Busting 20 Mario Wonder Myths

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there's a bunch of myths in Mario Wonder for example if you stand in the light while using the invisibility badge then you'll be seen okay as you can see I got the invisibility badge on and I'm going to hit this switch here which turns on the lights and let's just walk into them and yeah okay I just became visible and yeah the booze even come towards me and die by the Light they even see you too cuz you're visible myth confirmed and we're busting a bunch of Mario Wonder myths to see if they're true or false starting off with simple myths like you can skip the entire kick it Lev by simply killing the enemy so for this course kick it out of my way here you just fall down to this little platform and that enemy over on the right just keeps kicking these ice blocks at you and the whole challenge you just got to avoid the blocks until the uh timer runs out essentially but apparently if we just go down here and go to the right and just kill this guy right away yeah look at that you get the reward and skip the entire level myth confirmed and the myths will get more and more crazy as the video goes on but for now you can kill the Clone Shadow Mar Mario okay so just got the Wonder effect here and as you can see this spawns Shadow Mario but um if you just shoot him with Fireballs okay well he's stunned it's not doing anything he's just [Music] stunned oh it actually worked no way I was like this guy is definitely not dying but I'm just going to keep trying and shooting and see what happens myth confirmed enemies can wake up other Goombas but only from the front so the way you wake up Goombas in this game is by popping their bubble like that so let's see if other glomas can do the same thing so I'm going to take the SCBA and bump him down there okay it worked and let's see what happens when he walks into his friend and yeah okay he wakes up in the same way now the real test is what's going to happen when they walk into this sleeping guy from the back and yeah okay look at that they walked into them twice and he doesn't wake up myth confirmed Mario Wonder actually has an anti-piracy screen for illegal copies of the game so if you look on YouTube you can find a certain video of this supposed anti-piracy screen and it shows the very start of the game with text that says you're not welcome here and it knows that this is an illegal copy too then after the title card the game freezes and goes to a screen that says piracy is not wonderful with an angry Mario face so did Nintendo actually include this to stop piracy well if we look at the channel we amoto that this video is from then we'll see that this guy uploads and makes numerous fake anti-piracy screens for a bunch of different Nintendo games meaning the Mario Wonder screen is also fake too myth busted now before we get into the bigger myths later in this video we have to finish busting the basic ones first you can get an infinite amount of coins by spraying the grass with water okay so I starting with zero coins here as elephant Mario and if you didn't know if you use this trunk and kind of spread spr it on some grass you'll get a coin so let's see if you can get infinite coins using this method okay so while I'm just spraying the ground here collecting coins guys if you didn't know at 200,000 subscribers I'm starting live streaming permanently on top of my normal upload schedule and for every 500 subscribers I get on this video or my last Mario myths video I'm going to extend my first stream by 1 hour okay and our coin counter is now at 25 okay 26 so we're making good progress and I've already gotten about 5.6 th000 subscribers from my last Mario myths video so the stream is already going to be 11 hours long so let's see how much more time we can add to that from this video and our coin counter is now at 40 coins we're making progress and that 200k is approaching very quickly so let's see how crazy of a stream we can make this okay just going to keep spraying here and that's okay I can't get any more coins looks like 45 is the limit yeah so you can't do this infinitely myth busted you can go through floating Doors by using pots you'll see this door here that you can't get into because you know there's no ground to stand on and normally you're supposed to hit this block so that the platforms solidify and then you can go through the door like that but apparently we don't even need these platforms and can just use the pots in this room here to build our way up so if I stack this pot on top of that and take that one and place it like that and then take a fourth one and drop it right here then stand on the fourth yeah we can go right through the door by only using pots myth confirmed you can stack glomas in this game now if you didn't know if a glomba walks into a one tile spot like this he'll get stuck there and just kind of sit down right but apparently if you get another glomba on this tile then you'll create like a glomba stack so we got this glomba over to the right here and why don't we just clear a path for this guy to walk over get the last one and yes right this way glomba okay