SNKRX: My strongest build ever! NG5 is a JOKE with this! | 13

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hello everybody sifter again with another sneaker x run in this game time we are new game plus five so i have done this like 20 times now no i have done it like five to six times and the thing is happening all the time you either lose at wave 6 9 or 12. so at the wave 6 is the first boss at 12 9 which is the hardest one is a five wave run which has like 10 or 15 shooters and if you can't attack fast enough you are never defeating them and at wave 9 is the second hardest boss after that you should have a build running for you and i don't think you can lose any more after that but yeah let's uh let's get into this build the idea here is to go for a vagrant and level him up to level three and the build overall should be four psychos with one of them being the vagrant and one of them being the psycho kino three warriors with one of them being the vagrant and three rangers with one of them being the vagrant and as of passives i want to get as many ranger specific or warrior specific passives as possible obviously this run is real really rng dependent because you have to get the units you want and the last one i was really close to beating it i almost had the build run but i was missing a warrior and i lost everything because the wave 9 is almost borderline cheating um let's get i don't even know the carver these are really bad units all of them are really bad units and we are at the first hard wave but even though it's supposed to be hard it's mostly a free passive i don't think this wave is really that hard i mean the car is gonna start healing us now arbor thank you so i can stay in here enemies obviously are gonna spawn in the middle are the enemies a problem or is the carver really bad that's the question that nobody knows the answer to barbara thank you for the setup i really like the phenomena that i cannot destroy the enemies from far away so that i have to go in let's go and heal a bit so at least the upside with the carver healing is that you can force it double spawn i think this is even a triple spawn maybe a quadruple even nice yeah the upside with the carver is that you can force him to heal my front line unit the downside is that he heals almost nothing uh area and size damage per second all the mistakes were damaged enemy spawn passage b let's go with this this is a really really good passive we found a dual gunner and a squire really early let's drop the carver as i hate him let's break the swordsman in we got a really good team going right now dwell gunner and squire this early i just need a vagrant if i get the vagrant right now i think we can do something i think we might be able to win so about this one percent damage in area i don't know if the damage is only area damage or overall damage because if it's one percent damage overall damage and one percent area for the aoe attacks only then this is a really good passive i don't care about losing a unit or two this is over one percent damage per second is really good uh we found an archer i can get the stormweaver just to get the enchanter buff for 15 damage let's do it also it's going to add a bit of aoe to the team might as well buy the organist okay game can you like not back oh how long is this bug gonna last okay it it went away i don't really like the stormweaver electricity doesn't do that much you can see it right now it's almost doing no damage and the bad thing is that it lasts only for some seconds after the enchanter does the buff yeah do you see the electricity it doesn't do that much and it's also deactivated if it wasn't deactivated once in a while and if it was permanent and if it does actually if it was either permanent or did a little more damage then it would be useful i would vote permanent though because even though it does a little damage if it was permanent it would be a bit more fun uh beast master for the rogues yeah and archer i'm not gonna buy the arcanist actually this is an elite fight but still there's no point in buying the arcanist as i already have him and this is a run killer so let's see if we somehow survive okay let's try to turn around no don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me okay let's go tank the boss where are you going yep got him down now we just need to defeat these enemies and there is no green in between them so we won this is over thank these guys too you guys have no chance let's go let's go we beat the first run killer units will take damage but you take more attack no uh this is such a bad idea let's do it archer archer and wizard i need the healer though let's see am i gonna be fast enough or am i just gonna lose the first three units took the hit oh periodically is pretty fast wow this uh the simulation is really quickly happening so that means that i'm going getting damaged really fast like really fast look how often it takes eight six percent how much was the percent percent damage boost damage boost damage boost you see how often this happens damage yeah almost double spawned me almost i need healers right now saboteur psychic on the healer but useful arcanist now we actually have the sorceress active i might as well buy him uh actually no not might as well buy him let's skip the income the fight after the next one is gonna be the last if you come we'll survive that you know what i want i want the emulation to hit the units i don't actually care about that's like the most important part of the emulation right now as long as that's happening whoop try to avoid it yep we lost the rogue that was emulating