Building in The Sims but Each Room is a Different Style

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Today we're gonna build a house in The Sims, but  I'm warning you right now, it's not gonna be good.   You know those challenges, like every room is a  different color, every room is a different townie.   Well, in this case, we're gonna build a house in  The Sims, but every room is a different style. You know how you can filter by  lots of different things, you know,   custom content, different packs, different  colors? Well, you can also filter by styles,   both in CAS and in build mode, so for  example, if you filter by patio stuff,   it'll give you a bunch of patio-styled  items, or farmhouse-styled items. I think you get the idea. Well, I want to try  and build a house and spin a wheel for each room   to determine what style it's gonna  have to be. I did make a wheel. This part really annoys me, but I  don't know how to fix it. I think   it just is that way because of  how many items are on the wheel,   so please disregard the two blues back  to back, I know. It hurts, and I'm sorry. But I put all the different styles from the game  on this wheel. Fingers crossed it's not too bad,   but here's the problem. I'm gonna  build the shell of the house first,   and say I'm like okay, let's decorate the bathroom  now. We spin the wheel, we get patio. Right, so,   how am I supposed to decorate the  bathroom with patio furniture? Don't know, but we will cross  that bridge when we come to it.   Just don't get your hopes up for a nice quality  build, okay, this one might not be functional. I don't know what I want it to look like.  I guess I probably shouldn't decide,   because we'll spin the wheel to see  what the exterior should look like, too. You know, I'm just gonna do it like that. Really  what this house needs is just like a lot of rooms. We can't really do like an open floor plan  if we're gonna try and have each room be a   different style, so again this is not gonna  be the prettiest of houses, okay? I think   we're all on the same page with that, though.  Nobody's got high expectations for this one. I have done a bunch of challenges like this  though, and I'll link a playlist of them   down below if you want to watch. They're  always interesting, to say the least. You know, I probably shoulda spun for the style  of the exterior before I started doing this.   I just put a bunch of random roofs on. Whatever, the exterior can  look like this, it's fine. This is a terrible floor plan, and I realize  it's a terrible floor plan, but I'm trying   to make it so that we can have like separate  rooms for the challenge, because this hallway,   this is ridiculous, but like, for the challenge,  it's useful. It just looks really dumb. Okay, let me walk you through this. I'm picturing  these two tiny rooms would be bathrooms. This   would be the parents' bedroom and an ensuite  bathroom. Then I've got three kid's bedrooms,   maybe one could be an office, but they have a  bathroom sort of in their area. We've got a big   old hallway that takes you to all the bedrooms.  Kitchen here, living room here. No dining room.   Uh, it just didn't happen. If we didn't have  such a ridiculous hallway, you could have a   nice open floor plan, wonderful living space,  but that's just not what's happening here today. So this is what we're working with. It's  got good bones. It could be renovated,   but for now, let's furnish. Okay, I think we do the kitchen first. Fingers  crossed we actually get kitchen items. Oh God,   okay. Give me something good  please that I can work with. Oh no. Oh, I thought I was gonna stop on garden. Okay, this we can work with. Oh, should I remove basics from the thing  now that we've used it? I think yes. Alright, so this is the kitchen.  Are there like, basics windows?   Should I do the windows based on  the individual rooms? I think so. Also, I'm sorry, I didn't realize  I still had CC in my game.   This feels like it's cheating to use the CC. I think we could use like, this Cats and Dogs  window in there. That'd be really nice. Okay,   we need to think about the  other rooms while we do this,   because this is gonna need to be the  living room, and honestly we probably   should try and fit a dining table in this  room, too, because we don't have one. Are there are no archways that  count as basics? Why? Why? Okay, we can put a door into  the kitchen, that's fine. Okay,   and then I'm picturing cabinets  along this wall. Small table. Or   maybe I should move the door over here if  we're gonna do the Cat -- I don't know. Okay, well we can keep this light, this  counts as basics, it says. It's right there. We do have cabinets, we're okay. I  was gonna say, we do have cabinets,   right? I don't -- this is not what I was imagining  it was gonna look like. Okay, that's fine. We do have the cheapest fridge, my friends,  the cheapest fridge. Cheapest stove, okay. Maybe the house is a starter home? Oh, I  don't like any of these things. I don't   wanna use that one, it looks silly.  