Building the Perfect Supermarket in Supermarket Simulator

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well hello there everybody Dre here and welcome back to the happiest Supermarket this side of the street it's actually the only Supermarket on this side of the street but that doesn't matter today we're back out in Supermarket simulator and I have a big goal to get I need to get to level 37 to unlock this final area well that's s right not the final area we can still expand on the store quite a bit but I need to unlock this final area so I have a fully squared store and these setups don't look so weird as you can see uh things are kind of chaotic here right now but I will rearrange the store when we do finally get that final piece until then it doesn't really make sense cuz I'm just going to rearrange it again so we're going to have to sell a lot I'm going to have to set up my own cashier as well I don't know where I put that oh yeah it's right no that's not it um maybe I didn't even own a fourth cashier I guess I didn't cuz we yeah we oh that makes sense cuz we hired this guy in the last episode and I was using that one as my own uh but yeah I have to keep up with cashing out myself so we'll buy another mirror checkout count and I don't know what is going on with this list I'm assuming I was restocking at the end of the last episode and I just didn't have enough money so I guess we'll just have to wait to get a bit a bit of cash so we can restock as well all right it's already the end of the day but I have enough for my purchase and at least I now have my cashier cuz I think I need 1,800 cash outs to actually hire my next cashier so that's going to be fun to try and obtain well it's 2 days later and I'm still playing ketchup on Stocking my store wasn't even that bad uh but yeah what is going on here man I wa I have so many of these all right I might have bought one too many of those but yeah every time I go back and look at my list uh something else is getting red so I'm just trying to keep up so I can actually start checking out some people uh it's looking much better which is shocking cuz it still looks absolutely awful but uh yeah hopefully in the next couple of days I can actually chill out a little bit and not have to worry about stock yeah these ones are fully out I have not been down this far into the list yet doesn't even look like I've been working for 2 days trying to restock this store I mean the booze area is looking pretty good back here is looking good it was pretty dead before so still a few items out of stock hopefully uh tomorrow or the next day we can catch up and get back to doing other things in this game besides just staring at the damn stock room oh no milk cake cheddar coffee light roast milk cake cheddar coffee light roast God I hate this every day are you serious of course my freaking light roast is out of stock and you can't change the the price when it's out of stock I forget the rest oh no man this whole store is going to be screwed up that one thing can take the whole day to fix I'm starting to lose my mind uh I think we're on day six of the great buyback uh as you can see my storage is looking better I mean it is looking way better in here but my whole job right now is to literally just bring boxes from the road over to here that's all I've been doing doing and it's only going to get worse the more items we get so I'm starting to think I need to get into modding uh I was really hoping there'd be like a manager roll or something they they would release but this game hasn't been updated a whole lot since I actually I don't think at all since I started playing it which was months ago at this point um so yeah I don't I don't really want to be doing this all the time but I don't have a choice right now unless I want my store to become quite chaotic so I think I'm going to go browse some mods after today and I do know there's Auto stalking mods I didn't want to use those cuz that makes life way easier but I also would like to you know do more than stare at this room all day uh some people like doing that not me man this is this is driving me nuts plus I also have to you know kind of cash out people uh unfortunately I can't really Cash Out people as I'm doing this uh and I really got to cash them out like freaking I need to check out 1,800 people okay there's another shipment of $2,000 done let's browse this now and see how many red things there are oh God okay so coffee that checks out we didn't have that in the morning elbows I haven't had that oh my God just got no french fries of course chicken has been out since this whole episode so that's fun uh some cereal that we haven't had like look it every this is the thing I I slowly go down the list and by the time I reach the B oh my God everything is red why is everything red but yeah by the time I reach the bottom everything's red again here's the things I've been doing and even they're starting to run out too I'm losing my mind this is too much stuff you got to deal with in this game and shocker it's already turning night time again so uh yeah I'm going to have to go out and well deal with this at least it's all big boxes this time okay it's a new day and it's an exciting day because mods are fun I really didn't want to do this though just for the record the developer has stated the stalker is plan to pick up boxes and put them into your storage not out yet though so uh we essentially have a Cheesy way to do this as you can see if there is a product on the rack that I with a box that I'm holding I can simply just hit L I believe and look at that it just ports right over to that and where did it go I think it went in right here so this actually has not one but two benefits why is it oh yeah because that slot was already uh made for this but yeah it should go over to that one now uh but yeah this has two benefits I did want to organize my storage room and now with this mod I basically have to cuz if I don't have a product on the Shelf I can't just teleport it over I can teleport it over I guess so I guess it would go to an empty slot which is going to make this even easier I'm going to manually do it though cuz I actually want these things to be laid out well so yeah long story short I'm going to empty my storage now I guess I'll just start selling items and hopefully the storage will slowly empty itself but uh I'm going to have to empty my storage