Giving | Pastor Alph Lukau | Sunday 9 Dec 2018 | Celebration Service | LIVE STREAMING

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ah normal Aaron ethinyl silo silo silo Mallory you can is somebody making honey those crazy noise in his house [Music] now you may be wondering y'see that pasture before beginning to minister will come and the sing even ocean is it just to tell us the story on how he was showing off his Ebru in the presence of a rabbi now the reason why I began to say this is because of two things the first thing is I'm missing my spiritual father I'm missing my spiritual father missing my supportive mother this weekend I was just reflecting on if we teaching and I'm just missing them I know the iron glory and I found out and all we can do or I can do is to remain on the path that taught me on how to walk and serve them I mean but prophetically the second reason why I am singing this is because I just have a feeling that there is a shalom in this place we receive I receive now you must understand when we say Shalom what do we mean Shalom means peace but the own peace is not just calmness Shalom means well-being you are peace meaning you are well nothing is missing in you nothing is broken you are all together hooked by grace the word Shalom is the word prosperity meaning you are well we receive when I say it is well with you your health will align your finances will align is your relationship will align but wherever you are around the world I say it is well with you it is well with you Shalom Shalom Shalom Shalom Shalom Shalom Shalom Shalom 11:00 if an asylum 11 fnot Shalom Shalom Shalom 11 no salary of someone who knew me to be Sulu is wondering how is it also true I'm not only a Zulu from upon gaining but I'm also a Jew somebody give Jesus Christ [Music] well before I allow you to sit I wanna invite you to pray with me but we will pray for the Church of Allah Jesus Christ this morning with a very sore heart I want on my knees and well before God as again on the news was a report of a man of God who sexually abused children in his church this man of God is alleged to have molested sexually abused or raped three boys in his church right here in Pretoria and the do to that he was in jail we came out on bail and when I heard that I said to myself not again now ladies and gentlemen the reason why I had cried I did not cry for a specific person or two or three or four I have prayed for all of us and I prayed for the body of our Lord Jesus Christ the Church of God is under severe pressure the church and the body of Christ have never been challenged as it is seen in our time it is really time for us to close every door every windows and make sure that our the cracks on the world are all patched together that we give the devil the enemy no way inside but very unfortunately what we see happening in the world our children being abused in schools by the very people supposed to teach them professionals teachers lecturers our sick who go to hospital have been abused by doctors we have seen businesspeople going all out doing things that are not accepted we have seen politician around the world missing the point by living beside what is a land for them the values and the code of conduct accepted by society for them but worse the very same abuse that we see out there is now seen in the church the Bible said judgment will begin from the house of God it may be still not acceptable to see all those abominations and the provisions of moral values that are the Lord had instilled in everyone every human be the Christian or not but it is an aberration to see it happening in the Church of God every time a man of God small or big known or unknown will miss the point true misbehaving he will not be the only one heard the entire body of Christ will suffer every pastors today every servant of God has tends to Minister the Word of God is looked at very funny we look at servant of God as men and women who manipulator their ways for the own living for the own profit and we look at them as men and women who have set themselves to abuse others to take advantage of the weak and that this is in a large extent how the world is viewing the church today and having one man of God confirming it through his own misconduct will hurt all of us in some bundles young men fairly not known by many of us decided through whatever was going through his mind that they I don't know which miss mosquito bit him that night decided to do meeple in his church today I wonder what did the people in that congregation did to this man of God to decide to doom them but whatever I did though is fairly not known he's probably not accountable but his action has hurt the body of cross every pastor alike another man of God falls in safe in jail because of misconduct as the law is taking his course every church every pastor is spent and with the same brush though I believe that society must be wiser than that you do not close a school simply because on in another school a teacher misbehaved you do not attack [Applause] you do not attack a church simply because some churches are a church on the other side of the world the one was leading it had fallen in temptation family we need to pray for the Church of thou I am NOT this morning standing as a charge to bring a verdict against those who have missed the point but I want to stand as a child of God just like anyone in the body of Christ one was concerned that our mission is being undermined by our own behavior allow me in this moment before we begin to pray to speak to a man of God out there please understand your capacity may take you some way you may be visible because of what God is using you to do but where your capacity has taken you only your character can keep you more and more God is looking for men and women of character we love to see the gift of the Holy Ghost but it is important for us to remember that just as there are nine gift of the Holy Ghost there are also nine fruit of the Holy Spirit the gift speaks of the character the capacity rather the gifts fix of the capacity we have as believers to operate in the supernatural and do things that are not seen by human but the character set in us through the fruit of the Spirit mega raised again role models men and women that will walk on earth with no judgment attached to them though they may not be perfect but they will walk in a manner that will give God glory may God raise more and more the kind of Jacque undriven or a man of character and Men of Honor and men of dignity my spiritual father the man who did not compromise his value every time if found himself weak he picked himself up so before we pray as I remind you servant of God out there that because of your decision today the church can be better or the church can be worse off be wise knowing that we are one body what you do in your bundles affect every one of us and if the reason man of God watching me you realize that you have an impediment in your character the reason in addition there is a witness and you may say that I'm dying alone there is no one I can share this with I make myself available please come let me hold your hand out of it help me help you help me hold your hand and build you up help me pray with you and not just you impress you with love family of God wherever you are please lift your hands let call on God for his church let's speak to Jehovah for the church across the globe will you pray I'm or said [Music] [Applause] have your servant will directed us to attend a church or God that's not he drove to the enemy where we are weak and asked Laura brain heal the church Trevor us out about witness heads [Music] Jehovah pray I pray for the truth I pray for the Church of God in America I pray for the Church of God in Asia I pray for the Church of God in Europe I pray for the Church of God in New Zealand in Australia a bread for the Church of God Africa I pray for the Church of God in South Africa sniffing the church Oh God race man and a woman of character I pray oh god help your shovin out of the witness is that they missed an and take the position of leadership as to role models in the house of God heal the land and heal the church heal the land and heal [Music] in the land and he'll the churn [Applause] in a church okay either land and Hilda babassu we give you glory we give you praise still in the spirit of prayer as we pray for the church now wants you to pray for air my my precious in the Lord we have gotten on the junction where we have to be sober and serious decisions have to be taken as the church and that is a speak pertaining to the facilities that accommodates us on the weekly and daily basis I am talking about discharge we have by far outgrown our venue we have no seat inside the overflow outside is bigger than the inside and we have to take a decision either to break this down and build a much bigger place I'll simply decide to buy a different place that will immediately give us a relief as I speak to you now there are thousands of people outside surround us under the Sun and others decided to remain in the course water watching us rot niba from the devices who need to build a place that will accommodate at least 35 to 50,000 people Oh God but please understand that it is not as easy as simple as a me presented there are technicalities in building beyond you finding a suitable venue beyond you raising the found to acquire it there are technicalities with the town planning we will have to do what has to be done with the city and all this may seem to be a headache to those who are taking a decision that's why I want you to pray we are so big as a church that we cannot just decide overnight to do something the movement there has to be well planned but the movement has to take place we thank God for this venue we thank God for the thousands of people who have been here but I was it to move from glory to glory this is a glory we are about to graduate from there for family I want you to pray with me let pray that God may give us wisdom that God may open doors that government orchestrate things to work for his good because this is his church and he said upon the rock as I build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it will you lift your hand and call on God the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the God of Africa the god of this alte may lead us it brought us to the torrent of carrot now he's leading us to Sarepta lead us Olga Leiner saga abogado was on oh praise be to God [Music] [Music] bracelet Oh God [Music] [Applause] [Music] we look to you Jesus we thank you Lord we give your glory or praise now and ever Jesus precious name we pray and together we say thank you