Fix LOOSE SKIN from Weight Loss (Cheap Options) 2024

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hey this is dr. berry in this short video I want to talk to you about a topic that's very important to many people who have lost significant amounts of weight and that's loose skin and so in this video I'm going to talk about how to fix the loose skin you have from weight loss many many people around the world who have lost weight in unhealthy ways who have lost weight too quickly or who have just had bad genetics or have a terrible diet previously can wind up with a lot of loose redundant skin after some significant weight loss and I'm gonna talk to you about that today and also suggest some ways that you can improve this okay now if you know anyone who has loose skin from a lot of weight loss who's considering plastic surgery to fix this please share this video with them share it on your Facebook page share it in your weight loss group in your ketogenic group help people who don't know this information okay so let's talk about how to fix loose skin from weight loss now there's what I want to do is talk to you about this in concepts so when you understand these concepts you really can't be fooled or tricked or misled by anyone who's trying to make a buck off of your problem okay so first and foremost you have to understand that there's absolutely no quick fix for this it took you years to develop the obesity it took you months if not years to lose the weight and so the loose skin that may be left behind it's not going to go away overnight it's not gonna go away in a week or two or a month or two even but there are things you can do to help it to slowly get better to slowly be less significant in your life and ultimately to get it to a point where you're happy with it and you don't really worry about it anymore so you have to understand that if anybody is selling a cream or a lotion or anything like that to put on your skin that's stupid that is never going to work I don't care what they promise I don't care about a double money-back guarantee none of that matters it will not work that is impossible that's like taking a barn that's 150 years old and falling apart and then putting a brand new coat of paint on the roof and saying there you go that's gonna fix your barn that's dumb that's not gonna help the barn at all so you cannot buy any pills you cannot buy powders you cannot buy potions creams lotions any of that stuff none of that wraps wraps will not work I'm sorry there is no research that shows that any of this stuff will help do anything except enrich the seller of that product product so don't don't fall for that don't waste your money on that so number two is a very important concept and it's somewhere where you can't spend some money and it's okay your skin that you're wearing right now looseness and all is literally made of what you've eaten over the last three months and so if you lost weight in an unhealthy way if you lost weight with Weight Watchers or or the flexitarian or the Ornish or Jenny Craig or any of these unhealthy ways to lose weight you're probably gonna have some loose redundant skin but that skin is made of that suboptimal diet that you ate your skin's not made of anything else except what you ate okay and so here's where you need to understand that three months from now you will completely relate replace every single skin cell you have you want that skin to be made of the best quality food that you can afford to put in your body because that's going to help the skin repair itself that's going to help the skin get rid of some of this looseness very slowly but surely the very important concept is your skin is made of what you eat so you have to eat the right food any good quality food eat as much organic grass-fed food as you can afford and like I said this is the step to spend some money on this is worth the effort okay if you want your skin to improve you have to feed it better quality foods now the next thing is is that the skin is made of what you eat your skin is completely replaced every two months every three months and so that's concept number two concept number three is your skin is literally made of what you eating this sounds like kind of something your grandmother would say you know you are what you eat but she's absolutely right every single cell in your skin is placed every two to four months and so three months from today you'll have a new skin are you gonna be proud of what that skins made of or not that's a very important question and so if you're feeding your skin progressively and Peugot progressively better building blocks it's gonna be a better and better quality skin and better quality skin has more collagen has more elastin has more fibrin molecules and that makes it tighter that makes it spring here that makes it snapback better every quality of good skin gets better when you feed it a better diet so your skin is absolutely made of what you eat that's number three now number four the big one that everybody in the intermittent fasting community is reading about and learning about is auto Fiji and this is a combination of two greek words which basically means that your body can digest parts of its own self and this is a very important and very powerful concept if you have loose redundant skin and you don't want to have surgery so when you start to intermittently fast probably about 16 to 18 hours is the length of fast that's going to really kick in auto fit you