I do a lot of building in The Sims and I also
use a lot of little build cheats and like, tips and tricks and stuff that I think would
be very difficult for me to go without. And so today I want to try and
build a house using no cheats, so like, no move objects, no unlock objects. I'm not even gonna let myself alt place anything,
so this is gonna be really difficult for me. At this point, all of those cheats and things are basically second nature so it's gonna be
very weird to try and build without them. So for this I made a little family
just so we could have a budget, so we've got a dad and his two kids. They're gonna live here on a 20 by 15 lot
because look, I'm not trying to do a lot of landscaping on a giant lot
when I can't use move objects. Believe it or not, back when
The Sims 4 first came out, we didn't even have a move objects
cheat, like, it didn't even exist yet. I don't know how we functioned back then
and to be honest, I haven't built a house with no move objects in so long, I don't
even know how I'm gonna decorate this. Genuinely, it is like, second
nature for me to alt place things so I'm probably gonna forget a bunch of times
in this video while I'm trying to do stuff, but we're gonna try our best to make
this entire house with no cheats. I think I'd like for this house to have a
second floor, I don't want it to be like, a huge house, but I'd like to have
some sort of second floor in this one. And I also think I want to have at least
three bedrooms. You know, I'm thinking a little bit more about this and I'm starting
to question my own rules for this challenge. And by that, I mean things like
shift holding when I'm roofing. So for example, if you hold shift and you like,
adjust a roof, you can just edit one side, like, I just got rid of the right side's
overhang instead of the left side's overhang. Does that count as a cheat? I don't think
it's a cheat, but I think it's like, a little trick, like alt placing that
I probably shouldn't use for this, but that'll make this a lot harder because
I'm so used to just being able to do whatever I want with the roof that I don't really
even think about stuff like that anymore. I guess I'll try and class it as
like, stuff that the average Sims player wouldn't know when they first
opened the game for the first time. Like, you can kind of figure out that you can use
all these arrows for things, but if it takes like, an extra hotkey or something to do
it, we probably shouldn't use it. Okay, so far I've built the same kind
of house that I literally always build. It looks no different than anything
else I've ever built in The Sims 4. This is like, my classic go-to starter
slash cheap home kind of shape. Oh, see, this is what I mean. Like, I want to
do a little roof trick to blend this in better, but I don't know if I can do it with like, no
cheats, so give me a second to figure this out. Like, if we do it this way -- I
wonder if I can do it with just like, more pieces than usual to avoid the shifting. Okay, I still can. I kind of want this
chimney to be like, a little bit taller. To me, it looks kind of sad. Maybe I could -- oh
no, stop, stop, stop, just use like, one higher. This house is boring. Let's be honest with
ourselves, this house is kind of boring. Should we just wrap around the porch, like, around
the entire back of the building or something? Like, I don't really know what I'm going
for with this, but maybe that'll be an easy way to do it, and then we can just
put like, a dormer or something up top. I mean, that doesn't look bad. It's not
that good either, but it doesn't look bad. This isn't a very smart thing to do for like, a cheaper house either because we have to pay
for a lot of fence for this wraparound porch. I still like it and I think it's pretty, but it's
also just, you know, not the best idea, basically. See, even the columns are kind of
expensive because there's so many of them, but this poor little house needs
something to make it stand out more. Small pro tip: when you're doing this
kind of thing, you don't have to put a fence underneath where the stairs are gonna go. The game will let you like, put stairs
right in front of a fence, but it just like, covers the fence, but you
still have to pay for it. So delete the fence underneath
where the stairs will be and then also delete the underside of the
stairs to save a bunch of money. Oh, I wanted to use this, but I probably
shouldn't. It's kind of expensive so I almost really shouldn't use this. Like, this is basically an extreme waste of
money for very little return, but it's so nice. We have 14,000 simoleons to furnish
the entire inside of the house. Oh, does rotating the flooring count as a cheat? I wouldn't call that a cheat, but it
is one of those things that isn't like, immediately obvious to people. I get asked how to do that all the
time. You use the angled bracket keys on your keyboard to do this,
