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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well hey guys it's great to have you tonight for friday night live thank you so much uh for being a part of this i always look forward to getting to come and share the word of the lord with you and to you because i i would pray i would hope and i think it probably does it actually stirs your heart you know i've often shared how that paul said in romans chapter 10 that the word that he preached was a word of faith and that doesn't mean he was a part of the word of faith movement even though he was maybe been called the originator of it but what it means is that when he preached faith stirred in the hearts of people so that they could receive from god because the truth is unless our faith is stirred we can really hear great words and all that but we have no ability to really grab hold of it because faith is what allows us to grab hold of things in the spirit world and make it our own and so i pray that as we minister and teach her on friday night live that that's exactly what happens and the reason we do what we do the reason we add the worship all the different things we do is to try to bring us into a realm of of faith and and believing so that we can receive from the lord you know jesus many times he would say this be it unto you according to your faith in other words whatever you're going to get you're going to get through faith watch he was literally saying it doesn't matter how much i'm releasing i can be releasing everything but you're only going to get what your faith allows you to grab hold of and pull into reality so so let's just be people of believing let's be people of faith i think about nathanael when jesus saw him when he came to him remember he he said you're nathanael you're uh you're a true son of jacob if you will you're son of israel and it says in whom there is no god and nathanael looked at him and said how do you know me he said he said before you came to me i saw you under the fig tree so jesus in the spirit through a word of knowledge a word of wisdom he saw nathanael in the spirit realm he knew where he was and whenever he came out from underneath the fig tree he came with jesus and and nathanael said you're him you're the messiah and jesus said to him because i said to you i saw you that you're that quick to believe watch what he said he said because you're so quick to believe he said you're going to see the heavens open and the angels ascending and descending upon the son of man in other words he said nathanael you're going to be able to see in the spirit realm because you have a faith that is quick to believe me you don't have to be convinced be convinced be convinced you're one that grabs hold quickly listen we need to be that kind of people we need to be those that are of a childlike spirit that says i'm going to believe god and i'm going to do it quickly and i'm going to get everything that he has for me to have so that's i believe that's who we are and i know that's who god would have us to be because those are the kind of people he can move through and see tremendous things happen and work in their life and see the kingdom expanded through them okay so we're going to do a little worship a song of worship here in just a moment mike is going to come and do that but before i do that i want to mention just one thing tonight i usually mention several but this is so important i want to emphasize this on april 16 and 17 in miramar beach florida okay that's a friday night and a saturday morning till noon we are having a southeast gathering a territory gathering of gpec a house of prayer we have a tremendous group of people that are part of gpec of which you guys are a part of gpac online it's tremendous and and god is using it in very powerful ways and i'm so grateful and thankful for the lord connecting us together but in addition to this i know that god wants to to build an on-site expression and so we're going to start going across the nation in in different territories a group of states if you will and we're going to begin to gather together in those areas in those territories uh a on-site expression of gpac okay so we are going to do that in miramar beach florida now somebody says well do i have to be from that area no you can come from wherever you want to come to come from in the united states because even though it may be territorial watch this the the connections are going to be more about relationship than they are geography okay that's the way that i tend to operate because i know that god exalts relationship i believe even above geography so if you say hey you know what i really want to go and be a part of that i i feel something strong in my heart and you live in washington state or you live in nebraska or wherever you might live listen get on an airplane or take off driving or whatever you need to be to to to do and meet us in miramar beach florida on april 16th and 17th we are going to begin to pull together um this on-site expression and in my heart is to network the whole nation now why are we doing this because i believe we are we yet we are yet to have a sufficient expression of a house a house of prayer that can actually stand and represent our culture before the lord see this is one of the reasons why we did not see the results we wanted in the election it is because it takes a house a legitimate sufficient house to represent a culture before the lord that's out of isaiah 56 7 that my house shall be a house of prayer far or on behalf of all nations so we've got to get this built listen you can't wait until you need it to build it that's just true if you wait until you need it to build it it's too late it's too late the time has passed we've got to get this thing in place so we're going to start building this house of prayer this on site in addition to this online house of prayer in the united states of america and we believe that we will have the ability to stand as a house for the nation of america as we begin to see this joined and connected together in true covenant relationships see this is one of our problems we put our names on the list and all that kind of stuff but we're not in covenant with god we probably are in hell with god but we're not in covenant with each other and there's got to be some level of covenant with each other in an on-site expression so that we can stand and begin along with the online expression represent cultures before the lord so i'm asking you i am exhorting you almost pleading with you to come to miramar beach florida on april 16th and 17th and i felt this while ago some of you will come from other parts of the nation because you will get there and get stirred and get equipped and you'll go