Business of Pizza : Pizza Robots

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I want to learn the trick where you keep spinning it up in the air how do you do that [Music] this is about as good as I'm getting there it is there it is right there okay [Music] so when you hold to go behind your back [Music] it's like the Olympics of Pizza yeah you come to the US and do a show Madison Square Garden [Music] [Music] we have somebody's coming over that at some pretty well-known pizza men they want some great pizzerias we're gonna do a little taste test is sort of the more well-known pizzerias in the country we have Geo from Luigi's that's the way the judges claim pie is not the gimmick part mark from Macaulay yeah seven days and John from embodies when I was young I had I got an offer to work in the topless bar or work in the diamond exchange I'd pick the topless bar and of course a visit from the Queen herself my Norman dollar voila visa nice right no Bella what are you gonna make what are we gonna get ready so we're gonna order some pieces from that from the big pizza chains [Music] I hope these guys pick up that's fun for an order hello how many different ones we got Papa John's a little Caesars we got Pizza Hut and Domino's how hungry am i I'm pretty hungry I have some friends coming over they love pizza a regular pie for me too please yep what do you have yeah I think I wanted to do one regular cheese pie original pan hand tops or thin and crispy I guess hand top thank you very much for your help only put the tipper ready did they give you a nice tip where are you guys from Papa John's oh good well Pizza may just be made of a few simple ingredients water flour and sauce it's big business US sales alone are over thirty billion dollars and that's excluding the rest of the world in the u.s. we have over 70,000 pizzerias this is the Brooklyn style if you think of the pizza businesses up high there are two halves independent pizzeria owners and the chains but it's not an even split they're independent pizzeria owners like me geo mark and John and then there they're big chains like Pizza Hut Domino's Papa John's and Little Caesars those are known as a big for a bulldozer it's very sweet facilitate typical to that but the source is better on this one what is that on top though it looks like a pancake you got some syrup don't do it take a tiny buddy hi Dave given that well I'll review the pizza that wasn't glowing these chains are definitely doing something right he controls 61% of the market and that number is steadily increasing really do you guys care that these pizzeria is even out there making the money that they are do you think that there's an opportunity for people like us to jump into that space or do you think that he's just kind of let them be and we do our thing and it doesn't even matter - okay yeah you know I was thinking about this earlier today I don't know why you came to me like I'm not about making money I just love making pizza that's it good pizza good yeah good pizza you know I can't make it good that way no mess producer no up until recently it seems like there's been a clear definition between independent operators and chains when it comes to food quality but that's starting to shift with the rise of fast casual concepts and more discerning customers a lot of restaurants are trying to figure out how to get really good food fast and had a low price with new technology and business approaches it seems like the future of big pizza companies could look very different in the upcoming years well out here in Silicon Valley and we're about to go see some pizza robots this is the home of places like Apple Google Netflix some of the biggest companies in the world and next who knows it could be zooms Pizza robots a good friend I used to work with Angelo wool Mac just moved to the area recently and opened his own place he told me about a start-up in Silicon Valley using robots to make pizza these people have the biggest idea when it comes to pizza and like tech they want to make like the uber of pizza we're going from Los Gatos California to Mountain View California and the deeper you go up north the more and more startups big tech corporations the more that you see everything is like looked at through a technology lens yeah that's it like you're taking those ideas and applying them to pizza which is arguably the most popular food in the world and it's not like these guys are going against Tom DeMarco are you're going against the bigger pizza companies when you know you have the resources to make something I could take over of the entire idea of how Pizza is in a sense made and delivered you know that's like that's like next-level that's thinking outside the box either thinking of every aspect to make this fast delicious obviously clean and super super efficient man so here we are here zum-zum is a startup trying to revolutionize pizza delivery as we know it how do they plan to do this two ways robots and delivery trucks outfitted with ovens have finished cooking the pizza as it makes its way to your door there's still some humans working on the pizza line but the goal is to make a fully automated as soon as possible so one interesting thing about zoom that's different than a typical pizza company is we have just as many engineers as we have cooks so this entire side of the of the offices our engineering team we have app specialists we have back-end specialists hardware specialists we also are doing all the programming of the mobile ovens because you know we cook our pizzas while they're being delivered so