Jesus hallelujah bless you please have a seat in the presence of God it is with joy that I stand today before you and it is my prayer that I may be a blessing to you I believe beyond any single doubt that today is a day of your miracle God is about to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask and hopeful all you gotta do is cleave to your faith something will come out of it in Jesus name this coming Friday will have a night of power here a night of power do not allow this year to go by without you seeing the miracle that God had bestowed for you run for it and grab it make it your own appointment to be here and be here early this Friday is a night of power the sick will be healed doors will be open but more also you will be empowered in the gift of the Holy Ghost you will speak in tongue if you do not speak in tongue you'll be baptized and you begin to speak in tongue you'll be edified in the gift of God if you have never experienced in your life the gift of the Holy Ghost operating in you I want to stand with you and kick it to begin to operate so this Friday we have an overnight will pray in church all night we are not coming to sleep in church so when you say bye to your loved ones because you're going to church don't say that I am gooey today passes a was sleeping in church we are not sleeping in church we praying all night amen the IVP that is coming will take us from 2018 to 2019 it starts on Sunday the 30th of December till Tuesday the 1st of December God asked me to lay hands on you and anoint you with oil with a special oil for 2019 now only God knows what is expecting to happen in 2019 he wants me to pray with you are you hearing me don't enter 2019 to die 2019 will not be the year you'll meet death let me prepare the year with you by laying hands on you 2019 will not be the a of your bankruptcy in the bid no bad news in 2019 to you in the name of Jesus and therefore family please register be part and parcel of what God is doing now you must register on Alleluia ministries calm and ensure a true the numbers that you see day that you are in a right place if you got on social media where there are a lot of sharks and the fraudsters you start getting prophecies I don't prophesy on people on social media if somebody told you that your mother's name is Bobo and it was not Bobo is not me I would have not missed something like that are you hearing me so be careful be wise and be careful will you family wherever you are lift your right hand prepare yourself for the word father no Jesus God is preparing you lord your hand up speak to him and provide prepare your spirit Lord prepare me [Music] [Music] two beers [Music] [Applause] why [Music] with [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus Lord prepare us for your word speak to us and build us Medus world change our lives equip us O Lord feed our soul that we may arise strong in Jesus name we give you glory allow me to read with you from the book of Corinthians 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 verse 6 the word of the Lord weeds but this assay he was sold sparingly will also reap sparingly and he was so sportif Allah will also reap bountifully in this junction in his season family the world gives itself to a season of giving across the globe December is held as a mother of giving and I would not miss an opportunity to give you direction on what God would want you to do in this month of giving Paul spoke to the Corinthians second book of Corinthians chapter 9 as we read verse 6 he will sow sparingly will also reap sparingly he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully the previous chapter he was still speaking about giving he men an example and spoke about the churches of Macedonia the churches of Macedonia were not very wealthy churches but Paul was blessed to see that a door they did not have enough but they did not stop in giving they kept on giving and giving the only reason why the man of God began to honor them publicly it was to encourage them because giving is the right thing to do giving has many things but in this reason God wants you and I to be reminded again that giving not only limited to decision should be part and parcel of our lives from the preacher to every believer to those in families to those in community we all have to be givers the world goes around when men understand the power giving their bid no baby being born if there is no giving life will not go on as it is if there is no giving even nature understands the power of giving very quickly I want you to know that the indecision God will want you to be a man or woman who do not just think of receiving what is it that God has for me what is it that God today when I do for me I want to receive something from God I have an impediment I need God I am sick I need healing my mother is sick she needs healing Lord do something for us I want to remind you that in this season you should not just look at what you can get from God bit material or spiritual but you should unleash yourself on what is your commitment in giving what is it in you that God has placed as a seed to bless another if you understand it you will live a better life your life will have a sense of fulfillment and your growth will be established through giving why do we give in the kingdom of God as you give as a child of God I want you to be reminded they at-6 reason among many probably why you give the first reason why you give is to express your love to God you see true giving we shall love somebody won't say and this may be debatable but I understand the spirit of what he said he said love does not exist for say it is only the proof of love that exists though this is debatable but what he meant is we cannot touch love it is too abstract love can only be seen through its words so there is love only where there is work the Bible say these people little children did not love me with words only but in action and in truth you see through your giving you expressing love where there is love they'll be giving it is known across the globe that you can give without loving but you can never love without giving if somebody loves you you will see it and is given towards you when you love somebody it will also be seen through your giving if you are in a relationship where there is no giving unless there is a petition just know love is weak love is weak where love is strong giving will flow I see young boys and young girls in the early relationship of love you Lucy none of them has an income they depend on parent that will give them a tag money of pockets money but as soon as they have a little they go out of the way to give to another a child will go and go to the neighbor's house to pick a flower from his garden just to express his love to another by extending it I love you love must have action so to love through giving you express your love if you love God your gift to him if you love your wife you'll give to her if you love your husband you will give to him how many people enter into marriage believing that I'm there because this man who supports me I want you to take care of me and when they have many marital problem you will begin to hear this it doesn't take care of me it doesn't do this to me the question is always what do you do to him or for him it must always be two ways keep on saying marriage is not for financial breakthrough marriage is not for financial breakthrough it is a place of love and in the place of love you think of the other person more than you and if that person will think of you more themself they'll be complete emoni so the first reason why you give is to express love is there anybody who loves Jesus cross in this place relative to him is there anyone who loves Alleluia ministries in this place Lila please give unto the house of God the second reason why you give is to express your faith let me tell you your faith is often challenged through your action and one of those actions are giving you'll be challenged in giving the only reason why Abraham became the father of faith was because he was challenged through is giving his giving began became the expression of his faith that's why they say is the father of faith he believed God and when he got a child he presented a child as a living sacrifice of the God his faith was seen through his giving many a time God would challenge your faith through your giving and often time to challenge your faith through another day of fasting is easy but when God will say take what you have and give it on to the Lord you will begin to feel how am I going in to meet my needs what am I going to do how will I be able to do one or two things are you hearing me to express your faith you give the third reason why you give is to express obedience giving is part and parcel of what heaven expects of you God expects you to be a giver irrespective of who you are what you do how much you have what you have and what you do not have it is God's will perfect will that you may be a giver if you are a giver you will be a significant player in the plan of God because they are things that God want to give to somebody else but you want to use you as an instrument you want to pass through you to get to the next person and how you hearing me now if you are not obedient to the will of God and the Word of God you will stay with the blessings of God and you will not pass it on to the others you are not expressing your faith I mean you are disobedient God say you should give when he say give and it shall be given back onto you family the tone of the verse is not a suggestion it is imperative that the you give where there is no giving death will take advantage when a family there is no giving daddy doesn't want to give to the children you don't give them education you do not give them food they enemy will take advantage children will go in the street there will be robbers and evil will sit in that family so the third reason why you give is to express obedience you obey God and you give the fourth reason why you give is to say thank you giving is one of the greatest tool of gratitude you see it is easy to say yes I love you yes you good to me thank you in many languages but giving is another level to say thank you and express gratitude you are here today you have a good job your English is perfect but your grandmother who fought with a patient money to send you to school after your dad and your mom passed she cannot speak as you she doesn't know how to drive she doesn't know how to use devices as we have she stays far away from technology but in this moment when we are all celebrating giving I want to encourage you to go and show gratitude with a little peek and say grandma