BURRITOS | Mexican Survival Guide

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hey guys real quick before the video starts we have to give a shout out to our sponsor this plate we'll talk more about their awesome metallic prints at the end but with that being said enjoy the video [Music] do you see what happens when you don't listen i told you to wait for me those monsters just beat me up and threw me into a dumpster their thirst for blood was like nothing i've ever seen before next time don't talk to strangers they were first graders how was i supposed to know they were so aggressive come on man everyone knows that first creators are one of the most aggressive species in the world here put this on your eye it'll help with the swelling oh thank you anyway are you hungry i'm about to make a burrito oh i love burritos hands down my favorite ones are from taco bell take this what's this one for your other eye what do you mean my other eye ah what the heck don't you ever disrespect burritos like that again or i'll take you to the dumpster i found you in and personally wait for the dumpster to take you away dang sorry i like burritos from taco bell you know i take food serious and fast soup burritos are not real burritos oh i didn't know there was a difference let me put in a way that you understand is there a difference between store-bought mayonnaise and the mayonnaise your grandma makes duh the one my grandma makes is way better she makes hers with fresh ingredients and most importantly love exactly and my granny uses her feet to smash the ingredients which adds to the flavor that's gross but okay well that's how i feel about burritos you can have all the ingredients but if it's not made fresh and with love then i simply don't want it okay yeah i get it now well let's make some burritos in hold on before we make them i need to teach you about the history why can't we ever just eat he always has to explain everything what was that nothing so what does a real burrito look like like this the oldest recorded history that we have on burritos comes from a dictionary called diccionario de mexicanismos or dictionary of mexican spanish it has an entry from 1895 that says burritos are rolled flour tortillas with meat or other ingredients oh wow so burritos have been around for a while yeah they have they've stood the test of time because there's a burrito variation for everyone some people like burritos with extra meat with or without cheese or even a wet burrito wet burrito that sounds kind of unappetizing no they're delicious burritos are burritos smothered in chili sauce oh interesting anyway once burritos made it to the u.s that's when they started looking like the burritos we eat today burritos were heavily influenced by california and tex-mex cuisine what do you mean by that instead of having a small thin burrito with one or two ingredients now we have these large fat overstuffed burritos that are filled with meat cheese rice beans and pretty much whatever your heart desires oh man my heart really desires a burrito right now okay now we can make some [Music] how did you do that eh don't worry about it okay so the first step in making a burrito is the tortilla specifically a flour tortilla right exactly next step is adding the ingredients what do you want in your burrito everything then add everything okay a little bit of beans oh and some rice a handful of cheese a lot of meat a generous amount of guac and boom ingredients are in next step is to roll it up okay um how do i do that to roll a burrito you first fold the sides then you bring the bottom flap over the ingredients and you tuck it towards you then you slowly and tightly roll it and boom you have a burrito wow this is beautiful wait till you try it this is so amazing so fresh and decadent you were right burritos made with love are the best this is weird it tastes a bit spicy but i didn't put any spice in it come on chris there's like no spice in there no for reals this is really spicy i gotta go come on he should have known better than to let me roll his burrito [Music] what is up guys hope you enjoyed that video if you liked it make sure you give it a glite because it helps us a lot and once again a huge shout out to display for sponsoring today's video this play makes these amazing metallic prints with over 1 million designs to choose from from your favorite brands like star wars marvel nasa power rangers and so many more and what's dope about this product is how easy it is to install on your wall because all you have to do is put this protective leaf on your wall and then you put a magnet over that and once you do that all you do is attach your poster to it and if you ever get tired of a print you can swap it out easily don't tell me that wasn't easy that was easy so make sure you guys go check it out because it's a great alternative to standard canvas printing honestly this is one of the coolest brands that we work with and they have a product that we stand by and also if you guys use our affiliate link you could get up to 37 off if you order three or more prints and if you guys order you'll definitely be supporting our channel so i highly recommend doing it so go to their website pick your favorite display and with that being said we'll see you guys next time
Channel: TheCrazyGorilla
Views: 2,468,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: burritos, burrito, mexican survival guide, mexican, survival guide, mexican food, food, mexican burrito, burrito history, tortilla, hispanic, spanish
Id: RWLQxardES0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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