Building the BIGGEST Sand Castle in Roblox!

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this is totally safe right now we are in front of an erupting volcano okay girls almost died but guys we are playing sandcastle stimulator today that's right when you thought simulators couldn't get more fun we're building sandcastles all right so how do we start this thing over here is my son castle so that's his castle yeah it's my son Castle I don't see it it's blinding me okay right here this is where my sand castle is all right and how do we do this oh oh this is gonna be cool oh we need to collect and test yeah we should yeah don't you wear green team what I don't want to be green geez my car there on green wait we could have teams no way no it's just flag styles but everywhere you know what I'm blue flag I'm not mess with my blue flag guys our sandcastle right now is level one we are competing with the crew you are allowed to waste robots whatever do whatever we're not okay okay but I need to develop my backpack out with sand all right 25 pieces of sand and you know we might you might waste a couple of dollars just to I already beat you guys really Lunars a cheater can we upgrade it you said yes I don't even think any of the game passes of that grade so then don't cheat my backpack is almost filled there you go okay let's teleport back to our home I'm stealing the neighboring kingdom sand oh that's lunar no lunar actually build something okay come on ten oh yeah I realized two damaged sand castles what'd you say no not all later you're not allowed to destroy people sanctions because that is wind alright I have a treasure box up here there you go more sand let's add more sand to a sandcastle this is lunar sandcastle we were going to run away here and stop your sandcastle well you what are you doing I'm knowing it okay so stomping does not work you know what we're gonna fight I can understand pseudo are you okay it has a treasure I see gold Thomas Simon is a treasure take it take a treasure timid simulator my treasure won't you sear it okay 52 fill this all hey funny get away from my castle I'm picking up all this sound okay you guys have a lot of sudden matt said go to give me your sad you ever ate a sandwich before no like this is not a pun I meant like actual sad in a sandwich no okay good because I would be concerned if you did I do not leave comments down below saying funny I eat sand sandwiches okay no you get less yes spongebob you do not need sand sandwiches that is very true alright we have 50 sands let's upgrade our Castle add we still have to rebirth fine yeah poor rebirth rebirth alright this game is all about rebirth I see oh there see every time we rebirth we have to go up here and collect our treasure box or else this treasure box disappears and then it's all sad and stuff and we don't get me I didn't know that I kept Weaver how many reverse do you guys have oh but every time we rebirth the sand castle does get pretty earth Oh No this guy's just pretty you're what what are more pets you get the Mustang you can collect what okay here we need more country meerkats volcanoes oh no the okay no erupting what-who son cutting them boulders can kill you yo drago sad castle is a very overpowered that is huge ok we need to collect more sad and maybe buy some this is dangerous yo piggie you wanna join my clan ok that's it no think he's like no oh my gosh I hate getting these chests you know what we're gonna open one - your egg we're broke we're buying kinda shells ha I wasted robots tricks on you Luna you know what I'm just gonna jump ooh there's different guys I'm opening up this Yoshi egg goes go open to your one give us something yeah that totally looks like a cow alright you guys what long to the where I am okay are you does anyone want to see my freaky looking cow looks like it's scared or it ate too much sad guys we would comment down below what does this look like it's definitely not a cow so yeah leave a comment so this is what rainbow is talking about after you rebirth you can go through these portals which portal and go through nothing yet what why did you bring me here to waste my time I don't have time for this rainbow I know that oh yeah and lunar ascends aggressive hog guys don't forget it eat some mushrooms if you see any on the floor they make you fat they make you Sonic oh just gave me power jump we have to go back to my sand castle alright so far away from the rest of the crew you can teleport you know yeah you can teleport silly oh good job guys you're good at this game alright upgrading our sandcastle $0.76 reset oh it doesn't work oh sorry I have to add alright then we reset 64 keep adding set so broke we're gonna convert our cow to gold sad what yeah it's because I want the legendary egg I want the highest here rainbow wasted roba Wow that time away I want rainbow pretty egg no she's at to your five forty nine which is almost seven hundred you know what will buy this much seashells and then we are going to open the purple egg and get Pegasus another cow you know what's funny you are wasting robots and I wasted zero but I'm still beating you babe look oh good I have a Griffin oh oh you lose dude do you know what mine is um no it's a Pegasus Oh donkey no it's cute it's a it's a it's the cutest pet ever it's a Pegasus woo novel for egg is totally worth it look at this rainbow and I are gonna upgrade like crazy because we're getting so much sad for everything we pick up Drago has a farm with him he has like a chicken and a pig we're gonna see what a tear for aigis let's open up this gold one oh I got a turkey nice we got Turkey and then we need to open up a tier three open salamander and then last and then at tier 2 egg this is probably one of my favorite