our process to say thank you do that your grandparent do that your own parent do it your father do it your mother giving is the best way to express gratitude you should not express gratitude only through your words but when you attach giving to your word it is seen and established that you are really thankful when you're thankful to God give to God when you're thankful to your leader give to your leader if you are watching me and that you have a man of God he has been there all this year of you he prayed for you he stood by you people have rejected you the true stone every time you had to cry you ran to him his shoulder became your place of tears he has always been there for you and as you close this season don't you think that it is ideal that you go back to him even with a little and say I'm a man of God I want to say thank you thank you for the prayers thank you for standing by me thank you for leper II and traveling me thank you for your contribution because of you I'm better I'm stronger I'm good I want every one of you to embrace the spirit of giving give and give give to say thank you give to express your gratitude listen to me if you wanna activate yourself to keep on attracting and receiving you must position yourself to always show gratitude there are people who feel that their life revolves around them they are entitled to get everything they do not understand the law approach of reciprocity that as you receive you must give back when things are done for you you must go back and say thank you it will not steal from you it will make you better you will feel good say thank you thank you to God thank you for the friend that remained with you thank you for the colleague that the stood by you thank you for the neighbor that was always by state to say are you well are you safe at home thank you to somebody out there thank you to the one who has been cooking your meal to the one who opens your door to the one who I on your clove to the one who take care of your children thank you to those who served you thank you so giving is to say thank you to express gratitude five giving is also to bless or to be a blessing you see you bless somebody through your giving you don't just bless somebody because you say God bless you what about you God will bless you and what about you it is good that you maybe but and pass all of the blessings of other make your life count as make your life count don't leave only for yourself you don't live in an island we are all linked to one another bless somebody let somebody go home happy because of you unless somebody's loved me better because of you let somebody be stronger today because of you miss somebody escape death simply because of you make your life count I want you to look at the person that you see make your life count make your life and I doubt you do through your giving giving help to bless somebody there are people that you feel in your heart that you want to bless you wanna do good to them you want to stand with them and your giving is a good way to bless those people the last point why do we give you give as a seed every time you want to sow seed you sow your seed through your giving giving is one of the pathway to be a cultivator a farmer in heaven it secures your harvest in time so you see through your giving through your putti make sure that you always have a seed on the ground a man whose wealth is guaranteed is a man who has seed on the ground a man whose life is guaranteed whose future is guaranteed to be bright and bright every day is a person who has seed on the ground if you have no other seed on the ground and you are right now eating you have your last harvest death will meet you on the way you must make sure that you always have a seed on the ground that's why beloved please understand when you give you are not becoming poorer you are making yourself richer the more you give the more you will receive are you hearing me every time you give you are strengthening yourself for what leaves your pocket your bank accounts your wallet will never leave your life it will remain in your life it will bring forth in season are you listening to me we do not give because we've been manipulated we do not give because we've been forced to do so we give because we are expressing our love our faith and we are standing in obedience to the Word of God we give because we are thankful and we are expressing gratitude we give because we want to be a blessing we give because we want to sow seed on the ground and that you may ask yourself I want to give but to whom should I give there are many people out there that would not do with your giving but I here allow me to present you very quickly a full category of a platform that requires your giving of the four the first is God when you begin to think of giving think God think God before you think of your spouse think God before you think of yourself think God before you speak do you think of your loved ones think God your first TV should go to God and when we speak about God we're talking about his house his work his servant you're giving must affect the house of God because of your giving the house of God must be better because of your giving the work of God must flow because of your giving your men of God must be firm strong you have to take care of your men of God there may be out there man of God who does nothing else but standing to Minister the gospel and pray for you and if he's your pastor you know that this man if you do not do your part he may go home hungry he will not probably pick up the phone and call you but as a child of God with the wisdom of God Yuma understand that your giving to God she sustained him in the Word of God it is sustained that the men of God delivered had no irritation because it was set by God that their provision will come from God's house from God's people are you hearing me so the first giving should go to God the second giving the second platform of your giving you got your loved ones when I say the loved ones here your families and friends those in the house of God and those in the family alive have you thought of blessing your brother have you thought of blessing your sister you came from the same womb do you live your life forgetting that you have a family did you think of your nephew your knees did you think of your uncle auntie's do you think of those you grew up with did you think of your neighbors in the community you struggle together when there is no shedding you share the candle but now that you are blessed do you think of them it is important that when you begin to give after you think of giving to God that you may think also of giving to the loved ones your loved ones the third category or platform that requires your giving is the needy family Jesus cross say the poor you will have always said this because in every generation that will always be men and women who will need to have more and let me tell you this is true in every society in every community in every country in every nation in the first world country even in the third of four four countries there are always people who have less and they need the support of others do you think of the five million also orphans we have in the country children who have no father no mother who will go to this Christmas not understanding who what is it all about because they have no support those in need those who did not have themself need your help in the book of Matthew 25 if you read from the 35 down to verse 40 you really see Jesus Christ encouraging us to give and he used these words as he said for I was hungry and you gave me food and I was thirsty and you gave me dream I was a stranger and you took me in now is taking the place of those who are in need I was naked and you clothed me I was sick and you visited me I was in prison and you came to me some of you may be wondering was he sick Jesus Christ who has he ever naked then the righteous will answer him saying Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you drink when you did when did we see you a stranger and we took you in and naked and we closed you or when did we see you sick or in prison and we came to you and the king will answer and say to them as surely as say to you in as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to me please understand every time you do so you extend a hand in this moment you have a wardrobe that's that from day till he'll on clothes that you do not wear anymore why don't you pack them together and look for those but they will still enjoy you have money you keep on saving saving the day will come you will not need it you say that they will not come when we are putting you Six Feet Under will not write a check for you will throw a bit of swell and say from where you came from - you go are you hearing me learn to live with others make your life count whatever you have let it be a blessing many times you see people angry not only against their government that they aims themself had voted in power but against many leaders and people in society why because you have so much you are throwing the rest of the be in the beans and we are hungry you are becoming fed and faith we are losing weight don't you think of us that's why when there'll be a situation in the country the one that will attack the most is the one who shuns alone let me tell you for your own good and for own security never shine alone refuse to be the only one who is well when you begin to see your life well met them or for well are you hearing me they'll form your security you look grow together among the pastures of AMI many of them are Marta me linear they surf got with me so if I stand to you in front of you and I said I am blessed they are not jealous because they are not moved are you hearing me are you hearing me when you give to the needy the law say you have given to me in the book of Proverbs 19 verse 17 the word says he who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord and he God will not pay back what he has given this is why I say whatever you give will never leave your life when you have pity when you have pity to the poor when you show mercy to the poor you are lending to God meaning heaven earth you [Music] heaven of you God Himself also and said he will pay back not it will give back it will pay somebody before the end of this new week I pray a paper that doesn't tell you who God is about to pay you a check you're about to receive from God so give to those in need give to the brother you see that as a shoe that is asking for mercy replace that shoe you have noticed that your brother has only one cloth set of clothes that he weighs you have a locked don't keep on identifying it another