clean out all of the emblems and reset it up with permanent stalking areas so we are going to actually have permanent areas for these things and it's going to be easier for me to browse and yeah it's just going to look much better in here and I'll probably buy the other uh five shelving that I need to fill up this place okay so yeah that's about $1,000 for that I need I think $20,000 for my uh big upgrade too now I did want some big boxes cuz I'm going to finally see if we can a lot of people suggested this uh see if we can maybe build a pyramid up to there I really want to get these boxes back okay here we go and then we go up here yes damn it okay hold on can I grab that box please nope okay we're going to have to make it a bit taller oh getting wobbly I just need to get over that ledge if I can get over that ledge I should be able to climb up we are on my final box I can't believe this is actually holding up why do I talk why do I freaking talk all right so it keeps falling down I think I'm going to need more boxes uh oh wait I guess I forgot about these I have this and this these are all the same so maybe we actually can make a pyramid now I'm losing my mind all right something like this should do it I think this should be high enough please don't fall please don't fall oh I don't think it's high enough and of course the staircase is in the way have any big boxes here I'm just trying to steal there we go that should that should hopefully be enough come on come on just give me this okay good I can't even drop it I can't I'm too far away I couldn't drop it all right so we got to get one at a time we can't just oh we can throw them that's right there's a throw option I totally forgot about that okay okay chill out don't don't fall please don't fall okay hold on okay now now you can fall I also cannot get in here to climb up so if I did want to get to the roof I'd have to legit get to the roof is there any real short area anywhere unfortunately these buildings are all extremely tall this one might be the easiest but I'd have to transfer every box all the way across the block and I'd rather just build maybe something a little bit bigger ah do I do this or not I have to invest a lot of money into boxes it's not like I can just buy an empty box and use it unfortunately all right so yeah I think we'll wait till we get a bit more money to try and build all the way up to that box and maybe the more that are that are on the roof but I mean at least we got the bottom ones done all right so we emptied out the storage this looks really weird but uh feels pretty good so I don't know how I'm going to restock this thing but I am going to do the same way I I've done it most of the time which is buy a couple items at a time and go from there so yeah we'll do nine products at a time now how many there's 1 2 3 4 5 six different types of boxes so if I did one box per line that would give me this and then this for more options for like high demand items I think that might be an okay idea I like the idea of by quick glance knowing where I need to go just by the size of my box uh that being said I guess I don't really have to stock anymore so I don't really need to know I think we're just going to load it up anything that I know has an increased demand I'm going to get multiple slots for but yeah I think we're just going to go down the list here and slowly add one to every slot that we can we don't need a lot of storage as long as we can pretty much automate our storage so it might be ugly in here but there'll be a slot for every item my dude just check out everyone else is picking up items I'm kind of freaking out cuz this guy is not how do I break my employees every episode uh day two my dude is still just sitting here this guy might be a little special oh he moved what happened to you he took all day to move he he finally got it though he's back again what is wrong with you are you just pretending to waste time you just don't want to work he came back uh-oh I might need to move this I don't I didn't think they had problems but yeah for whatever reason on this line This Guy's good I don't know why but these guys are struggling man well I guess we're not going to restock today are we guys what is going on what is actually going on I I changed my stocking area and it ruins everything I guess great thanks guys all right shockingly I actually had a lot more space in my storage than I thought this should be one of every item the only thing I have two of is anything that takes the full uh storage area so the chickens uh the beer canisters or kegs uh and then the poo poo paper but yeah everything else is just one slot taken and I still have well a little bit of this rack this whole rack and this whole rack for any high demand items we can always just add more to the system or when we expand out the store we can obviously use these as well so super happy with that what I'm not happy with is I've definitely broken my uh dudes so that's concerning I'm going to reload the game after today and we'll see if that fixes them I might have to fire and rehire them as well uh but I don't need their help right now anyways cuz I can just press this oh the rack is full that's right the one thing I grabbed is the that has an actual rack that's full uh this is just all the stuff that I threw over here so I could redesign my storage room and now yeah you can see this is just great it's going to allow me to do more than just stock my store all day and as a man who has three different stalkers in my store I feel like I shouldn't be stocking all right and there we go every shelf is either already fully stored or occupi bu a restocker so we'll have to deal with that later I'll just slowly add it later but that is just so much easier to deal with I'm so excited let me just double check that we have everything in storage okay so it's the right one that's right that was like the first thing I saw at zero uh but yeah that just means my store's out of stock I wonder why okay I did miss one item the ja ja vevel so I'm glad I did this so we'll buy some of that I also miss spaghetti how am I missing these things that's concerning I'm missing olive oil as well oh God did I miss like a whole pleather of them no looks like just those three coffee dark roast I'm missing as well cheese I'm missing how did I do this how did I actually screw this up this badly so yeah I only missed a few items as