster scheme to let us give the last escapes at 26 22 tell program about Sarah Pastrana gripa reservoir Canaveral WA Archie - Oh dr. Brennan Mephisto's become Thomas aromatic Tonga Papa Bisquick interpreter Felix Sokka grip again hallelujah Socorro cote de estas tomorrow Cordova Kawena moon mo Sun Guajira Rosie Pablo citizen offences una carrera y de hecho para uma bag Ripa warrior pose IndieGoGo theta on my busy day in my ascendancy to the post of governor denied ambrosio Andina Premiership on Oh she'll antenna - De Sica's M&M Sombra a Susumu yakisoba de satinder hooyah I'm not a solo a casa andina hotel van Garrett a kazoo Kyra monophyletic important visiting de la la caída de Brito equal teammates and Rho agree pocket we are from Sumatra emotionally Lyra kutina would say de pintura up J - Papa Mia chickens in Agra petha sakoku Moroccan - Lucia - the blue bottle pocket define a ghost pure power tambaba creeper a cartographer makes chapter 26 22 they replied Zira who never peaky Gina simply she knows undercut our vanilla poor feet Chaka tell when a Moses she sees disease ie chica there's a cooties I don't wanna Veta - I wish I could decrease to Gaza we shared a Jesuit refute the8 a foot pattern chapter 8 verse of other Jews in Egypt a Janica pattern chapter 1 verse 5 you see operate toward an enormous origin so i GTG so de anza a participant I could define of again Vancouver is a bizarro by Jaso kutiman inertia J so we octagon observe my chapter 23 in order the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters my copy shall overflow though I hope in the value of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for thou Lord and I staff they comfort me thou anointest my head with oil my cup shall overflow I shall dwell in the house of my lord for ever and ever baka dawa each individual member meezerman 23 ma - teacher Han DiGiovanni impossible for my euro a permanent imagine a for my guru Maharaja Tomaszewski versus a drama for menorah on a Vegeta monroebot espanha Bihari hakuna familia kadar Oh Paolo acaba chichi Han Dina privacy mercy no Ossetia Kalwa Nava Profeta na Moses still DJ tikka children ratcheting Association I see a cool teacher so - Roberta musica Aconcagua kapha lado Puttanesca my visa number 23 to the Lord is my shepherd he is really where way comparable Mariana mechana bees Namit emma watson god shiva Namas I often do food when Rama Hari the cavora possible mph over Europe - Gary or forgiving Z in Oaxaca marijuana hallelujah Sakamoto on duty America - America square da Gama - no Guttenberg a very capable very so mother monthly receive human receive your Chi receive your money but in Kalyanam to be that I might change it whenever I never receive you mind me infer out the fine china okinawa return capital city of man in bhava never to die use of your money is Shanga right you can you know is not propagated what capillary new gene to deceive you money where we walk a fury waka is a family hanuman yoga receiving Broca neurotic american truck out with the severe man who was a modulator would receive here man lot of activity some basket to cigar will receive and he became a memory silva I didn't receive other Tampa da Genova gravity receive over tutelary cigar Elizabeth yet I will receive a Meridian palpable were an imperfect of Morocco I didn't what I did overlook his America Yahoo from anna maria pirogova gorilla from cairo failure who could all rely from soul patches so Christie but attractive now I debated not seen a check with Anna Maria on was this a syndrome where one go further pattern of a chikungunya never got a pair to buy the other ones whenever Pyrrha much is the pH accompany you not see the chakra Nora out the final kind of visitor boomers are choice a homepage Rocco Ilia chiku me karachi cheat or obama church in europe in dire dr. Amaury united I am moisés Jose Bautista media shock Yoga move on I J so Krista Menke dtmp ta Okinawa Tina's o asesino de pon vichyssoise testament a mujer oh yah kangaroos just Amenti yok andre agassi you anomaly could impede even allah israeli share take away many at ago the coop Adamo Testament yamura ago Neku gioconda Rocketeer wa la israeli yeah copy wanna Israel Bonita can impose it was Yahoo tanga auntie Serena oh I see Yonaguni Chopra dear Kesava tjuta give a pezzi Lokhande lockup even more a hero one more Z's potato I know why children Moses a cantina memory colony whenever Israel jacquard Ivanova III judicial nominees ray Gujarati telenovela is Rudy Jakarta hapana coupons in Iraq et cetera samovar uno Fatima's Eva which is very routine again my children's Gentile is very gentle on Africa vanishes from the bottom you know Canadian Sweden Jamaica's real a bituminous inanimate Isis very gentle river Yamuna and Cirie when things are a choco asana vapor Israeli movie walk a kilometer if you are not a descendant of Jacob you are not a Jew you are not an Israelite therefore you are a gentleman a prejudice no palatable a demented debuted se mañana wotcha Saginaw poor Dakota Mora a Romani Okinawa Capua Israeli Chetty a certain angle tear in the levity notion that induce a Garamba Yokohama Roberto Chicanos Nagahama Anna Maria when lambda teacher 190 Nevada with a magnet originates from the Scriptures cannabis on of Iberia pnina fangame yatta yattaman open a human soul autonomic doctors who knocked open my girl Gina Yamuna cassava Jake open with a change was in a pipe a panic when you sing available piping a Buddha image changes I John said Diana satin DJ a career in Tobago funghi saluting a messenger to wearing a rotary ways of auras attack maybe you for their society notice something happen again so I came upon the syrup attempt a walk with jeans - Mira - Malibu garlic Saturn I gotta cook library book we are you cold time I said I'm a 78 verse 11 and 12 I could remember Solomon enter one in am Solomon enter 1 verse 11 it off to a good velocity well over Santa later will go by Bill Martin Buber vanadium domineering Sultan a certain way for tera kya karoon of abu talha pita johansson America baby maka Mozilla copy PETA Medina Muhammad OE R at ECU Jerusalem a paramedic on on or terra-cotta Marrero a Moses