Starting A Big Fire And Barn Pad

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[Music] so I'm back over here on the clearing job where I did the uh Ruckus raking up front track loaders over there so the uh driveway is now being moved over here to this property line since all this is going to be horse pasture sorry metal breath start shoveling that uh dirt off the machine it's packed on there and uh they want to move the road over here to keep it out to pasture so had a friend come over here working when he can and he has cut a New Road through the woods right here walk down here and check it out dirt was packed around those rollers I started shoveling that out it was packed in there so he has cleared me a trail right here take the track loader Maybe run up and down and Slick it up a little bit better so it doesn't hold too much from the rain so this will be the new Road coming back here to the shop lot so he's cleared all that all that's piled up there now so I'm going to come down here and grab like that tree top right there and just clean that up and make it look a little bit nicer and uh show you the lot back there I was hoping it was going to rain here a little bit maybe tomorrow burn that big pile and that other one back there at the logging deck so that's what I've got to do here is get this graded out Stone put down all the way to there do the building pad probably take a lot of that clay and bring it down here to raise the road up but uh still a lot of work to do here got to wreck through all that field there too as well so I do believe that pile right there is going to burn great and then got all the mess right here from the road told him just to pile it up here beside it for right now because uh that needs to burn down some before I throw all that on there got a nice little road through here now though well that's going to be the last pass with the loader got that cleaned up leveled up some that way it'll drain let's walk up here and look at uh the plan when it does rain which starting to drain or rain a little bit right now but it's got to get the ground a little wetter than that before I set this pile on fire so I have this pile that we started with I went back there and cleared the Old Logging deck so uh that ought to burn very fast that is all the debris from the uh Road right there so once that gets burning grab all that throw it on there end up cutting this down because it's going to be like a 40 by 80 building put right here to level this out probably just go up there and kind of Notch that down a little bit and uh lose the dirt down the road right there so but can't do any of that until that pile is gone may go over there in the woods and dig a hole to bury all the ashes and use that dirt down the road as well just have to assess it once that's gone so maybe tomorrow I'll be uh back over here burning it pretty good chance of rain so it just uh didn't get here today like they thought it would so just walked over here into the woods to kind of see how dry or wet they were and it seems uh damp it's not sloppy wet by no means but it's uh I don't think it'll catch on fire so I got a little rain band coming through right now I'm going to go ahead and start the excavator get some uh jug of diesel fuel go down here and start the first pile on fire and uh see what happens there's the brush pile and there's everything from the road I'm gonna set it on fire right there I think the wind is blowing in that direction so that should kind of help push it through the pile I think if not there's another spot on the other side I'm going to uh light let's see how this goes well it looks like I got the wind direction right for once I'm sure it'll change as soon as that gets to burning but Splash a little bit of diesel fuel on it a little paper bag and it's burning so there's a couple big grapple fools a nice dry brush I'm gonna grab that lay on there and sit back and watch what it does [Music] brush take it over there lay it on top of the fire it's been very dusty and dry out here so the old tracks are a little squeaky but I have a feeling they're going to uh calm down once all this rain gets here when the rain gets here I don't know they've been saying we're supposed to get four or five inches of rain and uh it's supposed to start yesterday and now if the day doesn't look like it's going to hardly rain much I don't know who knows with the weather anymore grab one more and then uh sit back and watch that burn down or start up do whatever it does the only problem now is the wind is blowing directly towards the pile of stuff right here that I need to grab I want to get rid of this Branch right here I don't like it hanging out where it's getting me foreign like I said the only problem is the wind is now blowing in this direction which puts all the ashes falling right over top of where I've got to sit we'll just have to wait and see what becomes of that packing this stuff in here didn't he once this one gets going pretty good I'm gonna look at the weather and I may go and set the one over there at the logging deck on fire as well that one should burn really well because it was everything's been piled up