BULLY Civic Rips the Dyno! A Dream and a Hot Rod!

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The real question is how long will it take before they finally swap the turbos or wastegates so they’re not glowing the manifolds like rudolphs fucking nose

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zaxfee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This thing fucks

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bowdrier πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Here you can see the first lauch after the dyno session: https://www.instagram.com/p/B5MUtwOgmTK/

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jockel76 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] oh good man we can push it in the rest'll and we can help put some dollars on the back and swing it around just that move that little bar right there yep that's it check these guys out when you down in Florida who super tuna mainline this is sick wheels off man what the tires off is gonna be even easier work on it dive to everything I don't even know man never answer that you know honestly we're 60 hundred up your pretty pretty happy right now cuz I can always turn it up I like to figure it out on the gate and then move from there kind of where I'm at right now 2,000 pounds yeah guys we've got some weird stuff man it's strange dude it's it's all right in the Rays places now we make it all work she ought to fly chevy trans on the motor EBA turbos for cds it brings it brings all the brands together as a family for them co-exist wrapped up with a honda trailer yeah would you even be allowed to tow a trailer at race week with this thing because you're pretty much already towing a trailer right it could be argued I'm sure somebody would like debate it they always deeply and watching yeah man with all this data it's going to be like we might be able to learn something I'm kind of excited Luke is hooking it up for the performance for the win for the performance FTP performed that for the people for the people see does this for a living I got no straps oh yeah what do I do and got nos on this Jack Brooke [Music] so the purple wire from the fan needs just powered up I think right now during the session we'll just juice it for the cooling fan yeah maybe if not we got a 10 horsepower fan I think the ribs this is amazing decided nervous this should be just a blast what you did you can hype them up so they know it's coming there is nerve-wracking exciting finally happening this is way that we may need a mallet it was a tight fit yesterday yes sir and I sees for the win yeah he did so so the other day we came and we measured all these so he went and had these machined so these is bully only yeah numbers I'll go though you know getting some anti-seize Stoke you're here Cooper see this thing rep Luke and I seasoned all this stuff it's putting on his fingers so it's never gonna come on transfer to everything he owns and has for the next week oh what a fit my man yeah Luke is getting me pumped up right now every swing dude yes it'll loosen me up my man Mustang Larry in town Mills Motorsports yeah yeah the family we're all here I got the family here we got coop representing pleased McFarlane family Larry with the Mills Motorsports family we got Kyle with the booster boys family this is us man this is the group the team teamwork makes the dream work we're trying to make you something work good battery and different we're gonna knock this thing out one way or another Luke's as hardcore as I am so it's awesome look it's only been here a few days and all these tubes are rusted trying to get paint on it's amazing what this this is see if we can get up to 600 yeah man so you can see we've got my bolts in there these hubs this is the first one first front-wheel drive you hear that Emilio this is the first front-wheel drive he's done on this dyno hmm 800 right now I told you going south or the line to you it's gonna be your deal sixty two's it's a long time coming leg that's why I'm letting it go down like I'm fighting those people like subscribing this little news together all right guys we're at for the performance here in Florida and the bully is on the dyno so we're about to kind of embark on this adventure and see where it goes so hold on tight this could get awesome this could get ugly this could be sweet we'll find out in a few either way I'm pumped excited and we're gonna do this for y'all so we're all right let's go whoa [Music] but you feel like old because what's going to happen what will end up happening is you're gonna you're gonna pull the car up you'll feel the pee up him not really going to make some load at that point just like you know Roland's written for it and what won the patent on it is once it sees five pounds a lot of delay on it as soon as the Dinos gonna let the if they let the any car breaks go you'll be like I got this alright we're gonna start off sleeping the timing so let's get her started [Music] [Music] [Music] what he went next day [Laughter] earning all right 15 degree [Music] so the fittings leaking do you have one on your end mark see we could borrow for a