and when your body runs out of carbs it's going to start burning fat right and you may think that that loose redundant slappy skin is just skin but they're still fat in there and as you continue to auto digest the fat out of that skin out of your booty off your belly your skin's gonna continue to tighten up there's no doubt about that but when your body Auto digests the fat it also Auto digests the protein that's within and around that fat and part of that protein is the redundant loose flat B skin and so your body's perfectly capable of Auto digesting or reusing recycling that loose skin but you have to give it the opportunity to do so and so if you're eating every two hours or even every four or six hours your body is burning the carbs and the protein that you and the fat that you ate your body doesn't need to do any on top of G whatsoever at the tissue level now on top of G's always taking place at the say you're in the mitochondrial level but what we're trying to do is hack our system and kick this in at a higher level at the tissue level and so to do that you have to intermittently fast or do some sort of fasting and so once you get your fasting window up to 16 18 or 20 hours a day Altaf EG is really going to kick in at least that's what most of the experts in this field think now some people notice and I have no doubt that if you fast for longer periods of time the autopsies going to increase there's no reason to think that it wouldn't that's common sense and so you can imagine if we were back on the Savannah 30,000 years ago and there was no food to eat for days and days and days your body's going to start breaking down tissues that it doesn't need and again a lot of people out there will say oh you'll start digesting your brain and your eyeballs and your muscles well they think your body's stupid and they're wrong about that your body's very wise your body's very intelligent when it has to start breaking down tissues and using them it's going to start breaking down the tissues that it needs the very least one of those is loose redundant floppy skin from weight loss and so I would predict and no one knows this for sure but I would predict it if you're doing a routine intermittent fasting schedule of fasting 18 or more hours a day or doing two or three days a week of a 24 hour fast you can expect about a 1% improvement every three months in your loose flat B skin now that's going to be different for other different people some people will notice drastic improvements and indeed people who have lost the majority of their weight through the ketogenic diet plus intermittent fasting have much less loose redundant skin to start with I've seen that multiple times in my clinic and I've had multiple people reach out to me on my Facebook page and say hey I've lost 80 100 120 pounds with keto plus intermittent fasting and I don't have any redundant loose skin at all yes that's exactly right because they're paying attention to these concepts that your body's made of what you eat your skin replaces itself every three months and autopsy is a big deal and so when you take all those concepts and marry them together with the ketogenic diet plus substantial significant intermittent fasting you're going to slowly but surely improve your loose skin so many people are on the verge of calling the plastic surgeon to have their loose skin removed but that's probably not necessary if you'll just have some patience and realize it's going to take months or a year to to significantly reduce your loose skin it's not going to happen overnight no product can make it happen overnight the only thing that can make it happen overnight is plastic surgery and that comes with its own significant set of possible side effects there is one other procedure that you can have done at your doctor's office if they do this and it's called micro needling and micro needling to a deep enough depth millimetre and a half two and a half millimeters will absolutely increase the amount of collagen that you're making in your skin and if you blend that technology with intermittent fasting plus the ketogenic diet that's probably going to speed it up to two or three percent improvement per month but all this is experimental nobody's done the big randomized control trials that would prove this and probably no one ever will because there's no money to be made so we have to go by the common sense our ancestral heritage and the physiology and the biochemistry that we understand the human body uses now if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing to my channel and if you feel like my videos have really impacted your life you can always click the patreon link down there and throw a buck or two my way it just gives me more time to make more videos just like this this is dr. Barry I'll see you next time
Channel: KenDBerryMD
Views: 2,832,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix loose skin from weight loss, how to fix loose skin, how to fix loose skin after pregnancy, how to fix loose skin on stomach, how to fix loose skin on neck, how to tighten loose skin, how to tighten loose skin on stomach, how to tighten loose skin after pregnancy, excess skin after weight loss, how to get rid of loose skin, tighten loose skin, fix loose skin, repair loose skin, dr berry loose skin, tighten loose skin after weight loss, tighten loose belly skin
Id: KWh4qeVEaqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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