for like eight months now eight or nine months all right let's sit back and watch that burn down a little bit well that didn't take long to catch on fire let's go check it out how long I can stand right here it's going to be hot [Music] we're about uh 10 minutes into lighting the fire but the good thing is I'm not going to have to do much work to that because that should just burn right through there perfect so there are a couple more trees right here on the Edge I'm going to take down to kind of straighten this property line tree line up a little bit still over there about 15-20 feet there's about three or four trees that stick out while the fire is burning phenomenal you'll see in just a minute after I take this down [Music] well maybe not [Music] the ground has gotten a lot harder than it was last time I took trees down that would have uh pulled right out of the ground last time well red clay has got dry and does not like to uh the trees lose a couple more Scoops something to break it Loose Maybe the old push it away Break It Loose technique it's got a fork in it so I don't want to get too crazy come on you're not leaning over yet who would have thought a little 12-inch tree could get so much of a fight losing now though Timber [Music] completely missed that oh yeah fire is burning good now before I see the reflection in the side window [Music] oh well look at the doggone Tap Root on that thing no wonder it wasn't given up enough all right break like this up [Music] crunch [Music] [Music] foreign look at that fire [Music] that's what you call a campfire I love it not gonna be hanging around this one long today [Music] wow it's amazing how good stuff burns when it sits out and dries for a month 80 to 90 degree temperatures people said I need a burning fan I think I'm good bubba I think I'm good all right so for uh size reference those trees in the background are around 75 to 80 feet tall I don't know if you can see that or not but the uh flame is to the top of them foreign [Music] anymore so she doesn't have a market for anything so I don't know what that has to say about the Denver Market but evidently there's no demand for it thank you so we're just going to turn into ashes just kind of sucks but it's been some time chainsawing all that up so oh well it'd be like that sometimes [Music] she's as far it goes I gotta let that die down before I can go back over there and grab some more go over here and push the back side of the pile up get away from some of that heat [Music] so these things burn down all the stuff along the edges back up into this especially all these stumps keep everything piled up that is nice Thai now it burns better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just gonna keep grabbing everything chunking it towards the center of the pile keep everything nice and condensed there should not be a whole lot left by the time I leave today and I need to look at the radar and see if it's going to rain anymore to go set that other pile on fire I probably need to go ahead and do it both of them today that bad boy is going to go up in a blaze of glory I think one would think [Music] it's not quite burning half yet all right let me keep pushing this up and I'm gonna look at the weather it looks like we're going to get some more rain starting to kind of drop around here all this heat up I might go set the other pile on fire [Music] see how good that burns down [Music] probably need to clean the air filter out in this thing as well might do that when I pull up there so once again weatherman's wrong really hasn't rained anymore and there's nothing else on the radar wind's picking up so instead of letting that other pile on fire I'm gonna let this one burn down that way I don't have so much smoke it is blowing up there towards where there are houses which is still a lot farther away than when I burn up there and the wind blew that way the whole time so I'm gonna let this burn down the rest of the afternoon it's still not even it's nine o'clock so it's been burning for two hours and I'm gonna go over there to the Big Pun job and finish digging out that Cove while it's still somewhat dry over there then come back this afternoon and restack that and finish putting that brush over there on the pile and then probably tomorrow if it does rain go down there and set that on fire so back over here on my clearing job you can kind of see the smoke way down there in the woods where the pile is it has yet to rain hardly any more and it doesn't look like it's going to rain till at least after lunch today so I want to take advantage of it still being dry they want to do a 40 by 40 Barn right here so I got to build a pad my pile of dirt is still up there beside the tree line where I raked The Front Field houses come along though I'm going to go up there with the excavator dig a hole and bury that through the dirt behind me go get the 953 start scooping it down here dumping it right there it's only going to come up about 12 inches so between just spreading it out with that and the track loader it'll be fine it'll pack it down enough they'll drill the post down through it anyway so just trying to get a slab