back and help us pull your region together okay so you need to come if you feel a stirring of god you need to come from wherever you are and get there but here's what you got to do you've got to go to and register you can register at you can also register at okay so go find where it says the southeast territorial uh house of prayer gathering or assembly find that hit that link go get registered today now there's a there's a there's a small registration fee because we need to be certain that people are coming i've tried to do it without that and it just simply doesn't work we need to know that people are coming okay so we we want to ask you to just go to that site get registered it'll be a friday night and then all the way to saturday at noon and i'm going to be equipping us in how to function as a house of prayer what a house of prayers and how to do that not only in an online expression but in an on-site expression as well so i so look forward to getting to see you to know you and for us to be joined together and be a part together of this exciting adventure that we're launching out into okay so let's pray and then we ask micah to come he's going to lead us in some worship so father we just want to thank you today for your grace for your mercies we want to thank you for your kindness lord and we want to ask lord that you would anoint our time to tonight lord even as we teach and share your word we ask for the anointing of god that breaks the yokes to be made manifest we ask for a stirring of faith that we might be quick to believe and grab hold and that we can come into the new dimensions that you've called us to lord i'm asking that you would give me the power to speak and to declare even as i ought we thank you for doing this and we commit this time to you in jesus name amen let's worship together and we'll come back and declare the word [Music] hey [Music] but who can stop the lord almighty [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's roaring with power and he's [Music] [Applause] [Music] of the is his blood breaks the chains and every knee will bow before the lion and the lamb and everybody [Music] [Music] the car who comes to save [Laughter] is [Music] beforehand [Music] his blood breaks the chains every knee will bow before the lion and the land [Music] for who can stop the lord [Music] who can stop you [Music] [Music] no one [Music] and who [Music] he's roaring with power [Music] is [Music] amen lord we just want to thank you so much lord you are the lion and the lamb you are the exalted one lord jesus lord we thank you that you're the lamb that was slain that purchased our salvation but you're also the rule ruling and roaring and governing lion lord that that consumes and devours and causes to be scattered all the powers of darkness lord and we just want to thank you for that you are the lamb and you are the lion you are the lion and you are the lamb that even as john was caught up into heaven and and it said the lamb of the lion of the tribe of jude he had prevailed to open the books and when john turned to see the lion he saw the lamb that was slain i just want to thank you lord that out of the brokenness of who you are out of the brokenness of who you are you are the governmental roaring lion that scatters every power of darkness and i pray for that over every one of us lord over every one of us that are a part of gpac over every one of us that are a part of friday night live i thank you that lord from your governmental place as lion because you have earned that place by being the broken lamb that every power of darkness flees before you and lord we want to thank you for that that the enemies are scattered and they have no right nor authority to hurt us harass us or harm us on any level and we just bless you for that today in jesus name amen amen thank you micah for uh just leading us in some worship there amen of course he'll be back in just a little bit when we began to finish up and we just began to minister out of the word that we uh that i'm going to be teaching today what we're going to be talking about today is is something that earlier in the week uh as i was as i was leading a prayer we have prayer every day monday tuesday wednesday and thursday at 6 20 a.m now central daylight time and people view it from all over the world and there's like a good strong group of people uh i mean before it's all said and done there's always over a thousand views of it in a day easily but we have you know uh like a consistent 300 or so that are online with us engaging while we're doing and these are people that are not only in the us but they're in europe they're in australia they're in asia a lot of different places and we're functioning very significantly as a house of prayer in those ways but while i was leading it it was monday in particular all of a sudden god began to speak to me about the bond slave about a about the law of the bond slaves so i'm going to read a couple of scriptures here about this it's the law that was set in place uh like moses said it in place when he was up in the mountain he saw all the the the pattern that god wanted and god gave him the principles that society was the function uh by and through as a nation and one of those principles was it was called the law of a bond slave which watch this it was the idea that if someone for whatever reason lost their inheritance they lost their wealth because remember when the children of israel came into the promised land every tribe and every family got a portion of land they had to take that land and they had to begin to build their life with it and build their prosperity and build their wealth well obviously sometimes because of mismanagement because of situations uh whatever it might be people would lose their wealth well what would happen was that if they then went into debt because that's what people do when they don't have enough to get by they'll go and they'll borrow for somebody but then if they couldn't pay it back if they were in debt watch this they had to sell themselves or they could sell themselves into slavery or as a servant to another hebrew okay in other words they didn't sell themselves to other nations they saw themselves to another hebrew and they would work for that hebrew for six for six years and at the end of six years their debt was paid off that hebrew that they sold themselves the debt was paid off and they could go free on the seventh year okay that was just the law now this we see this principle in second kings chapter four where that the widow after her husband dies who was one of the sons of the prophet she is in such debt she's in such debt that he's going to take two of her sons now that that's a lot of debt it's going to take two of her sons to work for the