and we're also gonna lose i think the stormweaver i don't know what that blue unit is that's about to get popped it's gonna go down and we're most likely also going to lose the squire yeah nice clean can i get the vagrant now i need them right now on the elementary though uh archer swordsman can i get the vagrant beast master yeah sidekeeper nice we got a good healer this time uh let's drop i would say the arcanist i mean what's my second sorcerer it's a psychic i don't care about it let's drop the arcanist let's break the psycho keeper in battery roll maybe find some we found the cleric and i definitely want the cleric i will drop the scout at some point actually this point might be right now because i already have rogues and the rogues only the scout's only giving me rogue and nothing else give me this and i can also get magicians right now by dropping my superfluous sorcerer this guy is warmer i'm not dropping rangers uh let's do this and hope for the best magician okay i'm i'm really afraid about this this wave has ranged units and these range units are extremely dangerous yeah for example this guy and the other yeah look how far away they are from us okay i lost the units another unit's last demolition is still here right yeah the immolation is still here and don't forget that they have the plus one percent aoe in damage per second so the longer these fights last the faster i'm gonna okay this is yeah that was a chance to not lose come on don't don't don't do me and don't do me dirty i'm tanking if we win yes this was one of the run kill that run then there's no more healing yes and we damage just do more damage healing effectiveness or aoe damage is better um i think healing effectiveness more important it might not be a good idea but i i'm trying to only think about how i'm gonna win this in the very end and the most important part is the vagrant and pretty much nothing else the vagrant doesn't really have aoe uh but the fighters do healing is important too although there's a very high chance i'm gonna just pop off maybe we roll no i need to build my team right now i cannot waste rewards on these i think i have to waste every role here let's waste the reroll taking damage shares us with enemies especially with immolation swordsman cleric outlaw outlaw is definitely something i want for the warrior buff and the rogue bath a rogue has to drop for that and it is gonna be this guy no wait saboteur he's a conjurer i don't care about the country he's a new crew that i care about i think it has to be the beast master yep and we roll on the highlander we found the chrono oh i do want the chrono i don't care about the highlander though i have the squire i have the swordsman and i'm also gonna get the vagrant so who cares about that guy um the chrono is gonna change the stormweaver as i just said that he's pretty much useless i have six buffs but i still haven't found my vagrant archer scout arcanist i need my vagrant it's really important that i find them right now and the malaysian hit my first and my last unit that's really bad my two best units got emulated but oh for some reason i forgot that i have to stay away from the middle yeah at least i'm doing extreme emulation is really strong i'm one popping everything maybe i should have went with healing effectiveness okay we won yeah maybe i should have gone with healing effectiveness what did i go with enemies get damaged area this is eight percent damage we take this really high let's go priest psychoquino oh we found the psychoquino already already we found the psychokin already let's go let's go time to start the build so i guess uh saboteur is out rogue conjurer rogues in general are out um actually let's drop a mage first and foremost so what majors do we have three level one mages let's drop the wizard and overall forget the new curse psycho quinoa is in the house so where's my rogue that the other nuclear i don't care about it's saboteur or mage he's a kung jiren nuker he's a mage i still have mages active so let's drop this saboteur and get the priest in now we've got some healing rolling let's reroll sidekeeper i already have that barrager what's this guy pushing enemies back i don't care about pushback we got this i just i now just need to find the war my carry where is my carry well cyclekino is my carry but you know my true carry i have psychoquinone in the very back why did i do that i have to have the psychoquinone in the very front if possible and the quinoa is also going to become bigger yeah that's the reason i don't want to have the second king on the back because of the o factor of this game buy yourself some time yep the longer this thing lasts the more emulations i get off the more aoe i get look at how big this is and we won and we got sniped in the end let's bring the psycho kingdom to the second position this is going really well squire very nice swordsman hunter what's the hunter doing someone a chance to summon a pet what's their someone there nah actually do we have a ranger that's worse than him that's the only way to use that a rogue ranger i think this is worse the dual gunner i mean he's giving us rogue and i don't care about rogues i'm not gonna get rogues and he's also giving us nothing else pretty much so where are my rogues it's over here let's drop this guy give me the hunter i'm also gonna drop the hunter but for now let's buy him we got the rain archer level 3 very nice psycho quinoa level 2 very nice this is going so good this is going extremely good where is my vanguard elite let's see how fast we can deal with this guy come on i'm waiting for the explosion my beloved