The BBB&E Challenge (Extreme Weight Loss Hack) 2024 BBBE Challenge

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hey this is dr. Barry for the next few minutes I want to discuss with you an extreme weight loss hack now this hack may not be for everybody but it's definitely for those people who have either a lot of weight to lose or who have tried multiple diets and didn't lose any weight or lost only a little and then gained it all back and so if you want to lose a lot of fat off your body while at the same time keeping your muscles keeping your bones strong keeping your brain working very well and all your internal internal organs very healthy this may be the extreme diet hack for you so I try to make videos like this once a week if not more often if you'd like to catch those videos click that little subscribe button down below this video and the little bell right beside it so that every time I get a bright idea you'll be one of the very first people to know now let's talk about this hack like I said it's not may not be for everybody because it's a little bit extreme but I think that if you have given up on losing fat and you just think that it's not possible for you this may be the diet hack for you now this diet hack is very safe there's no danger in doing this but the foods that you'll be eating on this diet you can get from your local grocery store there's no unique weird proprietary ingredients you have to buy there's no subscription you have to sign up for you just eat these foods and avoid all other foods and food like products what this diet hack is going to do is going to hack two of your hormones and actually more than that but we're going to just focus on two in this video the first and most important is your insulin level insulin has hundreds of jobs in the human body but one of its main jobs is to take energy in the form of glucose and and other sugar molecules and store them as fat and so anytime your insulin level is very high you're going to be storing fat and it's going to be very very hard for you to burn the fat that you've already stored and as you can see it immediately they're chronically high insulin level is gonna prevent you from losing any weight the second hormone that we're gonna hack is your growth hormone your human growth hormone by keeping it high this diet hack is going to protect your muscle and actually help you put on new muscle if you'd like to work out do that but you're not gonna lose muscle because when we talk about losing weight we don't really mean that what we mean is I want to lose fat and so if you'd like to keep your muscle mass and you'd like to keep your bone density and keep everything else right where it is while losing fat this is probably the diet hack for you and so what we're doing is we're going to dial down your carbohydrate intake and so you may have heard of the low carb diet the ketogenic diet these are basically just turning down the dial of the amount of carbohydrates you eat each day and in fact many people have wonderful results with a low-carb diet they have wonderful results with a ketogenic diet but for some people they need to dial down the carbs even more and that's what this hack is going to teach you to do you're gonna dial down the carbs to as close to zero grams of total carbohydrates a day as you can actually take in and that's what's gonna hack these two hormones that we're talking about today plus your other hormones all in the correct or proper direction for you loose fat okay and so we're in the process of keeping of eating this diet we're also gonna keep your blood sugar level very very low and so if you are a type-2 diabetic or a pre-diabetic or your insulin resistant you may notice that your blood sugars come back down to normal levels eating this diet if so there's no extra charge for that now let's get into this diet hack and let's talk about what you can eat and then all the things you should avoid so really there's about five or six things you can eat and the beautiful thing about this diet is it's not a calorie restriction diet it's not a portion control diet so of the foods I'm about to name off you can literally eat as much as you want within the the kind of the ramifications I'm going to tell you okay here's the list of foods you can eat as much as you want number one beef you can ground beef you can eat ribeye you can eat less expensive cuts of beef any beef meat the meat any meat from a cow you can eat as much as you want any meat from a sheep you can eat as much as you want so lamb chops any of that kind of stuff you can eat as much as you want any meat from goat you can eat as much as you want so any ruminant but let's just let's just call all those beef for the sake of simplicity in this video so you can eat all the beef you want you can eat all the eggs you want and please don't throw away those yolks they're full of magical nutrition if you're gonna throw away anything throw away the white but eat your eggs next is butter next is liver and when I say liver I mean really all organ meats that come from an animal and most people that's that's livers what you can get at your local grocery but if you have access to heart if you have access to brain if you have access to other things like that bone marrow you're welcome to eat as much as you wanted those as well and then finally is bacon yes bacon