walk and Oh okapi waka Israeli shaky economy was in bar buoy and a gonna be tourism radio nobuta marijuana boom pop you evading [Music] [Music] [Music] I can kinda see a would be a coup for each peeta peeta meseta motion to America which opted to Cunha Moses [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Cheeta Yamakawa Nakumatt Rangi tapu Kunze Azaria a puta puta madre are now tell us now Buddha Jupiter is redundant so desert wind turns 100 sheet give me dr. Cooper Itza each peter ferrara bye dagoon suicide chihuahua krakow eyes she will remain inside of energy that accommodation we ourselves from the rooted on a digital era we are autonomous rwanda young nation hakuna papa I am a teen Commandments good knowledge my righteous Rosita alors shaaka Marrero will make a desert Samantha little Janie how many Papa Papa cos I know what teachers about [Applause] Metiria began a movie an acoustic wave Goethe or t-money Mutombo oh ha well Sawa Aquatica Bahamas ooh a sobota Odom on dermatome Boeotia quando Remora is a metaphor Chivo da da da da da da da da goon Michigan a DJ DJ man Jeff is where Nebuchadnezzar Ashoka Chakra kuzey booyakasha nabudu wa nanikana now jose de OCHA casa de la moneda novice matado annona muricata Marrero Nevada Nevada welcome to Israel rejected socket a very elegant suit as proof that America's strength he had sinned he needed a couple inside each Peter ultimate a new commandment I will be right I hope you only to those rock apology Peter even main Archana beaucoup de vita gcci otra nota my agent Peter Burke Anna Magnani Jews Rock a very very deep la israel children eat I pass ha ha ha [Applause] [Music] Sokka is Violeta Chamorro ero waka waka hourua Kuna Israeli Chetty well over 200 guru telomere Okinawan devotee Maria our joy no capacity hakuna matata Sukumaran kumazawa Roberto - inna my name come on Giggy nesbitt a Turkish ROI misery - 421 activity or dedicate one according to the law canal Minami Sakana antacid entities were also dedicate for patent very nice virology ADT Elko genre chapter Agri tourism ecology Leviticus clove oh yeah she knows Onagawa curry roberto moon a no sorrow she Kewanee a Takahara act obamacare Imamura Hiro Nakamura hero however they would you rotate Sarah Wilson about this one children ooh Dora Sue Ann Seton hakuna mutata nombre you can go check regime Catalan cards una recogida para comer so Desiree oh gee von Ziegesar $2 futaba-san protocol Kalpakkam Oh controversy versi apotheca more white toga Fatima sacred on the moon a tremendum ET tube is immunity tomorrow very Moroccan domina beans mm man and I mom sanam re right Ogawa's eat a low-fat white doc wanna marry you children wanna wear it or not Cinderella muumuu dimension why is you feel akuna minal American hallelujah they would be very circumcised Parana brutal and every check Umi cheer provisional ballot whether booger Malachi chapter 3 verse 8 to 10 Nakamura wanted to be like indeterminate ignore a Muji mechanicus Tanaka monument amici's like Joe Pardy witness crap cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo no II totally pave over the past a condom entrepreneurship so Thursday the local opera operates an open oven Sam Evans generally show brenigan dinero de da cunha a cacophonous new memoir which are gonna find a man is recommending a visa right now moco citizen who goes away now from the Vatican is private American opera Josh's alpha Chaka GNA Nepali theory hakuna even today Sangeeta resilient moon Sam Garity Rama Hari whoever technology to Manama - Fernanda the beautiful tune these are phenomenal or yellow pills she what she wind up with your finger the agent was a magician with the doji when I wonder as long as China - no pills should not follow me chilly chill watching rotations are not right now didn't watch you will see what will cut off my job with a stoppage in itself it's a jack-and-jill of pills we open your possible puzzle I remember you would you pick any jacket Jacques got them cut off my move but food is wonderful you look weird watch out pain so much of what you don't forget about Shanghai now in the famous when I Jessica one day I'm gonna jump into a man kinda man named like a big one in my agenda panna cotta muhammara Yoshito Okubo je je je made Norton my risotto the game is an agro side moving foodie so come go t don't know rolled a bottle of kombucha big time what if I potato chip on a per se then walk a deep I mean what casita for eating Jung Yonghwa TJ but among 100 a better man Molokai indo indo chinese was a boutique lotta mochi cottage emergency beach innovative businesses over cigar anita break into the bottle aluminio Kirara Londo suitable time for a martini my bag lapa Shiro Tambora campus Ombuds no jean denim abort cara cara will abort Carter know what I'm gonna Kyoto vida sana no VC analysis report card I will be with ha ha ha shikaku mana Malachi adjustable aluminum Malachi rockefeller and even imagine Santa chuckles ooh chuckles we Anna Marie - vibora but Papagayo - is he a pantomime padima ottoman a choke or Americana Israel Osaka to Monaco are in Malacca he was doing is raining during a chapter to engage of the traditional it turned out 200 context the winterberg an achiever my katenka chapter 3 Irina chapter 1 need to travel so - Mariana dr. Adnan bouquet melaka those operated a father who is a chicken Khurana in super-g good at religion goodness triangle dynamos and symphonies interpreted as a debatable issue Guru Guru karna one day another Muslim American a new feature will be divine Serena's odometer in what didn't show was an acquittal Yamuna capacity in we confused [Music] [Music] per second is about [Applause] he would see upon aku's evil muraii is a root root one Israeli rooty one yes we anniver Kunis's my bio quick here cuando una caja de souza lima window kazoo we went to our quarry criminal okay - ah I see why when you can the shuttle chapter 30 photography Swan taught mano a mano de pacheco been a GP so milan i turn on and the chapter 3 verse 1 sorrow for the maxi I took very Rea my clues now a check with me I see hallelujah Doku free labor window motors you receive Vanuatu Nevada check will be a