here uh I introduce you to a new friend and okay he just he just sits down like in the same spot that is really weird and glitchy I mean clearly they don't stack but uh just look how Jank the animations are they're literally just overlaid on top of each other that is pretty weird looking myth busted the music in the level will change if you're standing still all right so I'm just going to wait a sec and let this music play out so you can see how it [Music] sounds okay now what happens if we start walking oh you hear that it's very subtle but there's like more instruments when you walking versus when you stop take a listen see it's like it adds in like drums or something jeez that is so subtle but that is very cool myth confirmed you can gain infinite height by using the bubble power up now I'm just going to try bubble then jump then bub okay I don't don't think that worked like I got to do this in a way so I land on the bubble after every jump so I'm just going to go bubble jump bubble there oh oh I did it but I think I got too high or I ran out of stage jump jump jump oh oh there we okay I need to again let me do it in a different level I think I got this okay let's try this in the jump jump jump stage okay we're going to skip the Wonder flower bubble running start bubble jump jump oh look at this oh you don't even need the wonderf flower just keep pressing this is actually pretty easy to do you just keep throwing a bubble out before you hit the bubble and unlimited height unlimited distance what is this it just keeps going okay I want to do this I'm doing this all the way to the flag po I'm at the top of the level I did it oh I'm off the screen I'm off the screen there it is the entire level skipping the wonderf flower only using bubbles that is awesome myth confirmed Toad's mushroom thing on his head is actually a hat this is actually a myth that has been around for a while and it all started way way back in the late 8s from the Super Mario Bros Super Show because in numerous occasions in that show toad takes off the mushroom on his head like a hat and even uses it as a parachute at one point to this started a lot of debate and discussion over the years saying that this is 100% proof that toad has been wearing a hat for all this time While others simply argued that this was a spin-off type show and isn't Cannon to the Mario series well I guess Nintendo finally got tired of hearing about this and wanted to put an end to it because in Mario Wonder we finally got the answer from these loading screen tips because one of the screens says this toads are residents of the Mushroom Kingdom and those are their heads not big hats exclamation mark ooh I even like the little sass they put into that myth busted Yoshi can spit out seeds when he eats the watermelon piranha plant so let's just eat one up and and shoot it out and yeah okay he does shoot out the seeds just like Yoshi's Island I mean this has got to be a reference to it he's even got like ammo you can shoot it four times that was the last one you can shoot it left right up and while crouching but this got to be a reference to that game because this is exactly like the power up from Yoshi's Island myth confirmed the bosses will say different dialogue if you're wearing the invisibility badge okay so here we are in the boss fight with the invisibility Badge Of course and okay let's see what he says ha who's there oh he doesn't see us oh you want to play hide and seek all right oh that's cool it's actually different dialogue this place is super M loed no way you're going to beat me okay I think that's the normal one but yeah he says some secret lines if you wear that badge myth confirmed you can jump over the trapo in the desert mystery level and if we get the wond seed for this level you know basically we just have to chase after it as it goes through a pyramid but there's this one part here where you think you're going to get it but the trapo Falls and then you have to do this whole pyramid section down here and then yeah at the end of this pyramid section you loop back here and this is where you would get the wond seed but apparently if we do this whole Chase thing again and then jump here and before it collapses yeah you can just jump up and skip that whole thing and get that wonderf flower super quick myth confirmed Yoshi can walk on spikes without taking knockback so with all the other 2D games with Yoshi Yoshi could walk on any spikes without taking any damage so let's see if this is the same with Mario wonder I got Yoshi and simply going to jump on these spikes and I mean Yoshi doesn't take damage which is why you don't get hurt but you still get knocked back unfortunately okay now I'm going to try this with navit too the other easy mode character and he also gets hit like he gets hurt but he doesn't take any knockback so he actually kind of Acts more like how the Yoshis did in New Super Mario Bros so yeah you can kind of manage nabit to walk over spikes but Yoshis do take knockback unfortunately which is exactly how these two characters interact with taking damage in general myth busted you can get outside the boundaries of the world map okay and to