creditor for six years each okay so it's gonna you know a total of 12 years if you combine them together six years each to pay off the debt that she and her husband uh had accumulated and we know the story though how that she cried out to the prophet she didn't want our two sons to have to go into this this this place of servanthood and and of an enslavement if you will for these for these uh six years each she wanted and the and the prophet released the word what do you have in your house pot of oil she took that pot of oil she began to pour it out we all remember that story and she was able to pay off her debt and live off the rest but that's what was going on in that story that's what was happening they were abiding by and working through the principles that god had allowed should someone find themselves in this state okay but if someone worked for the six years and something had happened in their heart watch this they had decided they didn't want to go out free they had become so accustomed so connected so joined to the master and the house that he had that they wanted to stay there then they could choose to become a bond slave forever and they would become a part of the house and they would not go free they would simply serve in the house and that would become the what they would do for the remainder of that was a major decision there was a major decision because just think about it they could they could have gotten their debt paid off they could have left they could have gone on with their life with a free start a new start but watch if they chose to stay in the house and become a bond slave that was a humongous decision that they were making so i want to talk to you about this principle and bring it into the places that i believe god wants us to see today so in uh we're going to read two scriptures exodus 21 1-6 and deuteronomy 15 verses 16-17 here's what he says exodus 21 1-6 now these are the judgments which you shall shall set before them if you buy a hebrew servant he shall serve six years and then the seventh he shall go out free and pay nothing in other words his debt is paid off if he comes in by himself he shall go out by himself if he comes in married then his wife and she his wife uh if she go wait let me start if he comes in mary then his wife shall go out with him if his master has given him a wife and she has borne him sons or daughters the wife and her children shall be her masters and he shall go out by himself he says but if the servant plainly says i love my master my wife and my children i will not go out free it says then his master shall bring him to the judges he shall also bring him to the door or to the doorpost and his master shall pierce his ear with an all and he shall serve him for ever okay so that's the law of the bond slave now deuteronomy repeats this repeats it with a little bit of additions to it and i'm just going to read the last two verses of it and it says in verse 16 of deuteronomy 15 and if it happens the servant that he says to you i will not go away from you because he loves you and your house since he prospers with you then you shall take it all and thrust it through his ear to the door and he shall be your servant forever also to your female servants so literally it says that that the the the same law applied to both men and women that if they went into a house to pay off their debt through six years of servanthood and they came to the end of that time and they chose to become a bond slave they would be able to do that forever so let me bring this in to where we are today okay when i read this this is what i think all of us had a debt we could not pay every one of us i mean it's called sin literally we are incapable and it is impossible for us to redeem ourself or for us to pay back the debt we owe that's why when jesus taught us to pray he told us to pray and forgive us of our debts as we forgive our debtors he was not talking about money in that situation he was saying look we owe a debt to god we have violated his his law we have violated his ways uh because of that uh we we owe a debt and he says yes forgive us of our debt or forgive us of our sin or forgive us of our transgressions even as we forgive those indebted to us and so he says you know if i'm going to receive forgiveness and hold on to forgiveness i have to forgive others okay that's what he said but watch this here's what you've got to get see that is where we all all were are are at this present time that literally we had a debt we could not pay so what did we do jesus comes along and he says look he said i'll pay your debt i'll pay it off i'll pay it up and so we said okay god i'll serve you so watch i go into service to jesus if you will and i'm serving him but the only reason i'm really serving him is because i wanted to get away from hell see listen most people i know got saved because they didn't want to go to hell now if you are more noble than that then i applaud you but i'm telling you most of us got saved because we didn't want to go to hell and that's the way we started our relationship with jesus he we we if you will said we will accept you as our lord we'll accept you as our savior and lord we thank you that you have paid our penalty paid our price paid our debt therefore when i die i don't have to go to hell i'll get to go to heaven and that's a very very wise choice and decision to make okay so so that's the way we all begin but watch what happens this is what happens to those that that that don't just stop there when you get saved on that basis watch but then you began to serve the lord you began to taste of his goodness you began to feel his presence what happens the goodness of the master the goodness of god the master begins to change our heart and all of a sudden i'm no longer serving god because i don't want to go to hell now i'm falling in love with him now i'm serving him because god's changing my heart because watch when you are a part of the master and of his house it is impossible to serve in the house and the goodness of the master and of his house not change you it's impossible so this is what's happened to me i started off as a 12 year old boy getting saved because i didn't want to go to hell but what happened was through the process of serving him and then learning to pray and then standing in his presence i have fallen in love with him and watch now my motivation for serving him is not so i don't go to hell my motivation for serving him is now because i love him because i desire him because i want his purpose is fulfilled see it's and it's not watch it's not even that i want to get something more from him watch i serve him the further you go the more you serve him for for for more and more right reasons the motives began to be