true American awaited for Morocco which now P de dar 11 Providence at ecology I will rebuke the Devourer for the sex [Music] [Music] [Music] HOH in answer naosuke I just su casa silva Hanafi no common assassin demonic spirit a vanity nice Madonna una amenaza la Aguada possible every lavash pasta level visa anons Le Petit Bonilla Israel our Nevada college who live in waters grab Ramsey leave a note of genre I believe a panic Osceola ETA we could reach our roots in war in perfect as it Canoga with a minor in Murcia estate Naraku de Vaca precisa yes yes Mira is a second hey chica boy Ozzie what are ya the GP doable samurai recruited she wrote a new company CP mu danke PA a memory language occupy Yamaha Moffat en Maharaja Judy one is a community resource our night isn't over yet oh my papa [Applause] yes magic oh yes cumin salsa borracha Kiera AHA magazine convoluted Papa very Gabba Sita Mata language issue modified inaugurated a Pecha Kucha cumin fennel root over mu k Teresa Nagamani Tom cumin is awesome you tights all your tights into destro house cutroso food receive a Pomona mango cerca de la c de PO bundle on nakita mo st real comfy sofa jboden vibin hakuna cambodian Amari Maharaja Tirana Israel granted I'm Ava's a lock on Democratic nominee envelope akka de Tahiti agua Maharaja Tanaka DNA coochie mumblecore Akira Sakura mochi coup de foudre storehouse are not big I got that they may be soaked in the storehouse cerca trova celebrity Maharaja Norman emotional would check on each edge which is refer pain Chavis was saying the Buddha Malachi Israel coochie rockets our combination de carrera para la madrina Tsugumi Alice could run away for the first time like autos in California like like if you go to Google type to get a property right sugar Motta system is said that - nope I'm like don't you dare chuckle - i ii 4G we gotta deal with the past are wearing a Malachi hospital jacket ankita raina man in surah muhammad ali jinnah tunisia ha ha Kunichika me cha cambodia temporary tattoo our pasta diamond a kazoo tengo mucho any scenario hakuna Santa utilization of survival depended upon invasion in otaku mission ofagra Kuya marriages open area where America periphery drama Brazil Tech we can exhibit Ashoka Rama Hari Jennifer negative 3 to 4 tomorrow colonel pastor jay traveltura chairwoman we evolved an ice cream scooper we are the birthday forum of his sensitivity we are treated up a topic of discussion kuma she taught me to a pasta a cattle prod run a carnival ocarinas my rocket car nobuta Pechanga Taniya Malik I got really choked women into the storehouse Hana put into the tempo I cut this house today married on storoe animal my own idea is to our food our society nothing nothing no equity moussaka right over the chocolate chippies I can't dietitian of this quest say open up and I gotta narrow we had a Bakugan right there would you put out you fool we are what you eat she wearing the achiever nobody ever wanted down Ramirez Nepal over Noah's Ark hour period marriage over to me I got to take a state decision never die only children see no more dead take a suit you know pain utter to Monomoy you know Rosita papers are fully the could easily tell it to Maria which Academy Agatha Kazuto our pastor you know where to take a they regard his former African American DC the monogamous or to whenever she take which it wouldn't a forgettable place when is your kids come catch me a moon namaha Leviticus chapter 27 visited each other in Abuja Malachi blackout that Israel could soak up a mother or a p1 over to the physician is a cheap goon welcoming to Virginia to booty no to Malachi I eat our men love this macho gonna die you don't worry mind that meant to me that you please they are a delight what kind of a dismembered in a white robe would it shock you meet you know Biswas a second timers were saying I'm a battery mind and I remind you need to say ambiguous vague but - so no - no - a commission of this was say we are with each egg and agility marry such a memory hakuna kabukicho commissioner and piped into a new part of this image 27 dead telepathy cos movie Jessie Shaniqua I told it what he and the Israel in the car Jerry MPT this is a sample is under citizen Butte michio yamiti she began jungeun emo Mukunda jo possibility' me children my olive with al d'amato pea Assisi yoga mat so cha ok is even which Erica will be my way miss Sakura cos alpha Bravo which is entirely children [Applause] yes what part of is a 3d pop rock artificial apt Sagara John DePalma I shall reach a solution is one who turns before the first time never eaten an aqueous of opinio the habitual goodness me sack up Adina Miccio yes Jimmy Patterson Kubasaki is a nacho he could be deficient or inactivated attention of foreign language aluminum and a strong magnet robust cognitivism skating the village children is vivisection Tagawa desgas deliverer jack will be change the conversion efficiency keenora could take ownership of the politicus a refugee Valerie no ARIMA oh boy a little engineer or without such a good boy avoid the fuga could be such a goon I see Penelope or anything out of this why do I gotta check would be check which are Seba chakuda reader machine second vertical number national ticket that I check who me I know a shine who cheat Tsugumi ChaCha we're not even o clock or hundred burgers - Roger check will be jokowi 10 pegs which means 20 percent the under the pecs ice can operate in Aqaba java how each other literally percent walk we enrich equals in Arizona sheshank they're too good to 150 mathematically each 20 percent when I walk off down the dependence will employ him as a worker go under it I would have is how familiar where Nutella pizza Bernardino was not going to match up well on appeal would attend will send plaza lead appreciate any percent rock we're effective eggs ply day visible in no one had a night Sammy Sosa remove a connoisseur support Dooku so there's no food and a passes per symbol cicada in now now energy Lima in return away platypi my three categories hhhh Raja Muda Mitchell Emmett consolation for the way upon the chief of mission on for la perspectiva I always choose our rangamma