Burn BELLY FAT Fast (10 Tips + Bonus) 2024

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so you finally decided to do something about that unhealthy and unsightly belly fat that you've been carrying around the last few years this video is going to help you with that now how do i know anything about belly fat and how to get rid of it i'm dr ken berry a family physician with over 20 years of clinical experience and a few years back i was actually morbidly obese myself and suffered from dunlap that's something we talk about in the southern united states it's when your belly done laps over your belt so i am somewhat of an expert on losing belly fat both as a uh clinician and as someone who suffered from lots of extra belly fat now i'm sure you think i'm going to tell you to eat less and move more join the gym eat lots of rice cakes but nothing could be further from the truth as you've already discovered those things don't work they're not sustainable you're hungry all the time angry all the time you have no energy no one can stick to that people in the past may have intimated that you were a glutton and a sloth and that this is all your fat all your fat yeah all your fault that you're so fat well it is kind of indirectly your fault but it's not really your fault because you didn't know the proper steps to take to lower a very important hormone that we're going to talk about in this video and you also didn't know these 10 steps and in an effort to give more than i receive i have added a bonus tip at the end here are the 10 tips to lose belly fat effortlessly okay and the last three might really surprise you because you don't hear them very often let's jump in number one when you go grocery shopping stick to the outer aisles the outer wall of the grocery store that's where you're going to find all the natural foods that's where you're going to find meat eggs cheese full fat dairy some vegetables some berries these are real foods that your body actually know how to use and they're not going to lead to increasing belly fat they're actually going to help you burn that belly fat off quicker number two is choose only one ingredient foods okay so if something has more more than two ingredients whatever the ingredient is and maybe salt don't buy it only buy one ingredient foods your body knows what to do with ribeye it has one ingredient your body knows what to do with broccoli it has one ingredient but if you start shopping in the center of the store you're going to find things that have 10 20 30 40 50 ingredients many of which are going to spike your insulin and cause you to not lose that sticky belly fat that you just can't get rid of number three don't ever drink a carbohydrate or a sweetener okay so this applies obviously to the soft drinks this also applies to the fruit juices if what you're about to drink contains even one gram of carbohydrate don't drink it because your body doesn't know the difference between added sugar or natural sugar and so whether you're gonna drink a pepsi or whether you're going to drink some organic grape juice it makes no difference it contains sugar it is going to make you build belly fat instead of getting rid of it number four eat at least one gram of protein per kilogram of your body weight every day protein is satiating also your your body needs all of the amino acids contained in that protein to renew and rejuvenate itself so the protein is not optional eating this much protein a day may be new to you but i promise you it's going to keep you fuller for longer and that's going to keep you from eating the junk and make the belly fat keep disappearing number five is eat more fat and i know you just went wait what yeah eat more fat fat is the most satiating of all three macronutrients being fat protein and carbohydrates carbohydrates don't really satiate you or fill you up at all that's why you have to eat every two hours if you eat lots of carbohydrates also eating carbohydrates turns immediately into sugar or glucose in your blood and that spikes your insulin anytime your insulin is high you ain't going to burn that belly fat does that make sense so you want to eat plenty of protein and you want to eat plenty of fat every single day my favorite is the fat found in fatty cuts of animal meats you can also eat plant fats that's fine but eat lots of fat every day number six is eat plenty of real salt i know again you're like wait this doctor just told me to eat salt yes yes i did here's why many times when you get a craving that craving is actually for salt or for a mineral it's not actually for the cheetos or doritos so if you eat plenty of salt each day and it's a real salt so it has minerals in it as well as sodium and chloride then you're going to be giving your body all the minerals it needs and you're not going to be having weird cravings that make you wind up going to the center of the store where are all of the processed carbohydrates are hiding in plain sight number seven recognize your sugar addiction any carbohydrate breaks down to sugar sugar hits our pleasure centers in our brain just like some illicit drugs it's absolutely without a doubt true that some people are very very addicted to sugar and so if you have a craving and fall off the wagon then don't necessarily beat yourself up about being a glutton just look in the mirror and say hi i'm feeling your name and i am a sugar addict and once you come to grips with that that you're a sugar addict it makes what you're fighting against much easier because if you know your enemy then you have a better chance of defeating your enemy but if you think that your enemy is just eating too much in general or laying on the couch too much that's that's kind of hard to fight but if you know it's the sugar it's the carbohydrates i'm a sugar addict i have to fight that specific battle every day that's gonna make it a lot easier number eight is limit your alcohol intake to one serving a day and this needs to be a carbohydrate-free sweetener-free drink and so if you make a mixed drink make sure that you use something that has zero carbs and no artificial sweeteners because any sweet taste in your mouth is going to raise your insulin level and when your insulin is high you ain't burning no belly fat so you can have your one drink a day and i don't mean one drink a day i mean a serving size of alcohol a day if you even want it the alcohol is not going to help you lose weight but it's also not going to make you gain weight if you just have one serving it's just kind of a wash so you make your decision number nine stop all sugars whether added or natural okay so if you drink a two liter of coke that's a ton of sugar if you eat a full bag of those beautiful delicious niagara seedless grapes that's also a ton of sugar your body can't tell the difference it doesn't know whether the the sugar came from pepsi or orange juice or the big bag of grapes stop eating any sugar and your belly fat will start to melt away effortlessly number 10 implement some degree of intermittent fasting into your lifestyle every single day try to go for at least a 16-hour fast so if you sleep for eight hours a day then that means you would you would wait four hours after you wake up to eat your first meal and you would stop eating four hours before you go to bed you don't have to do this every single day but i want you to move towards doing a 16 or 18 hour fast every single day because when you're fasting your insulin level is very low normal and that's the sweet spot for losing belly fat effortlessly number 11 your bonus is avoid protein bars and protein shakes now wait a minute i thought in number four i told you to eat lots of protein yes i did the problem with protein bars and protein shakes is that they're very often mislabeled if you look at the total carbohydrates and the protein in the fat most often almost always they're highest in carbohydrates so they should really be called carbohydrate shakes and carbohydrate bars that's not going to help keep your insulin low normal if you want to eat a protein bar then cut your ribeye and strips and hold it like this and call it a bar that's a protein bar if it comes in a plastic wrap in a cardboard box that's a carbohydrate bar and that's never ever going to help you burn fat off your midsection effortlessly now there are two diets that will absolutely help you lose belly fat effortlessly and they're going to pop up here and here as a playlist at the end of this video pick the one that looks the most appetizing to you and watch the videos and learn i promise you there's no products to buy there's no service to sign up for there's no coach to pay you don't need to buy any supplements none of that stuff is necessary you just have to pick one of these two diets and stick to it now if you know someone maybe a friend or a relative who has a big old belly that they need to get rid of please consider sharing this video with them not only might you help them lose their belly fat effortlessly but you might also add years to their life or even save their life this is dr barry i'll see you next time buddy tell me why i work so hard for you you
Channel: KenDBerryMD
Views: 1,852,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lose belly fat, lose belly fat fast, lose belly fat without exercise, lose belly fat at home, lose belly fat men, lose belly fat effortlessly, lose belly fat easily, how to easily lose belly fat, ways to easily lose belly fat, how to easily lose belly fat fast, how to lose belly fat at home easily, how to lose belly fat easily without exercise, how to lose lower belly fat easily, burn belly fat, burn belly fat fast, dr berry lose belly fat, dr berry belly fat, melt belly fat
Id: d6yobs_gO00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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