purified and here's what happened to me i have served him and served him since i was 12 years old for 50 years now i have been serving him i have been serving him i've been falling in love with him i've been following him now the deepest passion of my heart is not lord give me something it's lord let my life be used to bring glory to you let my life be used to expand your kingdom why because the goodness of the master and his house has changed my heart because you may have went in as a servant just trying to get your debt paid but what happens is god's mercy and goodness the the kindness of who he is begins to radically reshape us and radically reform the motives of our hearts so that we are now serving him because of how kind he is it's what the bible says we love him why because he first loved us and that we began to fall desperately in love with him and we began to say i can't imagine life without you so watch let's put it in this thing watch what happens it says that this their servants in this house this this master of the house he he said yes i'll let you come and serve me for six years and when you leave you'll have to pay nothing you're dead to be paid off it even says in the book of deuteronomy i'll send you out completely blessed i will make sure you have a tremendous fresh start he said but here's the deal if you came in with a wife she'll go with you if you came in with a children they'll go with you when you leave but if i gave you a wife or i gave you children and that and children were born to you while you're in my house then they have to stay here with me so watch what happens because of of the person's love for the master because he prospers in the house because because he he he he loves the life that he has there because of those that are connected to him and him connect he can't imagine his life now outside this house he can't imagine his life so he says look i want to become a bond slave i don't want to go out free i know when i came in my whole intention was get the time done so i can go again get the time done so i can go free get the time done so i can go back to my life but something has happened in my heart i'm a different person now i no longer want to go free because now i'm desperately in love with my master and i'm desperately in love with his house and so watch i choose to be a bond slave in other words i give up every right i give up every right to leave you i give up every right to go out free i want to spend the rest of my days in absolute submission surrender and servanthood to you my master because i love you and your house so much listen that's where god wants to bring us to regardless of where we started he wants us to fall so desperately in love with him that we choose to become the bond slave of the lord you know the apostle paul came to this place remember remember the apostle paul god had to knock him off his horse on the road to damascus damascus and reveal himself to him and he started off you know he was persecuting the church and whenever the lord appeared to him he said saul saul why is it why are you persecuting me and he said who are you lord he said i'm jesus whom you're persecuting and we know how he got saved but watch before god was done with him before god was done with him the bible says in ephesians 3 1 paul considered himself a prisoner of the lord it means to be captive to be bound it means to be in both it's a it's a new testament word for the principle i'm talking to you about see god said i want you to become my prisoner i want you to become my bond slave i want you to become one that even if you have the chance you don't want to go out free because you love me so much you love me and you love my house the bible says in ephesians 3 1. for this reason i paul the prisoner of the lord jesus christ for uh for you gentiles in other words he's saying look i have actually committed myself watch he said because i have now become the prisoner of the lord i can effectively i can effectively minister to you gentiles i just want to say this any minister any minister that stands and tries to minister to the people of god they need to be the prisoner of the lord they need to have become the bond slave of the lord they need to say i don't want to go free i want to serve my master and his house my entire life listen if they haven't come to that point then they're not going to be effective as the minister there has to be a place where we say more than anything else i live not to preach not to minister i live to serve the lord and love him and be loved by him because that's what a bond slave does you see peter came to this place remember jesus said to peter he said he said peter do you love me and peter said i love you as a friend he said no no i'm asking do you really love me do you would you give your life from me and peter because he had failed to do that not a little just a little bit before he said i i can't say that i can i can't do that and jesus looked at him and here's why he basically it's going to be okay peter he said because there's going to come a time before i'm done with you when the holy spirit comes on there's going to come a time before i'm done with you that you will stretch out your hands and another will carry you where you don't want to go in other words he's and it says he spoke this signifying by what death he would die now we know that peter it is spoken of historically and traditionally that peter was crucified upside down because he said he was not worthy to be crucified like jesus his master was crucified so he requested that they would crucify him up upside down see why because jesus can watch peter fell so desperately in love with jesus that he was willing to give his life and jesus told him i'll do this work in your heart i'll bring you to the place where that right now you gird yourself and go wherever you want to go but there's going to come a time that i've so possessed your heart that you will willingly allow yourself to be girded and carried where you don't want to go because watch this because you have become my bond slave you see jesus can do this he can work so deeply in our heart that we're willing to give our life up for him now many who are martyred they physically give their life up now most of us will never be martyred physically but that's not the issue the issue is am i willing to lay down my life paul said i die daily am i willing to come to a place where that there's no sacrifice too great in my service to jesus if i come to that place watch this through the through the ministry and the working of the holy spirit methodically reshaping me and reforming me watch this then all of a sudden if i was allowed to go free i would say i don't want to go free i love my master and i love his house are