padam padam padam our chain regurgitation rich today nacho Dortch our church a mu mu procedure believe you I know economic our konichiwa [Applause] yes Josh you change a person signature how would she desert uh Joe Graham vegetated a brightness to go but I was a Jada okay to be a guru Buddha Dhamma I believe that your wife I told my Cheney but there is I warned about tomorrow you are not vote everyone negative Oconomowoc I come with the way Michigan economy talk about did you notice verse a Leviticus Queen missed it do i boots on an audition this is actual she not dismiss a but I happen at once again I want visa Lugano Padma sore now what does it change the design this apply a simple fancy resort on of gravity kind of pariah tourneys in our tradition backers agenda with Shanti is Akuma shots our wise Shah Jahan maria fog a little bracket to cup for tickets out without imanari simply why i do yet assignee one i will move up a 1422 that eternal Petaluma chapter 14 verse 22 Marika so good zero each upon each I'd show Chinese up his Crusaders it's a mirage amun-re easily pipelines Josie Pye me yes sir of course rosters and Rocco super apology to Caracas what does Eva build a moment a preliminary boy yes uno phonetic are very passive Maharaj powder is saying I'm not with the champ oh no no / faster I've got together what's our I'm a Buddha I'm full underpass bitching by [Applause] which a p1000 Tsukuba saying repent monetization member simeone a demonic rain burn after Lee and I would be a Sherpa leave my dad and I Shiloh labourers a brute and a queer Brno gible totally with our white inch equals no I don't wanna marry Sita Hanuman anyway charge is about to swim with week away no community like Jacoby Jane you leave my son Wesley Sokka will you compete hey there could be there could be a ship to come George glacier Commission yeah it went down swap my intravenous drip way America would say that she would change by day night mrs. Joe Sacco circulation wheat germ us a big a casino now in fact she was easy for Joe Giudice's not why we would retake that is America ugh a voodoo doll all cozied customary wakow bullet holes [Applause] like shitty mood of Suburbia remember yesterday when I open our which are raised by a shop rather than Shakira grinder check would be child do we are putting up Americans including Italy papa ikuyo kamana Josa taco and in Latin America with an obi-wan de toda la Coco no Putin simple yo yo I wanna say Morocco could Isis there a capo in my chicken impose a new brand America car window Jacuzzi jacuzzi cigars over me Masada is in Morocco dizzy the victory michio kaku was a moussaka uno final acoustics MMR hunger t do Kanazawa that wanna talk about higher only mam eti gonna go go in America Cheng kun Yui doc annuity Giza Shifu Vijay Khanna's Nomura the Budokan food emergency gear a fantasy soccer routine is denied entrance the Jamaica championship woman Rita 3000 Yakko Angela Melina Mercouri 15000 M or better 18,000 mo he chicken shop oh yeah ha ha poor feet no fact I will grapple Jimbo Yamanashi Amaro are Puente Grande agua azul Oh Jericho Doku tenganan Mario you know Tina Cheever take a rain pants tsuki no one sauces no tikkun olam Morocco bhujangasana do anyway Abajo Bombay coyote the movie Jenga Kannada cinema potato go Jay [Applause] yes yes [Applause] if we notice a change or a holster yes I totally can develop a revenge Jesus unapologetic Assad regime Josiah's otaku regina NASA whoopee I could not one day I got some phones in the moon.the our leadership would reach out Cooper Tempe uh-huh Pacheco mother shakuhachi not welcome me store saluto on a Malachi book we are here first Chronicles yeah Kalamazoo in second chronicles that's why he's a Kia she knows I won - pity so say - I never take the oka that big of Alaska problem I know Carlton is the key to Dina please step back whatever case is two hours that we should get refer offerings Nima telling us we're never gonna know anyone who puts about our mojo commercial material which I have a couple nights ago in new solution for the annual birthday she does a great game of sí señorita Malachi catchy we should canvass conceivable attitude Indiana eToro Chicago Sephora say when the elephant cigar Chaka Khan Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka matcha tea dos attack oh very nice hakuna mutata premiership filmography pasta bread baby acuna moon welcome when life is a check would be is basically shark the autonomous Raya Moses the Old Testament chuckles whenever Israel why can't my New Testament yekaterina guseva jail so pop GG one action mukogawa kalfa an advantage for forty days seven days later general Zika Rock America underway to develop our own dr. Schaack return of Ravana PETA 90 chapters lalita vishaka una Sola we toss our agenda Damascus a tram to monopoly tacuba I did for the first time for giddyup intercalated discs on Apollo we are attack and Arjuna also a continuous rocker Papaji Judah could I tell apart - aha Sokka check will be jamming with mrs. white chocolate chili she changes from a samurai hero uniboob a MAV is my tattoo and return of the ship woman more chewy chocolate mousse a distractor most of us are invisible but is about which is the point where everyone is the law of Moses to function now we need descriptions to answer that question shut the tin of the book of Romans verse number 1 to verse number 4 [Music] uno compare booty pops are pyramids aqua is realpolitik oh no community they show negative absorb a second okay Gary to Louise's warranty 37 who know about the power are at a point concerning israel i Apostle Peter Israel would not want to have some you know very quickly I am reading she in this regard are wanting a veneer para even witnessing a paragon of girls were right there he should like to put up whatever could be a phenomena from sauropod rock area pushed our nature agreements my axes and my prayer to go to concerning Israel is that they might be saved Sarah Prabhu's departed open funkadilly squid payaso put out a terrible Saba Israel saga do target as a VCR and you do touch away sooner Ubu gonna wanna miss you mackynzie's raided the alma mater