all that has to be coded and written and that's all done here in-house by our engineering team this is our customer support room in this area we have like key three demographics we have this guy we call Leng he's a young tech guy you know makes a good salary when we did the market research 48 percent of the market that were in right now is controlled by Italy exactly that's why we printed out his picture cuz we're very focused online we're always thinking about what does they need what does he want how can we reach him how can we serve him better I [Music] love it yeah so yeah welcome to Silicon Valley this is how we roll I see what's the name of this room yeah this is the Zen room where you come to just collect yourself when you realize that you started a robot enabled pizza company looks incredibly complex and you just get your thoughts together what is zooming exactly so zoom Pizza is an on-demand food company we try to optimize the way food is cooked so we thought well what do we need to do to make pizza as delicious when it's delivered to you as it is when you eat it at a restaurant let's say uh you know I just hear about zoom I live out here in Silicon Valley and I want to order a pizza so you download the app ok or you go into the website and order choose the pizza that you want add it to your cart and checkout that order immediately gets displayed in the kitchen welcome to our kitchen mrs. M where the magic happens so I see laser you got to do it centering this is optical targeting so the laser detects whether or not there's a pizza in its presence and if it senses that it's in its presence it tells the robot to activate we've named all the robots because that helps us to kind of like associate with them this is Georgia and then Stefan Marta and then Bruno you're not supposed to have favorites but Bruno is definitely my favorite robot well Bruno has an important job it's not easy to fire a pizza in Troy dogs no it's not just a really difficult process so if he puts the PSA in too far and he comes out they'll flip the piece into a calzone let's see how delicately he just perfectly lays it on there you guys robot how to do that it's pretty fascinating so now we can see the pizzas are going through this oven this oven is actually just designed to give up our bake to the pizza and then the pizzas will go into mobile oven over out for delivery right now because we're just small and local we are fully cooking the peeps of in this oven and delivering them but in about three weeks we're gonna be doing the cooking on the truck and you're gonna actually be the first person to see that with us so my partner alex got the concept for cooking and route three and a half years ago he was sitting on an airplane on the tarmac the guy next to him own like the largest chain of pizza franchises on the west coast she's talking to the guy you know how you doing when you're a business person you know you kind of everything is actually designed to figure out what are your margins so here we figured out that you know an individual pizza franchise isn't incredibly compelling but if you have a large number of them you can do okay he's thinking okay well what if I had a lot of these how could I actually how can I actually make this a better business and then I thought hey what if he just cooked a piece of white is being delivered because you know you save a bunch of time then and so you give Keith that 45 minutes time to make maybe 30 minutes so he filed the first patent for cooking in route and we got it on March 28th our zoom pizza truck just got wrapped so this is the first time any of us have seen it it just pulled up this is like been a dream and a concept and something we've been working on you and I are gonna go out and cook a pizza and deliver let's do it before you go you have to have the right outfit though oh look you pretty swaggy what do you think I think you was good I think you're ready to go I look as good as him man nobody was here we go here it is Wow I wasn't picturing it to be that big a little bigger than you imagined right yeah how many ovens are on there this can fit fifty six seven figure out how to cook pizza on delivery is extremely difficult and there's a whole team of programmers figuring out how it works Josh Goldberg the chief technology officer to zoom is working out all the kinks so you get that truck on the road ASAP Josh loves pizza you know I every day that I'm here and I've lost 20 pounds since I started I don't feel sick afterwards I feel great it lets me work through the afternoon instead of feeling like I'm falling asleep after lunch he's gonna cook when it's done the light will flash let you know that it's time to take the pizza we'll press the button I'll wrap up in the door press the button again and only check the pizza inside what you have is elements on the top we have elements on the top and about in the bottom yes it's getting heat from both directions yeah and we came on those independently so we can get there crossed just right and then turn that one off because they need to bake the top yeah we got it yeah we got in there for sure you know you got some nice bubbles the bottom is definitely has some char on there no as it rests I'll continue to cook a little bit but hey for the first time not bad all right we've got an order all right looks like we got our first ordering it for you what's the goal for zum pizza the first goal is to get really good at delivering amazing pizza in our neighborhood right absolutely nailing that experience for people but I really think that's the beginning you know