you can lose weight eating bacon and so let's go over those again beef of any kind eggs of any kind they can be duck eggs chicken eggs quail eggs probably lizard eggs I'm not sure about lizard eggs you can eat butter and you want to try to get grass-fed butter if you can you can eat liver or other other organ meats from animals and you can eat bacon and I don't want you to spend lots of extra money for the uncured bacon uncured bacon actually has more nitrates than cured bacon in it now you can use salt to taste do not limit your salt you can use as much salt as you'd like you can drink water either still or sparkling you know one is fine you can drink coffee and you can drink tea on this diet and you can have as much of those as you'd like what you're not going to ingest is any other foods and you're gonna do this diet heck for at least one month solid and you can do it for up to three months if you'd like but if for at least one month to get the full benefits of this then you can do that and all these foods I've listed you can eat as much as you want if you want a rib eye and three eggs for dinner you can do that if you'd like to eggs a two ribeye and six eggs you can also do that that's fine there's no limit on the amount of food that you can eat the only restriction is is I want you to eat either one very large meal a day or two very large meals a day and try to eat these meals within a six-hour window of time so that for 18 hours of the day you're not eating anything and then within the six hour window you can eat either one big meal or two big meals and I don't want you to eat just a small serving to be done I want you to eat until you're comfortably stuffed with these foods you're not gonna limit your salt but you are going to eliminate any sweeteners from your diet you're not going to use any meats that are breaded you're not going to eat anything else like that you're gonna avoid all carbohydrates in this diet I think that you'll find that you're gonna feel better in just a few days on this diet keeping in mind that if you do have a sugar or a carbohydrate addiction you're going to have to withdraw from those things that you're addicted to and withdrawing from any addiction it takes anywhere from 7 to 14 days to kind of get over all the symptoms of withdrawal from that addiction and if you google withdrawal symptoms you can see what they are they're fatigue headache achiness not feeling good being sleepy or having trouble sleeping either one of those but you may do that if you have a sugar addiction or carbohydrate addiction that doesn't mean there's anything this diet that's hurting you it just means you're breaking that addiction and that may not be fun for a few days make sure that you're eating plenty of salt and also getting plenty of potassium and magnesium now the ingredients I listed on this diet have those in them but if you'd like to make sure you're getting your potassium magnesium sodium and chloride you can use this really cool little product that I'll link to down below it's called keto Chow and electrolyte drops I don't think it's any better than just getting your electrolytes from other sources but it's very very convenient and pretty darn cheap and so that's why I carry a draw a bottle of these drops in my pocket pretty much all the time so that's it in a nutshell you're going to eat as as close to zero grams of carbohydrate as you can every day you're gonna but you're not going to calorie restrict you're not gonna portion restrict you're gonna eat until you're comfortably stuffed in your one or two meals a day so I think you'll find that this diet will work when you have failed on many other diets now at the end of the month or at the end of the three months if you if you think man I feel so much better and I'm getting all these wonderful results I'd like to do this diet for a little longer is that safe yes you can actually do this diet for as long as you'd like I've been eating this diet for about the last 14 months now and I feel better now at 50 then I felt when I was 35 I've actually lost body fat that I didn't think I'd ever be able to lose I've lost body fat on this diet which is called a carnivore diet that I couldn't even lose on a ketogenic diet and so for some people like me who are very insulin resistant you have to turn down that carbohydrate knob to almost zero in order to lose the fat that you never thought you'd be able to lose now if you know someone who needs to lose some fat please consider sharing this video with them you can share it on your Facebook page or in your groups you can share it on reddit on Twitter on Instagram you have my permission to share this is dr. berry I'll see you next time
Channel: KenDBerryMD
Views: 2,997,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Weight loss hack, Weight loss, Extreme weight loss hack, Weight loss strategy, Weight loss plan, Weight loss tips, Lose weight, Loss fat, Fat loss hack, Fat loss tips, Carnivore diet, Eat your meat, Dr berry weight loss, Dr berry fat loss, Dr berry carnivore diet, Eat meat lose weight, Reverse obesity, Reverse morbid obesity, Dr berry keto, Ketocarnivore, LCHF, BBBE Challenge, Dr Berry BBBE Challenge, eat fat lose fat, hypercarnivore, BBBE, BBB&E, bbbe diet, bbbe dr berry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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