elementor boop and we won that's how strong psychoquino is psychokino is carrying us by the way if it isn't apparent an old simulation is extremely strong wow 25 damage or 10 on all stats if i have an enchanter let's go for 10 to all stats if i have an enchanter as i will always have an enchanter archer archers are leveled up post bane re-roll vagrant has arrived the carry the man himself the winner of the winners the vagrant is here so who is gonna drop for him it's gonna be a warrior so which warrior is gonna drop it's gonna be the outlaw as simple as that and he's gonna be in the third position for now when he actually a second position let's continue we are going to find more wayground vagrants for sure found one let's make him level two as fast as possible it's not that they can control it but not sure vagrant level 2 right away coming up right away if the vagrant goes to max level this is a free win this is already a free win we found a blade maybe i should drop a warrior for the blade what else word we have swordsman squire and vagrant are my choices maybe i can trade him for a nuker which nukers do we have i only have the elementor um although i really love the elementor i think the blade is a better idea can we get mages oh we have mages yeah forget that let's go forget that we have four cycles so the vagrant should be instantly very strong look at them the second position look at the second position attack speed look at this the moment i go close somebody boom boom boom boom no no no the enemy have whites that's what you oh i just got close by they get drawn in and they get destroyed this is a win it took me four attempts maybe five but this is a win i got what i wanted i got what i asked for i cannot see us losing anymore uh magician outlaw i don't have any of those barbarian i don't care actually do i care about anything wait what is this who are you you are the psycher okay i would like to get a psy keeper psychic psychino and vagrant okay i would like to get a what is it called a flagellant that's something important for us silencer magent what is this guy sorcerer psycho for now i'm keeping him is there anybody else that i would like to drop bonjour what are you andrew foster i don't care about conjurer i don't care about forcer actually black hair oh i do care about for sure oh okay well then you stay as a ranger representative and let's go still hoping for that elusive oh rather lucifer what is he called did you see the push back that pushback is the hunter yeah the hunter has to go out yup yup forget the hunter hunter's out we're throwing him out right now the next fight instantly because he's throwing that pet over there and that pets gonna push everybody out of the cycle of doom yeah did you see that pet that was very important there hunter has to go right now he's gonna make us lose the game if he pushes up the boss and the boss then strikes us down and destroys us we're gonna lose instantly where's the hunter he's one of the rangers i think it's this guy yeah wonderful i forget that guy he's instantly out uh might as well bring the barrager in let's have him for now and we will see in a bit chronomancer silencer i could get sansarin no i need a ranger roger barrager i might lose some money on that switch i'm gonna do vagrant swordsman sidekeeper yes um volcanoes i need to find a ranger any ranger is going to do other than obviously the barrager let's see how much this guy pushes maybe he's also pushing too hard if he if he doesn't push too hard then we are good to go then i don't mind him being there oh he's pushing a bit yeah he's definitely pushing the mod oh he's pushing too much this guy's also out right now throw this guy out of the team reverse everybody's getting destroyed healing's going off look at the vagrant being like the shielding every side this is such a win you see in this game if you know what you want to do if you build a good team you're winning there's no reason to think about anything cronum may just attack faster yes this one we won we won uh barbarian not really i need the ranger buff because i want the vagrant to get the ranger buff that's the reason i want to get this eight percent chance to release a barrage of attack on allied rangers these are my rangers and i want to drop the barrager i need any ranger actually any any any rangers gonna do illusionist i found the blade again um yeah let's continue psychics from weaver upon the archer again harvard illusionist warden chronomancer yes elementary yes and we're out of money and elementor and chrome ones are just leveled up so they're gonna be a bit more survivable again although i think i have to sell that guy i think the having the passive of the rangers right now active is more important than the downside of that guy pushing enemies off as we're attacking so strongly i'm gonna sell this guy if i haven't found a ranger representative i will sell him if i arrive at the boss because if he pushes the boss out of the area of the psychoquino we are done we are more done than done we are instantly losing that emulation buff giving us eight percent damage every half second is really strong uh spell blades what's man swordsman's done nice we found a rain no he's a rogue kind of near yep we found the ranger okay let's uh let's sell this guy bring me the canon here i don't care let's go definitely better than whatever that guy is outlaw hmm post let's continue mission scout one last one hunter and cannon here so the cow near leveled up instantly very nice shots of projectile deals for the aoe damage pretty decent pretty decent although he's not he doesn't have the