so those keys that look like this. You can rotate the floor like that. You can also
press ctrl+f to get little like, corner pieces. You can also press ctrl+f to get quarter tiles, and then you can place like, little
tiny pieces of floor like this. That one for sure feels kind of cheaty for a
challenge like this, so I won't be doing that. Oh, I wanted to put columns in the corners, but
I can't 'cause I can't use move objects! Oh no. Okay, this door is kind of expensive, but
it's my favorite door so I want to use it. Can I even put a light here? I can't alt place it! Oh no! I don't like where that's placing, usually
I would like, put it -- okay, hang on. Tell me how it's fine to put there, but I can't put it over a little
bit. How does that make sense? Do I just put it really close to the door then? I guess we could put one on
like, either side probably. I don't love that, but I've seen worse. I want to lower this window too, but
I can't, it has to be right there. If it were up to me, I'd just put it
like, a little bit further down, but no. Against the rules. I think I'll try and put
windows on either side of that fireplace, if I even put a fireplace there. I think that's a decent amount of windows. I didn't put any on this side of the house yet
because oftentimes with the side of the build, I kind of just wait until I do the
floorplan and then I figure it out. So I'll probably do the same thing here. I think I'm possibly gonna put the bedroom
downstairs, like, the parent's bedroom downstairs. Oh no, and speaking of which, I
also need to put stairs downstairs. The upstairs is pretty big, so I
could probably get away with not doing this or maybe having just like, a
small bathroom or something down here. Maybe we have no bathroom downstairs. And the staircase could be like, in the back corner or something? Maybe
I could rotate it around a little bit. We could put it like, there,
maybe? More like that? If I delete the underside, I save a lot of
money, but I also don't like how it looks, so I'm not sure what to do. I'm kind of liking this because I like
how there's a little bit of a hallway into this room, whatever it's gonna end up being. Maybe this could be a good spot for the kitchen
and then we could do a living room right here. There's just like, no space for a dining
table is kind of the problem with this house. There's plenty of space for bedrooms and
stuff upstairs, or at least for -- oh no. Oh, okay, at least for a
couple of bedrooms upstairs, this is a little bit smaller
than I thought it was gonna be. Oh, wait a minute, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. We don't have a bathroom downstairs
so we could probably fit two up here. There could be like, bathroom
for the hallway, bedroom, main bedroom, an ensuite bathroom,
and I'll probably get rid of these extra windows because it's money and also
there's too many windows in the bathroom. And then maybe the kid could have their bedroom
up here and the teen's room could be downstairs? I won't lie, I am beginning to get a
little bit worried about the budget. Let's make sure we have like,
all of the necessities, you know, like a shower and a toilet in all the bathrooms. We can get like, the kitchen stuff.
I'm realizing now this bathroom is not gonna work how I normally
would do it, so that's very annoying. I might have to put the door like, further
over, which I don't really love doing. I like how it looks better when it's centered, but if I can't use move objects or anything,
then I kind of have to do it like this. Should I allow us some toilet paper or is that
a waste of money? It's kind of a waste of money, but it feels like a fun waste
of money. You know what I mean? I hate this. This is not how I want
to lay out these bathrooms at all. I mean, it'll do, but it's just --
it's just not the dream, you know? That looks terrible, but that's centered in the
landing, wouldn't that be nice if we had like, a beautiful window up there in this landing? I really should go through and
like, paint all of the walls. I'll probably end up changing the color of these, but I think right now we just need
to make sure that we actually have painted walls because then we like, don't have
to worry about not having enough money to do it. Same thing on the outside, we have
to go through and paint all of these, otherwise it's going to be a disaster
when we get to the end of this. I don't like how it looks, um, I'm a little bit annoyed by the auto
placement of the edging, but that's fine. We'll get a nice pretty roof color, I'm realizing now that maybe I cheated by
holding shift to paint all of the rooms. That's just a hot key though, does that count? I mean, like, instead of painting them all alone, I went and I just like, held
shift to paint the whole thing. No, I don't think that counts, I think it's
fine. It doesn't actually affect how it looks or anything, right, it just affects
like, how fast I was able to paint it. I have changed my mind about
