CHANGE OF PLANS | Building our Home at Cabin in Woods

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nothing is going according to  planet how are we doing dry wallers   no zigster it says it's heating but it keeps  dropping we're eamon and bec and last year we   went from world travelers living in a van to  first-time homeowners and amateur renovators   while we're a little more settled we felt  ready to open our hearts to someone in need how you doing bob i'm good sir welcome yeah how  long you know the studio how long have you been   cutting there oh a few a few years now yeah yeah  this is probably my second third haircut oh wow   yeah that's encouraging yeah so you  sure you want to do this not really   yeah there's no turning back now huh all right  it's only here plus i'm a good looking guy so   you know i don't i don't really need  my hair you know do you think of that   that's a pretty good fade a lot lighter so  what are we doing up here okay no it's just   a 10 million dollar question right  yeah we're not leaving it like that   what if i just give you a little elastic vanity  yeah don't we need this maybe we don't have a lot   to work with here but yeah that's right maybe  that's probably good eh yeah how long have you   been opened it uh just last week actually i've  had a lot of customers watch 9-1-1 is a long   way from here okay hopefully you know yeah down  front okay well gee thank you so much it was uh   very nice to uh you know what come back any time  we're gonna take your feedback and upgrade our   facility okay i appreciate it as we get more  haircuts on our belt take care thank you bye oh that's terrible man yeah i like my long hair i  think i'm going to keep it all frozen door move to  canada they said it'll be fun let's go to canada amy and i are both really looking  forward to giving back more in 2021   we're starting off today's video  by visiting someone who really   inspires us and trying to figure out a way that  we can help her continue to do what she does   i'm captain this is the  promised land animal sanctuary   i came here three years ago and landed and  started rescuing animals and we now have over 90   amazing souls that call this place their  sanctuary and safe haven and forever home a   lot of them are birds as you can see some of them  are horses and sheep and goats and dogs and um   some of them are older some of them have  medical conditions some are very loud   yeah some don't understand what we're trying to  do here quiet on the set bud we're just admiring   how much work a place like this is and right  now with coven 19 there's no volunteers so   all these little animals they're all  up the cat and she loves them so much so i've been asking kat the back story on a lot  of the rescues and this is red red was bred to   be a race horse and was like really amazing and  got in a trailer accident so that he couldn't   race anymore and he was being shipped off to  the meat market and then cat got in there and   saved brad's life she said he's amazing like  so amazing there's a lot of work but it's my   dream and you know when you're working when you're  doing all the hard work and it doesn't seem so bad   and yeah way too emotional to even sing new  places it's amazing so thank you thank you   zigster how's that for a hairdo my dude hey  zixter hey dickster as we left cats we got an   email from natasha who's the foster coordinator  at the kingston humane society about a little pup   that was looking for a home not so little  pretty big we went to go meet him and was   strongly encouraged that we should take him home  and see how he likes the place come here most come   say hi to all our friends that's a good one wait  come on good boy good boy i know i'm good boy good boy so we're looking forward to fostering  mosa until we find him his forever home   and make sure that he has a great life until then  look we're gonna train walk him walk training well yesterday was interesting to say  the least we went and picked up mosa   at the kingston humane society drove him an  hour back home and he was a really good boy   we took him for a long walk he was super excited  we set up his crate and then we had the task of   trying to get him some medications he gets  one and a third of these three and a half   of those one of those and one of those and  the guy is not even eating the good stuff   you don't want any of that but on a  treat that looks like a cocktail yeah oh that's a really good boy did he take the  pills on it yeah he took he took all of them all right a little bit of  cleanup and then breakfast okay i'm gonna try and rake something up for  mosa so we can spend a little more time outside   that's nice and organized   all right let's go good boy good boy yeah oh that's a good boy that's  a good boy yeah i think that's going to be great   shovel the rest of the driveway and i need some  breakfast i tell you i got the wife of dreams here   right here behind the camera you can't  see her but right there behind the camera   the wife of your dreams i am the hubby of my  dreams bud thanks for shoveling it's amazing   now you guys might remember that last  week a lot of people were advising us   not to drywall we're gonna we're gonna do  drywall have you ever do drywall yourself bad   idea man but i think what they really meant was  do