The Pizza Show: All About Frank, All About Pizza

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[Music] time to water the sidewalk and I like to come out in the morning give a sweep make sure the front of everything is nice and clean and especially in the summer time I take the hose out I water the concrete I learned from my grandfather water in the concrete it's kind of like a funny Brooklyn thing growing up I always saw the old Italian guys outside with the hose spraying the concrete down no I always loved that I always loved people taking pride in that place and making sure that it looked good so and just get the day started in the right way guys won along to the sprinkler [Music] you've seen me eat pizza all around the world Wow not bad but today I'm gonna take you for a day in my life we're gonna stop at my pizzeria best pizza show you around a bit shoot up to New Rochelle my new pizzeria is about to open then to my alma mater and Hudson Valley and return to Giacomo's the pizzeria that inspired me to open my own after that we're gonna wrap up with a family dinner in Bensonhurst Brooklyn potato really excited have you already man let me know if you have any questions the grandma is a square pizza right over here take a plum tomato sauce basically when we opened this place we just kind of wanted to represent what you saw when you went into a New York slice place how are you as a kid I worked at this little place called Angelo's it's not there anymore I was like a busboy and I worked in the back a little bit and that's the first time I got really got my hands on dope it was my first job I was always jealous of the cooks I always wanted to be a cook that's where I really first started making pizza so we have four pizzas that are always in the case of course we have the classic clean slice cheese feeds that you have here in New York grandma pizza which is also a very classic pizza and then we have our veggie pizza so we'll make it our white pizza right now it's sort of a signature here at best it wasn't really made to be that way but it just kind of turned into we go white pine wallah I was hot I think one of the only places in New York to be cooking wood fire pizza by the slice the oven was built in the turnitin century and this was taken in 1969 and it's a picture of the oven when it was still a bakery and a bread oven you could see all the subway tile there was even a window up top there was a huge part of best pizza he's on the back of all of our shirts and we had a big heart he was a hard worker he was one of our first delivery guys for like the next four years bill was a fixture yet he was one of my best friends we spend a lot of time together and then unfortunately you know two years ago he passed away as much as we can we try to pay homage to bill and not forget him food is always number one that's where we spend the majority of our money already at that time being able to control the few ingredients that we use it's really important we made cheese here daily so every morning was just a part of the routine what pizza I realized something like very early on when I was growing up they got away from the old-school technique and they started using things that like the American food system what was producing but rather than stuff that they grew in their backyard was stuff that was coming from the old country so when we came in here it was really important for me to make a pure pizza pizza with the cheese that they used to always do it with and tomatoes that weren't mess with too much and I think when people started tasting our pizza there was like a little bit of a aha moment where it was like it tastes good they taste all the flavors in the pizza is different than a lot of New York sizes but I like to think that it's different in a better way you know it's more fresh and it's more like true to the original pizza five guys thank you very much enjoy Brooklyn [Music] of the newer selling the swaggy minivan so wet into my new pizzeria the name of it is gonna be LaRosa it was still a couple weeks out from opening and New Rochelle is like a little bit outside of the city of borders the Bronx and the vibe is definitely a little bit different up here hey what's going on brother but I love the community and there it is something I fell in love with pizzeria is just beautiful this is a little bit of bigger of a restaurant than best pizza I think it needs to be pizza based but we're also gonna do you know some of the italian-american classics and maybe some antipasto is that where you've been building this fire on the right on the left to the left I'm going to the right just a balance and then I got will keep with it until we find all the hotspots we really like playing an instrument almost a hotspots cool spots the temperature the atmosphere it all kind of plays in it's been a really long process trying to revive this place revive this oven revive the bar it's gonna put a lot of hard elbow grease into this place mats from up here so you know we have some connections up here the name of the restaurant is called LaRossa which is a family name and mats so it's really important that we kind of took some of the stuff from the neighborhood a kid from the neighborhood and then kind of built around that what do you think Matt size-wise I think 12 to 14 inch you want to take out two different size of the trays and we'll figure it out this is essentially step one of our D we're making the first pizza here see how it comes out but after that we're gonna really get in here with a team and figure out the menu it's now that we're doing here is very different in style at best pizza but I think I'll margherita pizza should be like classic chunks of mozzarella fresh basil on before rather than F a little bit of olive oil and see how it comes out rock'n'roll [Music] it's a bigger L than than best pizza at my foot if it look something what do you guys think looks awesome this is a good sign it's like a New York style pizzas meets the Napoles style pizza