Burning Up The Last 2 Big Burn Piles

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so the rain is making its way here I'm gonna go down here and uh stack up that uh first burn pilot a little bit let the ground just get a little bit more wet and uh go down there and set that second pile on fire and uh we ought to have a very nice campfire then I think the fire pile burnt down pretty good nothing but a bunch of stumps and a few random pieces of wood I'm gonna rake through there and uh get all the chunks of wood out and restack it and let it burn again well it is uh definitely pouring down now I'm gonna run back here and dig into that pile and get into some dry stuff light that real fast throw them a little cherry juice there on it and uh it should uh catch up hopefully really quick before this stuff gets too wet hopefully I don't get too soaking wet trying to uh light it well it's raining sideways now glad I came down here and got the fire started when I did I don't have to worry about that going out by no means I mean it's not helping it but it's a hot fire I'm gonna go back up there to the one up front now and see look at the mud everywhere trucks aren't squeaky now I'm gonna go back up to the one up front and see uh it's probably not doing too well right now [Music] got us a river flowing through here well I guess I was wrong let's dig 18 the only guy that can get a bonfire started and going in the absolute pouring down rain oh boy that's actually burning nicely look at the flame coming off that thing I'm gonna go over there and grab the rest of that brush and throw in there and stack all those logs on it shoot I wanna have a good campfire it is falling a flood mm-hmm so the first pile here I've gone all the way around it and re-piled everything got all the brush from over there added to it so that should uh burn down pretty good tonight I'm gonna go back to the uh pile back here in the back and let's see what it looks like I have not been back here since I uh first set it on fire so let's go check it out well it looks like it's doing exactly what I wanted it to and that is a burned down so I'm gonna run around here and just kind of push the edges up a little bit there's a lot of stumps along the outside edges throw those in there and let them cook tonight I'll come back tomorrow and uh restack everything and should be gone [Music] well it's a little drier this morning it's not raining some blue sky but uh could still have some more thunderstorms ended up getting about an inch and a half of rain out of that one so that was a pretty good little storm but it was dry enough I think a lot of it soaked in but uh I still see a little bit of a brush pile from here I'm gonna jump on the excavator go down there and restack that one then go to the far back there and see what's left of that great big pile from the login deck there's still probably well there was at least half of it there when I left so we'll see how much burnt down well it doesn't look like there's a whole lot left I'm gonna end up just raking all that stuff up and uh whenever I bring the dump truck over here haul it all back to the back cut over where I'm gonna waste everything else and just spread it out down there I'm gonna go through here and uh rake that pile of ashes down grab some of this dry brush and pile it on and get this uh burning again should uh start back up relatively easy [Music] to pick out the uh stumps and chunks of wood that have not burnt yet kind of all pile back up [Music] any fire like normal hopefully oh [Music] foreign pile it all up that stuff's still nice and hot it'll just kind of start burning again [Music] especially you get a chunk of wood like that hello ointment threw that in there it's very time consuming [Music] it gets it done um [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I go check the wood s on fire too so put that put that right there [Music] some of this stuff got a little wet from the rain yesterday got out of the uh fire zone before I wait and put that on the top [Music] all in all it was a pretty good burn not a whole lot of cleanup work I think I spent maybe 30 minutes running around here yesterday piling it up I'm spending probably about 30 45 minutes on it today I'll probably run back over here one more time this evening after everything's burnt down and pile it up one more time and that should be uh should be it [Music] and just like I said it would catch back on fire so I'm gonna let that burn down I'm gonna go to the back back here and check on the other pile I have a feeling there is a lot left on it just for the I mean it was burning good but it just didn't seem like it was traveling back into the pile like I wanted it to yesterday but it was too hot to stay around so let's go check it out and uh see what's left on it well I just proved myself wrong it appears the whole pile burned last night that's even better news got a couple grapple pulls over here the rest of that I'm just gonna push down that skid road again it's just God there was so much mess up here oh yeah that won't be bad there I can run around there and restack all those stumps should uh should get back burning pretty good and whenever this dries out just come back in here with a track loader break through this and uh push everything down into the woods and then the next phase is to take off down that trail right there to the back where I got another four acres to clear let me go ahead and start restacking this oh yeah there's it I figured half that pile would still be here but hey I'm happy [Music] pile of Ashes right here probably has a lot of stuff in it that's not burnt gonna grab all of this and just lay it in the center of the pile and 100 that will be on fire rapidly stuff right here see how I touch them and the dirt just Falls right off cut all that