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hi dudes welcome to bass wars minecraft edition today me and sundy are going to have 15 minutes to build a base to fight against biffle and jerome whoever gets their base deactivated first gets their base nuked hope you guys enjoyed the video if you do hit the like button it helps the video hit the subscribe button if you're new around here it helps the channel and i hope you guys enjoy the video alright boys you ready for the ultimate missile showdown what does that mean look i'm a foot look at this mountain up here look at this look at this mountain up here but yeah oh gosh you guys are wearing the things you guys are all wearing those are missiles ready to blow up so many your guys's base okay okay okay here's the problem though now you can't now you gotta i've been ray of purified i've been rave purified please die yeah i don't know how to put it back in all right i put it back and put it back jerome don't touch the missiles no touching the missiles no touching the missiles i'm gonna i'm gonna lick it the drums you're still doing that trump you still i'm gonna lick it you stay away from that missile you stay away from that missile i'm blind okay sorry yeah yeah well you've been ray of purified yeah don't worry it's it's ian's thing he's into it okay stop it i have an intro to do you just sell your breathing problem okay so look each of us are gonna go to our base and set up a radar station and an emp tower which protects us from the missiles okay then it means the missiles can't hit your base okay so the rules are gonna why what's a missile i i don't want to talk to you anymore the rules are gonna be this whichever team breaks into the other team's base and destroys their emp station then you can nuke their base whoever's base gets nuked first loses i was paying attention but austin wasn't can you redo all no i can't you'll have to figure out what why what why why who am i bro that like button yes please like button if you guys are excited for this okay you guys 15 minutes on the clock you're allowed to do security craft you'll have to use whatever to build your base and then we're going to grab our stuff and we're going to meet back up and battle okay so go to your own channel go to our channel we're going to be back at 15. get out of here we gotta go we gotta go come on all right we're building over here look we got the high ground dude all right look we got the high ground right just like anakin it works okay this is oh this is what i build with this is it no cobbles no no we have security craft no we can get reinforced stuff like reinforced smooth stance on a reinforced polish did you add uh a minor right now i'm gonna cut you no not a minor oh crap this world edit no no world there but we have to film command dang it we'll be fine it'll be fine it'd be fun to be fine all right let's listen so the thing is we have to protect ourselves i didn't even get our emp station you're so bad what if what if we do it into the mountain like a tunnel oh then i have to blow up the mountain yeah yeah oh that way the missile has to like hit they have to hit with both missiles okay and then i'll surround our diamond with this oh okay wait no that's illegal no no no no no no no why is that illegal because that would be unfair and okay no no get a fill command use the filter that's what i'm about to do okay trust me why are you trusting why are you filling it up because i'm trying to i'm not i didn't do anything i literally watched you do it i hate you why did i choose you for my team no somebody's invisible somebody's invisible no way no i promised somebody was just invisible wait really yes it wasn't oh [Laughter] you know what i'm taking my clothes off oh i please don't okay i put my foot on look we're already set up already set up go away who is this it's 100 percent fearful it could also be jerome though that's the problem is i can't tell i see that being his strategy you build and i go distract him which is what he would say very loudly okay oh gosh okay okay what do i do what do i do okay okay okay so what if we build like a front area that's got like a sniper tower and stuff ooh we could even build up into the mountain like doo doo doo doo like like a little like one of these you know yeah yeah yeah we got we got all the cray stuff okay because that's cray oh the crayfish yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey did you add vayne miner why why are you like this it's a yes or no question yeah the answer is no i'm gonna build this i'm gonna build this you build that i'll build that and you build this okay i don't i don't know what that means to you specifically but i like it okay okay question i am clearly better at shooting than you can i have a sniper we're both gonna have a sniper well i'm better than you i just wanted to say that part how do you know i placed third in the skirmish no wait what i placed i don't even know what i placed twenty i'll get third party i forgot i forgot for a second i blacked out for a second and i forgot what exactly happened okay okay this is a good sniper tower i like it i'm glad i built it my sniper tower not yours yeah yeah yeah you were the only one who thought of it and i'm proud of you for that are we just doing one sniper tower you want to do 10. why would we do 10 we have 10 people on our team we have two well i count as eight okay but that's still only nine well i count as nine okay my