you seeing the principle that i'm trying to unveil to us now when we listen when we come to that place and we step across that line i want you to know there's something very significantly that can happen you see sometimes we're saying god bring breakthrough bring breakthrough bring breakthrough and and i'm not saying we shouldn't be saying that because we should we should be contending for our breakthrough but sometimes in fact i would say many times the breakthrough we're we're looking for and hoping for and believing for is actually connected to us moving into another realm of the spirit and another realm of devotion and commitment to the lord ourself and that when we step across that line and say if you will i will not go free i will not go out free i want to be a bond slave all of a sudden something shifts watch i'm going to just point this out to you we read the story here just a few minutes ago the bible says that if this the servant came in and served for six years he started off he started off just trying to get the time done to get out of there so he could go back to his life but watch something happened in his heart so when it gets comes that time whenever it's time to go he says i don't want to go out so watch if the bible says he had been given a wife that had produced their relationship had produced children it said that if he went free then they had to stay there the wife and the children had to stay there he said but if he stayed there if he became a bond slave watch what happens then he got to stay with his wife and his children now here's what i felt like the lord said to me he said there are many families in struggle and in problems that that maybe they're in contention maybe they feel like things are breaking apart maybe even children have run up maybe there's such a an estrangement in the husband and wife relationship watch this when this servant made a choice just to stay to be to be the bond slave everything shifted the wife he would have lost the children he would have lost they were secured you got to get this see i believe that sometimes the thing that's going to bring breakthrough security reestablishing us the putting in the place of family into the divine order what causes that not because we are mechanically trying to apply some principles but because we stepped across a line in the spirit and we said i will not go out free i will stay where i am and when that occurs something so dynamically shifts in the spirit world that that which would have been lost otherwise all of a sudden is redeemed and become secure i hope you can see that because i believe if we will say today lord i want to be the bond slave i don't want to go out free i'm not serving you for what i can get out of you i am serving you lord now i started off doing that because that's where we all start up but watch through a process of time through the patience of the lord through the dealings of god through god's goodness through god's blessing through god's love our hearts were changed he won our hearts now we say i make the choice to step across the line i will not go free i will be your muslim if something shifts in the spirit that moves us into a new level and realm of breakthrough because what is allowing the breakthrough to come is because we have stepped into a new dimension of the spirit by our choice to become the bond slave of the lord now many of you i'm watching this today and i'm thinking you know what many of us we've already done that but watch before we're done today we're going to say lord this is what we want and we're going to as you're going to see we're going to plainly say this is what i want and i'm moving into this place and as i do i thank you that family is going to come to order that that which was in threat of being lost it's going to be redeemed blessings and prosperity are going to come you're going to see all this we're going to see something began to be established so what's involved in becoming a bond slave what's involved in that entire process i want to teach this for a few moments and then we're going to pray six things i want to point out number one there has to be a plain statement a plain statement watch exodus 21-5 but if the servant plainly says in other words it's not assumed it's not presumed it's not something that will i wonder well maybe i might maybe i want no no no no the servant comes to the place where he is actually willing to step across the line and he plainly say they plainly say we plainly say watch i love my master i love my wife and my children i will not go out free because if he goes out free he loses all of that and so he says look i love the house i love where i am i came in intending on doing my time and then getting out of here but something changed in my heart i now want to be a part of this house forever i want my children my family i want them secured i want us connected and joined forever i will not go out free but he has to plainly say this he can't him ha he can't beat around the bush he can't say well let me think about it no he has come to the place of plainly saying see this is one of our problems we haught between two opinions that's what jesus or screaming elijah said to the people of mount carmel whenever he said he said how long will you halt between two opinions if god be god serve him but it bales god then serve him and the bible said they wouldn't even answer him they just stared at him they just said him they only said it'll be good he said when he said let the god that answers by fire let him be god he said yeah that's a good idea the one that can can do the exploits the one that can manifest that's the one we'll serve because we know what happened but watch they were halting between two opinions they didn't want to make their mind they didn't want to make a choice because they wanted the benefits of god but they wanted the pleasures of baal you see we have to come to the place where we plainly say and this is one of our problems this is one of the things that stops us so often from ultimate breakthrough we've never come to the place where we say because watch what happens if we don't do that then every time something difficult comes up every time something happens that i don't like every time somebody says something that that irritates me well i'll just leave well guess what you've never plainly said you see you got to make up your mind that this is the way i'm going to serve god this is where god put me this is where i'm going to be come whatever no matter what comes this is what i'm going to do we plainly say we have completely made up our mind there's never a decision again we have to make concerning that because if we don't do that then the enemy is going to consistently come and try to tempt us try