brother that wears yellow no change that leave this brother something else to wear and God will remember you and God will bless you I was am i speaking to somebody please have a seat and the last category a platformer that requires you're giving give to all men give to all men make sure that you a giver everywhere you go look for opportunities to drop something look for opportunities to be a blessing look for opportunities to bless even the stranger that stands by the traffic light begging for bread don't be judgmental many of us as you park your car or you get to the traffic light and you see this young man or this man or this woman begging you look at him the first thing that you do you charger you Jessie they are playing they are choking go get a job let me tell you if you're not willing to give his okay but don't judge because you do not know what is behind the action the original down on your head if you say I won't give it's okay go your way but don't judge you do not know people well this one is strong why can't I go and get a job do you know his reality give to all men take the little your head if you can shake sherry are you hearing me you past this old man in your street is always see today it may not show need but why don't you come and greet him and try to know him and say I'm a child of God I just brought you this discovery this man even if in his fridge he has plenty you will appreciate it you don't want to be linked to you he will love you God he will follow you in the house of God one day if he should be part and parcel of your sister the Bible said God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life God is a giver and he want to give to you but are you willing to be like your God and be a giver allow me to challenge every man and every woman under the sound of my voice those of you who may be present in this auditorium those who are in the extension those who are in the overflow wherever you may be those of you are tuning live and streaming live wherever you may be watching us for I want to challenge you this week to give to God to give to your loved ones to give to the needy if you can to give to all men I want to challenge you to shift your life from existing to receiving to existing through giving you show from this day forward leave by your giving not by your receiving are you hearing me I am praying that this word may be part of me this year has sent so many children to school as in so many of them to varsity most of them are not linked to if you ask me the name I may not even recognize a name and I've not done that because I can afford it I've done it because I love them are you hearing me every week this year faithfully today we have supported as a church and as myself over 600 children who have no food no way to survive and faithfully we fed them I am NOT saying it to boss because I think that we couldn't do more and I pray that God help us help us to do more why not feed 2,000 children next year why not 3,000 why not strain 1000 children to versity lord help me help me be a giver not a receiver help me are you hearing me we have impact on various project of DV I may have say one or two but a lot they are people in the church here who literally have been supported by pastors including myself personally because we stand with you in your battle and I have seen people in the church who have been supporting others the same so this is a spirit that we all have to cultivate cultivate it do more do more I want you to lift your hand and I want you to pray in the Lord I wanted to speak to God that God may help you be a giver you become a giver through giving not true thinking you can think of giving but until you give you are not a giver you can plan of giving but until you give you are not a giver giving will change your plane because you are parting ways with something that is essential to you also but you are doing this for a good cause and God will remember you as you bless God you're giving will come back to you may this God hear your cry I challenge you to give today I challenge you to give tomorrow I challenge you to give the name after tomorrow I challenge you to give this week and in this season go out of your way change your plans because you are giving and our God will remember you Babak or opposite a Mara Baba Soto commit yourself speak to God Romo sotto [Music] praise be to God praise be to God [Music] prepare your heart decide today what is it that you should give what is it in you that you shoe pathways for the betterment of somebody else when God wanna provide for his own house may God remember you and use you as a point of provision Kurama SATA mac me Akiva [Music] may I never say I have nothing to try to give ol Jehovah my lord Mikey Zuko tapasya now your hands both your hands up I want you to begin to thank God for I believe that he has given you direction get ready sire lord I pray and I thank you for you are a good god you must forget um thank you for your word thank you for change in Our Lives thank you for all that you're doing spirit of the Living God thank you Mary casaya that a horrible shot oh lord i pray move in our meets bless us O God show up in our lives do what no man can do for us Oh God we look to you Jesus we look to you Jesus goro peseta represent a Gary Busey Arab abou santo mass a tequila Bisaya narrable koto berapa sotto sotto rocket i Ababa SETI hear me I am seeing a man God is speaking to me about you you are watching me and you have just taken a decision to give but you are saying lord I will give you one once they pay me but for you specifically though you are watching for something to come as payment you set in yourself your name is Thomas Thomas researching yourself that you will give to God as you receive God is saying Thomas you have already you seen in your hand what is in your hand is the seed expect you to release Thomas you are watching me and you know it is you I'm speaking to God if you release the seed you release it to the house of God wherever you are watching from wherever you go to church to God say it will open the windows of heaven and it will bless you and shower you in the name of Jesus mogera be center robust nd lift your hand everybody I am seen in the Holy Ghost there is Amen you are in a place in Zambia in a town called kasama you are at now in a hospital in a Central Hospital in a hospital in kasama a General Hospital government hospital you work in town I see you work in town there is a market rut in town in kasama and in the beginning of the market people sell things even on the floor they sell all kind of things God is saying you have a stain and you're stained there is literally a bright stain and in the president you bribe for people who are passing by and you give them food you have a problem that is hurting you but doctors cannot find it they told you it may be sugar diabetes and another doctor told you it may be at rightist as I speak to you now you are in pain but nobody is happy you not beyond any single doubt that this shall be gambling because no doctor is speaking the same language hear me the enemy wants your life but God this morning say no amen I stand here in Johannesburg South Africa swish my hand to you in cassava in Zambia may the Lord I serve rich you now may a miracle happen to you this morning right now in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus groaning man there is a woman you have a child who's suffering of autism this child's mind is messed up now the problem is that you did not know what to do I am seeing a woman ready gasps a Ratna as a pray God is touching your child somebody said deliverance deliverance somebody said deliverance he live somebody's mind is about to be fixed is that you come here map a surprise for you ta da Messiah Jesus Navas it Barabbas Sato [Music] thank you for your for your deliverance your child is well your child is well as I'm pregnant there was a family that is collapsing this man does not have interest on his family anymore and you had thought of god you're crying and you say no I can't take it anymore save my family you say sighs my family the Lord has served this morning has remembered you God is serving your family Thank You G God is serving your family pray for her for her for her prefer a table or sitting rehme City if I call you just know your matter is settled if I pray I call you your matter is settled your matter is settled at all your money and they say they will pay but now your heart is beating because the yeah is going to end offices will be closed you're saying that that this is the last week you said God if you're not intervened this week offices will close I will not see my pushin come back I'll wait for it again till next year I stand as an authorized mouth of God swish my hands towards you i decree and I declare now may your payment manifest before Wednesday I receive I said before Wednesday it is the register before Wednesday tarababu soto rocoto set a kata let me Satan lift your head hear me believe God if God will speak about it cleave or that cleave on that if God will remember your situation bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bah the Lord is speaking to me the reason there is a younger here Gazi August August 11 1995 you were born on the 11th of August 1995 your husband's name is Brian Augustine your husband works for a company called grid South you are bleeding you are bleeding constantly on your ear so you have this cuttin because you are bleeding yeah and hear me God is saying what the enemy had planed to pull you down today we are breaking and destroying it in the name of Jesus amen this meeting started last year in August because I see you in the house in the South do you stay in the South I see you in the house and you are watching TV you are watching a program scheme some is that true is there a program like this on TV exists on television I'm just doing my job but while you are which watching skin span your phone rang you bit it was a private number at first you did not want to pick it out but thereafter you fell in let me just pick it up is that true the posts on what you say I love I love the person say I love but the person didn't when I could speak fellow but that you know that person you recognize the voice which force is that she's a woman it was a woman's voice and you suspect that it's your husband ex-wife because your husband Brian Augustine was married before and you were not the one who brought this marriage when you started with this man 2015 it was already free they have two children together you have a child but this child you do not have it with Brian you have been expecting that to give you a baby with your