bad i didn't know i just gave your own blindness at a boy i like that okay so we have to put down ooh a wrong person what what is wrong with you this is we're supposed to spend a team ian you're drumming me right now i know but you're jeroming me right now okay okay okay how do you want to do this you got to teach me how to okay here's what i'm thinking here's one thing we have this back area right we should have like a front base that sticks out because they're building like oh they're building like a whole thing okay listen this is not a good base so far i'm not liking this at all then we should build like an outer area too right like build it okay will you reinforce that area okay i'm reinforcing and then we'll set up our thing and then we'll have our thing and then everything will be fine can i do a fill command and just fill this entire side of the mountain with reinforced blocks i don't see why not is that legal i mean as long as they can get to our thing if anything's legal okay what do reinforced blocks do uh they're unbreakable i like it although i think the antimatter missile should break them i don't like it anymore the point is right now the emp system will shoot down missiles automatically though that that's why they want to destroy it wait what if we use this as a decoy right let me make it look like this is the security room but we don't hide them here and so we hide them somewhere else oh what if we hide them behind their base you just go like invisible no wait but then then when they could just shoot us with missiles it has to still be nearby okay i got the front done i put two walls down i i feel like i'm not gonna lick your walls am i what do you mean it's the best wall you've ever seen i've seen some pretty good walls my dad's an architect what so f is he farting i don't know he's an engineer i don't know why he said that park attack yeah because he can see far no hey so oh this is going to be bad big mistake oh no no can we get can we get romantic they blew up everything who invented them i don't know putting them on the same team was a bad idea but i didn't really want him on my that was your fault no no no no no no it was my fault that's what i just said i've literally wait wait wrong i'm drunk wait i'm not wrong why am i saying why did i just call you i'm tired okay look ian what if what if we do something we're like we go up the sniper tower and we actually have our thing up on the mountain like you come up here you come to the back of the base and it's like in here yes oh okay all right you keep building up the front to make it like really interesting you can do that you do that i'm building this up okay okay oh dude i'm gonna make this look pretty i'm gonna make this look pretty right as long as it looks pretty intimidating i think that's really no no pretty do can these reinforced bars break no nothing reinforced can break yes or no can they break oh okay no okay you weren't clear sorry um i don't know how else to tell you this but yes yeah i'm sorry okay i'm doing that got that um what did jerome do what did they do what did they do what did you do what did you do you told me to learn films i tried what did you replace everything with mines why are you calling him no i'm looking i'm looking for you for help i'm looking at you for help it's what i am if i have to refill my nice program he's mad it's the same thing how do you not know how the real command works this is what you get from putting us on the same team together i see that now hey the server's up service up the service up yourself oh thank god [Laughter] wait what happened he knows he's i got this all right you know what let a professional come in we're gonna have to put some more time on the clock oh it's so funny oh jerome hey look this could have happened to everybody okay there you go there you go there you go oh those little dirt mines or is that oh it's just dirt don't no no you don't just get a million dirt mines jerome can you raise it up one level it's kind of you know we're okay we're putting the timer back to uh 10 minutes yeah okay okay and uh resuming all right we're dropping down how that's your people dude i was so confused i was just like okay wait what what okay i'm just making it pretty let me make it pretty quick all right no just make it pretty intimidating that's really what i want i'm gonna set this part up here because i'm the only one who knows how this works probably we're gonna put the the i know how it works okay my bad my bad so the emp tower is gonna go right there okay but we're also gonna uh hook it up to a generator uh so there we go because it needs to charge look at this also you need to set it to do missiles only all right and then anything when it sets off it'll be a 60 block radius oh yeah yeah i actually love these mods dude dude this is looking good you're gonna like what i've done with the place okay that means i probably won't like what you've done with the place but that's mean i'm telling my mom okay i just your mom loves me okay and we put the radar station over here and we fill it up as well what you said my mom loves you oh yeah true okay so now that should be charging up uh so we want it to trigger when a missile gets in 50 and detecting you know we'll start detecting it at 200 that's fine so basically what happens is let me make sure it's probably configured radar set to emit redstone okay so when this emits redstone it'll be like oh something's getting