physiography forgot Israel who nobody other provision against Israelis she decide probably Papa visa Israel the right texture I'm otaku Akamai wangu no Kumbakonam are Panther operas Christ dear mokuba Maria de meses para sacar Nevada Hippocrates my NASA official celebrity nose algo de Valero repair Chaka ooga oogachaka whoo baby yamazaki Pierre Josh what is a political problem baby apparently accidentally gonna go pay a visit at an alternative or a rogue agency we do have a dumb guy in everything Dave tonga message appearing in Hebrews chapter 10 Thank You professor one which item every food item the vision I dictate now [Music] yes what do I do is no FIFA is the Pyro's svv I'm Rocco z de malaria my domain you America according to the law yes also to tell you that in the way of notable de todo Ashish antecessor penguin widget career inertia goofy such a good day I'm not be such a good Tonga about that she should be here chicken to visit the g29 Yahoo paid three our three-eyed dog bite fine Sagarika to prevent act you having an abortion of a noir of the saga what they don't buy it teaching the rebel genre to New Testament Hebrews chapter 8 this thing AHA to do disturbia disturbia [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tsugumi camera yo- la luna Israel la Capilla wa chigau new tragedies Neku de la Placita while in Guatemala to Zamorano homicide yeah no palette I can authorize the comparator the law of Moses delivery chanting the Levitical priesthood could do to make people righteous as consenting conditions because the end of the law of Moses what you mean to us be that another priest should arise of the order of no pathetic Aiden order from the [Music] Levitical priesthood missile on say we have a procedure accident the derivative of our sanity George were visiting the villages so implicitly one run electricity by damage a powerful beam balance another be badgered Lavinia Gangaram kuttappa Yama I can tell Facebook stupid good really good really good you sorry actually my new body cool evocative huge it implicit octavarium Jewish apply to my second company Award Testament in the New Testament under George estimate you haven't no quizzes I would live but the New Testament you know another Americans etiquette ammonia is when a new procedure I live say kakizou moo-moo-moo-moo Placita a lot of the Americas they take us in diffuculty our own net I play tomorrow delays yes Jean Valjean Apollo we are never to leave out the Kuna Yala Akkad single Fe basa a Katina Wichita procedure that could easily do is a crisp second please don't you see what catch each one she check azita package it won't proceed [Applause] I guess he live I think were no signs of Donna avoid enumerable a Fernando sir I to buy some rain but Jo Nambiar conceive of a Ducati Jahjaga Kazemi don't have an observer as reader for each of jidoka Dane once the Vengeance edge one jornatha goodie de la basura y por ayudarnos a children a Catarina Israel Israeli a palliative analogy levied eons by April 7 verse 11 diandra custodian hombre John is an African monkey satyagraha brain losses are aware Nevada do we believe it was an Indian food in Oro a suggestion by Joshua Hanukkah Debray economy nasha nashe da pyar syllable new testament activate the way to know very dodgy national soccer but you know Telugu receiver a rocket p1 even though who Singapore Nancy Lewis alternative a dependent on foreign artists are to visit Shakuni she tells the Rivero - tada Abraham Akaka visited Lucia chocolate f to my mind is a jolly Amanda Hooper fellow singer from okay so DSA no fool I did you know annual retained gentleman or grab if I better finish each available yes I suited up Arika could tell the Kusatsu kanika my power I'm not it Tai Sheng gateway possibly Mariah I'm not putting my change one past him right now rockin highway bill Istanbul Yasuko a today Yaka Yaka Yaka actia the right even kind of a cinema in Rockaway did fun on a new show Cory Yasha nearly so quietly Roberto garage or like a two ponies locator normal the super convenient pocket Parenthood the Kaliyuga idea Cucaracha Tecate can Amazon I would think is for according to the no on ponies me those are imaginative is one a charity in your girl whose are fuga mockery wanna Marrero underway are a nobody in the world gonna look like a change that you could be okay that dopey side with more than we have a change no no no we actually designed a Jacuzzi I think is why the competition is also second I decided that our tomorrow yogorov our Kusaka Mookie Rae Ann's in the Ventura baby in the Hoover at this event who can warn of sins and it was a bad boy I wanna go see Jeremiah is this boat don't apologize h1 don't every single part it's been so nice any chocolate chocolate vanilla pudding cake Tatum to random Julia O'Connor has vindicated Bravo copy the ogre a Maggiano's Bhutto Nina so the inside to be negated to diversify their famiglia new planet they do yoga you know popcorn is one would be they think they will she's not gonna fund a dinner party - Oh pizza then I'm offended when you get up in the end Park at the park named your dog attorney and get it please the Porta Potty died and also the attorney for gaining Roja pass go or not go to conditional change any person video way she don't do anything to police but would take the okay we do it mine or money from give you chocolate insulin would not ever change who the tour no gym entities one community pattern the city just wanna go to movie didn't register because you have a monitor Wayne Anderson are you in the baggage I I never show garage but I never got to please end it presidency domain ceremony ikkaku sahaja to repeat economy hotel de winter food poopy Jim even a super brain just understand you get in about 23 our secretary dr. kacica could take aside to quash Iike take my tie go head over to a Jew that nobody should get what you saw I did I did not what you get to a past family let's check it was familiar and I'm like Utah aside my chilly tonight is cool pasta which is predicated upon us it's a good man sock agrees to do you take the apocalypse at Korea and it was all attributed I wasn't watching don't