husband is a correct and then nothing is materializing my name is Luke [Music] [Applause] [Music] today my God is about to do exceedingly abundantly above all you ask an awful if you can hear me receive this miracle if you can hear me say Irish silver says also let's be in the name of healing as I pray for you now the bleeding that you saw from August last year you don't never see again the name of Jesus that's why last year while at home watching is Sophie it came for you but I'm coming for him may you to receive your deliverance today I received Jesus be free be free in the be free be free be free be free receive your miracle receive your deliverance everybody every yoke of the enemy I destroy it in the name of Jesus amen if we work of the enemy I destroyed in the name of Jesus amen my cashier koruba city readies a person whose life has been cursed his life for I have trouble a curse is a force that will always work against you a blessing will empower you to succeed because will lower you to the ground and cause you to fail a curse placed on you by your biological parent is a dangerous curse by hear me when a biological parent places a curse on you you'll never your uncle cannot reverse it but your spiritual father oh yes [Music] can reverse it your mother pleasure I'm looking for somebody here hmm your mother bring me this person here brings it mmm I said don't speak to me don't speak to me today is your day let me speak to you if you speak to me you speak to me how is it going to work yes I'll come to you come here that they passed my prayer for you gentlemen what's your name woman lift your hands family no matter what the devil will do no matter what the devil has playing against you to keep you bound in the past major over I serve such a fate today the name of Jesus I brought every curse of the enemy I break every curse of the enemy the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus but about so katroo it's the now your mother cost you your mother cost you is a true Messiah look at this as I look at you what I'm praying for her may you receive the prosperous in because out of this life to take a breath true will come for anybody who says well your life is about to be transformed your life is about to change I see that who's here down is your mother it will never be well with you your mother say you look pale I see you as a young child in 1994 in 1994 you bunked school and you came back home early you expected to come back to school from school at 4:00 p.m. but you got home at 12 I see this young girl going home younger 4-bedroom house you open the house is a true correct when you want you do for your mother in pain with somebody that you thought was your uncle ladies Oahu and again bedroom Louisa bustle quarter Sports Medicine I dropped my bacon avocado make you find your mother in bed with somebody who was presented to the family as the auntie you were shocked and you threatened your mother data you will tell your father but you didn't tell your father did you your mother's friend come to you and talk to you I say that if you tell your father your mother will be chased out of the house and they will blame you so you decided not to shoot you didn't say but two days later your uncle the young blood of your father came home with the news crying your mother said why did you do this to me precious because the young brother of your father came and say to the father my uncle was wrong it just came in the bedroom then my mother came in he asked it was you what are you doing degrading our family you are having a boyfriend what was in there was a fight between my mom and my dad there was a family meeting from my mom's side in my father's side but they couldn't prove it was my uncle didn't say mucho to you that day my mother gripped me by 8 inputs me pick woman tell me you know what from today don't worry I've been up and down in the world nothing can you imagine your own mother the only person that caught me was her how is it that the uncle may come with the same story and you say you did not speak you didn't tell the uncle should I be the one telling you to the corner and say from this day you dead she entered into all kind of miss you fell pregnant very young because I see you giving birth Oh God in January 2001 only 17 you get here this God is about to do something I will break this curse the curse that your biological father or mother has placed in you no uncle can break it yes no government can break it it's no institution can break it you need a higher authority over your life to break it your spiritual father or mother can break it now hear me as I pray for you God will turn your situation could only come from one person and that is you but you say you didn't tell you uncle in the soul to speak to Porsha you don't push out what you saw to speak to Pasha in the show because you didn't know how to deal with this matter by hear me when you spoke to Pasha your uncle heard pasa did not with you uncle don't blame Pasha because when was spitting you are crying and when you are crying your alcohol cos PPP why are you crying I told you my anger is not working he was no Twiggy your uncle was not working he was day how to deal with it that's why two days later he went to drink himself out of his mind to begin to attack but you see your uncle didn't want to expose you that's one when they ask him aha did you know it he kept this is the Church of Our Lord Jesus cross this is a place of solution we don't just come to hear some stories of Abraham and go home we meet the God of Abraham Jews is a solution wake up the solution give hallelujah we don't come to sing hymns and go and feel good whatever trial whatever problem you have my God is strong he will change your life you lose you at the point of your need may I speak to the world now that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever you say if you believe in me the works you have seen me do you will do also and you look too much more because I'm going to my father my name is a fluke ow I stand to do what my Jesus has done and to do much more because he's gone to the Father lift your hand somebody as God is giving her deliverance and God is giving a bread roll now you to receive your own I said may you to receive your own in the name of Jesus Mercutio - I command every coach of the enemy to go [Music] I bless you ever you are I stretched my hands towards you I can set the planes of paper against your life the devil is a liar and you are blessed in this season what you didn't see before you begin to see I receive I hear trusting God for a miracle man that miracle be granted to you today today I stand as a doctor a smurf of God I release the blessings of God over you you are blessed you are not cursed you are blessed in the morning you are blessed at noon you're less in the evening you are blessed at night you are less on a Monday or a Tuesday on the ones on the person on the Friday on a Saturday on a Sunday I decree and declare blessings of God over you as a blessings of God over you no weapons formed against you shall prosper got a degree I declare you are Kappa you are covered in the name of G you are covered in the name of G my god Abba Soto satury katate yokatta [Music] lift your hand I'm seeing somebody your contract finished last month and that you are going through this season with a lot of fear because you do not know what you'll be of you everything is telling you it is difficult to get another and that is saying you've been calling on him that this contract may be renewed before it was finished and it was not renewed it looks like God has failed you it looks like your prayers were not answered but God is saying fear not my son for I have a better door open for you I see you walking through a different door before the end of this week you will receive a call of another door opened by God I speak as a notarized mouth of God may this be so it cannot be otherwise in the name of Jesus I am seeing get a messiah there is a woman they want you dead they say you will not live to see another year and that this is at work I see you have a shop you sell heaps in honey Jew you were born on the 28th of October 1986 you have a child who's still young God is saying today I shall pray for you and break the curse of the enemy is that you so to rebel Santa you have a shop you have a shop you sell chips I need you let me tell you exactly three month back in your shop you collapsed before you open it is a truth and you didn't know why because you woke up in a hospital and you stay two weeks in hospital you go and open your shop something happen you black out you wake up in a hospital till this day you asking yourself two weeks in hospital there is a battle at work in your shop this shop that you have now used to belong to oolitic all crushes you know gracious gracious from Malawi gracious wanted Shoppach yeah and gracious a Alfre stretch you until I get my shop back take over sister she's tired to sell sheets you take over now you said prospering she has changed her mind she changed her mind she wants you out she would not frustrate you she she went to Malawi and big booties from Malawi to frustrate your life but she did not know that you will come to Alleluia Ministries she's trying to frustrate your life whosoever out there is trying to frustrate your life I said fire fire fire in Jesus name [Music] she's trying to frustrate your life but can say your family is great too much you had lost your sister few years ago 2015 she was giving birth and she died and God say he will not meet another death in your family over what may I stretched my hands towards you and prophesy over all of you you will not die before your time they will look for you they will not find you your life is not exposed your life is covered the Bible say your left is even with Christ in God no weapon formed against you shall prosper my name is a fluke cow and I set it to be so it cannot be otherwise in the name of hear me God will frustrate those who wanna fry switch you your friend is saying now we are in the fifties your boom I must restrict you quickly but I am here to put the full stop [Applause] as a full stop as a full stop I just say fools dog may you to receive a full stop in the sentence of their enemy the frustrating your life to this day that make your life a living hell that kept you bound in pain and misery but extend us in the Florence mouth of God and as a full stop I say full stop I say first all in the name of G no koto so two three it is well with you it is well whatever that meant for evil God will make it for your good come let me pray for your child come in you come [Music] ma ZT I stretch my hands