Yeah, this is actually quite sad. Have a trash can. Probably get a big table now,   so I guess that's nice. The things that  are counted as basics are very odd to me,   like this pumpkin trio is basics, but  like, the base game plants aren't? Because in my mind, like, I  would class this as basics,   but no, we have a tire with  plants in it. That's basics? Yeah, our tile options are very  weird. Look! These are basics? What? Okay, I think we should put wood floors in  the kitchen. Yeah, going off what they're   calling basics, I feel like -- okay, no  range hood, that's fine, who needs one? That's the only basics tile? Why? The wallpaper  selection that's under basics is so weird! I'm almost wanting to use like, this, but  that's not -- like, if it were up to me,   I feel like I'd class this as basics because it's  just like a plain, but no this is basics, okay. Whatever. That's fine. This room feels  very odd to me, I'm not gonna lie,   this is a weird combo. The painting options  that are classed as basics are so weird too!   Like some random posters, a spiderweb?! I  would love to know their thought process   for the classifications of these things.  Like, how did they decide where to put what? I'm just -- I'm just gonna leave it.  I don't know what more could be done.   I think that's the best we  could do. That's the kitchen. I think this living room will be next. Let's spin. Oh good God, give me something I can work with. Mid-century. Oh wait. Mid-century, okay. That we can work with. Very much a different vibe,   but we have a lot of options, like all the dream  home decorator stuff counts as mid-century. I may use this rug. Oh, okay, we don't have like,  an archway, but I can put a sliding glass door? I'm thinking I might put it in the hallway,  like over here? I know that's super weird, but   there's nothing else that's gonna go over there.  Also I have to use this door as the patio door. It's a mess. Is that the only window  we can have in here, as well? Oh no. I mean, we could put a window next to it, but  does that look like, really weird? I'm not sure.   It sure does from the back of the house. I'm just  gonna let it be. Do you know what? It's happening. Oh, there's no mid-century floors? Are there  walls? Just this one! We don't even get floors?!   Oh no. We have like, just the base? Oh God, okay,  this is bad. That's actually like, really bad. Okay, I'm trying to think how can  we -- how can we use a rug in here   and not have it look absolutely  ridiculous if we're gonna use   these walls? And I'm thinking we have  to go for like, some tone on tone. So for example, we can put a rug by  the outside. We can have this rug for   the living room here. Maybe we'll  put like, a desk in that corner. We can use this couch. Oh, what  if we put like two couches? Um,   I think that we need to keep that couch color. This is like, classic mid-century, I  think that we need to use it. Yeah,   at least we have a lot of options. This could  be going a lot worse than it is right now.   Truthfully I did not have high hopes,  so this is better than I expected. Oh, maybe there isn't a desk. Oh, okay. Well,   we do have bookshelves. That's nice.  There's no TV, so that's not so nice. Everything is so textured, like  the wall art, the wallpaper.   That's not gonna work. I'm gonna use  a lamp. There's not even any plants. There are definitely plants in this  game that I would class as mid-century,   but the game doesn't class them as  mid-century, so we can't put them.   And now what! Like genuinely, is that the best  we can do in this living room? I think so. Maybe I could put a chair in  the corner, just for a little   bit more furniture? Yeah, I mean there you go. Oh good God, okay, let's do the bathroom.  Probably gonna use this door into the bathroom,   so this is good, we can like lead into  it now. Cross your fingers my friends,   because it's not looking good for us.  I don't think we're gonna get a toilet. French country. Okay. Um, I don't actually know what to expect. French country... Toilet, maybe? Oh! A sink! A toilet! Oh, this could not have  gone better for us. Okay, okay,   we have a bathroom. We even have bathtubs. Oh,  thank God. Look, we can even put plants and like,   artwork. Oh, there are so many options in  the French Country category. Look at this.   