and I think that the way that we're doing it with the cheese and the basil is I may not believe but the don't style is in New York all right boys pizza's ready this is the whole crew here nice spot I mean holds up it's really good it's exciting when the first pizza comes out like this you know the bomb is cooked well the top is cooked nice I didn't tomatoes come through style looks pretty cool I think with that basil on top like that once you have that margherita pizza down everything comes very easily after that cheers boys good we're headed up to the culinary institute of america where I graduated in 2007 and learned how to really refine my cooking style coming back up to the Hudson Valley is really special for me it's sort of getting back to my roots and helping me get inspired about opening this new place here we are this is my alma mater back at school you know you're back at the CIA when you look around and you see the students and everyone is just in whites it's a uniform here it feels good to be back the campus is beautiful we're gonna go meet some friends inside give a little tour and see what's all about CIA is an old seminary and I come up here I usually will bring some friends and family kind of show them around while I went to school this is Ferguson Hall and a really special place this is one of the student dining rooms here looks good it's not many colleges you get the opportunity to kind of go grab your lunch and then sit in a place like this which is so beautiful how are you I got a pizzeria in Williamsburg now yeah yeah so just kind of doing the pizza thing we have a hundred-year-old olivine and really on the pool really cool little blocks right yeah yeah when I decided to come to the Culinary Institute I really wasn't sure that I wanted to get into pizza I thought you know I wanted to do fine-dining like food was art to me this was by far one of my favorite classes at school here this is fish fabrication and basically in the front of the classroom is just like a normal classroom with a chalkboard and all that but in the back it's a huge walk-in and all types of fish flat fish and round fish look at the size of this big boy there's a man right there Thomas Keller outside and Daniele pollute I love seeing these guys around because they make you they make you remember what the goals are walking past the angel dog room I was stuck in that little dorm room with three guys we all went to class together in the morning when you came into class you always have to have a clean shaven face your necktie on your long sleeve chef's coat your pants and of course your 8-inch taupe and that's just the way it went there's aspects of the school that reminded me of the military school for me being sort of the scattered brain kid from Long Island that was a little crazy I came here and it's definitely a me tools in life to to be a little bit more organized to be a little bit more clean and to be a little bit more professional good luck guys enjoy it all enjoy the journey this is where I used to come get coffee every morning before class apple-pie cafe right around the time when I started here at CIA I needed money as a college kid so I started working at first pizzeria that I saw which was Giacomo's I made sure that I put down Francesco Pannell on my full-name and I got a call the next day they hired me and I went in and I was excited I got my apron ready I had my knife roll with me and he goes all came Francesco we're gonna start you off doing deliveries [Music] you know CIA during the day I was getting a lot of technical experience in history but at night it was it was really like hands-on business you know learning how to run a pizzeria and I learned quick a lot of my personality needed to change in order to run a good pizzeria I used to have a little Jetta that I parked over there that's when I did deliveries shows when you work at a place for so many years it instantly brings you right back you know what's up guys I'm doing well how are you I'm just looking for the boss is Giacomo around I'm doing good I'm doing good how are you very good I mean I think back on my time here and it's just like by far this is what I feel like I learned the most about food than anywhere thank you thank you so grab my sauce plum tomatoes right Wow I can't believe I'm back in this kitchen I make it tomato sausage ah so what we gonna do we're gonna chop some garlic I come from a little town in Italy near the Salerno napal in Campania I think is the best thing is be honest with everything even the product that you use you gotta use a good product to make it pizza you also you gotta be honest with yourself and they do everything you know how to do and teach you employee to do the same way how peppers yep just sir a spring oh you know how much cheese you did this I remember how's that a little more that's a little bit more I will put a little bit a tomato at the signature pie that we have is the grandma pizza it's very simple sauce so my grandma pizza is very much an ode to you we make it a little bit differently but for the most part it's just the same exact steps that you taught me the special pans that you taught me to use for now these pits I've been settle for a little bit let it we live it right now it's ready to be finished wrapped this is kind of what I always remember you teaching me with the air keeping it inside using your fingertips and letting it spread evenly all right there it is how did it go alright I hope it comes out good jog them off I'm gonna come on great fingers crossed here's the finished grandma and now I'm gonna cut it they know how to cut this pizza because I cut it the exact same way oh my it's out always a jacket was he was hollandaise he was listen and they absorb everything you would tell them you can see now he's doing pretty good with this pizza place also right thank you and I can't even tell you what influence you've been to my Korea it's higher than anybody that I've ever worked for and I hope you know that very Shady you