forget the Russian government career decreasing energy lived in my second paragraph is a rocket a father I'm born in Sweden brain Murano go period I Kushite per night and he wrote a Muslim is when they would be waiting right is gonna taste quickly the meringue yes please - Jacques Oh chica hurricane familiar washing events like the pelicans Malaysia's on the agenda gotta move move move where we going by the way about each other Doug Williams right be done to mitigate the open speaker knows I can't anomaly but you deny us was it to open a Christian my sacrum or a violin but wouldn't go to a play guitar whooping connect least pleased to do Bosnia Guatemala a period of a speaker on empirical data chicas Asia Sagan's boo Tina's Okaka chica and this is City Pass pimp a kid's collecting in celebrating the is useful to do pay decades one so she can she come one second I do double undergone at least my friend of the agency Massimo googa googa ba arrival whoa whoa nice wagon is our now crease like Judah he won't wait I would not be okay the best family will join I just didn't want to party was a national agenda like Utah tell me how I get when I bring each one is brave but I didn't wanna to 11 telophase jettisonable dijo body I'm so sorry no Kugimiya gentleman young me why then equal to e su vida de mañana ha ha [Applause] [Music] my kuchi kuchi that were so cool I know with the same which is compare sandwiches god oh god is never a better time [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] 20:22 from brenda moore fallacy nominally Pharisee movin in my tightest a routine op otaku meet a mentor dominate the same Riya Vij kubacheck mean take our new baby coming would you like a potato a glass of cool shimmer I even see like a sailor's of kuru samurai imitation accommodation accommodation as enacted in railways I can Fernando Munna look maybe the rules yeah we have G romanticism a real celebration as if you don't even you you when you built a Grammy [Applause] [Music] ha ha [Applause] why of Visa Check is a jacuz rocket to the design facility Zeno is no naka cootchie-coo nominees for a whoa [Applause] [Music] [Music] I can't eat them what is she planning to the prom I do not - first rate the grace of God and the coordinating your tomorrow if righteousness come by the law died in vain - good I just wish I'd check me Christ died in vain who else I mention for a child Rita I believe I would woody grease to a calf our personal $27 Roma 3 $27 on we know who's acutally pick where is our booster hurt pretty good day they do what mr. Guzy good morning it would be the same Yahoo she could - little busy accrediting agency a Newport Avenue taro Marrero wearing eye shadow visible cicuta communicating de una puta a supermarket ill traveler goes decided as a joke on Asakusa either we paid rent pop a kazoo no he did a chapter for yoga visa one dope arcana to turn away now you could enjoy I'm not a doctor I'm a Pan Am Rocko any geogebra the crew had a plane tomorrow and a co the duty to be Nobu today a promise for amazake now you can drive is a cheap movie ha ha ha aah aah aah aah aah aah Egypt in disease that can assist at DCA but no compost yes good Alcala position on your minds computer works at Shifu what told in Quran each queries good to imagine a face you can't go what about our credit in late yes could take that do kikunosuke Rama hello - Milania - gia was the academic today moon an androgynous a QWERTY a note is my son's Vika now pay attention but a greener Abraham para llenar no Terauchi bubucaca chili con brio sattva bob is interchange Abraha sad out that the gratitude Rubio food they were not autonomous viewer 1417 the Genesis we are not tied down not a shaumbra Nisa now when I said you know do okay that I can repeat them so - blip Gamora they got no papa Maria residue Gamora parinibbana gas cos no food no boyish aquarium alright great thereafter ha Jiwon Zambrano get a okay man turn the whole collage I don't wanna sit at home late at night that freedom so true the caprara super easy no popular I'm not a queer I'm a soldier I tell you what they do when we work duty Ayla who looks the cooler and no never a title now the shaman is saga better than a baisha like a sunken an attitude talker I don't ever see my HIV to impart our Mambo hey boy sorry Mary kids eating bamboo sorry we will achieve what a Korean achieving a Korean way Ohr HaChaim seven one zero now we could decide check will be cheated Abraham Akaka mucuna many such a good mobile profit what will you pay one weekend gravity saga the child mature an apprentice required Erica kind of the canopy knowledge on over on challenger from the Neapolitan moose Regina Chikara panel to tenderness cream shop could imitate your body turns until a doctor - no - no burden show Khadijah to retain de Medici Andy challengeable potato cuidado con Edison away from carnival challenge one language in Vienna wake of a challenge at a canola seed map of Islamic world grandson Danny Sheena [Applause] the woman where no man wanna L said organism commented aqua is tossed away the paternity Rocco was Pyrrha which each other so good to say that she would be - so the sunshine of a sweet Sheena never water v don't believe the by chain that were to be the man asked I'm a chocolate Elsa would our theta and cow wait a man a woman who's a to alpha u du café would name my would be such a good Chantilly by day can and each attend abou takuna miss cocoon optimum ray oh please walk of a prasena without us our booties a cheap woman Alberto de la gente se acaba Vezina she know all return of a person and the attitude a gigabyte Hebrews chapter 7 this one type of his Santa not one of the power especially the Opera before Americans eating a kazoo teledrama penguin a poor watch chang-geun to some foods and apocatip Edmund Roberts entertain could you check would be shampoo tonight check out for two or nine I come back to manages I don't I pay whatever I could you put on a good man you are not sure I'm a granite or dr. Solano Dora people conducted from Danny Kanata Tucson dudes a boutique cacao cheetor our di-pi be diced avocado changer on pizza hibachi tora tora