second no an overflow just like a honda overflow can you grab it is it easy yeah heck yeah we're like about ready to move yes hands were like I gotta do so we're just trimming baseball's that's like the raw baseball's together this duties right now so what's the little booster you gonna start out just on the gate I think I've got 15 pound springs in it they're gonna start as like 1520 on and on 100 mm whoa that's getting serious there hey Brent turns mine all the way up you can turn his off Fiona turn it up pretty nervous man honestly it's been a long time since I played with this car and it's always like it always gives me fit so I can I first met you it's still hot it apart yeah but you know everybody's pushed and I'm pretty excited to try to make this all work so I'm gonna try really hard make it alright you know times have changed things got better text better it's time it's really time [Music] I phone the [ __ ] leaks getting too bad family from it's by like the dump valve yeah you want to help me look at it what a tease you can't see where it's coming from you know Pauly's fitting here right the customers [Applause] we gotta crawl before you can run we skip walking we crawl and then run seems like that make some rpms a little bit but it sprung a little bit of a leak stuff around the diverter pipe fittings released for the edge of the pipe thinking the six power Mountain I need a little bucket or cut you know both I'm looking our band was awesome all right so we got rid of the diverter valve now it's all hooked back up to the cooler yeah you can let me accelerate a little bit and hold me a little bit let me just so I get an idea what stuff needs to look like and then you're glowing [Music] have like an independent you got the team that's 10 right here bro Bailey yeah [Music] they're now got all the guys right they're here man there that's rad your hair bro we got all the rad tuners man oh we hear a sound we hear a sound I like that [Music] [Applause] feel pressure or 55 we made another relief in the overflow because it was pressurizing a little bit check the oil it's good doesn't look crappy or anything anything else you wanna check nope [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] it is running right now yeah we can Reber pit and maybe let's try your radiator cap because we know your radiator capital is good and then all no we're not gonna pop it right now no no no but we can borrow his because we know his is good had to call the other day that's what dinosaur I'll double-check in the gate wait which one is this okay just the front or back this one here is bottom a gate that's be an indefinitely bottom yeah let's use right here it that's all oh you t 2 right there okay all good it's all good thanks for double-checking me I appreciate it he asked when yeah yeah I was going to show him the oil that I just took out of it a little bit ago should we better pop that cop maybe I would wait a couple minutes longer yeah like metal shavings from I thought that long on the pipe and stuff like that there was around the seals burp it [ __ ] there you show me that hold on hold on go the plane look how far it moved you got it that's crazy I think that the immediate talk from this right now is probably given the taxi on time so we should switch to second gear then I would well you'd want yeah really when you test this time you know as much load as you can help all right get some mile-an-hour in her [Applause] [Music] honestly I rented a mast doors [Music] in this arguably I know I want to see it under full rib man well we're 22 pieces a handful of beers power key I don't have no meetings tomorrow and Friday I'm just so the system is completely bullet holes and burped and let's so that's a it's burped already yep there's no there is no more perfect yeah just yeah just be bad I wouldn't even do that I'll just put the bullet pan under and twist it and dip it in fire up letter right all this get up the tempo a genocide a week down Tony well we'll know if we it doesn't have to be a driver being at least running up to rpm I mean yeah we don't have to put an under load and reproduce the issues see you guys tomorrow see guys see you bye - good to see it pull it back in so happy that the pizzas bro you have no idea so we just found out with you the one close we have it there's a homeless shelter not too far from no way do you know we pull up there awesome we pull up there and it's like Oh located you can walk through and they were staff there and then like homeless and they told me I couldn't so excited so anything but I told him I had you know hot pizzas that we had this isn't that yeah yeah so I gave some to the staff and then I went out there and like everyone is sleeping I didn't even know how many people are out there but I was like hot pizza they all start coming out like like getting up and I was just like Cher boa and they were all thankful it was just those older people yeah there was a lot of people out there hungry too of that whoever sent those pizzas thank you and it went to you know some good people fellow you fed some homeless people you don't even know you them that's