Building an Outdoor Kitchen in 72 Hours

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we're eamon and bec van lifers turned amateur  renovators over the past six months we've been   making this cabin our dream home and with  summer on the horizon it's time to transform   this hole in our deck into  the ultimate outdoor kitchen   you guys see the problem drama  queen give me a slow clap morning tim good morning is anybody ready to work  anybody you guys party all night or what texted   him at eight o'clock said I was on the way didn't  he bother getting out of bed yeah what a guy   you want some work done today or  not what a way to start the day   good morning guys good morning everyone tim i  need a little more time let's get up buddy there's   somebody else arriving i'm glad i got you guys up  okay got your lazy butt up your lazy little butt   my butt's not that little oh yeah the  electrician jeez i'm a mess let's go bud how are you now that we've all met let's party over the last little bit we've had  comments asking what on earth we're   doing with that hole in our deck wow today  begins our outdoor kitchen construction   and yes the indoor kitchen is still  under renovation but we just thought   hey let's just skip on to the next project  so outdoor kitchen it is so this whole area   is gonna be um how do you describe it  we're gonna have like a little roof   and a barbecue maybe a pizza oven a little  island it's gonna be party party party party i showed him my favorite tools  blower you guys have definitely   seen me using this yeah and then tim goes ahead got the bigger that's such a man thing to do i'll go and get  the bigger stronger measuring contest here hey   tim i didn't i didn't have a choice this is  all they have oh gosh so we've got a six by   six post originally we were gonna chop down trees  from the land uh but we decided against that we   wanted cedar originally but the prices were like a  thousand dollars just for four posts let that sink   in that's crazy so we ended up getting pressure  treated six by sixes and we're going to support   the crap out of the bottom with concrete and rock  and gravel and stone and then the post will sit on   that we'll tie it right into the deck come up over  make a little structure nice should be pretty easy doug just hooked up the lights the  shed yeah that's awesome we got power tim you've almost killed yourself  like probably many times yeah yeah many tim just uh had a really sweet line there  we're trying to con you know get him better with   letting us know to flick the camera off put the  camera on you and tim's been hard to get because   he's got you know now that he's got aim in him  back uh on his resume like he's pretty sought   after in the lake yeah so he's always talking  about his other clients you know like carson   and matt and jackie and all these people but does  carson ever feed you assaulted caramel smoothie   an hour after work an hour he offered  me a protein bar that was that was it   you guys treat me really really  nice oh i always have a great   day when i'm hanging out with eamon  it's always a good day you guys are awesome did we get that measurement  yeah no i i didn't see it yeah it's not not horrible it's not perfect is that sort of how we work around here not  horrible but not no they probably look good   right they look straight um yeah that's what's  all about like this does have a little bit of   a sag out to the water there but not like not  horrible not something you want to complain about   want a butt shot get it that was prime example  if we don't encourage it he just gives it guys   he just offers it up i don't always spend a lot  of time on the job site with these two and i'm   growing a little concerned of how often they've  been saying it's not horrible but it'll do doesn't   give me confidence boys come on perfectionists  are not welcome on the job yeah that's true lunch is ready all right awesome thank you look  at that just the power bar for tim and then   wraps for us oh nice the  posts are set they're looking   almost perfect good enough and uh i want  to show you a really good hack that tim   has given us but these are like cedar logs that  he scored for 20 bucks they're eight feet long   and i guess they're made for like farmers fence  posts anyway they're wicked because obviously for   20 bucks you can't beat that and then it'll look  like a an exposed log they're all dried out cedar   so we're just gonna dig out a little pocket for  them set them in there tie it right into the joist   and then i don't think i showed you this but  there's a local guy that has a little sawmill   scored this piece of ash live edge for a  hundo for 520s for 10 tens as a no brainer   we can't get any higher you  can discover what we're hiding don't trip almost hey hey hey welcome to back yeah this is nice nice very nice so we changed  the design a little bit originally i was going   to have like the sink right here but it's  too tight because i want to do an outdoor   shower here with steps right here so this  is going to get cut back to like there   so you have lots of kind of flow here then we'll  do a sink barbecue centered and then a fridge   right there and that way  you have lots of room here   and this will be a little bit shorter  outdoor chin up bar for the gains what do you guys think more of a  counter than a table aloha amigos drama queen and the deck  is on okay that looks good bro i am gassed so while there's been a  hole in our deck since november we were   pre-planning for this kitchen so we actually had  our propane line run all the way out here for our   barbecue as well as doug was just recently here  fishing some electrical wire what dog or amen   i'm pretty sure doug did