would you whatever did not work before mate begin to work I just feel like saying this I sincerely please look at me and see my heart I am trying to be a blessing to everyone again if I had say to you don't run is not because I wanna I don't want to pray for you please don't take it personal you break my heart if I say that is because there must be harmony and I beseech you please know God who brought you this far you will not leave you amen but everything that needs to be done we need to do it in an orderly manner there are thousands of people here all of us need God so if everyone will do the same thing no one will survive are you hearing me last Sunday my son told me I don't want you to go to the stage to the crowd and you see I'm here but my heart is inside there it told me I don't want you to go because everybody's jumping on you you get hurt I say it's fine and say I have only one daddy no refugees and that is because I understand that all of us need God and we need the men of God to hold our hands and I'm here the only way I serve God is serving you are you hearing me but I play with you let us do it in an orderly manner because now I'm bound I'm seeing my son I need to pray here and call you from far but my heart is in the rose it is well it is where he is why him good name Jesus it is well with my it is well it is well it is Wow [Music] it is well I was in Milan my name is Milan your name is Milan yes no I was talking about Italy I was talking about Milan in Italy I was in Milan Italy so it's just by coincidence that it happened that your name is also Milan it's pure coincidence I call it prophetic coincidence oh yes GME Milan God loves you he has a plan for you I mean February this year that is studying will bring a lot of joy because you see you supposed to go to February with a lot of tears because I see a little chap going to an operation a hot operation in January yes you have called it sharp miracle yes miracles your child yes her name is miracle and name is miracle yeah but miracle has gone through a lot of physical problems have you ever spoken to me before no have never spoken to you do you know where is your uncle yes that that's where I'm from that is where your umbilical cord easy yes are you hearing me yeah and that way God is sending me now I am in Africa my name is a flu cow but I'm going to see Lanka [Music] I'm looking for you I'm not seeing you there it's like you are not now in Sri Lanka you are in Canada because the only people are seeing in Sri Lanka is your father and your mother your parent yes and even as I am insolent right now God is saying that as you pray for the health of your parent yes look you're supporting them by sending money yes yes kidney failure is your mother is that true yes and God you say that as a pray for your parent God will hit your father yeah got your prayer lodge in your family Jesus and the reason why God is sending me two umbilical cord is because you seem to be the only Son yes I'm the only child you are the only Son and the only child yeah the only child meaning that I'm not only the only Son there is known had a son or daughter I'm the only child and how many children do you have sorry how many children you have when you have one here this I am where your umbilical cord is you have you are the only one your father your mother gave birth only to you and here you are also a father offer only one but Sebastian he is upset with you yes she is unhappy with you because of the past in fact that she had moved out now you are together but not together not together you are in the same place but not together together you went back to the big house a family house yes is that true yeah this few weeks ago yes few weeks ago - Jesus but hear me the blessings of God are on you God will bless you even with more the past is gone don't put yourself in the past but you have a battle in front of you yes and the battle is not only marriage but the battle is over miracle the child yeah if you will align yourself completely and the you and your wife will fix your problems of yesterday God is saying he will help you financially you know bless your child and that child is a miracle child and it is sure that your child will not die in the name of Jesus are you hearing me stretch your hands water there is great blessing over your son there is a great blessing thank you when I say the past is gone you understand what I mean when I say the mistakes of yesterday you understand that I didn't I see you in the family business yeah we do poultry business in Canada God is about to open it up a man thank you guys the fans bless you you're a good man and the grace of God is overwhelming don't be afraid don't be afraid for your marriage don't be afraid for your child there is a God in heaven and this God's eyes are on you the name of Jesus many eyes of God be on YouTube I've seen it I submitted eyes of God beyond you to receive it stretch your hands I bless you son as I attach you attach your daughter as I touch you I pray restoration of your marriage nee Baga Robo City - everybody praise be to God leaves your hand and speak to God [Music] can I pray for this man in white this man day yeah you did you you did can I pray for you you did please come [Music] leshawna say I receive a miracle today [Music] say I receive my miracle today [Music] look your heart is good your heart is good and your heart is for God were you from I'm from Norway are you from Norway yes you are from no way I am from Norway which language do you speak I speak Norwegian and Swedish and English okay English is fine kvasir no I'm seeing a very good man here your heart is to serve God right yes my artist is a circle did you come so you may serve God yes I come for to serve God you came so you may serve God you want to go in provinces you want to go to Durban you want to go to Cape Town you want to go and be a minister or a missionary and serve God is that correct yes is that true that's true is that true that's true I want to pray it for two things I first want to pray for stability in your life you gotta be stable and the stability got to give it to you from now on significance will come as you buff it through your own torsional stability it begins with you and I'm praying for that stability to manifest in your life are you married now I'm not married don't worry she's coming you gotta get stuck in stable but here this not only that I'm praying for that stability the second thing that's a I should give you a spiritual gift actually but something something heavy with feeling so that since your heart is already to serve God since your heart is to serve God it may give you the ability to serve him spiritually the reason and Satan is because God is showing me that financially things are very tied to right now yes financially yes all right please come minister la practica do this this woman after here will give you an envelope that will help you in a mission that God placed in your heart she will give you an envelope and this envelope is my seed to you to what you doing are you hearing me because I am seeing you for you to you know you know the missionary life for you to do what you have to do right now is very tight but that says the living god I serve today is remembered you for God has approved your ways and that is releasing favor upon your life everybody stretch your hands Ramos mutter we pray together in the name of Jesus we release the grace of God the power God that in the name of Jesus Kodomo set a target negara Basso toe that is power drop meseta in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus both shorter lives your hands let your hands lift your hands you will never ever ever ever be the same again Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] masata you cannot be under disgrace this anointing and nothing is happening in your life receive the food the devil is a liar you cannot be under disgrace this anointed and nothing is happening in your life [Music] shut up I was here we [Music] [Music] [Music] since when since when well since 2013 2030 yeah show me [Music] if you have compassion lift your hands your grace oh god you mercy [Music] so now what is that it was it pasted because the story the gas is up shooting my interesting okay it's okay it's okay here it is she has a lot to say it's because she's in pain see we come to church we come to seek God yes and I tell you you you may say that the miracles are none of God and miracles because you think that you can wake up you feel strong if you are her you look for a healing God that's right oh that she is in pain now she's in pain this is open discharging water and blood God is a good god I mean God Allah healer you believe that we believe hear me my God is powerful yes Almighty there is nothing to a heart for God to do a mean mi is the house where the Bible comes alive amen there is no power we have except the power of God exercise in the house of God in the name of Jesus grunts there people are there when they look at pastor how they say no no no no this guy's too much probably he has some some powers let me tell you I'm more powerful than any magician that is if you have to take power which power are you talking about yes in crust I'm far more powerful than Satan himself so who can give us power because under feet yes what I do Satan cannot do it yes only God can do it and it's God as we believe it he will do something this is coffee faith nothing else I just believe God if God is God he will show up now and you know he'll this daughter of is now who is with me would you stretch your hands will you pray with me practice practice practice bracket bracket bracket bracket Jesus in the name of Jesus free from the spirit of death in the name of Jesus receive your healing you're healing [Music] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] you wherever you are I pray against sickness and disease I release you from every snake of the enemy I speak you to divine health in the name of Jesus name whatever the enemy and is acolyte have cooked together to see you down major hope for who heals up remember you and heal you nonsense in the name of Jesus today as a swish Mahan may depart god hits every man and every woman in the name of Jesus I break the yoke of the enemy I declare you I [Music] so I am here there is a family I'm seeing in the Holy Ghost there is somebody in the in the house who's mentally disturbed this person is often locked in the room taking the person out in the garden or out in the Sun requires the attention of everybody but God's sake go go now go open the room you'll find him seated on his right sense of mind for a goddess remembered gonna solve your crime