eggs because it is blue and I got myself a shark guys I don't want to say anything but all of that I'm getting look kind of funny that insult to your head I don't know you asked my pets that because my shark looks very scared like they look like they ate something you only get anus and sandwich you know I don't want to say sandwich you're ruining the pun just a sandwich and sandwich no I'm actually talking about a sandwich all right take our five pets I am the mother of pets my gosh and now I collect sand like crazy and since I collect sad like crazy you see Drac who is at the top right now at five rebirths watch this I will defeat you by rebirth well both of you are five rebirths there's a mushroom and we're going to collect some more sense yes it goes to be mushroom money money no dude okay we got to run back pull teleport back to my house there we go Castle level watch this upgrade okay so watch the side the top right guys okay rebirth upgrade look at that well this is embarrassing for you guys upgrade you ready 334 let's take a step back really quick look at that sad Castle you see that we know I don't know anything what are you are you lying it's right there you guys don't see my giant sand castle you serious no I see nothing whatever we're just gonna keep your Sony upgrading we ran out of sand but we're gonna see what happens if we go to the top of this does anyone want to do some parkour not for you yes okay so there's treasure at the top ooh nice and then there's a more treasure right here Joe this is so cool it just leads me to more money I wonder what's at the top of this hello gold no welcome oh you have a lot of that's how I say cute but you can you can take my treasure I'm just trying to head all the way to the tippy top how long is this going to take I cannot fall but okay this literally goes on forever I give up I'm out of here no you know I give up - I'm gonna go collect more sand whoa crackle and rainbow competing he can't beat me you don't know how much robots I wasted to get all these pads Oh rainbow I'm kind of concerned for you I think they're going a little bit overboard no I'm not yeah you might have lost it because you are about to beat me and all these crazy sort of yeah put 500 into the sad castle reset more what it's gold for gold spirit level help your pets this thing I didn't try yet is the ship out here what does it do let's go take a look see real quick up up up fire oh that's cool what are you doing hey someone's on my blue ship oh you guys Gold is launching cabin balls everywhere no he's crazy he's officially crazy no run she's a mad one I'm gonna steal rainbows treasures stop no I got power-ups we on there if I can't win nobody can know hohoho wow what a salty player I'm going to track his castle right now to steal his treasure just want to see wow that's so lame I actually can't steal your treasure I think whatever I'm going back to all that money okay looks like we can tell who spent roebucks look Wow rainbow you're actually discussing me right now no one can I was gonna meet you all right the tables have turned we're putting some more sands into our castle and we're gonna reset it most and more sense okay we're out of stand ring picking up sand now is pretty slow so we're going to actually sell our pledge so we're gonna convert you to gold but your petrol the things I don't get no I'm buying better time together I'm converting them into money and I'm gonna buy the biggest egg which is this one please another Griffin yeah that's what I that's what I totally wanted all right on the portal now we had or no I can oh wow more money than me well rainbow out of all of us wasted so much so it's time for me to upgrade my most favorite pet the Pegasus level up let's keep leveling this thing up there we go Pegasus level de I like how this says 3,500 robox and it's like great value oh I am I made it through the portal you guys and it's parked board to get all the treasure so rip I don't even know if that's worth a rainbow what because you're bad at parkour and like okay how come I'm not getting these last two I want a mythical set you know how much roebucks that wasted this proves that this is ridiculous by the lucky head upgrade not uh well I'm broke again you have to buy hi I'm Erin or legasus on me okay alright we're buying two million guards oh yeah is your two brothers to be wasting your life like seriously okay let's see you broke 408 I wasted over like 5,000 robux okay I can finally afford it I don't might feel happy though cuz rainbows still beating me and I obviously wasted more than her but we're just gonna do this you sure about that I'm sad actually rainbow how much did you waste me I can't sing huh concerning whatever we're just all I know is that I'm stealing all the treasure of you if you don't go here okay I need a rebirth 2:15 just so I could go to the other place really quick so let's just fill up our bucket full of sand who's taking all the sand around here there's barely any I need more mushrooms no you don't know you you shouldn't be eating mushrooms off the ground in the first place no I should that's where mushrooms come no Mario poison 22,000 pieces of sand put it in our side castle rainbows out 15 come on just go reset what oh man there's so much sand I think I'm going all about the sand castle myth what legend has it that if your sand castle reaches the skies like those hot-air balloons you'll see treasure beyond your wildest making matter like lies I said it's a myth I don't know he made his own meth guys oh we're in the next round only 594 coins that's totally not worth it oh we're right here but above the rest and rainbows up you're hogging coins yeah you're like how mad would you be if I told you that all these clouds had treasure