Wonderful Weather with Duggee! - 30+ Minutes - Hey Duggee Best Bits - Hey Duggee

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[Music] let's check your barometer to see if it's going to stay sunny oh yes it's a machine that tells you what the weather's going to be really indeed and it always gets it right no one believed there was going to be that heat wave last winter [Music] oh and no one was ready for the snowstorm [Applause] just two days later [Music] oh last week's hailstorms wow so let's see what the weather has in store today hmm sun no wind snow [Applause] all the weather at once yeah it's really sunday [Music] don't worry squirrels you can still go out as long as you wear your raincoats and wellies oh oh hello ducky what are you doing oh ooh making banana muffins delicious huh oh don't worry nolly that noise was only thunder thunder yes tag sometimes when it rains you get thunder and lightning huh we don't like thunder or lightning wow aren't you scared roley no i think i'm scared of the dark oh wolf don't worry roley lights often go out during a thunderstorm but they usually come back on in a moment huh squirrels doggy hello squirrels what are you doing we're playing in the sand it's windy oh [Music] it's too windy let's play inside because i did i'm definitely too windy to play outside but doggie is playing yes dougie's playing with a kite [Music] i see you're all enjoying this weather splash splash splash splash splash splash oh that's a big puddle nori [Laughter] it's getting wetter yeah maybe too wet for playing outside [Music] is [Music] still not clean washing powder [Music] hello what are you doing inside it's a lovely day [Music] [Music] why are you just like that doggie a woof woof oh you're going out in the snow what fun woof what are we going to do out there dougie woof off ah sledging hold on tight everyone dougie can go very fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh i can hear a funny noise [Music] call me mork where are you going look i don't like the snow i'm off to find summer yes girls when it's too cold here birds fly away somewhere hot it's called migration huh yes i'm off for my summer holidays honk ah now where's my suitcase here is his oh thank you oh dear can't go on holiday without my toothbrush we'll find it yay [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] toothbrush toothbrush yes well done nori here's your toothbrush mark oh thank you prepare for takeoff [Music] oh embarrassing [Music] oh dear that cloud looks like it might rain oh no if it rains we won't be able to bounce maybe we could ask it to move over a bit good idea nori oh woof clouds please maybe the cloud's sleeping let's wake it up wake up clouds maybe it's having a bad dream bogut yeah that will wake it up but what shall we poke it with a we wolf to leave a hedgehog [Music] [Laughter] up [Music] [Music] wow a rainbow [Music] oh look at that cloud do you think it might rain dougie huh we might get wet now let's get inside before it rains [Music] hang on where's rolly [Music] rolly's still outside he'll get soaked i think it might rain yeah i might get wet yeah maybe i could stay dry in that in the shape game yes okay but which one which one which one which [Music] he's not going to make it [Music] [Music] you chose wisely [Music] the rain rollie yes well i say ah that looks a lot brighter yeah and you stay dry [Music] we're playing in the snow here you are doggy good work squirrels he hasn't got any eyes i've got an old sweet woof and i've got an old treat off what about his nose hey man try a carrot thank you it's cool brilliant well done squirrels call that a snowman well it's very hard to build a snowman one perfect snowman coming up there that's a snowman that's pretty good yeah well i've made a snow slug well i've made a snow bird ooh bravo a snow chick monk a snow pig a snow cone [Music] no more we're too tired me too look wow it's massive uh how are we gonna get down no problemo see you on the flip side oh that's so boris wow we've made a snow slide yay [Music] yay [Music] ah it's all dried up it looks like the weather's too nice for rain today oh please rain please rain if only there's a way to make it rain well dougie does have his rain dance badge wait dance what's a rain dance well it's a dance people do to try and make it rain oh wow [Music] so are you ready for your rain dance tuggy oh woof [Laughter] oh it nearly worked oh come on clouds help the plants we're doing doggies rain dance come on clouds help the plants we're doing raindance come on clouds [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah it's not raining never mind squirrels sometimes a rain dance doesn't work wow look at that well done everybody oh yes [Applause] the flowers are going to love this rain woof that was fun wasn't it dougie oh woof [Music] yes ducky you said we were going somewhere special yes this is dougie's special picnic spot oh well i suppose this is quite picturesque homemade jam sandwiches dougie sweet hmm yes these are very sweet ducky makes the best sandwiches [Music] excellent blueberry juice too toilet [Music] it feels lovely on your feet yes not too high nori [Music] well i've never seen them before what a spot i told you oh yes it feels lovely doesn't it all right it's nevada [Music] this really is the best day out woof oh you are funny [Music] time to go home now everyone [Music] wow going slow is magical ah look that clouds a train [Music] and look there's a lion and a whale with a funny face [Music] huh wait for me gloria gloria i thought this was supposed to be fun gloria they're going too fast [Music] they should take it easy rush rush rush they should try going slow yes keep your eyes peeled for that rainbow leaf squirrels rainbow life huh do you mind sorry not the rainbow leaf i found it is this a rainbow leaf ducky a woof woof a wolf it's a tiger leaf oh it's still a very good leaf though come on let's keep looking yeah [Applause] is this rainbow leaf ducky oh woof that's a palm leaf the biggest one i've ever seen i don't think that'll fit in the nature book dougie oh woof huh no sign of the rainbow leaf dougie wolf rainbow leaf catch it [Music] where did it go oh woof [Music] are you that's not a monster that has yeah i didn't mean to scare you squirrels why are you dressed as a monster actually i'll tell you ma'am i was out stretching my legs and i got all covered in leaves i couldn't see where i was going is hello squirrels what are you doing we're walking in the countryside oh that sounds lovely yeah there's butterflies there's worms watch out sorry and puddles we love the countryside ew that's wet oh that's prickly oh that's not a puddle ah the countryside is making me tired are we nearly home doggy [Music] good idea dougie let's sing a song and you'll be back before you know it but we don't know any songs don't worry squirrels dougie does because he has his singing badge just copy him oh woof woof woof oh wow wow [Music] [Music] good morning squirrels off somewhere nice we're going on a picnic oh that is lovely [Music] there's a lovely place for a picnic oh woof [Music] oh my what a big hamper yeah that's all our picnic stuff we've got a blanket plates sandwiches cakes juice and teddy bears teddy bears yes it's a teddy bears picnic a woof woof my teddy's called zaza zaza says hello mine's called sergeant smash smashy this is professor fuzzy she is really clever this is paddle he likes to splash this is sunshine bubbles loves you very much and what's your teddy bear called dougie woof jolly good hey
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
Views: 19,092,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hey duggee, hey duggee official, duggee, hey duggee video, hey duggee videos, hey duggee song, hey duggee full episode, hey duggee full episodes, hey duggee episode, hey duggee episodes, duggee full episodes, duggee full episode, hey duggee clips, hey duggee clip, duggee clip, duggee clips, cbeebies shows, cbeebies episodes, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, hey dugee, hey dugge, hey dougie, hey duggie, hey dugie, hey dougy, duggee hug, hey duggee badges
Id: sq9IXREc3sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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