you guys can see what the hell oh you know what now that I think about it it's proba it's just the things that are literally out of stock already because my stalkers actually um did stock some of the items before they broke anyways reloader looks like my stalkers are doing good uh so I'm hoping we have everything on the racks over here if we don't we'll find out very quickly by having an empty shelf in this in this store so yeah I got to open up I got to earn some XP man we're only at level 35 almost 36 and I need $20,000 before we hit 37 so we going have to earn some serious cash hey just broke my game again uh I seem to have a box here that I can't put anywhere so that's fun uh I guess I'm done for the day looking at my store now I have the issue of I'm too efficient and my stalkers are having a hard time keeping up with me so I'm going to have to help stock the store probably uh they should be able to keep up though I mean I I would assume but yeah I don't I hope this changes tomorrow cuz that's kind of annoying I don't even know if I can end the day right now I can't grab more boxes I can't do anything so guess we're just here to earn some cash we got to really earn some cash cuz restocking has cost me a lot of money as you can tell we're at down to $5,000 that's a bad sign I can't even turn off the on the light so uh I might actually be broken here man how am I so good at breaking this yep game is definitely broken I can't even hit an or to end to finish my day so so oh getting Escape fixed it I should have tried that much earlier well a little bit of an update uh things are going pretty well we have gained a lot of money things are much more fine-tuned yeah super happy I got this mod only downside is my front's kind of ugly but uh that's just the extra stock I haven't added to my shelves as you can see my shelving units are fantastic though the stock is looking fantastic uh unfortunately I'm having a hard time keeping up with demand in inside the store now because I'm so focused on the stocks inside of my storage room so I'm really going to have to restock these shelves one day uh just to keep up cuz Yeah by quick glance it's hard to see what shelving units I can store a lot of these things on but as you can see there's a lot less red in the list it's going quite well now and I'm just going to try and continue keeping up with this as we wait for the dreaded 37 where I can finally expand this store again okay cleaned up the front back is looking great right and more importantly we have officially done it assuming I have enough money I forget how much it costs but I know it's about 20,000 2,100 and let's pay my bills as well before I forget so we're officially pretty much out of money but check out this look at this back corner are you all as excited as I am all right so we're going to do some slight rearranging here but it's going to look so good I think when it's done finally we're at a full Square again it's not a big place but man it's not cheap to buy this yeah it took me a lot of money to get to this stage of the game all right get some of my collected lights over here I'm glad I invested into those early we'll deal with lighting more later but what I want to essentially do right now is bring all these over by one I've already expanded out the back wall as you can see so there's none over here try and align these right here make sure everything's nice and uniform there we go I mean it's tight but I really don't know how else I would do this well fully stock in store are you okay no what is going on is there really not enough room there all right there you go big guy literally okay now we can finally get this thing out of the way and then we'll slowly start expanding out these little walkways this way as well I might change this later I don't really like that some go this way some go that way but for right now it makes the most sense damn it man are you serious not my mashed potatoes I'm going to have to restock that sooner or later I'll probably forget all right not bad I think that's good enough for r now the layout is much better in my opinion we still have room to expand out with a couple more shelving units here before we need to expand out again and yeah I love that the whole back is just Refrigeration but yeah guys my goal today was to finally expand out the store again we are close to getting some more products which I'm really excited about because there was a long grind between them and yeah at level 42 it looks like things are going to get pretty crazy we can get not one but three different items and then 56 the same thing and then 70 so very slow progression now uh but when the products do come a bunch of them come oh and I just realized I can actually hire my four three stalker right now that's actually fantastic cuz that's the one thing uh that is lacking right now is my speed in restocking without me helping of course uh having four is going to be great all right and that is day 89 wow I've I've done almost 90 days in this game okay uh tuna and cereal wow tuna really went down didn't it that's a little bit of a bummer but that's okay because we are earning money and doing pretty good in this game so yeah in the next episode well I foresee us expanding out once again CU we're going to hopefully have some new products and I'm really going to have to cash some people out cuz I didn't cash one person out today I really did want to but I had to deal with my stocking Fiasco that we had going on so yeah I hope you guys are enjoying my little Supermarket how' you guys get up there hey thanks so much for watching and liking and I'll see you in the next one did I break it again I think I broke it hey there before you I just wanted to let you know about my second Channel Gast if you're missing my multiplayer Shenanigans then please consider checking it out scan the QR code or copy the link down below okay bye it's too bizarre why am I bizarre what's wrong that face is too it's it's too messed here put the spiler on somebody show him up here no I'm keeping it
Channel: Drae
Views: 66,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermarket simulator, supermarket simulator game, supermarket simulator gameplay, supermarket sim drae, drae, draegast, grocery store, grocery store game, funny, funny moments
Id: NoS4Fpil8X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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