do this I'm going to add a second player and then I'm just going to have the second player just walk over here and then with the first player you got to be like close to one of these paths like this but not actually walk on the path yet and then with the second player apparently you just jump like this jump pause okay and at the peak of your jump you're supposed to pause then I guess you just reselect your characters and right after you click okay you're then supposed to immediately walk on the path so okay Mario walks down and Luigi okay Luigi's weird what if I switch controllers and play as Luigi I'm off the grid let's go I'm out of bounds here oh that's so perfect that's so funny okay so I'm in this tree oh oh I'm glitching out okay I'm glitching out I'm in the I'm in the ground Luigi's in the ground no oh I'm back in bounds okay I guess I got pushed in bounds um let me try that again that was funny I think there's a lot more funny stuff I can do now what if I just make a run for the grassy field oh you fall right into the environment ah and I get pushed back in bounds come on okay clicking okay okay yep and it worked again Luigi's out of bounds slowly slow and steady come on no I thought I had it I wanted to get to the land on the right there but that's basically the gist of it so play around with it yourself and see what areas you can get to myth confirmed the Yellow Yoshi uses the same render from Mario Party 9 the render in question here is from this specific image of yellow Yoshi that was used in promo art for Mario Wonder people first noticed this when they compared the Yellow Yoshi to the other Yoshis in the artwork because they looked a lot more expressive to match Mario Wonder style when this Yellow Yoshi seemed more flat and out of place so if we go back to the Mario Party 9 promotional artwork and take a look at the Yoshi here we can see that yeah this is the same render he's just yellow in Mario Wonder it's not copy and paste though cuz they did remake it but he's literally in the exact same pose as the Mario Party 9 one interesting myth confirmed you can use the dolphin badge when swimming in goo all right so I'm equipping the dolphin kick badge here and we're going down to this level here with all this goo and I'm just clicking the R button and nothing is happening as you can see I am clicking it ah yeah that is unfortunate you can swim around kind of in the goo I guess you kick around but the dolphin kick doesn't work here myth bust did you can stop enemies from leaving their shell by simply going underwater all right so normally if you get a shell like this and you hold on to it for long enough it'll shake the guy will come out and Mario will take damage but if you didn't know underwater these things make you move faster and these creatures will never come out of their shells so let's see what happens if we wait outside and as he's coming out we head back into the water so I'm just going to wait he's shaking he's going let's go for a swim and yeah it cancels the animation so you don't get hit myth confirmed land in on bubbles will reset your safety bounce allowing you to never touch the ground all right let's put on the safety bounce badge and I have the bubble suit on too and then we're going to a timer switch Dash because as you can see this level has no floor in it so if I bubble then use the safety bounce like that oh it does reset it and you get a second safety bounce that's cool so let me try it again jump safety bounce bubble safety bounce again okay so with that knowledge you should be able to do this entire level without touching the ground okay so I'm just going to jump bubble into the safety bounce hit the bubble bubble again yes and you just keep just keep doing this over and over I can't talk cuz I have to focus as long as you do a bubble every time before you use the safety bounce you should be good cuz you keeps resetting hit the bubble like that yes perfect and another bubble and just keep your thing just keeps getting resetting I can't talk because this is a lot of focus for this thing but this is hilarious oh I I landed on thing but I'm pretty sure you get the idea from that like I'm going to do it again bubble what oh that was a hidden block there okay that I got trolled by doing this strategy but you can infinitely safety bounce into bubble that is an actual combo myth confirmed hope you enjoyed these myths and subscribe to help make the craziest live stream ever I'll see you guys [Music] later yeah
Channel: Infinite Bits
Views: 530,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo switch, super mario wonder, mario, mario ost, mario series, funny mario videos, mario memes, animated mario, mario videos, new mario game, mario youtube, mario challenge, super mario 3d world bowsers fury, wonder, mario wonder, super mario bros wonder, mario wonder gameplay, mario wonder all bosses, mario wonder final level, mario wonder final boss, mario wonder ost, mario wonder full game, leak, bosses, things you missed, details you missed, funny moments, speedrun
Id: 8l8l1WdSGQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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