as we're building out this business we're building out a national network of food delivery vehicles so we're starting with pizza but really what I think we're doing is we're creating the world's largest distributed kitchen and what that's gonna make it possible is for people to be sitting in a park somewhere and and for a price they can afford order an amazing meal and have it show up just a few minutes later and it's gonna be a total GameChanger and the way that we think about eating you know so each of these steps right now is being done by our kitchen team but the next step is that these will be automated and that our kitchen team will go and help us open the next facility and the next in the next in the next really figure out how you guys we're going to get robots to be able to understand it's alright even though it's a simple food right there's a lot of nuance in the oven what you need to rotate the line and that's why we'll always have humans working with pizza you have to have that human connection to food no buns can do a lot but they can't do every yeah you don't see this just fully being a robot company you need to have people especially a chef you have to have somebody with that palate with that ashen Aaron is a head pizza chef at soon he used to work for me in my pizzeria unlike other delivery pizza they're using really high quality ingredients and proving they're dull for 18 to 24 hours all right so we're about to order a pizza and then I'm going to attempt to make the pizza on my own and we're gonna choose it's all in Risa wow that was quick so this is our dough pro press ok so a little grapeseed oil on there okay go ahead throw it in and then you want to use both hands and then it'll just count back he's got a partially round dough beautiful we just flap it into flour so now that the dough is spread yeah it goes right onto the conveyor right on there we just try to get it nice and center and then you always have a little time there you go looking good yeah that's perfect man some Reese's light sauce I think then the system knows so there we go we got our have spam yeah between the half sauce and the full sauce this machine moves differently it actually has a different profile for how it spreads so for the full sauce so just go circular circular and a half and a half sauce it does a star to push it out it's almost perfect we're still tweaking a little bit but you can see so I always leave a ladle right here you just want to take that and we're just gonna bring it back out so then what you want to do Sorella next yeah so we have this here for emergency stops we try not to stop the line we try to keep it moving ray I have a faith that you can put cheese and then three more toppings before creamy so we got four many mushrooms and I do yeah Frank faster man come on dude this is what the robots taking over definitely it's good like this go faster I'm not shutting this thing down what else what else there you go you're done that's it except you put peppadews acidic Calabrian but I won't fire look at that amazing Wow cool so now we got about two minutes for it to go through so we're gonna give it a couple of turns here you always want to check sometimes it cooks it perfectly yeah this crust looks great I like this pizza drop it on there box it take it out and then this is gonna get a cilantro sesame seeds and honey on the finish oh wow this pizza came out nice man the flavors are not something that I'm used to it almost looks to me like an Asian style pizza you know yeah the honey back there it's just like a little sweetener to balance on some of the heat that's in there for the peppers so if you think just about the pizza space pizza is a thirty nine billion dollar a year industry domestically that's a huge number and 40% of that industry is controlled by the top four and therefore very well buttoned up businesses but they're all competing on three factors speed quality and price hmm zoom Pizza has an advantage in each of those categories and the price when you strip out all the specials of the national price average is $10 and we can definitely beat that one to red scale hmm so we feel that we have the opportunity to completely change this space then give people actually like real food made from real ingredients really fast as a pizzaiolo that is literally hands-on with my pizza I wasn't sure what to expect when I heard a pizza making robots to be honest it made me a little nervous because pizza is so much about human interaction I don't think the future of the industry is robots but I do think there are aspects of it like pizza delivery that could benefit from this technology if you're using a pizza roll back and cut back on operational cost so you could spend more money on better ingredients or bringing down the price of the finished product it kind of seems like a win-win for the operator and the customer I thought my pizzeria in Brooklyn for the last seven years when I got a call from mr. pizza one of the largest pizza chains in Korea inviting me to Seoul to collaborate with them on the limited run New York style pie it was pretty surreal while pizza may not be the first food that pops into your mind when you think of Korean cuisine there is a very distinctive style here that incorporates some of the qualities of traditional pizza but takes on a whole new form influenced by local tastes and ingredients Navy stop chanting go manage the toppings a Japanese just don't hang out there with my sandwich I'm a colonizer gonna do new Bursley to change it that's it if they're well within their drama too close to