A Maniac Who Becomes A Messenger

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that's something about a real authentic child of God that makes full respect you [Music] [Music] I want to preach about a maniac who turns a messenger maniac who becomes a messenger burn two things that makes me glad I'm a Christian is that the love of God meets us where we are he meets us in our mess in our pitiful condition in a dreadful and sad state of affairs and he does not ask us to get clean and then come meet him he does not say get off dope and then come meet me he does not say leave your junk and come meet me but rather he gets in it with us to give us strength to get out on our own Christianity is always coming down God is always coming down his incarnation his becoming a baby in Bethlehem is about coming down he is dying on a cross is about coming down to save us to rescue us to redeem us because we can't come up to where he is so he has to come down to where we are he meets us in the middle of our mess I want you to notice a moment this man's condition he is demon possessed so much so that the demons turn him into a raging maniac he cannot live in polite society because he screams he shrieks he shouts out uncontrollably he's noisy he's abhava his family has grown weary of his antics the culture no longer welcomes him in polite circles because he's unpredictable he's uncontrollable because he is possessed by the devil the devil has him so that he cannot even live at home with his family he lives out in the tombs he makes his dwellings among the dead he can't live with his wife he can't live with his children if he has anything he cannot be invited to any social gathering he is not welcome in the temple or the tabernacle he is not even invited in polite society because they bind him with chains and the demons are so strong that he breaks the chain they bring him out to the tombs he comes back to town they bring him back to the tombs he comes back to town because he is possessed by the devil what a pitiful condition he's uncontrollable he's on script the scripture says untamable you how do you how do you get to the place where a man has to be tame tame bears and lions how out of control was must a man be that he has to be tamed they put him in Chains they lock him up in Chains and the demons are so strong that he breaks the chains cuts himself with stone demon possessed they are presses like that here they don't they don't want to be on drugs but the demons are so strong I wish I had some help here they're trying to break the habit but the demons are so strong because the Bible says until you bind the strongman until you get rid of the demons if not he will come back with demons seven times stronger than the one that left what what happened in his yesterday's to drive him to the tomb what switched what clicked in his life to make him a man that had to be ten at some point he may have been upright and a man of rectitude and character but now we find him in the tombs cutting himself with stones screaming with no clothes on a wild man and whenever you see somebody out of control that's the devil because the devil will make you do some crazy things I wish I had a witness here we were talking about it this morning I see these young people in our community walking down the street with their pants almost falling off that's nothing but Satan I see these young girls walking the street with their pajamas on that's that's that's satanic you're out of control you are uncapable you are absolutely demon-possessed who's raising these people I'm glad you asked the folk who are raising them are just as crazy and demon-possessed as they are because if they had somebody parenting them they could bring them under control I need somebody who was raised in the house like I was raised where my mother and father knew how to bring us under control I wish I had somebody here who wasn't scared of your children that your boys know when you say shut your mouth you better shut his mouth I wish I had two or three witnesses your children ought to know when you're playing and when you're not playing with because you bring them under control because that needs to be somebody that the Lord has touched your heart to bring them under control I need to I need somebody who's not scared of your children to help me right here my mother was short in stature and all of us were taller than she was and when my mother got ready to call the house to order all we had to do was look at her face and she would Twitter her thumb and that meant I'm not going to say another word we were grown men and women with our own children but my mother still knew how to call the house to order because she was in control talk back to me if you can and she would make us to know grown men and women I'm The Shack bully in this house and in my mind I said I'm a grown man but that's what I said in my mind I wish I had somebody read he's like I was ready that's what I said when I got outside that needs to be in the house some modicum of control because if God is not in that house the demons will come seven times stronger than the ones who left and take control over the whole house this man's condition left him in the tombs cutting himself with stones screaming with no clothes on but then Jesus doesn't just happen by Jesus passes that way on purpose I need two or three more witnesses right here in verses 1 through 7 the man is wild and out of control untamable in the tombs no clothes on cutting himself with stones screaming bleeding in the tomb from verses 1 through 7 he's wild and needs to be telling but in verse 8 Jesus shows up and somebody ought to help me right here when he shows up a difference is made quite a difference between verses 1 through 7 and verses 8 through 17 because in 1 through 7 is the man's sad condition but starting in verse 8 he encounters Jesus and he moves from a sad condition to the Savior's conversion and when he sees Jesus the demons in him start screaming but I want you to get this brothers and sisters the power of the Holy Spirit is stronger than the power of the devil [Music] because even though the Devils in him are streaming he still runs the Jesus to worship it is right here in the text the devils are pulling him but he knows that Jesus can help him so with the Devils pulling him he still runs to Jesus to worship and then some folk in this church this morning the pool of Satan is still strong in your life but yet you got sense enough to get to church on Sunday long because no matter how the devil has you tangled up the Holy Ghost can set you free I need somebody here who's been set free from your habit from your addiction from your problem from your hang-up from your issue from your mess God can set you free and whom the son has set free the Bible says he is free indeed you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free and once you've been set free you don't care who you're sitting by you don't care what they say after church it doesn't bother you how do you look at you when you stand up and give God praise you don't care how do you hunt somebody next to you say I know she ain't shouting I know he ain't making all that noise yes I am I said yes I am cuz I have been set free God has delivered me from your definition of me I know what I was and presses 1 through 7 but in crazy since I met Jesus my life has changed I'm no longer the same and the demons in him says what have I to do with you son of the Most High I implore you I adjure you the King James says that that you that you leave me alone don't torment me that's the devil talking and the devil makes you want to hug your habit the devil makes you want to stay in your addiction because listen to me sin would not be worth the time it takes to get involved in it if you didn't enjoy it I defy any Holy Roller in here this morning to say that you didn't enjoy sin while you were involved in it [Applause] everybody