not tape or mud and what are we doing today   apparently eamonn has spent  six hours on youtube university   learning exactly how to do this and he  feels very very confident how do i feel um the first thing we're going to do is make sure  all of these are sunk properly we're not going   to hit anything so if you hear this you're  just going to crank it in a little tighter so maybe i'll get you to do that it's just a run well here goes nothing friends   you look you look the part bud really yeah like  you look like you know how to handle those tools   yeah that's better nice okay how are we doing dry wallers take two yeah now this trick i'm kind of making up i didn't  find it on youtube but i figured the problem we're   having here is not wet enough and yes guys we've  ripped it down again you missed that part but you can do it foster dad okay i got the technique  you gotta put way more on it's like wet sticky but   kind of squeeze it out afterwards i literally  cannot believe this is how people do walls good 21.   so this is our first round of taping there are  some bubbles forming so i don't know if that   means i've been putting too much but it's not the  end of the world because if you look along here   you can see that when we actually  go and do a second round of mud   there's a gap there so that'll all be filled  smooth with the mud and then sanded or so we hope moving right along we've got eight foot  metal corner so we're gonna measure 88   inches here give it a cut draw her in and  we'll have a nice crispy corner so we hope okay nothing and i mean nothing is going  according to plan this afternoon so   i only know one way to fix this oh yeah my thought i feel better i do feel better and if you're thinking that making  lunch is going to get us back   on track well you don't know amen at all  okay he's trying to tire out our boy mosa after hours cam here we decided not to film and  just get our groove going and i think i'm probably   jinxing it now but i think we finally get the  hang of the hang of this we're in much better   experience much better spirits yeah so i think  the trick is to not be so cheap with this stuff   really lather it on and then you can always  wipe it off put it down yeah that's how you do all it my dream has always been to have a  really snuggly companion look at him you're getting so good you are  a little bit uh how do you say   local local in the beginning you know oh he normally oh he comes in here to drop the nuke  then he walks away doesn't he oh my baby oh man   aaron likes having you around to blame all the  farts on bud oh yeah i know can you believe it   most of this is so good it's pill time and  we're struggling again i think he caught on   to our tricks from yesterday yeah the intro is  like literally just put it in chicken what do   you do if you're vegan the gosh damn vegans are  ruining the world man we don't get any chicken man   i'm sorry i'm sorry i know and the night continues  we're sitting here and i'm saying it's really cold   and i keep trying to turn the heat on higher it  says it's heating but it keeps dropping so we're   at about 15 degrees eamon went downstairs in the  basement he's all suited up he's checking it out   what do you have to report i think we're  out of propane which is shocking because   we got so much there yeah but i guess we're  just so inefficiently heating this place well good night guys it's gonna  be a double duvet kind of night   and we're gonna call the propane  company in the morning and if not then if not we'll be chopping some wood tomorrow huh it'll be fine good night it's  probably only zero degrees out there somebody beat me to making fire morning this just made my day oh i think  it's just gonna be a great day who needs heat i've been stealing we all need someone  someone that can make us man having a   dog is a lot of work jeez louise it has  really rocked our world goodbye you guys i've been using this time out on these walks  to tune into audiobooks so a big thank you   to audible for sponsoring today's video my  current lesson is shoe dog by phil knight   which is a memoir of the founder and ceo of  nike oh my gosh you guys 50 he started this   company with in 1962 and every year he sells 30  billion dollars worth of shoes inspiring listen   audible is giving members even more with the new  plus catalog which gives you access to podcasts   audible originals thousands of select audio  books and fitness and guided meditation program start listening today by heading to  eamonn beck or text eamonn beck to 500   500. with that you will get a 30-day free  trial one free audiobook of your choice and   access to explore the plus catalog  all right mosta requires my attention   let's go baby i'm gonna clean up so when bet  comes back we can actually get some stuff done   because yesterday i mean we were dry  walling but we got like one bedroom then you hear that couldn't come soon enough i'm so  cold i think the dude's here yeah baby back it up hey boss how you doing good are  you surprised we ran out already   a little bit yeah all right the  heat should be on momentarily that's right moss we're gonna have  a warm night anybody in there hello morning fueling up for a big day now that mr boy   is all relaxed maybe we can actually  get some some work done around here   but we're just about