to allure us try to cause us to fall away try to cause us to leave our commitments our our the things that we have said we would do what she's going to do we've got to plainly say we've got to stop halting between two opinions i'm talking about stepping into a dimension of the spirit where we become the bond slave of the lord and god says okay because you've done this all this other stuff shifts into divine order because you shifted did you hear what i just said see that breakthrough was waiting on us to shift we think you shift and give me breakthrough god says no you shift you should when you shift when you step from this realm to this round then all of a sudden that breakthrough you've been waiting on it it just manifests because it wasn't something that needed to shift there it was something that needed to shift here and all of a sudden everything comes to the order the divine order i've been looking for please hear me may we all plainly say may we all say this is my choice this is my decision it's made forever this is where i'm staying i hear people you know sometimes when they become well i'm here until god tells me to do something different well you know what i do understand that on one level but they're always leaving themselves and getting out place listen there are some things god calls me to for a season there are some things god may call me to for a few years but there are some things god calls me to forever and if i'm not willing to make that level of commitment then it throws into question everything because the enemy's going to always come and bring you a reason why you should move from that into something else so i pray god give us the grace to plainly say see my wife and i have been married for 43 years guess what do you know how many times she or me has thought about leaving in 43 years there is no telling but we never did do you know why we never did because we plainly said we made up our mind so you know what that meant you know what that meant that meant that because this is what i tell people covenant takes the back door out of relationships what does that mean that means we're not going to break and run therefore the only option we have is to stay and work it out and this is why so many homes break up well he did this and she did this and they said that and this one said this listen i do understand there are biblical reasons why people get a divorce there are some but for the most part you got to hear this the reason people get a divorce is because they leave a back door in their relationship so if it gets too hard they have a place to break and run you have not plainly said you've not made the decision for life we made a decision for life on august 19 1977 we made a decision for life has it always been easy not at all but guess what happened because we made that decision and because of god's grace and because of our commitment to god and then to each other because of that we have no back door in our covenant we had no backdoor in our relationship we were forced to have to deal with issues and work it out so we're still here we're still here why because we plainly said listen you have to stop halting between two opinions number two you got to love the house see what happens this guy goes in to just do his time and then get out but something happens in the process he falls in love with the house i love deuteronomy 15 and verse 16. it says and if it happens that he says to you i will not go away from you because he loves you and your house since he prospers with you he loves you loves the master and he loves the house do you understand that god wants us god will cause us to fall in love with us what does that mean that means i'm not just in love with jesus i'm also in love with those that belong to jesus come on that's that's that's what holds things together see when you become a bond slave you don't break and run just because something happened in a house she didn't like when you're a bond slave you're saying look i'm going to stay here everything's not always hunky-dory everything's not always the way that i would like but watch this you got to understand i'm going to be in this house because i love my master i love the house and therefore out of my love for the house i'm gonna deal with whatever i need to deal with and i'm gonna stay put and i am a bond slave here forever see this is why people hop from place to place and i'm sorry i do know listen listen we led churches for years so my family was always a part of church but whenever i began to travel and traveled extensively for you know about 15 years listen it was very difficult for my family to be able to fight because i was going all the time going on sundays all this kind of stuff it was very different we found out how hard it was to actually find a church to be joined and connected to that that you know we that they that we felt like and they felt like they were really you know really joined in we found out how difficult so i know the struggle of that but i'm telling you there comes a time where we say you know what i love my master i love his house his house is the church his house is gpac a house of prayer because listen a house is not just some physical thing somewhere it's something that's in the spirit i'm joined i love this so i'm not gonna break and run because as a bond slave not only am i joined first to the lord to the master i'm also joined to his house and to that which he has set me in that's that's always something that typifies and characterizes a bond slave they have they have a connection somewhere in the spirit to to something that they are joined to not just to the lord but also to his house because the thing that kept this this servant and made him cross over was i love my master and i love his house number three i need to move through these because i want to pray before we're done he prospers i love this deuteronomy 15 16. it says then if it happens that he says i will not go away from you because he loves you and your house watch this since he prospers with you see what's his motivation what's one of his motivations for staying in the house he prospers bond servants prosper i know i realize he's just a servant here but he said the reason i want to stay here is because i've tasted a prosperity my connection here has called me to prosper why would i want to leave a connection that's allowed me to prosper and to go out and risk losing that prosperity want you to hear what i just said you see prosperity so often is about how you're connected this guy would be smart enough to recognize this i am not leaving where i'm connected because my connection here is allowing the prosperity of god to flow into my life because how we are connected can have everything to do with how we're