all the hard  work for sure i was the one fishing this is the part of the day that you know you  just want to knock off and let the ladies clean up amen lady sorry you're gonna be in big  trouble for that one did you say that's   why you have a wife isn't it wow unbelievable  i'm kidding ladies i'm kidding i love you all gonna be before we get started with today's  projects we wanted to share one of our favorite   products with you this is the jackery 1000  this is an all-in-one battery inverter charger   system that we use all the time whether we're  living in our van and need some extra juice   camping or here at the cabin this really saves our  butt so essentially this is a massive battery pack   that you can use to charge all of your  devices anything from your cell phone   to your computer you can charge it off a 12 volt  cigarette lighter plug it right into your wall or   you can grab some solar panels and get free energy  off the sun it's got a nice little display here   it shows you how much battery you have left  it's got all of your usbs usb cs regular usb   cigarette lighter and then three spots to plug  in and normal plug and with the weather warming   up around here eamon and i are exploring our  next trip we're thinking we're gonna bring the   jackery put it in the kayak go for like a little  picnic that turns into a camping trip and we'll   have everything we need to charge our devices  our cameras so you'll be coming along too we're   going to get lost but we're going to have lots of  power so we want to give a big thank you to our   friends at jackery and let you know about jackery  explorer week which is runs from may 17th to 19th   and 15th off all jackery products so you can  find the power solution that works best for you let's go baby these things cedar posts 15 bucks for the  12 footers and these ones are only six bucks so this is buddy up the roads lumber yard live  edge lumber he does we've just got a little can   here leave your money take your wood back with  the outdoor kitchen today we are working on   the roof so we've got to do like some  cross beams or like beams this way   and this way we got to measure it and tim's  not here so um look how confused even looks so i guess what we'll do is we'll just go into  the middle and then start working our way out   okay i just want to make sure it's really it's  going to look really good from the ceiling yeah   so i want to make sure that it it's  centered you know i mean every foot   or like how often are you supposed to do it  with the roof yeah every two feet well what   did you do over there for example oh i  will where don't worry about that one you look really cute today though thank you ma'am so for a number of reasons we are going to be  using these beautiful cedar posts aesthetics   and financially they're you can't be priced those  they're like farmer posts that people buy their   cedar awesome what i'm thinking is we're going  to use these 15 foot boards as our cross members   and then i'm gonna screw or drill  a four inch hole into each side and   then the posts will just kind of sit in  the groove we're sewing okay so we think   you guys can call me muscles is always take a visual  check never trust the level and now it's time to get started on the roof now  although we've got this cedar for a really good   price especially during covid times it's  not perfect it's not building lumber so   we have to get a little creative in  how we chop it up and how we use it   i forgot to turn the camera on  but i just wanted to show you that   beck and i really didn't know what we were  doing and it's working really well well so   far don't jinx it but we're pretty proud what  do you guys think dude that looks so sick let's keep going looks like it grew there   give me a slow clap that  looks awesome hey dude that is   that's so funny that is way more  sick than i even thought let's party i might be a frustrating builder to build with  because every couple of hours i definitely need   to take a break now it's a smoothie break  time starting to rain a little bit oh no oh right another truck i don't feel the rain can we get the  roof on you think or no let's do it   you guys see the problem we didn't really  think about the width of the sheets macgyver   will fix it and without seeming too concerned  about it eamon is just gonna start screwing do we have a plan for what happens when this  doesn't have something to no plan yet okay   we just needed a half post higher for the roof  to sit i looked over here i said where do you   see like where would we get a little piece of  shim that is a half post come on it's meant to   look be the cat brought rolled in look at  that looking sick guys you can't spend a day   away from us hey tim no i miss you guys these  look good huh wow yeah oh they're awesome yeah   that is so sweet nice job nice job cutting them in  too yeah the only thing we didn't plan for here is   the the strapping yeah so don't worry about it  well it's gonna it's really wavy you know and   then when you're we also didn't plan for putting  a log right in between the joints yeah you know   so you've got a join of the two oh yeah yeah yeah  yeah so then and i was gonna prop it up with these   things but i think we'll just get some strapping  cause then we'll start you already have it it's   so he was it was with your roofing that's that's  the strapping you've already got it this was just   like divine timing or something tim rolls in  we're like so stressed man tim to the rescue   well done tim get it get it one more one  more come on yeah take two on roofing oh yeah not sure we could have done that  without tim to be honest so no doubt   thank you tim damn we just couldn't wrap up  the day without bringing