up let this stuff start burning away [Music] a little tubs you just drop them a tank or two [Music] plate comes off good to go back in for round two [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] this is the reason I wanted to keep this machine it's just it's a great second machine for jobs like this that aren't in a huge hurry whenever I have free time I can work on it like right now I don't have anything else to do on the pond job because it's too wet uh I can come over here a second job rolling and always have something to do but I can put this machine on here because if it sits for two weeks it does not bother me one bit [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's weird though like literally that was a giant pile of Ashes pull out that piece of wood right there and it does not even look like it's been burnt I just don't get it it's literally in the fire down in the pile of Ashes still not even burnt [Music] but I guess if it's like down in the pile and then she's just kind of [Music] some others it out where it really can't burn [Music] all that right there kind of got buried in ashes smothered out [Music] all right I'm gonna keep breaking around and getting all this restacked and uh it's time to go get some pipe for the pigpong project [Music] that's a wrap for pile number two I went all the way around there and grabbed everything and put it into the pile kind of rake those ashes out that stuff will burn down I can mix it in with that junk right there and whenever this dries out enough take the track loader and finish pushing it down that right there kind of building a trail with that mess covering up what's left of that logging debris and I'll rake over all this as well there's just so much crap in the woods I'm not going to sit here and try to pick out every little stick just break it up and push it down there as you can tell there's no topsoil so that will rot down and eventually make a nice little uh pile of tops all over there so I'm gonna let that burn down the rest of the day I may come back over here this evening and restack that but on my way out I'm gonna go and restack the front pile and that should uh uh really make that a lot smaller and back over here with the uh 220 . so uh that looks like that is burnt down really well probably about 10 minutes of stacking up if that that one will be completed I'm gonna run back to the back and restack that pile and just let these uh be good for the weekend Kyle is doing that really well grab just a little just a little bit of this stuff right here a little more up on the pile and uh honestly the best thing I do is just leave this alone and let it burn down to whatever's left and at the end just restack that Colin good or rain anymore today or not but still pretty wet so shouldn't be a problem thank you [Music] [Music] all right we'll let that burn down and uh I'll come back over here this evening if I have time and push everything up well the second pile back here in the back was definitely a better burn not much left at all I'll restack that real quick might get off before four o'clock on a Friday that'd be good too wouldn't it Throw Dirt off that one how nice it just cleans up and there's uh the dirt's nice and dry put all this into a pile the wind has now changing so this direction as I move it'll go in the opposite direction right now I'm not too worried about it there's really no Embers the smoker and pile of stumps once there's Flames there will be some Embers though no I don't need to be sitting right here okay now just break these ashes out let them uh cool off a little bit the track motor and just mix everything together push up and take it off down the path there there's a lot will be cleaned up and this is potential for an area for a uh course Arena back here in the back probably definitely not high on that priority list right now clear it while I was here that way all the heavy work was done and it would just be those who were cutting it out grade this was the logging deck if you remember the second logging deck stuff everywhere you can tell that their quota ran up packed up and left that's the driver is left you can just sit right here and Rock [Music] again another piece of wood in there that's just charred all right let me see the wind's blowing this way now grab those few pieces get those in the fire and I'm just going to kind of pull these ashes out that way they'll kind of cool off and anything that's left well that should burn down shouldn't be a whole lot left I'm gonna grab a couple of those big pieces right there I just took those ashes and rake those out there's still a few random chunks of wood but my God that's all this whole acre was was two feet of chunks of wood and bark so that'll get mixed in and I'll push that down there and let it rot down with everything else and get this uh leveled up once it dries off just a little bit do some of these ashes once that burns down it may kind of spread those out so they can suck up a little moisture as well but it's uh burnt down well and uh I'm gonna call it a day
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 74,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: volvo, excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, reach, off, dump, site, truck, loading, mud, dredging, pond, lake, silt, removal, heavy, construction, equipment, mill, dam, wall, spillway, overflow, muck, land, clearing, tree, borrow, pit, dumping, dumper, tractor, loader, dozer, crawler, swamp, beaver, busted, failure, overgrown, cleanup, grading, bucket, stuck, 220E, cat, logging, loggers, cutter, feller, buncher, skidder, logger, indeco, log, grapple, shovel, drain, draing, farm, farmer, tile
Id: cUHx761Aw34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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