How to Bulk Create Social Media Posts With ChatGPT and Canva - 30X Content Automation

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welcome back guys in this video I'm going to show you how you can design a month worth of content in just a few clicks with the help of canva and chat GPT the technique I'm about to show you is a real Time Saver which will definitely boost your productivity and the best thing is that you don't need to have any writing or graphic design skills as these tools are easy to use even as a beginner we'll write the posts with chat GPT and swap the contents including the background images and the text with a feature in canva called bulk create so let's get started first of all I'll open chat GPT this is a very popular tool that can help you write articles blog posts emails and so on we'll be using it to write the content for our posts if you don't have an account you can register for free at I'll leave the link for you in the description below so you can follow along here I will say give me 35 quotes about wealth success money and motivation along with their authors in a table separating the quotes from the authors now chat GPT will go ahead to give me 35 quotes that I can use for my Instagram posts although I need 30 it may generate some stuff that won't be useful for instance it says the author of this quote is unknown so I'll discard it and choose from others also I'd only chose this Niche for the purpose of this video you can actually ask chatgpt to write anything you would like to post on your social media including the captions and if you are not happy with the results you can always click on regenerate response but let's move on with this and go to canva canva is the tool we'll use to create the designs and you can register for free as well if you don't have an account again the link will be in the description below click on create a design at the upper right corner of your screen and search for the dimension you wish to design for in this case we are designing for Instagram so I will choose portrait size which will cover more spaces on the screen than that of the square after the canvas has been loaded you can search for the templates that fit your work or scroll down to find one for this tutorial I'll choose this and show you how to customize it this design will be the template that all other 30 designs will be created on and although you can always edit the finished designs it will be a lot easier if you can get this step right that being said let's go back to chat GPT I'll copy one of the quotes preferably a long one and go back to canva to paste it in the text box here then I'll scale it down and duplicate it using Ctrl d I'll go back to chat GPT once again to copy the author's name and paste it in the second text box if you would like to change the font of the two text select both by holding the shift key and click this drop down you can select the font you wish to use here or search for any other type next I'd like to make the author's name lighter by clicking the Bold icon to give it some sort of contrast then I will increase the text border and place it at the bottom I will repeat the same for the quote and also increase the font size to 48. if you think that the color doesn't pop enough you can increase the transparency by clicking this shade icon and drag the slider to 100. and I'll do that for the second text as well if you don't need this logo you can highlight it with your mouse and delete it and for the bottom text you can edit it to your social media handle or site name and you can also change the font type and size as you'd like I'm going to expand the text border to fit most of those quotes using the side handles then we should add routers to make sure the main content can fit right on our Instagram timeline to do this click on the letter R to add a rectangle then drag one of the angles with your mouse while holding the shift and ALT Keys together release it when the dimension says 1080 by 1080. if you don't know this is the dimension for Instagram Square size and whatever is within this box will be displayed when looking at your designs from your profile kick shift R to bring up the ruler and drag it to meet the top of the box I'll repeat the same for the bottom and delete the box with the delete key now you can rescale and position each text wherever you wish to place it then I'll add a line by pressing the letter L and drag it to the middle of both text boxes to hide the ruler you'll need to press shift R again on your keyboard moving on we'll have to delete this image and then go to the element tab on the left bar of the canvas to find the images you want to use in your designs so I'll search for luxury and then click on photos and since our design is in portrait you can click on the filter button and select vertical this will show you the tool photos only then I'll click and drag one of these photos to the canvas like this and then expand the overlay to fill up the design if you are happy with the look of this design you can delete this picture to do so you have to click on the overlay and then hold the control key and click again to select the photo underneath then click on delete the next step is to go back to the element tab and scroll down until you reach the frame section click on see all and find a portrait frame then drag it on the canvas and scale it up to fill the design space this is where all our photos will be you can then move it backward by clicking on position up here and selecting to back now if you map the photos you want to use you can skip the next step and upload them here on the canvas but if not canva has a ton of photos to choose from to do this we need to go back to element and search for luxury and filter down to give vertical results as before then right click on one of the pictures and select add to folder I will create a new folder here and call it luxury then add the selected photo to the folder to add another image right click again then select add to folder but this time the folder I just created appears so I simply have to click on it and add it to the folder and since our posts are going to be 30 we'll need 28 more photos so I only need to repeat the previous step to complete the numbers so I've gone ahead to do that and we now have all the elements we need the next step is to go to the apps section on the left bar and search for bulk then click on the result to use the bulk create feature this allows you to either enter your data manually or upload a CSV file this can be created on Google Docs if you have your spreadsheet file there but in this case I'll be using the first option firstly let's clear the table to start from scratch then we'll go back to chat GPT I noticed that chat GPT does not complete the quotes up to 35 so I'll just ask it to continue it in a table format now that we have enough quotes we can go to the top to copy the text before you copy them make sure you start highlighting from the heading that says quotes then go back to convert to paste click the first box and press Ctrl V now that we have 28 you can click the last box and this will add another row below I'll go back to chat GPT to copy more quotes and paste it to the box as well you can scroll up and remove the rows you don't want by right-clicking and selecting delete row the next step is to add the photos to do this click add image at the top and this will add a column for you to add the images click on the box to bring up this drop down and this is where the previous step is important you only need to locate your folder and add the image you want and if you upload your images it will also be available here as well repeat this for the remaining boxes and your photos will be added ready to be swapped if you are through with it click on done three data fields have been identified which correspond with the columns we just created next right click on the quote then go to connect data and select quote repeat the same for the second text and select author then for the photos first click on the overlay then hold Ctrl and click to select the frame underneath click the three dots and go to connect data then choose image you'll know if you get this step right with the check mark appearing on the boxes if so click on continue you can also uncheck any row you don't want to include here and if you are satisfied click on generate 30 pages by the way if you've received any value in this video please give it a thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel for more tutorials like this so canva has generated the posts and as you can see most of it looked the way we wanted it to be but you may still find one or two that don't look right simply click on it and adjust it now let's say you don't like this red overlay or it doesn't suit your brand we can go back to our main design then click on the overlay and select the red color to change it I will change it to Black click anywhere on the canvas to go back and click the button below it on the left to regenerate also note that anything you add on here will reflect on the generated Pages which you can of course edit as you like so as you can see this can save you a lot of time and speed up your content production on social media and this kind of a bulk feature is not only used for this it can also be used for business cards logos chit and many more next you can click on share to download everything as PNG or JPEG and start posting directly to your social media or you can as well share it natively on canva or schedule it to a later date if you are on the paid plan and did I mention that this bulk create feature on canva is also paid yes it is not available on the free plan but you can use canva completely for free for 30 days if you use the link in the description below if you have any questions drop them in the comments section below and if you enjoyed this video please give it the Thumbs Up And subscribe to digital scholar for more you can watch the video showing on your screen right now to learn how you can create real-life mock-ups for your designs with canva see you there
Channel: Digital Sculler
Views: 103,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Affiliate Marketing, Canva, Canva Ai, ChatGpt, Social Media Post, artificial intelligence, Chatgpt Examples, How to use chatgpt, Make money online 2023, How to use ChatGPT to make money, Open Ai Chatgpt, canva tutorial, canva for beginners, canva tutorial 2023, canva tips 2023, generative ai applications, automation, chat gpt, ai content writing tools, chatgpt 2023, bulk content creation, create content fast, bulk create, digitalsculler, chatgpt and canva, ai canva
Id: jVH7n1YBcvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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