Bursting into Flames Just Before Takeoff | Fire in the Air [Real Audio]

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so we'll guide you to these exits which are marked clearly with the word exit these exits are equipped with evacuation slides which you can use to leave the aircraft in an emergency in the unlikely event for losing cabin pressure oxygen [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] the gear will not retract we are single engine please give us radar vectors to the low low areas heading two zero zero again at eight three seven and uh if we didn't say it before mayday made a maybe engine failure left side also left side here uh we've blown at least one tire hoping behind a long runway and it looks like it's going to be madrid but we have time how long do you think you will check it we can uh hold somewhere else uh but for now stand by for one second i'll give you a bit of an accident here one second royale no problem well fuel in in the same conditions as he would have done right now on the 165 radial if you fly the 165 radial from papa del catango at 20 miles south of papa del catango is the right place to call toronto okay uh standby one we're gonna open delta tango and take on the radio 160 radial radial 160 south of papa delta southeast of pakistan roger pop it will go direct papa delta tango hold on the 160 radio and 20 mile length that's correct 20 miles south of papa delta tango on the 160 [Music] range is one pictures that we got from the follow me cars video and also a video that it's on the youtube so maybe they will give you more information also the military common right here told us that within 20 to 30 minutes that the scramble is going to take off in order to take a look to your landing gear that sounds all good thank you very much we appreciate the help yeah can you give me the latest update on your possible landing time it looks like uh two hours from now roughly two hours two hours from now okay raj we check left side outside rear tire is damaged and the other three look normal okay the one pocket uh if he can stay around while we retract the gear there should be no problem but other than that that'd be great okay poke one are you able to stay there while disrespecting the gear is okay belly [Applause] thank you very much retracting we're landing here now candidate 837 gear is up and in normal configuration thank you for your help and come back to the position of holding again return to our original holding position [Music] and [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign thank you very much we appreciate the [Music] help do you request vectors to come back to the power position for holding or are you okay no looks like we're going to the 140 radio of pdt at 20 miles [Music] uh we have a preference for three two left just for information uh three two left is three thousand nine hundred and eighty eight meters three to right is three thousand five hundred meters they're both equipped with engineering material resting system all right we checked that yeah we would appreciate three two left it's a little bit longer okay let's copy the current wind is uh zero five zero uh correction one five zero seven not discussing eight knots but uh in an hour no idea that's the firm we checked thank you uh we will be stopping on the runway so we will be requesting emergency vehicles to meet the airplane yeah everything's everything's ready yeah people on board please and our candidate eight two three seven passengers on board one two eight plus eight crew fuel on board will be uh two eight tons yeah sorry my mistake one three zero one three zero plus eight crew okay total of one three eight and two eight tons yeah by the time we land we'll be landing with 28 tons of fuel arresting system at the end of the runway the alarming distance switzerland runway three to left here to land wind one eight kilo degrees roger that clear that uh clear to land runway three two left and uh we checked emergency vehicles standing by uh requesting the event of a missed approach from a heading for five pounds seven wind 180 degrees six and not and all right for uh thank you and uh we'll plan to stop on the runway so air canada 837 stopping at the room canada 87 royal do you have any special needs we need emergency vehicles to inspect aircraft [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TheFlightChannel
Views: 933,090
Rating: 4.8078532 out of 5
Keywords: microsoft flight simulator 2020, flight simulator 2020, flight simulator 4k, theflightchannel, the flight channel, air canada flight 837, air canada engine fire, boeing 767 engine fire, air canada fire, engine fire on takeoff, plane engine fire, aircraft engine fire, boeing 767 fire, boeing fire, audio recording plane crash, madrid engine fire, cvr recordings, atc plane crash, airplane on fire, plane fire takeoff, plane crash real audio, plane fire audio recordings
Id: B1hjarmS36U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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