prospering so he said because i prosper here in connection to my master and this house i am going to stay connected here because i want this prosperity to continue i hope you're getting that because i am so aware that prosperity is not a result of me just working spiritual principles prosperity is not a result of me just being creative prosperity is not just a result of me working really hard prosperity is about connection it's about alignment it's about how i am joined people tell me all the time and i'm so grateful he said they say well we connected with you when we connected with gpec when we joined ourselves like we have business people that sow into us why do they do that because they're not listen they're not stupid they know that whenever they sow into gpec when they sow in to my apostolic ministry if you when they sow into that watch they realize their businesses start prospering because they've come to understand that prosperity is so often about how the connection how the how you're connected how you're joined and so this guy says i ain't going anywhere because i don't know what might happen out there but i do know that as long as i'm in and a part of this house i prosper i prosper when i boldly and plainly say this is my connection this is how i'm joined when i say that there's something that happens and there's prosperity that starts to break out listen i practice this myself i'm connected and i always tell people don't you dare align or connect with somebody that's not aligned and connected themselves but i do it strategically i make sure my alignment and my connection with is with those that the blessing of god is on you've got to hear that you've got to connect with the ones who the who the blessing of god is upon i'm not going to connect with somebody that is not being blessed of god i'm not going to connect with him why because whatever's on them is going to get on me but if i connect to the one upon whom the blessing is in every sense of the word i began to prosper man i am so strategic and how i sow my seed and make connections why because it determines prosperity for me in every area of life in every area of life so this guy said i ain't going anywhere i've figured out i prosper when i'm connected to you so i'm staying put number four he was brought to the judges he was brought to the judges in both exodus 21 and verse 6 it says when he's plainly says i want to stay i won't go anywhere it says the master will bring him to the judges exodus 21 6. and uh and uh uh it says um let me just read the rest of it he shall also bring him to the door to the doorpost and his master shall pierce his ear with an all and he shall serve him forever so i gotta hurry get through this watch what he said he brings him to the judges what does that mean judges are those who who scrutinize who evaluate who render decisions so why would why would we be brought to the judges will we brought to the judges so we can be evaluated isaiah 1 26 says i will restore your judges at the first and your counselors as at the beginning and afterwards you shall be a city of righteousness the faithful city because it said the city had become a harlot city but he said look if i'm going to bring you back to your place of faithfulness i'm going to have to let judges operate in your life i'm going to have to let justice be established in your mouth so he brings us to judges why so that we can be judged what does that mean that doesn't mean criticized or hurt or harmed or condemned no when he brings us to the judges is simply saying lord i give you the right to evaluate my life you can look into me david said search me and see if there'd be any hurtful way so if i'm going to become a bond slave guess what's going to happen i will always allow god the right to inspect me as a judge as a judge you see this is what we have to do i mean just yesterday i had a phone call from a strong person that's connected to me um we're tethered together i mean i saw it in the spirit years ago we're tethered together and she began to tell me a dream she had and i told her later in a joking way i said i don't appreciate god telling all my business because she saw in dreams things i was struggling with not moral things or any just some frustration some irritation she saw this in a dream and it was a warning you better handle these things rightly why because god will always when you're his bond slave he will always judge you he says if we're judged of the lord we're not condemned with the world we want that judgment we want god to set things in order in our life that's why we're brought to the judges because we let that process go forth as we become and as we operate even as the bond slave of the lord this is just part of the process and it's a glorious process it's god bringing us into greater and greater realms where he can trust us with greater and greater things okay number number five they bring them to the door or and and to the door post exodus 21 verse 6 then his master shall bring him to the judges he shall also bring him to the door or to the doorpost i mean when you stop think about it i mean the ride because the door is a place where because he's about to drill his ear through where he can put it so he's got something behind it holding it so that there's something that you but it's really interesting it comes through the door or the door because jesus is the door he said i am the good shepherd i'm the door to the sheep so he brings us to the door well what is the door it's a place of exits and entrances it's a place where we go in and where we come out that's where the door is so watch i believe it's it's it's spiritually speaking that when we become a bond slave we begin to have the right to step into things and step out of things i'm talking about in spiritual dimensions that we have a right to enter in we have a right to see i'm going to tell you that when you become a bond slave you're going to have a right you're going to be able to step in to new realms of the spirit you haven't been able to get into before i'm telling you that prophetically when we become the bond slave we are going to come to the door and that door is gonna allow us entrance into new realms of signs wonders miracles spiritual encounters it's gonna allow us a right of stepping into those places because you've been brought to the door see this is what happens with me the greater my commitment to the lord the more encounters i have because i'm able to move through the door into spiritual realms and spiritual encounters see this is what happens when we become the bond slave let me just finish in micah if you could come we are marked and i love this this is so much so powerful we're marked with a hearing ear the bible says exodus 21 6 they