ruining entire average which - I didn't guess when Google started raising but that's just life with a cream cheese understood - editor to lucidity panel yeah they used hours it's dr. Lexie available soon very crazy consider for you Asia might only account for a little over 80 percent of the global pizza market but has the largest international growth rate when it comes to pizza sales the main reason I'm here is because of chef Kim we both went the Culinary Institute of America together and now he works with mr. pizza helping them develop new flavors and styles I can't believe that I'm in Seoul right now to have opportunity to come out here and work with Mississippi Thank You gonna you're gonna learn something out of here you're gonna turn it do it get up a little bit it's crazy because like you know we've been to New Haven and Chicago and New York and all these different cities and each city has its own style but Seoul has its own style feel cursed it's not copying anybody it's like in person I love a New York style thin crust they don't kind of stuff but the be here they're not used to people want like a deep deep Chicago style what do you think what's your favorite I like the the edge around the seaport around think only in Korea you can taste the concert I'm Samuel ah thank you here you go is it a shrimp all right right it reminds me very much of like um pizza chains on the west coast a little sweeter than classic pizza definitely a little sweeter it's really tasty you know this is the the special data is that like a tempura around the cross no it's hash brown it is cool to think about like in New York there are some rules are to play by at my place but here in Korea it seems like you're free to do hash browns and your pizza you know a lot of people want to try something new so are any team is trying to do something different from regular pizza this is mr. Pizza Research & Development and I got to meet some of the staff here working on some of the new products [Music] there is the collaboration pizza that we made for mr. pizza is very much a New York style pizza an acidic sauce it's salty motorola cheese on top bell peppers and sausage yeah this is the first time that I'm seeing it made on their side what do you think do you like the pizza yeah you're not just saying that right what is that the arugula pesto I wasn't a huge fan of the arugula pesto is in my opinion it's not something that I would do I wouldn't use it on my pizza you don't go into a slice shop and get like an arugula pesto what about basil my notes on it is that this doesn't taste like a New York Pizza right now the peppers and the meat is what really needs to come through if we can layer the sausage more on top I think that would be better so it's not to harmonize on top a little bit and all that fat it'll kind of come into the sauce and they'll even make the crust a little more crunchy I think the ranch works better even though it's not classic to me it's still something that people would eat in New York you know let's give it a try that way I like to see all that carmelization and it looks more like a New York Pizza you guys want to give it a try it's a lot better here in Korea there's like a certain palette that they go for and we're trying to bring some of those New York flavors over here but I think we have to do it sort of incrementally yeah we're just compromising we're doing like what cooks do you know we're figuring out the best of what I like I want what works for them and hopefully we can meet like somewhere in the middle I like pizza that is like rustic looking you know it wasn't exactly calculated to me that's like the essence of pizza DeMuth or Ella it's actually pretty good it melts really nicely it's good I'm happy with it I really like the heat on it I like the crunchiness of the peppers and that the pepperoni reminds me at home we have everybody say Muto le cheese Seoul Korea making pizza what mr. pizza who the hell would have thought the global obsession with pizza has evolved into something way bigger than eating pizza delay setting up for like a performance when you find a competitive pizza dance team in Korea you know you've reached that point this is very cool [Music] human types of innumerable dinner una vida é she's a populous city talking in this smoothly perform the balance on their selves and advance movie version your vintage sir Benjamin's oh you don't treat traditional understand sang stop sir however what sort of engineering believe that evidence of Sullivan didn't answer if you hadn't conducted a scientist you know what is selling via Fuhrman zoe you want inducted as a mere efficient answer from during the pyrolysis unit syndrome you'll get a receipt date [Music] you know worship give us today I saw it when take a study but it has delivery authority read about in employment world of sake mirin and tarragon even do funny guys one two three dream team Michael Jordan right here
Channel: Munchies
Views: 2,454,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST PIZZA, MUNCHIES, new haven, New York, PIZZA, Zume Pizza, pizza chains, Mr Pizza, SEOUL, korea, Silicon Valley, how to, cooking, Munchies, Munchiestv, food, drinks, eating, chef, restaurant, VICE, VICE eats, chef's night out, action bronson, documentary, documentaries, interview, interviews, culture, wild, world, exclusive, independent, underground, travel, funny, journalism, vice guide, vice presents,, vice, vice mag, vice videos, vicevideos
Id: ZZzFoi_fuF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2017
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