Building my Sister her First Mountain Bike (and testing it)

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the Murder Machine needs a home now if you don't  know what bike I'm talking about the Murder   Machine was a black hardtail that was my primary  bike for a little bit and it became the Murder   Machine when we converted it into a single speed  and people were amazed that I removed gears from   the thing and made some changes and actually made  it into a really cool interesting bike and when   we did that giant Beagle gear we used the Murder  Machine because it was a single speed and so it's   been a big part of the channel for a while but I  have too many bikes that are similar to it and so   it's time to find this bike an actual home and an  actual owner that's going to ride it and so the   other day when my sister asked me for a mountain  bike recommendation I said well I'll send you one I know my sister will ride it because she's  an avid cyclist she commuted to work when   she lived in New York City now she's in  California you kind of need a car there   and so she wants a bike for recreation and so  this is going to be a special build I want to   make it cool I want to make it personal  and so before we dig in and figure out   what parts we're gonna put on this bike let's  get it painted so we can give it time to cure I'm not gonna argue with something  painters have been doing for years   I don't know why you wet sand it just works  if you sand it dry it doesn't have the same   effect maybe somebody can explain to  me why wet sanding works like it does [Music]   so I'm gonna try and get as much stuff ready  as I can while the primer is drying so I've   got here three solid drivetrain options I've  got an Eagle x01 that's brand new and then   I've got a Microshift Advent Clutch which  is of course the cheapest one I want her to   have a good experience I don't want her  having to fix her bike all the time and   so I'm gonna give her the Microshift because  it's nine speed there're bigger gaps between   the gears and in my tests it has been rock  solid it's a really good shifting system and   for the exact same reason Shimano mt200s for  brakes these are the cheapest hydraulic disc   brakes you can get pretty much and they're  also the most reliable like you don't have   to do anything to these it's insane this is a  little bit of a risk I've never used this stuff   before and I don't know if my sister's  gonna like it and so uh let's get to it   [Music] [Music] You can miss so many parts in a bike  build like this and taking care of it before   you start building is a really big time saver  you don't want to stop what you're doing and   like drive around town looking for a bottom  bracket so let's lay everything out okay we   need two very important things first of all a  dropper seat post that fits this bike [Music]   there we go 30.9 dropper post  we just need a lever for it and finally our rear wheel has an XD freehub  body that's for SRAM cassettes we're using   a Microshift drivetrain and so we need an HG  freehub body which is Shimano this might work [Music] to pull it off you literally just  pull it off but it's a lot easier if you   have a cassette attached to it so I'll usually  thread a cassette on and pull on that to try   and pop the old one off and then the new  one you got to kind of wiggle on by making   sure the pawls are compressed and use common  sense like a lot of things on a bike you can   just visually see how it goes together so I did  clean all the old sealant off of these wheels   and now I'm putting lighter tires on because  they're lighter if she starts racing enduros   on this bike or something we'll put heavier  tires on but for now I think she's going to   appreciate it being a little bit easier  to pedal now we can build a bike [Music] so before we really start going nuts here I  want to put a chainstay protector on this bike   because that's going to be where the chain is  slapping up and down sometimes I forget to do   this when I repaint a frame most frames have  some kind of chainstay protector installed   and I also want to figure out what the accent  color is going to be on this bike my gut is to   go with like a copper or a blue or something  but I asked my daughter and she said purple   [Music] [Music] I've got to do better on  this dropper post lever these are...   why did they ever do it like this? okay this Race Face lever looks a lot better and  it looks like I have a clamp that'll work with it [Music] first of all isn't it crazy how purple the bike  looks from this angle and then when you look at   it head-on it's completely blue second thing is  this brake hose is really long when you get brand   new brakes the hoses come long because they're  made to fit any bike so we're going to disconnect   the hose from the lever we're going to figure  out what size we want it and cut it down then   we're going to put new hydraulic fittings on the  end install the hose back into the lever and then   make sure the lever is filled with fluid there's  no air bubbles in it give it a little lever bleed   [Music] so now that this is all tidy we've  got to ruin it with a dropper post cable The   dropper post cable goes under the bike  and then back into the seat tube now in   order to secure the cable down here I'm  gonna have to 3D print something the bike   originally came with these little clamps  and so what I'm going to make are little   M5 zip tie mounts it's just easier for me and  easier for whoever services it in the future   M5 goes into here and you can see it's  recessed then the zip tie goes through here   and you can see the cable fits up  against here this little curved part [Music] this is exciting because we're almost  done here we just got to hook up this   dropper post cable take care of a few little  finishing touches and then we can stare at it [Music] okay let's see if I've accomplished my  goal of making this light 12.4 kilograms   27 and a half pounds there are lighter hardtails  out there but the spinning weight is low and it's   certainly not heavy this was my bike at  one point it's got a lot of history from   this YouTube channel and so before I send  it off it needs a proper beat down [Music]   so I have no doubt that my sister is going to use  this bike but like me she tends to learn by doing   and so I should try and sneak a little  tutorial in here to give her the basics   congratulations on your new mountain bike most  of it is self-explanatory but it is a little bit   different first of all you have gears I'm sure  you do know how to operate them you have to be   pedaling the bike this bike has some parts like  carbon handlebars where if you just over tighten   them you're gonna break them they're really really  strong right up to the point where you over torque   them same with the seat post collar if you tighten  your seat post too much The Dropper post is not   going to work that's right you have a dropper  seatpost there's a little lever right here on the   handlebars works just like an office chair push  down the lever apply weight and the seat will go   down when you want to go back up to the pedaling  position just press the lever and it'll go back up   now your tires do not have the inner tubes in them  they have sealant that means you're probably not   going to get flats on this bike but if you have  to make a repair on the trail like tightening   something back up or straightening out your  handlebars you actually have onboard tools in your   steerer tube just pull up on this little thing  that says "One" on it and there it is one really   important thing if you have to put this bike down  on the ground don't do it on the drive side that   is the side with all the gears on it you could  tweak the derailleur hanger and then your shifting   will be off that's pretty much it the rest of it  is self-explanatory you're going to learn just by   mountain biking or being around other mountain  bikers have fun and don't give it any mercy so that was a bit of a shakedown ride and  although I didn't find anything wrong with   the bike there are two things I'm gonna have  to address first of all I have to do my best   to adjust the fork to my sister's weight and  riding style the other thing is the dropper   post doesn't have enough air pressure in it so  sometimes it won't go up and I have to sort of   help it so we'll set it to pressure put it  back in and then this thing's ready to ship   out so this bike essentially went from sitting  around the storage unit waiting to be used as   an experiment to a way more dignified existence  and I can't think of a much better way to kind   of remove bikes from my fleet than to give them  a send-off like this and being that this was the   first bike that was sent to me as a YouTuber for  free it means a lot to me it's sort of one of the   bikes that got this all started and I'm glad you  guys could join me in fixing it up and giving it   a new home I hope you enjoyed this video I hope  you learned something and if you didn't I hope   you at least found it entertaining thanks for  riding with me today and I'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Berm Peak
Views: 449,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mtb, mountain bike, bike repair, biking, bike riding, cycling, DIY, outdoors
Id: 5ZvS5ljIGZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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