the color of the house, I think I might paint it this
like, yellow color instead. I think that's kind of pretty. I'm also going to use a brick
foundation which luckily is free because we are very much out of money right now. Okay, ignore the colors of the walls,
definitely gonna change that too. [GASPS] No! No, no, no, no, no, no! Oh my god,
no, can I put -- can I use the smaller one? This is very painful for me, okay, I
know I might seem like I'm overreacting, I'm just -- I'm really unused to this, okay? I'm so used to just putting things where I
want them that this is very difficult for me. I guess if I use a smaller
door, I can save some money. Like, if we got maybe this one, that will work. It looks worse, but it'll work, and then I can
put things where I want it and it's cheaper. I don't think I can afford
to put upper cabinets, can I? I don't think that's in the cards
for us now that I think about it. This room is a little bit smaller
than I thought it was, um, looking at it now with a rug placed in there. So I probably need to use a kind of small
rug. I do really like this Werewolves rug, I haven't used that on like, a house interior yet. I don't know which color is best, especially
because the kitchen is like, so blue. I guess we could probably try and swap the
kitchen to be a little bit like, creamier? Does that wallpaper look okay with the
rug? What other wallpapers are there? Oh, we could do something like
that. That is a little bit creamier. Okay, maybe that'll work. And it
has that like, nice minty color in the rug, we could probably try and use
that as like, the main wallpaper color. Oh, this is clipping very weirdly. I put
that wall there because this really bugs me, like, how it is a little bit smaller, but the clipping also bugs me so I don't
really know what to do about this yet. Um, sadly, I think that this might be
the biggest couch size that I can get. I want to like, scoot it back
just the tiniest -- oh my gosh. New question, can I even fit a
dining table in this corner? I can. I mean, honestly, I think that's really pretty. I don't like that table, but I feel
like this kind of has potential. Maybe if we use the yellow because that
kind of brings in some of the rug too? How much were those chairs? 80? We're out of money. I didn't
really realize that until just now. We have like, 6,000 simoleons and
we have to furnish the entire house. I can't put a plant in here, it
doesn't allow me to have a plant in any position that I would like to
have a plant, so, um, that's great. I might try and get at least the cheapest
TV because otherwise this room is sad, and then we also need to make sure
we have a trash can and stuff, like, I should put a trash can outside and I should
also get a little tiny one in the kitchen that -- Oh my god, I can't alt place? Oh, what are
you supposed to do if I can't alt place? Can I be honest with you? I would rather have no indoor trash can than have
the trash can be like, in the middle of the room. They get no trash can. You can have a plant
on the table and you can have no trash can! I feel like it would be
nicer if I scooted this over, but that really throws off the
window placement, doesn't it? Well, what if we just had none? What if I did scoot it over and
I just didn't have windows there? They're not upstairs either, so it's fine. Okay, this is gonna be that teen's
room. She's wearing a purple shirt so we could try and like, embrace
that color scheme or something. I really like this wallpaper, I wonder
if we can make this work somehow. Or we could even use like, the brighter color? I feel like that blue looks kind of good
with the downstairs, just in general. I feel bad because I would love to use
like, the nice new beds, but well, one, I don't know if the colors are
gonna look very good in here. Like, I don't know if that's the vibe. I do think that the beds that we
have from University are pretty good. Oh my god, normally I alt place them back, I
forget like, how far off the wall the beds are. That table is pretty cheap. I want
to alt place it! This is really hard. I might give her a desk too, I
think a desk is a really like, easy thing to add into the room
that makes it feel very functional. Although I don't like any
of the colors, maybe -- no. No, nevermind, sorry, I was gonna say
maybe I could use that one, but no. We can do the lime green from this instead.
Maybe, maybe, we can have a computer. And maybe, maybe, you can have some books. This room feels kind of sad, should
I like, swap some stuff? Like, what if the bed was over here and
the desk was kind of in the nook? I think that makes more sense. Unfortunately, I also think that all of the rugs
are bad and I don't know which one to use in here. Maybe the dark one is okay, it's kind of pretty. And maybe she can have a full-length mirror.
I don't understand why it places so far over. I want it to be like, in the middle.