close fire the mp and then the emp will go off and shoot down the missile it's sick the missile actually falls out of the sky they're not gonna have any idea they're gonna come in they're gonna be so pumped to attack us and oh oh dude this is actually like pretty sick we gotta we got a little pvp you know we can also like close this front off a little bit you know make him have to come through like a murder hole oh oh yeah i'm gonna create a maze it's gonna be amazing actually we should make amaze that'd be so sick okay how do we do that how do we do that can you feel it yeah yeah i could feel it but also i'm scared now after jerome crashed everything i've ever loved yeah why is he like this who invented it i think biffle did dude they're like the same person but different at the same time you know and it's my fault they're friends which i feel bad don't block this off this is our seeing turret to shoot out oh you're right we could carve carving i think because yeah okay so so then where would the should the maze be because what if they have to run past this oh yeah look look what if they have to come in this way right so we can't hold an answer on pass and we go yeah yeah but also put like a second level so we can come up here and we can ppp out of top ah yeah you're picking up what i'm putting down now yeah i'm smelling what you're farting yeah yeah yeah that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying i don't know what that means i think you do and you said it i'm offensive you said it so you wet it and that's just you better forget it you know oh aren't there turrets we can put down too they're our turns okay we're five minutes in five minutes i'm gonna start making the maze amazing okay okay i'm putting on another sniper tower wait we got to put mines and stuff down don't we oh shoot you're right you want to mine everything up while i finish the maze uh i would mine if i did that wait what i'm trying to fill in this wall dude okay i'm trying to fill in this wall dude oh this is gonna be amazing that's good we're gonna say it like nine times during the whole video what was that sorry i had a hard time hearing you wha why i'm very loud every person i've ever dated says wow you're loud that's like you're like you've [Music] [Laughter] oh yeah you're right i wouldn't mind if we did that you you do mine i gotta do one more twist to the maze oh no you're a foot mouth no it's gonna be um you know the thing what say it again i didn't have a hard time you don't your hearing is excellent you could hear like a little bat farting that's not a word which works okay so i need to put a door here okay that's adorable i'm gonna put a spruce door oh bruce springster nope all right it's time it's time i gotta apply some more mines okay all right well they're going to the middle they're going to the middle we've got to be ready to go meet him we gotta be ready to go meet him okay i'm ready i'm ready i'm just one point let's go let's get you put your pop point in the little murder room let's go meet him i'm gonna grab my stuff here real quick everybody at the center okay be very careful you're not allowed you only get one missile each don't use it when you don't want it you know what i'm saying i want it what that means you guys ready you guys ready for the rules and the truth we're ready ready all right so the rules are as follows number one you can shoot your missiles at every time no there are uh the first person to blow up the other person's diamond block with missiles wins okay got it okay you got a missile too early they're gonna get shot down and then you lose so that's it uh make sure you have a spawn point in your base oh yep gotta go do that uh yeah oh oh god do we have to put it in the basement terrible idea let's do it over here let's do it over here [Music] these are your people yeah they really are and uh that's it made the best uh people lose you know what's happening are we ready can we go three ah two one quick oh you did shot before get get no oh hey oh what was that all right get out oh oh oh my sensitivity oh god let's go ian let's go i'm going back to the sniper tower i mean what no no no what sniper tower somebody just sniped at me i don't want to okay the teleport is actually kind of toxic i just realized why did you add the teleport is wild because i wanted it to be fun for all ages okay you guess that sniper i killed your pet chicken he's up here i got him are you still in the sniper tower don't don't worry about it i see ian in the back how do you snipe there's so much bullet drop you have to believe oh yeah we are out here i need to get ammo i'm holding the line i'm holding the line somebody just got dink dude oh oh this is so annoying this is let's go let's go let's go let's go come on ian you got this dude he took the thing and he hit your mind oh it's not gonna be holding anything except this l get over here okay i'm up i'm up in the sniper tower [Music] let's break in somehow i don't know how i'm jumping into the tower i'm in all right is that the way in the track i'm trying to come down they found it i died i no no no no what's up you don't want this oh you don't want this yeah this is actually so cool shotgun let's go oh somebody just blew up it was me i teleported into one of our own minds ian oh they do damage to you yeah i guess so it's fine it's fine oh over and over again okay we this armor's broken yes it's so fun it's so fun dude you guys are on the