bring him to the door they put his ear up against the door and it says the master himself not a servant another servant a mask the master he's doing it himself he drills the ear through we would call it piercing the ear and obviously if the ear is pierced that means you have to put something in the ear or earring or stud or whatever it might be you have to put it in the ear why because otherwise it'll grow back up you have to put something in it to keep it open if for no other reasons i mean jewelry and all that to look nice and you know show things off whatever but but it's to keep it open see what's the picture here it's the picture that god says look when you become my bond slave i'm going to open your ear i'm going to drill your ear not your earlobe i am going to open your spiritual ears you will be marked with an ability to hear me so many people struggle with hearing god one of the reasons is we've never moved from a servant to a bond slave because when you move from servanthood to being a bond slave you'll be marked with a hearing ear you'll be able to detect to discern to hear the voice of god and know that you're hearing him now that doesn't mean we don't go through a learning process but i'm saying when we are the bond slaves of the lord we become marked with that hearing ear isaiah 50 4 through 6. god says he'll the the the prophet said he awakens me morning by morning he awakens me to hear with the ear of the learned he wants to awaken you he wants to dig your ear out he wants to pierce your ear through and mark us as bond slaves as those who have the ability to hear god so listen i hope that encourages challenges because god wants us to step from being a servant to being the bond slave of the lord and i want to pray and then we want to sow our seed why should we sow our seed why because that connection to this house to gpac to the apostolic that connection positions me to prosper he says i'm going to be a bond slave now i'm not saying you say oh for the rest of my life i'm going to be connected to jesus i'm not saying that what i'm saying is that we know at this time and maybe you i would hope that many of you if not all of you will that you would say no this is a vital connection for me this is something god has me joined to well i would i would love that just like i'm connected to different things in different ones but i want you to understand god wants to move us because when he does that which is in peril of being lost shall be secured forever your wife your children your family prosperity hearing ears open doors in the spirit realm man i want every one of those how about you so father i just want to declare over your people today i want to declare in the name of jesus that we would plainly say if this is your heart i want you to say this say lord today i plainly say i don't want to go free i thank you so much for what you've done for me by saving me from hell and saving my soul i could never say thank you enough i thank you for all that you've done for me lord but right now i say let it be known to heaven and to hell to earth and to the unseen realms let it be known i will not go out free i will serve you forever mark me as a bond slave lord let it be known by all those who see me that i belong to another [Music] and i'm not my home i'm not my own i'm yours lord jesus mark me mark me oh god come on mark us lord with a hearing ear mark us with prosperity mark us with the ability to move in and out of spiritual dimensions in realms lord mark us with families that are secured that are not in peril of being lost but are secured and are established mark us almighty god we pray today we pray that this might be done and i just want to speak a blessing over all of your people that are joined and connected through friday night live and maybe even other ways to gpec even to this house i want to say thank you for every one of us lord and i want to ask that everything i've said tonight let it be made manifest and let the reality of it be seen in our life lord we just worship you lord jesus we worship you precious lord and we just drink deeply of you lord even as we stand in your presence forgive us light of every sin and cause your mercies to be known it caused great great releases to come we pray even as we transition from just being a servant to being the bond slave even the prisoner of the lord we thank you for this lord there is none like you just tell him because you love him so much just because you love him there is none like you come out just worship him no one else can touch my heart like you do i could search for all [Music] eternity long and find there is none like it's true lord jesus it's true lord i just declare even as your people say i'm connected i'm prospering i connect to this house even as they sow their seed as a depiction a demonstration a statement of that tonight so that everything we have spoken let it be real let it be real open doors into the realms of the spirit marked with hearing ears prosperity flowing i pray even as a river lord us being brought into new dimensions of life and power as you even take us out of old things and move us into new we thank you for that lord and i bless your people in jesus name listen as you sowed it you see today may the blessing of god you are a part of gpac you're connected and you're saying hey i don't leave this place i don't want to leave what i'm getting from here i want all of it spiritually naturally financially i want it all to continue i choose not only to be joined to god but to honor the joining that god has me connected to today i bless you i say thank you so much i'm so honored that you would that that would be your heart and that would be your desire may the blessing of god be willing i say your family comes to divine order i say that that which might have felt like it was in threat of being removed i say no no you've shifted and i say everything in your family everything in your family is set in divine place and divine orders not because it's shifted but because tonight we have shifted into a new place in the spirit before the lord so bless you so much hey remember get registered please i would love to see so many of you in miramar beach florida okay on april 16th and 17th because all the other things that we have coming up you're so aware of may the blessing of god be upon you we love you so much and we will see you very soon lord bless you thank you for your heart and your health you are greatly loved [Music] you
Channel: Robert Henderson Ministries
Views: 1,049
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: pRn0dX6U2eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 14sec (4154 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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