classic ranger shots so what i really want right now is the vagrant level up to level three nobody's surviving we have so much damage look at this when the elementary attacks it pops off this the universe bob imagine the psycho kino getting leveled up if the psycho quinoa gets level 3 we we don't need any other units to be honest we just need the passers of the others just to give the psychoquino the the damage the attack speed booktube uh wizard wait i can pick up the wizard and also activate the new curse yeah for sure do we have a mage that is not a new that does not have a secondary this guy's a cycle that he's not going out enchanter he's not going out mage nuker oh oh okay or maybe we have something else that we don't need no not really i still i still want the i found the dual gunner here shots two parallels oh corrupter if he kills an enemy he spawns yeah i think this is a better ranger than the than the canon ear ranger swarmer i don't know to be honest let's keep the canon here let's keep the canon here for now as as he does aoi and aoe is really good with this team lyric levels up still not max leveled uh let's continue is this an elite fight it is let's see how strong our team is let's see if enemies are gonna spawn in time don't oh i was about to flex but i think i just lost my healers and that's it yeah you're not moving anywhere uh flying daggers no hitting walls once you know enemies take more damage might as well vagrant come on you can do it i want the vagrant to level up in time nice it's very close to ultimate levels eric almost leveled up and let's go i still have having a bunch of level three units but this team is so strong so strong and also we got really good passives i mean eight percent damage every second one percent damage in a wee every second every second we gain nine percent damage ah i mean you can realize the damage when the elemental just pops and the screen goes bye-bye okay and we won cleric barry who cares about the fairy fledgeland has arrived welcome to the team fledgeland let's drop um where is it the psychic i would say attacks can happen from any distance and repeats once sorcerers do i have a sorceress active no drop him get the flashland or the four percent damage boost uh vagrant needs one more level and then he can carry us although this game is already over but i want to have the vagrant mega carry in this team just because and i now also got the fledgling giving us even more power turn around at the speed of sound yeah that's what you think and get trapped and get trapped i would really like to get the cycle kino to level three i haven't seen absyco kino with so much attack speed at level three see what it happens i have seen a second king level three but not with so many so much attack speed i mean he is casting faster than the cycle actually dissipates you can see on the field you can see two cycles being on the set on the field at the same time am i recording as i am barbarian yeah swordsman barbarian one more vagrant come on elementor okay let's do it is it the hard one it is a hard one let's see how hard this is gonna be boom boom boom whoa he was about to snipe us it wasn't orange i saw it charge up at superpower let's go over here bounce back [Music] uh oh double triple spawn it was actually a triple spawn imagine a bunch of oranges trying to attack us why is my front line a ranger i have to change my front line into the what was that how did i lose a unit oh i think it was the flagellant nobody healed him how how did i lose him i don't know comment down below how you think um this 30 chance to explode and do an aoe with rangers i'm telling you the vagrant it has arrived the carry the hero the master dps has arrived and is part of the group fledgling is now also level two so he will not go down psycho kino is going for the level up i lost some income but who cares look at the attack speed of my first unit at the bottom left do you see that boom boom boom look at him the moment i go next to enemies nobody's surviving [Music] he is destruction i have the chrono master to give him attack speed i have the squire to give him damage i'm gaining eight nine percent damage per second no i gaming yeah i'm getting nine percent damage per nine percent damage per second and i'm also gaining the flatulence life once in a while wait the flagellant was about to go down what are the healers doing the flagellum just suicided oh oh i realize what's happening because the flagellant is gaining damage per second he attacks himself so hard that he just goes down from his own attack wow what an idiot look at this nothing is even spawning what do you guessing you're doing if i'm close to you you don't survive this is so powerful this is a joke sigh keeper so i was crying about how hard new game plus three was and then i realized that vagrant is the best character in the game uh you know what maybe i should drop no i'm not dropping anything sidekeeper i want to level up the psychoquinone man ah psycho psychino psychino hit the vagrant does it matter though i mean i have three healers right i have the healer that stores the damage we take i have the healer that heals everybody the priest and then i also have the cleric which should be level three by now so he's also healing everybody i'm just snaking around let's do a little eight not in the middle though the middle's a bit too dangerous let's all the time go zig-zaggy let's be a real snake for a bit okay in this wave in this stage it's gonna lag i haven't lost i have crashed the game because of that so you will see in the last run i was talking about exactly that this is the