defensive for a while what's going on why is everything so dark i can't see anything oh god i'm blind this is it [Music] okay wait all right i'm in their base yeah i saw that have you guys even been to our base and see how beautiful it is oh okay in their base from so blind i don't know what's going on imagine not turning up your camera you should have broken he didn't turn up his gamma oh no i didn't know hey you just blew me up with my unbounded bedding oh how does that make you feel no no no they never checked the floor they never make it before oh you didn't make it oh yeah yeah ian licked every inch of this floor dude why are you licking things you know why we need to go i know i know i know dude they have a better spawn than we do yeah right i think he found something yeah ian they their base is scary is it oh no he's in our base he's in our basement i know i know i know no i'm not no i'm not he's a liar how how did that not get him okay where are you wait i teleported through the wall i found a diamond block no no no you're not allowed to do you have to miss it you have to miss it yeah oh no i didn't kill prepare our own money nice nice nice let's go let's go wait how are they gonna miss this laser designator is that it yeah yeah well yeah you have to laser designated the base to destroy the the destroy the thing yeah okay but first we have to find the emp blaster right yeah yeah exactly exactly okay so austin i found their diamond but i have no idea where their emp is listen i don't know what to tell you but i've been trying to get to our base and i've been blown up come on oh um ian have you seen their base recently what it's just fire oh god where's our side covering fire yeah i walked over there and everything exploded you're degenerates what have you done i'm infinitely reloading i'm out of ammo getting ammo what is that noise what is that noise what is that noise you might have found our carrots sigils this is impossible dude we're fine we're fighting that's like our base looks cooler than yours let's be real no it doesn't oh no it does not our base is amazing austin where are you buddy let's go in let's go near our own face bro we're gonna go yeah i know you do yeah how do you like our baseball well it's explosive i'll give you that one i'll give you that one dude all right i've infiltrated wait are you what is what is doing damage to me what is just i don't know where their emp is that's what i'm saying dude their base is so defended where is what is killing you guys i don't even know what we put it scissors i'm in their base okay all right all right you got to do it you got to do the thing scissors i found it you've got to break it you break it in no no biff stop him use your bro there's so many mines did you break it did you break it again i can't even know what i want to do what did you break through bmp tower what is that oh no you broke their ear tower that they can base soon oh no that means we can fire the missiles is such a good chunk what are you guys doing oh we literally built a maze oh yeah you just took it oh oh they're completely undefended okay you need to help me you're undefended oh wait i don't have a helmet okay hold on what is this you guys have like the best defense system i've ever seen yeah yeah we do yeah we do we uh would you call it amazing would you guys i would i would yeah i would i would i would call it amazing trump get him high ian oh no oh well that that backfired i'm in i'm in he spawns on it so if i realized something about their basement if you walk close to the wall and teleport you can go through it oh that's toxic go go go go go what are you doing where are you getting him he's on our base he's got it i'm scared to go anywhere near my base are you ready why is it so loud i hate this oh missed the launch detected boys oh no oh no um so did i did i get your did i get your diamond block did we did we win we won did i get it the only thing i'm upset about is a couple dirt mines breaks the server but this okay all right do you guys want to see where ours was yeah yeah yeah let's see let's see all right hold on if you came on the back side of the mountain right here there's a little door there's a little vault you're kidding me i'm not going past this i got so scared when you're up there you know what you know what you know what i want you guys to feel better you can do card base now dude our face is so sick dude our face is sick look missile watch detected shoot it out shoot it down swipe it snipe the voice oh man shooting it down i go back and plug the emp back in and we just like ruin it shoot it [Applause] oh no oh no no all of our hard work well gg boys well done we played all right well it has to be a disaster that's gonna do it for the missile wars base edition if you guys enjoyed it do me a huge favor stick around check out some more videos on the channel if you guys like this one we'll do it again sometime thank you so much for watching we'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Sigils
Views: 825,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, sigils, ssundee, biffle, jeromeasf, building the best base in minecraft, building the most secure base in minecraft, blowing up your friends base in minecraft, sigils minecraft, sigils nukes, the best minecraft bases, minecraft base wars, minecrft battledome
Id: ksowPNVrCpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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