awesome man that's cool that is thank you what a diner sash we haven't even made a pole writing that's what it's about bro housing people a salmon we airlifted it and it actually seems some major improvement so new that we eat this macro is duking it out yeah - man yeah second game [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] spit out sit Brent Brent did you hear 667 how much boost was that I don't even need to give it a lot more we're all like we're like it works let's go clean it hoping yeah you're feeding it some writing word yeah okay thank you what was that was it just me you know but I go to three pounds yeah yeah this thing sounds with me so clean the Train is breaking all that on it oh snap trans brake smooth bomb trans brake on the front with that [Music] that's the other thing we're gonna make sure to come up in there I still got a wire and I got a wiring that input into these you see I'm on the transit [Applause] kill that family hi guys hey good job man [Music] so understand like 57 60 % slept but then like it starts to get like as you spin the converter more it starts to tighten up towards the top which is what you want anyways yeah it's kind of you want to lose download it's a really loose Winston slash on it I don't know it was always on my course on Houston didn't loose what up dude we actually made one pull we made one pull and it made 667 first pull 6900 23 but it needed some juice you need some fuel he got out early what it's a pizza oh I did I didn't have it all sorry so I saw I mean I saw but but you're talking like what's really impressive there was a average its 537 throughout that whole poll so you know going into like your peak I mean that's not bad that's really good let's let's jockey that whole thing so him sounds good so we'll stop down here the test started at roughly like physical can it give us an RPM ring oh it's right there yeah yeah boy here look if you look down here here's your app um down here okay thanks again thank you so as you go through here you can see that this is roughly 4,500 rpm it made 542 horsepower and it made 378 4 talk up here at 5,000 will say it made 645 horsepower and it made 452 foot-pounds of torque and then as you got up into like the 7000 Mach it may get off 488 and 6 very cool not a bad place to start no not at all well this next one should be a little better yeah that's awesome man this is so I mean like obviously the derived Afghan this is coming from your axial speed but so I look over here this is your actual engine speed so you can see that the test started at 40 100 and then you can see here that so for to 200 and we're making 262 12 356 horsepower then 4500 you're making 378 before 542 5000 for 50 to 65 and then up to 7000 it was making 48 6 but as you can see what happened here was to convert her and she started to tighten up so it actually drugged the OP come down a little bit ah that's why I was saying that you made to power because I start to tighten up interesting man it's cool man it is awesome man this whole thing this is a wicked next time like when you do come when you come back man yeah dude I'm gonna have I'll have my can bus hooked up stat whoa this is cool he's the man he is the man this is a this is a joy honestly and Ricky's here the whole family around so we've got this sniffer he just didn't have it on what he didn't have been reading on the dyno what you're safe what'd you see in there no that one wasn't what Jers say what that did were you looking at that I mean from what we you see on this in quarterly snacks let me just double check to make sure oh hey it was on it was yeah who don't scare us like that [Laughter] tell me my fault man Billy pick on you a lot coming on boost a lot so I think what we should do is you should bring the test down and lower off him somewhere like because when he's doing what he gets at I saw how much I saw but yeah hey Brent Brent we're gonna he wants to start the test a little lower on the RPM because how hard it stood into it yeah that way cuz he wants to see where it's actually coming in I want it's more gradual coming in okay so we were starting at 4100 you want to go down to like 35 yeah like that it's because these turbos are spooling pretty fun yeah yeah way quick yeah way quicker than any of us expected yeah well I mean yeah yeah me too to be able ya know that's any of us but you me Brent everybody none of us thought they were gonna do that well I mean this is gonna be it right here so 3580 230 230 - yeah no no that's right that was right I mean the more we know about this converter and everything and we're just gonna come into power the better hey Brent 3232 we were at 41 we're here to play you can read it Kyle read Allah says over G hey Kyle I seen you on the booster boys livestream I hope you guys are not too mad that we sent all of the local Domino's pizzas to the shop lol hope you got a piece because by the time I got my cart unlocked for fraud I was ordering pizza in Florida and I live in Washington Stars it took me almost two hours to order the pizza lol but I watched the livestream and looked like they were all happy I hope you guys got