leveled up so they can uh eventually do concrete under there let's go get that sweater and bury a pile up there get some dirt which means it'll probably start raining then once I get a pile of dirt exposed that's how to make it rain hole here now I forgot there was like two feet of topsoil and sand here [Music] that off group it whatever you want to call it get it out of the way but save it because topsoil is kind of rare around here [Music] um foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] ER and scoop that up take it over there to the barn pad so I'll dig probably dig this eight or ten feet deep go ahead and move the dirt see how much more I need then push that in the hole here [Music] really depends on how well this dirt stays it's going to be suitable enough I see it already changing colors when I dug that pit up there it had a lot of uh more red clay in it okay it's Clay so that's all that matters [Music] I'll leave a little Mist in there makes a little sand in there with it hurt anything just I remember I put a lot of that right in there where I filled in from the burn pit [Music] that in here with a track loader and pack it down real good probably leave it a couple inches high just in case it looks settled [Music] [Music] where I can wreck all the stuff that he pushed over here into the woods out get that cleaned up [Music] [Music] [Music] decent little pile because every time you skip it with a truck loader it just kind of pushes it back over here boy whatever's left I can just push it into the hole for top of that cover it up all right I'm gonna keep digging this a little bit uh bigger go get the track loader take it over there to the pad start dumping it and spreading it but if I got to use a skid steer or whatever I need to do start leveling that up then uh once I have enough dirt from that we'll come back over here and push all that into the hole track it in cover it up with that top tool s [Music] foreign foreign assistant foreign [Music] will I moved the first pile and I had to dig the hole bigger get some more dirt we'll go ahead and move that then start filling the uh hole in I think uh I might have dug the hole bigger than the pile I have to fill in so we'll have to see all that one all right so I just took the skid steer and knocked that down a little bit and cleaned it up checked it with the laser and uh this Edge right here is good that back side right there has got to come up about 10 more inches like it uh looked like it was a little bit low I'm running out of dirt so I'm gonna go ahead and fill that hole in there's a big storm coming and uh get that kind of tidied up and if I have time to dig some more dirt I'll go ahead and dig that and bring it up here if not I'm going to leave that bee and wait till after the rain foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Laughter] and where was that pit at can't even tell it now so I got about 20 minutes before all the storms get here I'm Gonna Take the bucket off put the Ruckus rake on real quick and rake all this over here to the tree line that way this whole front field will be completed any more scoops of dirt for the pad but uh I don't have time to do that before the rain so uh I got that tracked in with the skid steer and that can just wait till it dries out again okay well that looks much better so dug a pit over there brought all the dirt up here this pad like I said needs to come up about 10 more inches right there on that edge and uh good place to use the dirt took the topsoil spread back out I just took the Ruckus rake and wrecked over all that hopefully they'll start using all this wood here pretty soon I gotta rake the backyard and clean up all those piles right there I may see if he'll just let me go over here in the edge of the woods and uh dig another hole over there and clean all this up that way and take all this crap push it over there and uh bury it and then use that dirt to finish the pad that would make the most sense to me I don't see why it wouldn't work just clean all that mess up right there that way it's uh not quite such an eyesore but uh rain is literally almost here I'm gonna run and grab some lunch real quick and then come back should be rain enough I can get in there and restack the fire and possibly set the other one on fire back there in the back but man that just makes stuff look so much nicer thank you
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 87,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: volvo, excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, reach, off, dump, site, truck, loading, mud, dredging, pond, lake, silt, removal, heavy, construction, equipment, mill, dam, wall, spillway, overflow, muck, land, clearing, tree, borrow, pit, dumping, dumper, tractor, loader, dozer, crawler, swamp, beaver, busted, failure, overgrown, cleanup, grading, bucket, stuck, 220E, cat, logging, loggers, cutter, feller, buncher, skidder, logger, indeco, log, grapple, shovel, drain, draing, farm, farmer, tile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 13sec (2353 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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