the barbecue into   the space to check it out well i mean i could  but the boys couldn't wait so here they are   i think we should cook a burger tonight  oh that sounds so much fun oh nice look at that let it burn off all  the poison yeah put that down hey good morning i'm at the lodge you're  in the barbecue man so you made it huh   i made it yes it's springtime may the first  and i'm at the lodge and there's sunshine   and i brought the big light up and above the sky  there and there's ice on the deck i'll tell you   it's been a few changes since i've been here huh  yeah what do you think a few changes pretty nice   can't wait to get the party started and yes  good morning everybody it's beautiful beautiful   sunshiny day i think the rain has subsided at  least for a couple days and we weren't sure this   was gonna make it but that got a pocket oh no tell  me it doesn't come with the back part is this like   into delivery my bar stools oh no i think it oh  no it's here okay so we were just having breakfast   no knock on the door no nothing bar stools have  arrived can i buy you a cocktail oh sure what do   you feel what's your favorite cocktail maybe like  a strawberry daiquiri strawberry daiquiri okay   i'll just have a maybe a scotch and water what  what do you guys think is going on here bartender we get a couple cocktails here yeah  right too early grab the toolbox it's too wet oh it's too wet that's what  it is so we don't always show this but when   you have too many foremans on the job site  and there's no uh written instructions it   can get back and forth a little bit so bob  was originally going down a path and then   that path got a little complicated and now  we're going to go back to my original path just so you know i could blame for most  of the uh stuff just so you know just so   everybody knows yeah well how come we're  not doing your suggestion on the place once again just i want to point out once again  this is bob changing the plan and spending time   going down different paths i didn't even have  to change something this is my fault yeah i dude   i didn't want to do this what did you  want to know just slap him on there so i was like three hours work and we got like   40 posts on the ground doesn't look  like much but i'm happy with that oh wow that's heavier than i expected  are you gonna be all right oh wow wow that smells weird here it doesn't smell like a  heater that's for sure hey buddy this your side   right through the line no way come on race through  the line nope yep go i don't like this game you   choose to accept so i start it up before i go  down yep you start it up and then you start going in way to not support me i'm your support man dude i  was filming making sure the homie saw all that it   was dope i just channeled my inner lee remember  that time she came and did that on our countertop   she's like yeah give it to me yeah she was wicked  not great though hey that's perfect oh yeah   don't show them that oh okay not  all things come with a template   but when they do use it be grateful cut line just kidding if you wish one saw  the faucet through the countertops always my favorite time when it's reveal  time to reveal let's check her out   this is not necessarily a reveal as much as test  bit number one okay fine test fit number one why is that sticking out past the wood yes because  the bark it's a tree right it's not no no why   is there not another post there higher oh that i  don't know is this a tree does it come from a tree   yep really it's a plant really it's amazing  isn't it so it's all vegan all vegan i love it so what do you think man fire up the barbecue  for uh the inaugural flight the 20   20 21 season wow look at the outdoor kitchen  you guys whoa that's nice that's nice there's a gas on bob yeah those are still ghosts   man oh you got the guys bob's had a  couple glasses of wine it's his birthday   there we go you forget how the barbecue works  man okay oh there we go you're on you're off and   you're on you're okay okay nice one dude okay  so we needed to uh just do that i guess okay oh this is exciting that's a hot grill  man am i going to turn that puppy down   you ordered a pretty nice night for  your birthday eh oh it's beautiful   all beautiful gino bob refused to try this but   after a few glasses of wine he's  getting a little more confident bobby brown bobby brown i think the wine is   don't be dropping the burgers  gino okay we got the burgers anybody ordered any burgers we hope you guys  enjoyed building this outdoor kitchen as much   as we did i think we're gonna get a lot of use  out of it eamon's already ready to barbecue again   we will see you sunday and we're gonna try  something new where we ask you to stop this   video and go call someone you love and check in  on them call your mama ask her how she's doing   see you next time goodbye so while we've are you scared of heights no you're not  no well your fly is bro okay thank you supposed to be 16 today yeah no that's tomorrow  colin cut back to aim and fishing make sure you   cut back to aim and fishing the burger don't  forget the burgers that was the linda cam   footage pretty good huh where are you pointing  that thing linda there we go shooting over here
Channel: Eamon & Bec
Views: 766,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eamon and bec, emon and bec, bec and eamon, cabin, cabin in the woods, eamon and bec cabin tour, cabin life, building an outdoor kitchen, outdoor kitchen, outdoor kitchen ideas, cabin build, van life couple, one step at a time, this changes everything, building our home, building our home in the woods
Id: B7rEumrxNW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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