a piece of pizza at least again with the crew I follow surge at salvage boys that's good let her rip [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow seven okay yeah [Music] [Music] he's working [Music] you at all [Music] oh look at that barely anything in that oh we didn't get the bits out man we've been for funsies wait we can go and feel look like this is awesome [Music] no it wasn't your mattock know how does it feel man cool right it's crazy cool honestly it does can see them when if you feel it in the tire and scary no that's why you get me all like I get all super generalized but I feel that seven eight hundred horsepower you don't feel it in the fire you for the whole car this is like oh I gotta slow down yeah yeah 623 pounds again well that's what that's what I got anyway that's what we're on the game yeah that's what I got seen all right what this is the previous yeah that was the previous but now that we broke this look at that picture mine right but look so you kept you come down here you wide open for all of it the test started and this is what I would expect to see so it's loose down low and it gets tied up top I'm a home guy dude I'll sort of tame beard awesome job ever thank you so much mom oh you guys look at that yeah yeah this is a great start for the car you know what I mean and then look here's your air cause right down here so you can see all right so 12 112 112 Oh 12 oh that seems pretty good 423 pounds to me man they doing there [Applause] okay power is across the mat man yeah look at that your guy's an average power 638 average power average power like from that whole pole 638 Brent Brent you got to hear this part the average power was 638 yeah home across that whole pole with six 30,000 your average talk was 435 it looks like you hit peak torque roughly you know what but somewhere it went a little lean on here you love some over that you love them yet yeah little bit of torque so I think we're p.m. was that five Italian now that is sick so much honestly to be in this industry right now this is the dining bot again the tech is that good the stuff happens so fast this is where it's out who does fan how do be said you know we just did I mean pools newly-named - real risk right 703 the converter that's the back through the auto and we started with nothing on the map I mean the map that was in it was when I did for a customer I just booted up to dry out that last good zero it's like in your game I didn't push it out with man holy [ __ ] II [Laughter] won't do that takedown because you got to see what the taillights I would like do those two shoots came out that is thank you thank you can rattling it's a good start you know what I mean it's 35 pounds the fan I was gonna say Carla making half gallon box tomorrow yeah how fast it comes up was really impressed you know what the thing is been is I completely forgot that this thing has you know I've been a six-cylinder man and having like 3.5 there's cranking on that man that's crazy dude it's awesome stroke on that is definitely helping yeah I didn't expect it to school those two turbos that fast yeah nothing comes on good cuz I'm really good the whole curve looks great dude I'm I mean I'm impressed you know man honestly I saw it on I saw it on some videos and I was like what one like the chassis you don't really understand what it is until you see it well the funny thing is is like the first day I saw the car outside we were talking about it and I was like to you that that's a generic man I'm like yeah like everything is here you're just along for the ride in the back I was like maybe maybe Sunday night or Monday we'll see what you deserted just so much work into this thing it bullies me around all the time and this time I called all my bully back we took the bunch didn't expect at all ya know we're just like scratching at it I know there's anything work to pull a bunch of toads timing and boost alone I'm a little bit of work in some boost control well you know it's these parents these same two turbos poor unfortunate jewel well we're on there's yeah we got I might need to play up this yeah it's way off since we came down to Florida yep well get her awesome tires on it and let's see at home man fifty all night this is home race complex it's so tight that's what she said yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you get back the other way Britt other way and whoa what a day bullies back I'm 80 hmm I'm pretty excited appreciate you guys all watching now I'll see you guys tomorrow [Laughter] what is it alright guys see you tomorrow I was a lot of fun Ricky hahaha
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 674,790
Rating: 4.8716621 out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra, boost, bully, Bully, drag racing, ebay turbo, modified, tuning, powerglide, J series, J32, Tuned, 1320video, FTP performance, P2R intake, Holley, AEM, Racecar, twin turbo, Pfi performance, Fasterproms, motionautotv
Id: 6oA92FalqCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 41sec (2921 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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