who sins enjoys it or else you wouldn't do it in the first place I was a header witness everybody who sins enjoys it for a season the grip of the devil he's holding his man but but the power of the Spirit makes him run to Jesus fall down in front of him to worship and watch Jesus the the spotlight the camera the lens is always on Jesus it's no longer about the man it's no longer about the demons verse 8 says it's about Jesus he says come out of the man you unclean spirit Jesus assist you I want to talk I got a question for you what is your name and he said my name is legion for there are many of us crowded in this man and many of us this morning can't even name the stuff going on in our own heart [Applause] one day we speak in one day we're not speaking I wish I had somebody to help me one day we just as happy as we can be the next day we woke up on the wrong side of the bed one day we are talking to best we can be the next day we don't want to talk to nobody talk back to me if you can we are full of all kinds of spirits there are legions of devils [Applause] possessing us that you got look at yourself in the mirror and say that I really just do that did I actually just say that and if you don't do it I'll say it did I actually just think that I just left Church I just got through reading the Bible I just got through praying I wish I had some honest Christians in here the assignment I gave us to do some praying every day I need somebody in here to help me testify that even when I try to do the best I can to stay focused on my prayers my mind goes over there and I gotta ask myself how did I get over there not not not not you if you if you stronger than me god bless you if you if you got it all together how to Lou you for your name but now some of us say you're struggling just trying to put one foot in front of the other because we recognize and we got so many personalities going on in our own lives that sometimes we don't even know who we are ourselves but thank God Jesus can come and set you free from your addiction free from your personality problems you can you can go home and stop saying I'm the way I am because I'm a Sagittarius I'm the way I am because I'm a Leo Armour I'm a cancer no you're the way you are cuz you got ugly ways you're the way you are because you want to hug your habits you want to cuss people out you want to tell people OFF talk back to me here you want folks to be scared of you in your office that's why you got that look on your face that's why you look so mean right now if I was a younger preacher I'd be scared and sit down right now but you know I scared of you listen when the devil has control of you you don't even know it you don't even know how other people perceive you but Jesus comes to let you look in the mirror of your own personality and see that if you're not like him something's got to change come out of the man you unclean spirit what is your name legion for we are many you go help me closes want you and the Bible says the demon said to Jesus don't don't make us leave and Jesus said you got to come out of this man and they say well send us into this herd of swine listen the devil trying to make you believe he's got all the power but whatever he wants to do he's got to ask God for permission I wish I had time to stay right here he asked Jesus for permission to go into the swine and the scripture says Jesus gave them leave they got in the swine the swine lost their minds ran over the cliff drowned and now the camera is back on the man in verses 1 through verse 7 he was wild uncontrollable needed to be tamed naked in the tombs cutting himself with stones shrieking and screaming day and night but here he is after meeting Jesus cold sitting and in his right mind let me let me just let me throw this out at you I'm not gonna charge it for this I'm gonna give you this for free Wow he's wild nobody's afraid of him but as soon as Jesus heals him be afraid of me I wish I had somebody to help me pitch God gives you an aura and a power that Devils around you got to get out of your presence because that's something about a real authentic child of God that makes full respect you their freedom and they asked Jesus to leave their coasts and then the Bible says Jesus gets in a boat he gets ready to leave and the man who just got healed wants to go with him but finally Jesus gives him a commission he leaves from his terrible condition to God's converting of him and now the Lord Jesus gives him a commission he said no I don't want you to come with me you can do more good where I'm gonna send you go back home to your friends and tell them what good things the Lord has done for you how the Lord had compassion on you and when the Lord delivers you go home go back to your hearts go back to the places where you used to hang out and let them see what good things God has done in your life you go help Nicole just wanted everybody in here is an ex Suffolk so you ought to go back to the folk you used to hang out with you ought to go back to the folk you used to smoke with go back to the folk you used to drink with go back to the folk you used to party with and let them know what good things the Lord has done for you and it's nothing wrong with shouting on Sunday morning and waving your hands and praising God in the sanctuary on Sunday morning but you ought to get out of here get out of these walls and go back to your own community go back to your own neighborhood go back to your own running buddies and let them know what good things God has done for you you gonna help me close this won't you I want to tell you what a difference it makes when Jesus passes by that was a woman at the well who had five husbands and one day Jesus passed by while in the shade of Jacob's Well this woman came to draw water jesus converted her soul as she ran into the village and said come see a man that told me all that I ever did is not this man the Christ Jesus makes a difference in the life of blind Bartimaeus seated on the highway side begging but it meets Jesus and Jesus restored his sight you've helped me close this water that's a woman with an issue of blood she's been suffering 12 long years but then she meets Jesus and she doesn't have a chance to talk with him she just grabbed his clothes and when Jesus stops the blood stops and said somebody touched me and the woman said Lord it was I jesus said your faith has made you hold we don't have to go to the woman at the well we don't have to go to bottom males on the highway begging we don't have to go to this woman with an issue of blood there's somebody in the sanctuary this morning that the Lord has touched your life Jesus stop by your situation Jesus turned your life around and you don't have to wait til Sunday morning when I think about the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me is there anybody here you can't wait til Sunday morning I praise God we'll choose among I praise God on offense tonight whenever I think about how he rescued me how he kept me how he healed me my soul shouts hallelujah thank you for tuning into a call to joy it is our prayer that the Word of God has brought joy strength and faith to your life we would love to have you as I guess that little grow of Missionary Baptist Church where we are exalting the Savior equipping the Saints and evangelizing the center for your convenience we have a 7:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship service every Sunday morning and 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday nights lily Grove is located at seventy thirty forty Westar Street Houston Texas 77021 or feel free to visit our website at WWF God has called us to a life of joy you
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 73,112
Rating: 4.7265711 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: mbvwVnB6if8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2013
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