Maybe she can have a bookshelf instead. I also hate where that places. Can I just not? You know, hang
on, let's go furnish upstairs. I'm gonna do the kid's room and the kid's room
is gonna be nice and cheap and nice and easy. Blarffy, 75 simoleons. I can have
that silly little green bed, which -- [GASPS] No! Why does it place like that? Why -- see, why is it so far
forward? It looks so weird! I wanna alt place it so bad. This just feels wrong to me. All right, let's think about maybe a
slightly more fun color scheme. I think the orange kind of
fits better with the rug. Maybe I can put Blarffy right there, and then possibly if it fits we can have
a dresser, like, in the corner? Can I scoot this door over and put
Blarffy like, over here instead? Or can I -- maybe if I did it like that? This is bad, like, to me,
this room actually looks bad. Here kid, you can have this little
mirror thing and maybe like, a little toy and apparently that's all. Oh no. I have very limited space
that I could place the bed. Um, I might have to do like, a corner bed. I probably shouldn't use
that one because it's too expensive. This one's new from the high school
pack. It's also kind of expensive, but it's got like, a little
matching set of some things. Ooh, maybe the dad can have a plant
because that actually fits right there. Nowhere else can fit one. I'll probably give him a nice little lamp too,
maybe like, we'll put it in a darker color. Yeah, that room sucks, so. This whole house kind of sucks. I mean, a lot of it has to do with
us not using money cheats, right? But I also just can't put anything
the way I want it to look. I'm starting to think that
maybe, maybe, some sort of extra piece of furniture in the
corner here would be a good idea. It could be like, the white locker thing. And then we can try and give the sim like --
I forgot that I can't alt place posters even. But you can have one poster. And luckily your brother - like, I
feel like he doesn't really need wall art because he's got like,
the wallpaper and the mirror. I think dad could probably do with at least
something because it's kind of sad in here, although that's kind of expensive. And at least downstairs, the
walls don't feel like, too bad. Maybe I'll give you a fruit bowl in the
corner. Okay, let's try and do the landscaping. Oh my god, I don't know how to
landscape without alt placing. To be perfectly honest with you, I
actually don't think I know how to do that. Whenever I landscape houses, I
use so much like, alt placing and sizing down objects,
and obviously move objects. I honestly don't think I know
how to do it without that. Like, my instinct is to 'Oh, just
size that bush down and it fits.' I can't! You can't even put the bush
that close to the building? How am I supposed to do this? Literally how am I
meant to do -- I can't just put it right there! That looks horrible! Oh my god, oh
my god, okay, um, if I had a bush like this way, and then -- oh, okay, I
can put it in that without alt placing it. That helps. You're telling me I can't
put it there, but I can put it there? Why is that? Honestly, honestly, why? Why is that? I think the bushes like,
along the sides kind of help. Can I do like, small flowers up
close to the edge? Okay, okay. So if I put like... Um, no. I don't even know what to say.
Honestly, I don't know how to do this. I'll give us like, a little pathway because
that's easy and free and requires no cheats. Same thing with like, terrain paint underneath
these longer bushes. Easy, free, and no cheats. Maybe if there was like, a planter box? No, that's ugly, don't do that. I could always put a few planter boxes in the
back though, if we wanted to give ourselves like, something else a little bit more
interesting in the back of the house. Oh, that's so expensive, oh my god, never
mind, sorry, I forgot that we have a budget. So that won't be happening. I feel like I need like, something big, like, some
bigger flowers, but they don't let me place them. That one's three wide, so
I guess that's the problem. Maybe -- can I put this? See,
why? Why? Why can't I put that? If I alt place it, you can put it like,
a little bit further up, but I can't. Okay, I can put it there in the
middle, but that looks ridiculous, so I don't really know what to do about this. What is causing the problem? Is it -- I don't know. I'm so sad. I need a mailbox too, and the
mailbox is also annoying to place. [SIGHS] Can I put the mailbox up here? Okay, I can put it up here, that makes me
feel better. I think that looks better. Maybe if there was just planter boxes instead
because I can place those with no cheats, and that, I feel like, helps
add to the house a little bit. Can I put a bike here? No? Okay. Can I put anything here? I can
do those, but not with no cheats. I can put one of them with no cheats, but I feel
like it's just better to have none at that point. What about those little like, tiny flowers? Like, umm, where did they go? These ones. Oh, I can put those! Wait! I can put those? Oh my god, okay,