tell me and the very proud thank you jack I'm headed to Bensonhurst Brooklyn right now which is what my grandmother lives Bensonhurst is a neighborhood in South Brooklyn no one is being an Italian or Sicilian neighborhood this is obviously a very special place for me it's the block that I grew up on the block that I was born on and having many family members in the same block and tonight dinner at Grandma's house but before that I figured I'd stop that Helen B spumoni gardens which is legendary pizzeria in Brooklyn and then head over to my favorite bakery Villa bought a for some sweets in the fairway so morning Gardens is a couple things going on they have not only a great pizzeria where they're known for their square pizza how is it they have awesome spumoni ice cream smells good in here I couldn't be happier right now I'm starving so I'm ready first place corner square the rule is you grab a slice you go outside and set a picnic table when you're done go over to the Italian a section grab a spumoni yeah I take one regular size in one swift its spumoni gardens Beach this Beach is the best beach in Brooklyn you're gonna find the round let me tell you he's right oh god that smells good Saint here [Music] mmm so good it's crispy this sauce is like really tangy and delicious I love how they put the cheese underneath it just adds a different flavor and texture to it just like I remembered it my neighbor doesn't disappoint me I love it one of my weaknesses in life the spumoni ice cream I will eat an entire bucket this big if it's in front of me I need a spumoni for myself and then I need to bring some Oni home to my family so each flavor is what is once the cream wada it's like vanilla of everyone's pistachio okay this was chocolate they all contain Thomas your invention hers come on yeah there it is [Music] sup guys it's Elvis coming to see nah nah stop it in to grab some pastries and maybe a little espresso making the rounds in the round space is the best bakery in New York they do it over here like you're in Sicily so my family is owned and operated bill about this is 1978 we are the typical Sicilian pasta Turia we do pastries cakes all good types of sweets and we got a full gelato spread that you can't compare it to anywhere else everybody loves the rum Baba rum soaked sponge cake that'll get you drunk right awesome yeah one of the most traditional Sicilian pastries you'll ever come across this is like one of the sweetest things okay this is one of this is my favorite only in Italy right yes it's on it's a bubble of engineering i've known friend like a few years not the guy is strictly an espresso on cannoli loves me that's cannoli in the city it's nice it's got a tangy like earthy taste so good 100% nobody does it better than you guys thanks ray nobody you could have brought some pizza that's a good point that's a good point I screwed up what was I thinking I came empty-handed now we're gonna head back to know one less House dinner I'm really going to Bensonhurst to me is like it's a nice little recharge a lot of my family from Sicily came to this neighborhood and I've lived here my father grew up on this block I know that my aunt is cooking up some specialties some Sicilian specialties that we grew up eating there's always a lot of people there and there's always a ridiculous amount of food so I'm happy just to see my family and have a good home-cooked meal bro people don't fall upon these schemes no more I got some goodies I got something all the NHANES glad to schedule ahead hopefully you win we got going on what's for dinner this is what I made pizza potato it was my favorite you like these these are my favorite I remember all of it just like reminds me of when nan na my nan I used to maintain hopefully they taste good [Music] family he was like a little looks like a little earthquake really interested in cooking at that point all right so we're good to go that's it go sit down come on g-man starving me too who's sitting in nothing why it's a stepstool chair right behind you Amata yes God you explain to me one more time what's the origin of these pizza potatoes here I don't know what the are we doing this I might normally used to make them yeah we need some potatoes [Applause] I always thought he was gonna go into fine dining because he had that kind of peg for it you know he was very particular about certain foods and now certain food played against each other but she was always telling him Frankie got open up a pizzeria I thought you got to do I used to get insulted though when she was like open a pizzeria I was like open up pizzeria like what am I going to this school for to open a pizzeria well I think and let me tell you this kid has worked hard he hasn't he hasn't rested for it since he started the CIA yeah from now to dead I don't don't you just get his arrested at all guys before best heated up for threat yeah you know she just took a jab we don't only have to eat spumoni on fourth of July like we do every year we can eat spumoni every day let's do it I would like to say it cheers to my family and to all of you for the support of me all these years it means a lot to me it's hot my career and I hope that there's many many many more opportunities like this I love you all thank you [Music] because I posted vegetable pizza which the transition odds are saying Santa
Channel: Munchies
Views: 3,234,628
Rating: 4.9299841 out of 5
Keywords: how to, Munchies, vice, the pizza show, pizza, frank pinello, brooklyn, nyc, new york city, williamsburg, best pizza, best pizza brooklyn, best pizza frank pinello, new rochelle ny, la rosa pizza, la rosa, pizzeria, italian american, wood fired pizza, research and development, margherita pizza, fresh basil, olive oil, napolese pizza, culinary institute of america, CIA, giacomo's pizza, giacomo breglia, plum tomatoes, grandma slice, family meal, grandma pizza, slice shop pizza
Id: 9bz1Ko5ZDzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2017
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