You wanna get like a fancy light? Oh, I don't  like that lighting at all, it's very dark in here. Yeah, French country is a good one, you could  build a whole house with French country. They   even have kitchen stuff, there's cabinets like,  you could build the whole house with this style.   Only one floor and it's wooden, okay, cool.  That's great. Wood floor in the bathroom,   but no floor in the living  room. Makes perfect sense. Oh cute, this is one of my favorite wallpapers,   this one. Oh, this could work.  Okay, the curtains look really bad,   but I wanna use them, just because I can.  That's a functional bathroom, I'm impressed. Should we try the other one now?   Don't have high hopes for the other  bathroom. We got lucky with that one. Uh oh, no no no no, not patio not  patio not patio not -- no no no. Oh, okay. Cosmolux. I don't even know what that means. Okay, kinda modern. Kinda mid-century. What is  that? Oh, well we can put that in there for sure.   We have a sink. We have a toilet! Mirror,  okay, no shower. That's fine, though,   that's fine. It functions. That is a  lot more than I was expecting. Wait,   there's showers right there! Oh, never mind,  I've embarrassed myself, there are showers. I don't know how I missed that, they're right  there. Right next to the other bathroom stuff,   like hello. Is there flooring?  That is the only flooring. Right.   Okay. That is really quite something, and the  wall -- this is bizarre. This is really all   I have to work with? I might do it like  this. I think somehow that kinda works. Make sure we get a light.   Any windows? No. Any doors? Okay, I  didn't even think about that. Luckily,   there is a door. Could you imagine if there  was no doors, you just can't use the bathroom? I might put this bowling thing on the wall,  it amuses me, so I want to use it. We do have   some plants, but the room's kinda small,  I feel like I shouldn't put more in there.   Okay, maybe we do the parents; bedroom now. It's  got two doors of two different styles already,   what's it gonna be? Oh no, not again, not again.  Oh no, it was bound to happen at some point. We get patio. I'm gonna be honest, I don't think we have a bed.  There's no windows?! Oh, I can't put a window! Oh,   that's bad. Is there flooring? Just this? Oh,  this is not good. There's no walls, either.   This is not good. There are doors. Maybe I  could put like, sliding glass doors in the   front and pretend they're windows? I mean, I  think that's better than not having windows. What furniture comes with patio?  Um, we have these lounge chairs,   we can pretend they're a bed. We have  a rug too. Oh no, I can make this work. No side tables? Why not? I guess  we could put like -- no, no, no! Honestly, I didn't even know  this thing existed. Okay, what if   we put the beds on a diagonal  and then we just embrace it? Like we put a table with an umbrella Who  needs a dresser when you can have a grill?   The grill's like, on top of  the rug, that's not good. Let me rotate it some more. I don't  want the grill to be touching the rug,   that seems like a fire hazard. Okay, we don't  need wallpaper because we have bushes. Okay,   we can't have this ceiling light.  I didn't think about that part.   We do have the wall lights, oh my  God, it's so dark. That's horrible. Ooh, did not think through, did not think through.  Okay, well that's the best we're gonna get. I think next we'll do the hallway. Well,   it doesn't even matter. The hallway  doesn't matter, anything is fine. Ooh, island? Island! Feels appropriate. I think there should be a lot of things that  are classed as island because it's like all of   Island Living, so we should actually be  okay. Maybe I'll put a ceiling fan? Oh,   the front door. Maybe I'll use this one. And  that kind of matches the rest of the house. Okay, there's a bedroom, there's a bedroom,   there's a bedroom. I can use the  same flooring as the kitchen,   which maybe is a good thing if we can try and  have some continuity here? Although, maybe not. Oh! Do you want to use the leaves? When else can  you use the leaf wallpaper? What else do we have   to work with, like? Maybe I could put this couch?  How about this thing? Painting. I want a little   side table. Oh, here we go. That's not bad. Um  well, it is, but I'm just gonna do a bedroom now. Come on, give me something. At least let me have  a bed. I feel like I'm not asking for that much. Mission, Okay, a lot of the base  game stuff is mission decor. All this stuff counts -- oh no. It's not that  much. Some base game stuff counts as mission,   but there's a lot of options, and we  do have beds. And believe it or not,   we have flooring. Wallpaper. This is not  looking good for the front of the house.   