you know what, just call it. Say that's perfectly fine by me, we can put the little trash can -- [GASPS] I
can't put the trash can up against the wall? Can anyone tell me why? Just why? Where am I supposed to put the trash can then? Like, in the middle of the build? I'll put it
back here, but why can't it be -- oh my god. We are so -- oh my god. We are so spoiled by move objects. These are pretty cheap too, these
daisies are only 20 simoleons so we can pretty easily put like,
a couple more of them back here. I can probably try and like, pile them
together a little bit in that area. Or at least we can put these
like, somehow kind of around wherever we end up putting like a, I don't
know, like, an outdoor space or something. I think if we had maybe some sort of like,
little table area -- I don't know how to do this. I'm kind of just winging -- oh, that
looks terrible, wait, one second. Let me try that again. I feel like if we
were to put like, some sort of little, I don't know, like, outdoor area, we
could probably try and like -- I mean, we can sort of line it up to the
flowers as well if we so want to. That's not as smooth and clean as it was before,
but I don't know, that maybe looks interesting. And we can put a little bit of dirt underneath
them and like, kind of overlap it with the patio. I realize I didn't put any lights back here,
also the porch has literally nothing on it. Oh my god, I can't do that. Ugh, the places that these lights
choose to position themselves is just -- I'd rather not have them,
if they're gonna look like that. Okay, I want to put a table outside
so badly. I feel like it is extremely important that we have literally anything outside. There needs to be something back
here, and the table is cheap. And we can put just two chairs, and
then there's something in the back. Okay, this little tiny welcome mat
has some kind of cute swatches, we could use like, that little one maybe? And that puts something in the front, and
it only costs what, like, 15 simoleons? That's doable. We can use the same thing in the back probably. I forgot that I don't have
any planter boxes in the back, we could at least just have
the one kind of in the middle. Are there any other necessary like,
skill-building things that are cheap? I mean, we've got what, like, yoga mats, we
have cell doors, that's always an option. I'm probably gonna end up just
putting like, a bench or something. I'm probably gonna just put a bench
by here and then call it a day, although we probably don't
need anything on the patio. Okay, I'm just gonna go through and
put a little bit more terrain paint underneath the whole thing
because again, that's free. And I'm kind of just looking around at the inside
trying to figure out if there's anything else. I mean, we could maybe get some
cabinets, I forget how much they cost. 200?! For one cabinet! Never
mind. We can't have any cabinets. Maybe we could put a little bookshelf right here? Oh, that's fine. Maybe that helps
the wall feel less ridiculous. Oh, and maybe we could get a thermostat. That might -- oh, no, that's too expensive. Thermostats are too expensive? I
feel like that should be cheaper. I never noticed that before and I'm disappointed, but you know what, the house --
this is the best that we can do. This is the best that I can do with no cheats. In the end, it's costing 21,250. It is three
bedrooms and two bathrooms, which is pretty good. I'll stick it on the gallery
if you want to download it, I should have saved my game
first. Okay, it's fine. Every time I do that, I'm like, oh my
god, I should have saved because the gallery crashes my game sometimes
and I get scared, but it's fine. We made it through. And I think on that note, I'm probably
going to end this video right here. If you like Sims builds and
Sims building videos like this, I make a ton of them here on my YouTube
channel so feel free to subscribe. I really enjoy building these like, smaller, cheaper like, kind of more
playable house builds too. I feel like maybe it's kind of boring -- oh. I just like, flung my headphones. I feel like maybe it's kind of boring sometimes, but I also really enjoy doing it so I don't
know, if I like it, hopefully you like it too. Also I would give you all
these Sims on the gallery, but I won't lie, I didn't do all their outfits. Um, in fact, I gave them styled looks
for their everyday outfits and I didn't even touch the rest of them, so I
don't know what they're wearing. Probably fine, but it's also maybe
probably not fine because it's The Sims 4, and we know how The Sims 4 goes, so. I'll just leave these Sims. They
can just be our little testers. And with that, I'm actually gonna go so I will
see you all tomorrow. Okay, bye everybody. And now I'm gonna go do laundry, so
really exciting stuff happening over here in Simsie's household, I know
you're very jealous probably, right? Of me cleaning my house? [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]