to dress  up suit up and tackle this room   but i'm actually leaving that to this one and mosa and i are gonna go on a little buddy  adventure because he is not liking the natural   organic peanut butter and we called the humane  society and they're saying that we should try some   spam and hopefully he'll take his meds tonight  mostly ryan shoddy you're going right in the back you ready to roll good boy whole stock go break own way is that what she's really liking   yes okay you be a good boy  i'm going to grocery store yes i missed you oh look at how dapper  my honey's looking oh look at this boy   turn around for the camera turn  around oh how handsome are you   come here baby i'm gonna give you some cheese  and some spam that's a good boy okay spam is   absolutely disgusting don't you be picking it out  mosa spitting out the pills again round two mosa yummy cheese good boy good boy   look at that little tailgate we're gonna  attempt the impossible you're ready captain no buddy gotta get his penis he's a man that  is one very good boy yeah that's the best boy   ever oh my god you're gonna smell so good baby  he's the best boy ever best boy ever oh my god all right let's go buddy let's go go go go does that feel so good does that feel so good  and clean do you feel so good pretty good boy good boy handsome roy good boy sweetie  what a good boy what an amazing boy   okay the truth is we haven't  entered this room in like three days i think it's official we hate  mudding we've been doing anything   to avoid it hey babe you want to work on the money  uh maybe in a bit i'm just cleaning the baseboards in fact should we do the mudding a little busy  counting the beanie right here melissa was that   15. eamon we really need to tackle the money  yeah i know i'm just uh having a chat with most   so we've come to realize we  are a little in over our head   i think it's time to call some professionals not  because we couldn't do it i refuse to admit that   it's more like we don't have the patience yeah  and we've seen a lot of your comments from last   week's video where you were saying even if it  looks okay now you're really gonna see all the   imperfections when you paint and we're doing such  a good job here we don't want any imperfections   i see the imperfections already so if i see  them when i paint even more that's scary tyler from teen horse drywall and one people  take a call at the time striking a mess buddy   hello hey is this jim yes i'm looking to  get some drywall done we we went we went   and uh had to go ourselves eh like we hung  the sheets and then we tried to put some mud   on and then we realized oh we're in over our  head yeah is that pretty standard yep hello   yeah are you a drywaller i can be whatever you  want me to be oh i don't need that kind of friend yeah we're super flexible we're living up  here so if you can squeeze us in we'd be uh   very grateful yeah we can do that tomorrow that  on my way home now that we've hopefully got our   drywall needs sorted it looks like we have the  time to do something a little more meaningful to   us you guys may or may not know we have a tea  company the website is and on   that website we have a not-for-profit sticker pack  and we haven't done anything with that money yet   so we're going to call bob and see how much we  got show me the money bob hey hey hey bob how   you doing hey how are you doing you're looking  good with that haircut man you're keeping it fresh   do you know of a grand total on last year how many  we sold what the total amount is we've raised uh   as of the end of january like last month  yesterday fifteen hundred dollars awesome   so bob you know what we were thinking we'd  love to call up kat at the promised land and   donate that fifteen hundred dollars to her and her  animals what do you think love it love that idea we just wanted to give you a call let you know  that we have made a small donation to your your   sanctuary and just wanted to thank you again  for for letting us come and check out your space   thanks so much it was really really nice to meet  you and your dad thanks so much for everything   you do i haven't stopped thinking about you  since we met i just so appreciate your work   if you want to help out kat and support one  of her farm friends head over to her website   and contribute what you can plus don't forget  reroute is back tomorrow a new episode is live   also the hoodies you've been seeing all over the  internet see you sundays in pink black and green   yeah we're gonna give away a few more of  those all you need to do is like and leave   a comment on this video we're going to choose a  winner in a week we'll see you in the next one it's like mine numbing it's amazing what  you uh do for your kids hello mr duck oh there's some live action here  oh it's a little frozen for you you
Channel: Eamon & Bec
Views: 570,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: change of plans, change, building our home, eamon and bec, eamon bec, van life couple, cabin, cabin in the woods, embracing change, embracing change eamon and bec, drywall, foster, foster dog, hanging drywall, hanging drywall in our cabin, building our home in the woods, in the woods, woods
Id: 82VhUde1FiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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