on them Wow I saved you two while I think I still see treasure so that's good okay that's different yeah I think it's separate oh wait you guys are up there yeah we're above the skies now do you see us he see us below you I see someone sandcastle oh it's mine ha ha fabulous my sandcastle is about to hit the skies there's a choo-choo train up there what oh man and you again that's art that's dirty my goal is to hit the choo-choo train level alright accepted alright guys so I've been spending about 10 minutes collecting a bunch of sand I think it's time for us to actually buy better pet taking quite some time so we're gonna sell our newbie pets and we're just gonna try rolling out for the special one and we're gonna buy this to upgrade our luck all right guys cross your fingers let's hope this works another Pegasus are you serious another Griffin seriously this thing I'm starting to feel like this is Riggs more than 5,000 oh by me all right yes uh yeah D oh my gosh is so cute you just gotta Yeti I thought I got something special I was trying out mythical why am I doing this I just want to earn fans and I'm suffering all right we keep getting these beautiful Pegasus guys leave a like if you want a beautiful rare Pegasus all right I've got another Yeti okay the trick is to dance and open yes I go to unicorn Oh shiny I don't know I feel good after wasting 10,000 roebucks I would did it guys still don't have the mythical cat but this is better than nothing all right this is how much Griffin's you can get if you want to spend so much points if this feels impossible a shiny Pegasus how exciting we are almost out of our seashell coins and it doesn't look too hot that we are getting anything lucky so we are just gonna cross our fingers and just upgrade the three yetis we got and the unicorn of choice all right it's the last of it guys one more all right no I did it all right let's equip our little Yeti our shiny unicorn another basic Yeti we're gonna upgrade our Yeti and we're gonna also upgrade our epic unicorn there you go our backpack space is now at 28,000 huh is it that crazy hi wow look how many yetis you have you look magical thank you I'm the Yeti squad so guys with a lot of dedication and about 25 minutes I finally rebirths to level 30 and look how big my sandcastle is crew does anyone want to do some parkour up here no no cool wait do you oh my gosh you have the legendary pets I can't look at your face right now I need to go all the way to the top of my sandcastle so rainbow sped less roebucks than me now she is higher so we're just gonna I don't even think I could parkour this nope that is my giant sandcastle now I gotta say that's the biggest sandcastle here and probably the biggest one in the world am i exaggerating of course I do not Christian is reeling let me dream okay so we're gonna go through the portal that requires 30 it took forever my name portal wow it's really really ugly up here there's nothing no I mean the view is amazing because I could see my giant sand castle that's really nice hi guys actually we're not even supposed to hear each other because you're so high up okay that's very true I see you guys around my sandcastle I'm gonna wait for that very slow train to come by so I could go sit on my castle so this might take a while what did it cost what what did you say drink up what did it cost this is very dumb but I'm walking on these rails to go faster to the choo-choo train hopefully I will not fall off the train is full of money nice really yeah I think yeah those are coins no one is driving a train though alright thank you thank you guys make sure to smash that like button for dedication alright choo choo train no no no no Hawaiian I don't know what's happening I was about to fall off hey alright we're on the train the Train is choo choo in we're collecting the rest of the coins up here that's not a lot of coins considering how long it took to go up here but we're still grateful my yetis and my one Pegasus and unicorn are very happy to be up here you guys happy they don't look very no they're not do you think I can jump all the way to my sandcastle you know try all right I'm gonna do it the leap of faith everyone get ready this is our stop we are going to collect this one treasure chest which has a thousand coins in it okay crew are you looking down below I'm scared no okay you're looking above you're looking below okay I don't jump oh yes yes yes okay carefully I must go up without falling there's just so many blocks I don't know how you could do this like without using the teleportation that would take forever and we are officially at the top I can't collect this money seriously okay whatever we're at the doesn't feel like up there it feels being so high and this guy's nice well guys that is all for roblox sandcastle simulator if you enjoyed it leave a like and I will give you a sand sandwiches and it's time to jump all the way back down crew catch me in 300 when I fall you missed you missed by a lot I hit the floor wow it's a good job not you that's true thanks for watching guys bye bye [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 8,359,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, itsfunneh, funneh, itsfunneh roblox, funneh roblox, roblox roleplay, roblox video, no cursing, no swearing, no swears, roblox game, roblox tycoon, roblox mini games, roblox trolling, funny roblox, role-playing game, funniest games ever, funniest roblox game, funny, moments, funny moments, hilarious, roblox minigames, roblox beach simulator, roblox sandcastle simualtor, sandcaslte simulator, roblox treasure hunt simulator, roblox simulator
Id: bLjm0NNllPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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