This is not a good sign. Okay, this is so  many more options than the rest of the stuff,   though. Like, at the very least, we're  actually gonna have a fully furnished   room. Painting included. That's nice, it  matches. The door doesn't, but that's fine. Okay, next bedroom. I'm hoping for more of a  kid's room here, I'd like to have some toys,   I'd also like to have a computer. Double gal -- what is that? I've  literally never heard this in my life. Okay, fingers crossed. Ooh, lots of  flooring options. What's the furniture?   The only furniture is lights?  The only furniture is lights?!   I can't believe -- oh no, look there's  nothing. It's literally just lights. Ugh,   are you serious? Wo we put like a window  and some lights next to it and that's all?   Are you kidding me? That's the best I can do?  There's lots of wallpaper options, but not a   single furniture item? Not one? I don't even know  what to say, I can't believe this is happening. Whatever, I'll do the last bedroom now. Come on,   at least give me -- at least give  me a bed. At least give me a bed. Ooh, okay, contemporary is good, I thought  it was gonna be garden. Contemporary   has options. Not a lot of kids stuff though, I'm  not seeing any toys. We can definitely decorate   it with more kids-like stuff though like we  could put these? I don't know, we have all   these cupcake paintings. Maybe do a bunk bed?  Um, we do have access to a dresser. Is there   not a desk? Oh, we have lots of desk options,  actually. Sorry false alarm. No computers. Eugh, the window options -- I'm not so  sure about this. Oh God, are you serious?   Okay. These are small windows, so like,  that's totally fine. We can work with   that. We only have this? That's the only  floor? Are you kidding? And these are the   only wallpapers? Oh God, this room is  worse than I thought it was gonna be. When I saw contemporary, I thought we were  fine, I was like oh, this will be easy.   We'll have so many options. No, no you won't.  Not at all, actually. Okay, I'm just trying   to put some like, random decorations. We  definitely need to have a rug in here,   preferably like a big one. I think I might give  up. I think that's the best we can do. Okay,   the last thing is the like, exterior, like the  stairs and everything, so let's spin for that. I don't even want to look. Suburban contempo. That feels fine. No stairs.  That's good, okay, put the foundation back now.   No foundation. No wallpaper. No roofs, No windows.  Is anything suburban contempt? Nothing I want to   put in my front yard, that's for sure. Okay,  we can put like a plant there, I don't know.   Yeah, this is not -- this is not useful.  Okay, maybe a plant back here too? Yeah,   it's a good thing we picked windows based  on the rooms because this would be real bad, D'you know what? This was a learning  experience. It sure wasn't good,   but just think, we got to discover how the game  classifies all these items. It was educational.   We now know what double gallery means. And as  far as The Sims goes, it doesn't mean much. But hey, I didn't know that before. Double gallery  is actually more of like an architectural style,   you might recognize stuff like this. So it's  very much like, the base game like Willow Creek   kind of vibes, but like these spandrels,  there's some columns, there's some fences,   lots of doors and windows, just not  any um, any furniture, apparently. Anyway, I had fun doing this,  I hope that you liked it,   and like I said I have some other videos  kind of like this, but of different variants,   like each room different color, each room  different pack, you know, stuff like that. So I can link some for you down below. I don't  even want to post this on the gallery. Maybe   I'll renovate it first, and then I'll post it on  the gallery. I just -- I cannot post this on the   gallery. I can't. That's -- this is horrible, I'm  embarrassed. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye everybody. That's the thing, right, like the  shape isn't bad, the bones aren't bad,   the floor plan could be better, but we did it  that way on purpose. The interior is just a mess,   but it wouldn't be hard to fix, you just  gotta start over on the whole inside. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 751,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: 7dDASGjJ210
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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