the mistress has gone [Music] the young man come what's your name I'm sorry some well Samuel do you come to church ISM yeah yes for how long have you been here early last year since any last year so now it's close to two years last year and end of this year is close to two years so for two years you've been in this house yeah let me tell you he spoke to me can I speak to you is it good news let me say it again blow me to Jesus is it good news is it are you happy were you waiting for it for 2 years were you watching for you thank you [Music] faithful Savior I don't know if there is it son of God who is able to keep Jesus in his house [Music] [Music] Jesus what are you waiting for it were you waiting for it are you happy you are happy now can I give you a bonus on top of that can I give you a bonus I feel like speaking to your ears [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now hear this are you happy you're happy it's done now go home sweet bread dance it is done but I want you to do something release your wife from your heart forgive her she has hurt you you know the woman I'm talking about you have found her sleeping with your best friend again and again and that that has hurt you most of the pain that the you have a struggle with came through that open door but now that God has blessed you and gave you a bonus what the weight is tears don't cry [Applause] it is where you will testify lift your hands [Music] I bless you son a silly [Music] bless you Jesus everybody lives your name I want you to engage in spiritual warfare in spiritual warfare you take authority against the forces of the enemy in spiritual warfare you bind you break the works of the enemy everything that's Satan and is acolyte have done against you against your well-being against your life you break it the Word of God says behold I have given you authority to trample on the soap and is scorpion and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you say Lord Jesus in your name I take authority against every work of the enemy said therefore your reign of terror in my life is over I command you that careful figure approach and live my life now now now begin to pray break the power of the enemy begin to pray they get to pray they get to pray they get to brave [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in which cross is a dangerous thing and that those who ain't God and are still ignorant of the schemes of the enemy will often suffer the plains and the waking of witchcraft but today if you take authority against the powers of the wizard and witches against you Europe begin to see victory every day of your life say I wanted to lift your hand and say in the name of Jesus attack authority take authority against the powers of witches and wizards in the name of Jesus in the name of G I destroyed I destroyed every witchcraft every witchcraft on against me done against me against my prosperity against my spirits against the progress of my life done against the progress of in the name of Jesus jeez I call on fire I call on fire the fire of the Holy Ghost the fire of the holy girl call soon consume every power of witchcraft every power of which that I guess me done against Milan against my family against Jesus name in Jesus in Jesus name Amen in Jesus name Amen id3 I declare I decree a decline before midnight tonight before midnight tonight everyone who dig a grave for me everyone who dug a grave from he will fall in it himself falling it himself he Jesus made in Jesus I decree and declare high degree an article to send out to send every weapon of the enemy every weapon of enemy formed against me Jesus name in Jesus began to pray begin to pray I guess which drop that we said pray : saya saya Greta city kappa kloster doctor listen [Music] [Music] [Music] it Jesus name he said my life is not my own my spirit must soul my body my spirit my soul my body belongs to Jesus Jesus property I am God's property so a degree so I decree and I declare the one half is my potion i decree and I declare I define health is my potion divine health is my sickness is not my potion sickness is not my boss disease is not my portion to disease it's not my post I am well I am well my flesh is well my flesh is where my photo accounts oh well my better organs are well my skeevy swell my skin is well my blood is well my blood is well eyeballs oh well my bones are well I am well I am well I am where I am Jesus name in Jesus and the blessings of Abraham the blessings of Abraham are mine today are mine today there'll be no bad news there'll be no bad new in my house in my house with my life in my Jesus name in Jesus in Jesus name in Jesus name now stretch your hands towards handsome young man what's your name sorry is your name is Eric yes Eric this is one of the most beautiful day of your life one of the most beautiful days of your life because God has remembered you receive it mega remember you too I received this Johanna say remember me Oh God remember me Oh God no Eric listen to me I am seeing your life has been ups and down up and down is a correct your father shepherd started working in coca-cola in 1998 but in 2011 I lost his job is a true true man of God they had accused him he was fired they had accused him of misusing company resources is a true true man of God CCO father lost his job life has never been the same is that correct true men of God your father had three wives and your mother was a second I'm seeing Winnie is that the name of your mother she was a second but your mother left your father leaving you at six years old right now your father is a weaver your other mother meaning that the last word is that correct true men of God listen to me God opened my eyes to see and so you he'll be elevated and God said you are second in your family a family of five people for children but I say there is a blessing a special blessing in your life and God say in this season if I will be obedient enough to hold your hand to the next level those who begin to open for you as never seen before I receive is already on him [Music] it's barely standing on his feet you cannot be in this church in this place under this anointing and you live here empty-handed impossible when you see the power guard operating like this you must know your time has gone thank you Jesus irrespective of where you are you may be right update God has seen you and his hand will reach you today oh Jesus now look at this you are trying to do Forex okay when I lost my job and you lost at all speak to me you lost your job yes so when you lost your job what happened then I started studying for forex I've been studying for forex for the past eight months so I wanted to start trading and next year in January so from January you are planning to start reading used studying for the past a minimum for the past eight months for the past eight months you've been studying preparing yourself for January to come and you say in January you start reading yes do you feel ready now 4 4 4 4 X already listen to me God will open those you say that you lost your job I see you were working for a company in Rundberg is that correct from 2016 to February 2017 drama no it is when you left that company credit code [Music] is a true lumenok because I can hear in fact when you lost it you lost it because it was too much you felt not well treated true man of God you felt as if it was a rest-based discrimination that's true man of God that's why I left stop it God will bless you but let me tell you a dream that you have in your heart do you have study for Forex you've been dreaming to go back to school and study the chemical engineering is that true that's true man of God the program that I wanted to do after I did my my a-levels studies now hear me don't give up on your dream because God will give you enough to the Forex that you beautiful retro not to work in anybody's and it will work in your hand we see that and if you do not work because the market is well it will work because a fluke house is sold in the name of Jesus but what you are making money in forex please you can still study look at somebody next you say you can still study you can still study first off look out believes in education you can still study I am studying I am doing two doctorate at the same time [Applause] go for your dream chemical engineering people run away from things and that chemical and engineering to bad words put together but confront it with God everybody switch your hands to hoody a miracle is about to manifest [Music] I visited University [Music] his name is Emmanuel God with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody leaves runnin the Lord is telling me that there are people he has already released a miracle this morning and this miracle is right in front of you all you have to do is take position of what is yours and he's saying that I should lead you to a time of your say what is mine is mine today in Jesus position of your me [Music] my half is well it is well it is well it is well it is well it is [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look your hands water swimming how are you doing how are you doing how are you doing you're not feeling well come close you say your name is Mavis how are you doing Mathis can you speak English can you speak English can you speak English yes you can speak English what is your name what is your name can you hear me sorry you use this year you can use this other year so if I speak here let me fix it from this side you can hear me yes here you can hear me yes here you cannot hear here you cannot hear so you hear from one here you can hear from here can you hear me can you hear me can you hear me are you checking [Music] now when I prefer silent herb like this how are you going to do it deliver her man of God open that [Music] [Applause] [Music] you come here for me you can hear me here you can hear me here but this one doesn't work doesn't work yes all right stretch your hand let open it for six months so you could hear for six month is going you can hear so you cannot hear hear hear now you are using this for six month or for six months you're using only one here so you used to use the two but this one cannot work anymore doctor please come what can cause such a thing but a number of things bastard first of all could be a conducting problem meaning that there's an obstruction between the outside and the inside of the year and then it could also be a nerve problem meaning that they is a nerve called the cochlear nerve that transmits sound a cochlear nerve all right that that nerve you call in tongue so it happens that someone just like this one cannot function anymore yes it has happened faster