tora jordan i would you turn up t more time in Cleveland tonight or a few more than a detour detour Chaotica the machine watch pinga booty booty did you find a common benign or tell me I didn't say no but no chocolate rajo-guna tamo-guna with chamber aboot as if Angela to Guadalajara see the reach of official tourist power booster a second Guardian who generated true gusto now Rita Falls together together he moves on the pastinaca would differ wanna catch Torah when you test me with a jacket to one shop [Applause] hakuna is an occasional region determining each auditioning there is no private interpretation of scriptures there is one custom one spirit one god one shot one baptism one hope one day judge the gospel should deliver funny an emotional finding a multicolored pastor behind carnival committee to Ho sang gala affair with ginger I kinda have a pretty much a dead son of another to get one now he attempts to come down I consider a Virginia Court able to one I I kinda which is big okay I will okay I don't go to a circus a man now with a criminal court do yoga in rejected as an emotion from demo degeneration African of ritual I will change my interpretation near Constitution Eureka hey ginger unavoidable garlic joke until Monday mellow Ubu now I kind of the movie Kananga backtoconstitution there is one interpretation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Abraham mine I'm a bid certificate pero tenemos agua agua azul azul animus if you do puja at DeAnza watch a few more you other day to prepare animosity guru under tengo ganas Lula an awesome twist Americans also Hazama programa do anything Grubin even the natural world is a daughter that is a woman in our apartment is a taken decreased saga in eden past our Chris Sacca - Tora he found a pastoral exhibit of America's a big watch the developers festivities [Music] [Applause] indeed American funakichi visa my visa urin Pacha familiar canary watch Oh watch it is a Mona wanna promote American Indian this is another corner got a self-defeating argument was a claim to us once here he won't attend streets of Israel he pleaded in the synagogues in the air for three years acapella he never collected hide from anyone neither did he pay type to anyone in actual fact he conjugated the Pharisees pimentos randy retama for paying tight disregarding well chavita's hasta la carrera de un para unos a community abraham president 7 Sokka you be such a goon who's not my welcome muchas Ganguly Behrami catch this ODP or I did not to eat meat in America say take know goodbye Chi no I'm not gonna tour in osaka' I'll come here kappa minik is intake I'm gentle alone she was a mountain man but I'll go right those are coffees at any place in the hustle of America's it take so much occupied with me now so sometime now she sees I could buy a light you can even roots hit wonder if economy and it will pay my vcy check it when I other I'm you know why she died I'm a karate man don't is a cheap woman just rock and Amba don't bang back she don't I am energy to Ouisa no actually I'm a spoon I don't buy chicken into my spoon in one day upon an equity which Abraham acaba chebyshev man in America change whatever change is still vanity Moomba Namaqua track of especially Mena Abraham Akashi CIA Papa Melchizedek Akasaka Mira mashi remember - I'm not gonna question a campus are attached Iike a pomegranate Chico Nucci a Kazakh an iguana a moose and achieve our own evolution know when the movie daredevil change was angry [Applause] beside that you can suck our wine say would you donate to a co-worker it was another bus I hope somebody Abraha like Joseph ineligible we decide is another Abraham Silva never mind Abraham was a type of Christ we don't believe in Abraham we believe in Jesus Christ Jesus is the one who died for us and not Abraham I am hearing this we apology developed a parameter something I think is key to chapter 17 from this 8ya Genesis Cana which never change the Abraham Popov is actually more difficult routine which attends an opera la derecha to dingus Cara Maria Osaka Papa's Incas were Papa Mia my Jeremy Katie change thread gusto Jinwoon do not require caitanya which alumina upper ham safe in 1979 Larry Cooper I you know I live in Osaka are servicing mono one I substitute Akuma no delays the I go clean one so the top layer which D is a partnership with Mina Abraham live I gotta be c1 about Nevada Ganga actually mission reservoir to create a shirasaka leave us a pleasing okapi see mom dad another walk but he won't know what we want to opera what was this memorable dark abyss in Walker even what a monkey what she was a packet of visa what cut epistle wow duder presented a brahmakumari me the with a good I don't wanna be Syrah I see all goods ahuna she was you know she loomed on but each afternoon the professor leadership could typography swatch alumina Abraham I don't get Sarah Old Testament yes after I check for me she don't wanna leave my hallelujah cafeteria but not worry I miss my dad to the top our exam study tornado suru wide array will plant now we already know Moses Watson who was a chocolate already kinda which we where we woke up at Ranieri ma guru [Music] yes Amy the waiter of dogs in Kakinada percent but beware of dogs who calendar nature would not rotted beware of dogs creation in the delegatee change energy I suppose everyone Saguna tanita degenerative change a black eye [Music] [Music] to Karachi kiwano guru nanaka focus theories to the guy did ask you before I let you finally see Jessie never go punakha commas in a question given a name is accounted you Pharisee rifle now and then of a briefcase Emma fallacy and I never asked for all five I found my theorem Pharisees our Icarus q1r show they could have a kiss yes because it's a Maharaja Bharata would you wanna kiss the only Queen - in hakuna matata hakuna oh yes yes De Luca song man and I vomit a musical a key difference Maranatha keratins I counted everything done that I may gain Christ cRIO tomorrow I know pilita a careers and all the poopoo Mercado papazilla Park a Christian a cattleman a collaborative and area Chris Maria a pupu us a notice about this or Anita [Laughter] yes the person is taking something that sounded bad job I think is very pure opposed to rudovika ranganathittu Tomas the Vltava changer and the three tickets box it to create the mukuru coefficient if you somebody there's a special are doing tier-1 anyone is show like atlanta and negotiated among the are coochie coo coo the coconut that we are Alawis all rally the components criteria and whenever I say wa boku Kula guru take this alone when it's burnt bean peevish ambition never remember stains like I know I think is like a we have in mind like and supports ocotilla post to beat the thing is a Munda money actually Peter the thing is that Simba Mary actually written and in the water five the thing is a to marry actually Kathy peter cratchit Chuck I would see very much Shh whenever anybody needs a can be a microphone the movement comes to Aquino guru champagne I was in the car $2,300 Sofia we enter machito la Pucelle cadenza Moroccan accent Jacques said a political cozy ways to Super Mario Perez criticism which it handle shadow draw the problem arises from a sweet but up in the wall [Applause] [Applause] if Power Rangers don't scream of a IP language church group in the hall table who's this - Oh gramma muumuu never mind is a CEREC itís a sonography occupy a burner percentage a celeriac we know T WA casino Vanuatu Bill Murray 52 us can I step in a fifty-cent kind of your co-op or what you found out the more you walk yo somebody what am I gonna depend upon I kinda wanna be the one which is going technical know the power to lose that which time to the 400 Mohammed Rafi's effort more absurd wind change along with brother one of these terms has a random name but 20 girls is still busy the phone from one of the five each Iowa time next month in change itself you jump over she's not movements again - Allah will you show OMA she's not gonna set up this copper I do it coming with the triple magic disk open your chest and choke on my TV screen all right yeah sure could you check out this whatever I say why don't you swap I sit down I live more a little boy decision but this one when you just happened my name is free will give me look every guy looks up to eight this one into my name is shotsie palette when they put me Nakagawa he not see musica she knows language is not going up why Maryam Ekaterina Kotova Amin Amin nigel emma sam roi yot nasa's our service and our amarillo Rockaway I'm a sheep or a canoe pudgy so doc assume Iroquois jessa-hannah Kovac Spanish on the orna this especial reaching a photo Ferguson's when Israel Dagg refers album fatality rate in the DJ Mag a department if you showed I'm a corporal harmony honey I should be cake salute on the hotel aracataca people who talk very well as jukebox can a lottery ticket lose to cultural tourism hookahs create a fine chance with the Jetport happen Aceveda Deanna Cooper we all goof around so in either which I do I know judges buddy who do come for him I'm good Papa Phil okay one hour $5 that's not gonna be a pun I'm a GM one that they are outside Cairo target cheetah lose Kazuto bower burgmaier I wasn't what you feel well I should be ready gun yeah company Jesus I mean us I push a terrible type of pain who don't care that is a cockapoo car you were never really miss you'd belong to go Saguna garage cultura we didn't get it Shia avenues wanna see know what I gotta go to Manali haha Google company can a celebratory that man who sugar mint sockets Apple question affordable the movie she said she Shonda America's retailers I never to be played every woman in Dhaka yoga apparel Fiza banana watch repair it I know CA an economist and a German TV antenna Sentinel Prime I clarity Moraga anticipated ultimate random experiment were so great a beta x where they create educated decision we all squeals - so what am I to do with my car later money to the vegetarian and faith what does were just a man turnip allahu allah same he say homicide to pair up dad once we're all getting unbuckle he's not checking man Oh foo go to Camilla go get out which item I never I shouldn't Madison do we take seen a particular was a dad to local police become a hawawa no cookie that banger Pacino I still good with a man less helpful to take that man evolved that will be a greater their cooks irreducible Mary muñeca quicker Gucci hallelujah Sergio senator Hagan Okinawa Chuck only one option can away one over J de Monte Tanisha mocha mocha no Gotama ask a novakovich's abuse of ammonia which is my character Katrina Mario who live in shanties and n0 de la mañana de l'académie okay tamale operated Fukushima operating of this is really an advantage over our kingdom gain self again a billionaire financial position yah - spiritual kamehameha Lucina Mary Buddha Buddhist will be my abode ro porn s1000 qu nominal fee nom de guerre de una volta government rokka rokka - it came up with a grudge against a professor and I'm a and I feel guru Peter chanting Damon who's our Father attention a noble service eh into a food appreciation we need an umbrella seems that over over tehre hurts Nasri touches amoeba could be samurai you wanna be the pony could you teach me how to ride my pony spanning a shadow putain de little blue marketer a pizza come I got you feel about how high the police department down shabooey dude more tolerable now go back under one blue campaign but I'm gonna put a over Yahoo kind of achieve allons-y show Co Ltd now components kuwait ravana rama higher but hope a new magazine election arm initiate a shaman re virtue koneko aura because the real anderson animal because elenova navarro show a similar the show could know the rancor pain with the Missoula miss police very Kuna cocaine can obtain the initial work at I could wear everything up in a me well then I guess [Applause] [Music] Diana I'm [Music] Wow [Music] my aunty [Music] my aunty [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jesus Revelation Ministries
Views: 74,602
Rating: 4.6123347 out of 5
Id: 033MfNNA1qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 8sec (11288 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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