wave right now wait is it not gonna happen oh it didn't happen wow we destroy the enemies so fast that they cannot spawn fast enough to lug my game out look how huge the aoe is we won we won nice clean easy boom boom boom everybody's exploding left and right we were lucky we didn't even lag out roger cryomancer wait do i have a level three i'm i still haven't a bunch of level threes the cleric still isn't level three the vagrant came like clutch he appeared in the very end and instantly got to level three that's the secret guys i mean the book you ask for something you receive it okay a bunch of people might not care about it but i'm meaning obviously look is what is this one two one one two uh let's go for the elite this should be a joke fight but let's take it seriously and let's go attack vagrant that was it oh the only thing that has to not happen wait 25 more damage or chance to a secondary key are we now let's go for 25 more damage sidekeeper the only thing that has to not happen is i have to not touch the boss if i don't touch the boss i will win i have to do nothing else okay first of all where's the fledgling 80 damage to all allies okay okay flashland i'm gonna sell him if the flagellant levels up to level three i'm gonna lose because i'm gain i'm gonna he's gonna gain damage so fast and he's gonna like one shot every single unit of mine so let's tell him before i make a mistake and upgrade him to level three by mistake and then lose the run on the spot let's not throw in the very end and now that we have arrived whether we have let's see what we can sell so sidekeeper has a chance to get to level three cleric has a chance to go for level three and kanoneer has chance level three so psychoquino cannot sell this this guy cannot sell those and uh lets you roll oh that was a mistake um cleric did it very nice so now psy keeper is the left vagrant okay let's sell the level two units as having level two units does actually nothing and now we care only for canon ear and psi keeper count on your sidekeeper count on your sidekeeper and let's not say it a thousand times psy keeper we got him so now also he distributes damage to enemies so now i just need the cannon here and pretty much nothing else i don't think i'm gonna get him but might as well roll we didn't get him let's go and win so the only thing i need to do is not get hit in the first half second so i think in this little corner of mine i will be safe enough yep this corner is safe i won i do not need to move i do not need to do anything that's how powerful we are and that's a win that's a wrap we did it i did exactly what i wanted to do i went and bought my vagrant i want first of all adjust the heads up you can see here that the game actually doesn't really care about having secondary and third level twos because it doesn't even show you them so yeah so as i was saying i did exactly what i wanted to do i got my vagrant level three and four cycles plus three warriors plus three rangers and then whatever happens i went for enchanters because of the enchanters overall are useful and also the psychoquinone psychino don't forget that so if you have that set up that would be vagrant psychino fourth cycles three warriors and three rangers it sounds like a lot but if you survive around six nine and twelve then you should be off to this run because you just need to get them the moment you get this build running it's a win okay you cannot really lose if you somehow survive the first 12 waves and you should be able to survive them because if you have half the build you are winning anyway uh as you can see congratulations now you really beaten the game thanks for a lot of playing and completing it entirely the game was inspired by nimble quest i don't know what this game is and thought on the roads i obviously know what this game is so check those games out they're fun and get more games like in the future i will check this thing out follow me on steam thanks for playing there's the credits and quick if i play if i press quick it's gonna crash the game so i have i know it um because yeah i know it and yeah so that's gonna be it pretty much we actually did it we beat new game plus five in my sixth seventh attempt about there so yeah it was a win we did it so if you like the content don't forget to leave a like help out the channel as much as you can and if you would like to help the channel even more you can just join the patreon then your name will also be on the screen with the rest of them or maybe even in the credits anyway that's gonna be it though for today so oh i forgot something i would like to hear about what i should do with this because i see people like this game and i'm thinking about going to new game plus one or new game plus two maybe plus one and try random builds just for fun like go with uh i don't know cursors or sorcerers or i don't know forcers anything random just get every build doing running just for the fun of it so that we try some different units i'm obviously not gonna do that at new game plus three that i died like twenty thousand times the last two runs the last like five videos where me losing a new game plus three so yeah that's gonna be it though this time so thanks for watching and see you guys around
Channel: Sifd
Views: 17,367
Rating: 4.9238095 out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, progress, progression, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Strong, Action, roguelike, Roguelike, SNKRX, Snake, Autobattler, Autochess
Id: YaSm9BysYNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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