depending on what that would do now what do you do when such a case what do you guys do so normally we test to see if it's a conducting hearing loss in other words to see sometimes it could just be impacted wax that's causing sound not to transmit into the year so if that's the problem so you remove it by pulling it out or you know it's arranged out you rinse it out if the problem then is inside the ear then sometimes it may require a cochlear implant or perhaps if there's a tumor that's growing on the nerve so it can be anything from small to big small to big it could even be medication that causes a tear all right stretch your hands me I don't know what he said I didn't hear anything the doctor say whatever I said I did not yield near here one thing but my straps oh yes you are healed hallelujah whether it came from the north the South the east or the west I don't know whether is small or big I don't care you I will open now let your hand let's pray [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you lord thank you for your power that is that yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] inside that you [Music] [Music] thank God yesterday this feeling [Applause] something is happening something is happening [Music] yeah you yeah me no Alex [Music] look at me can you hear me can you hear me here can you hear me can you hear me [Applause] it was this lunch she's showing you close cross this one [Applause] yes papa be Jesus [Music] it is close this one this one was fine right let have it there is an echo maybe in Jesus name the name of Jesus all have Joe can you hear me yes praise Jesus [Applause] [Music] today America today Missy not your miracle is for now your miracle is for today somebody's a heresy I receive what is mine what is mine the name of Jesus the name of Jesus I receive my miracle I receive my now you cannot be you cannot be man of God I was saying stand up you cannot expect something to happen amen you surely breaks my heart every time a cities breaks my heart ouchies sweet see Jesus sweet Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] men of God from the time I came to this bed this woman has been in this lifeless position she did not make a turn she's here with a sister she's been suffering for the past 15 years of lung infection also passed the elf of I won't be healing your sister Jesus will Jesus is the only healer [Music] she's also suffering of HIV herself this woman since 2003 her brother just behind you came with her he said that she's also got lung infection and CB elf lung infection and TB that is womb cancer yes HIV lung infection lung infection doctor probably the lung infection and the cancer are caused by by HEV is it possible it's very likely she's HIV positive she has a lung infection but can somebody have a lung infection for that long it depends per se it could be one of the complications of TB if someone's had TB a long time ago they let their lungs can dilate and harbor infection and this one and of God since you see she's crying she's in great pain since 2001 she had lung infection mm and just give me that time again TB she's suffering also of TB she's a sister who brought a view and a daughter sorry this is your mother has been suffering for pneumonia right now she's having pneumonia lung infections she's in pain excruciating pain man of God I know it men his name is Jesus Christ amen he's a great physician what is impossible with man is possible with him hallelujah the chord is name Jehovah Rapha he has never cease to heal oh I have no ability by myself to bring these people to be better I don't even understand the nitty-gritties of what they are going through but I know amen it's a call on me and our answer Jesus I want to invite you to join your faith with mine to pray for the well-being of this ones the reason why they are not seated is because they are very sick and for somebody out there who feels that a while you bring the hospital and you make it up you guys go you you must understand and believe your God why will anyone in his right sense of mind will do this for foreplay you need deliverance in Jesus name something is seriously wrong with your psyche your heart is not in the right place the only guarantee ahead that these people will be well is in God Amen I'm a volunteer in believing volunteer to always believe him if he said that we can jump buildings a volunteer out right if you say you lay hands on the sick they'll be healed a volunteer out right Amen I dare to believe God do you [Music] [Music] yeah baby you have called me something and you say through me you'll heal the seek today in your name Jesus exercising what a words say I pray for her a miracle is manifesting already thank you Jesus this is the god of a fluke ow hallelujah look at all this is a miracle if you can see the spirits they will agree with me a miracle manifesting we are defeating the devil should not die before eternal name of Jesus somebody receive your miracle as you talk Oh Rattata Baba shaky pray guru Baba Sita [Music] [Music] healing in the healed in Jesus - she is [Music] [Music] [Music] let's give it please let's Oh so hand here when you look at this first stone it's like she's almost flat with the bed it's like a she's really flat with the bed so Jesus Jesus you know now you are now in the name of Jesus Christ we pray for you Metapod God will reach you may you be healed now the name of Jesus targets everything is changing the power of God is at work as the man of God is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] get it Noriko [Music] remind me what's a problem again you see she has cancer in the whom lung infection and she's got age she's HIV positive HIV and you say that this may be also that she suffered oh you spoke about lung problem you spoke about TB so it might be that TB has caused this lung infection and this cancer may be prompted by HIV that's correct jesus heals HIV yes he does if you are sick with an incurable disease whoever you are as a pray for her may my god remember you in the name of Jesus we receive Lord in the name of Jesus Christ yes we humble ourselves for what you said already to do as a stretch Mahan's water you told me you have anointed me for difficult matters Jesus where healing be given to her God jeez Jesus this woman she's under the power of God she was lifeless here all this time that was the power bring up it is where it is where it is [Music] Oh Jesus Jesus oh god she's under the power the holy as healed as that somebody receive your miracle too [Music] we said lift your hands to him lift your hands la mama mama city Carrabassett a ricotta G every yoke of the enemy against you a breakage my daughter speak you to freedom in the name of Jesus Jesus the Lord has served heals you now in the Mary name of Jesus today is your day in the name of Jesus even who wherever the enemy has a plane against you I break it now in the name of Jesus I release you my daughter Reigate ascetically rabbi Messiah mama Cordoba setting we break the yoke of the enemy in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus now lift your hand and begin to seal in your life what God began to do silly silly silly silly silly silly in your life silly in your life your miracle Remmy is seeing you is seeing you and see you we see that rocoto so to go Robo Shaitan the Shaitan the grace of God leaves your hand there are things that you have to call and seal in your own life you got a call and silly anything like Jesus poor opposite a rapist Atta pray pray the Holy Ghost pray the Holy Ghost pray in the Holy Ghost pray the Holy Ghost pray the Holy Ghost brain the Holy Ghost rain the Holy Ghost rakesh errababu ziti rabbie set Arriba hyah let us pray in the Holy Ghost for the next 60 seconds let us just open our mouths and speak in other tongues that will bypass the years of the enemy lay Abbas at urabá hyah Roya basta Colaba see end Arriba hey Baba set a robust Ndereba hiya Baba second rule opposite Arriba hiya Basanti Rikka bossy and Arriba hiya boss at Arriba Santa Roy apotheca rayappa hiya Bob Oh set a wreck a high of a second ooh yah Bessette Arriba hyah oh Jesus we have received your word of God and Lord we yield to the voice of God today we've yield to the mouthpiece of God we have heard your word through your servant father today we know Oh God but it is your will for us to give father it is your wall for us to give father as we will receive beyond receiving Oh God just giving in the season Lord we have heard it from your word and father today Oh God we shall act upon your word we shall not shy away when we hear we ought to give for your word says you were us I was sick you did not visit me I was hungry you did not feed me Oh God let us be attentive to your spirit he who has an ear may hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying today giving is a blessing and not a curse every time you would hold yourself from giving you forced yourself to become pure you forced yourself from not having you force yourself into lack but every time you give you become a blessing every time you give somebody's life is changing every time you give God elevates you may we give from today may we look around us in our neighborhood and see who needs may you take a vow the end of this year like we do every year at new year resolutions may you make a difference in somebody's life this year January 1st I made a vow to become a different in children's lives like our men of God says and many other pastors have been doing it to make a difference in the poorest of the poor where people do not know where bread come from that's why we are blessed we are blessed because we do the will of God we are blessed beyond measure we will never lack we will never lack we will never ask you for a cent because as long as we obey the word of God we shall prosper in a high dimension we shall always be blesses and become a blessing to other may you to become a blessing to others may our lives be a reflection of the goodness of God in your life now under the anointing of my spiritual father I decree your Monday bless I decree your Tuesday blessed I decree your Wednesday bless I decree your Thursday blessed I decree your Friday bless I decree your shattered in your Sunday blessed go and become a blessing today to somebody take a new year resolution that you will be the difference in somebody's life god bless you we love you and God bless you
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 141,786
Rating: 4.8044295 out of 5
Id: k3IgEWh0MSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 11sec (10091 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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