Building an Inverted Aquarium inside my Backyard Pond!

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[Music] [Music] folks at home welcome back to the backyard bass pond home of our two pet bass bonnie and clyde and the rest of the game and today we're going to be building an inverted aquarium and for those of you not familiar with it you basically take any fish tank or aquarium and flip it upside down put it over a body of water like a pond you suction all the air out of it and it allows the fish to swim up above the pond level and into the aquarium and this is our second attempt at it last year we added a rectangular shaped aquarium and the fish really enjoyed it so this year i picked up an octagon tank that is a little bit more vertical and the thought behind that is that the fish can get up even higher up out of the water and see out here across the yard so let's get this one unboxed all right so the trick to making this work is i've got to get these cinder blocks put off in here on a flat spot and i got to get them as close to the top of the edge of the water as i can then stack the aquarium on top of that it's always fun getting to go swimming toward the pet fishies [Music] all right first attempt i got pretty close but this cinder block is still just a little bit out of the water so i'm gonna have to remove some of the rocks down below it and get this right beneath the surface all right that should be perfect if you can see the water level is just over the top of the block there both sides so we should be good to go there it is looks pretty good to me even got the waterfall backdrop so the last part and the funnest part is we're just going to take a vacuum and suction the air out and we'll fill it right up with water here we go that's too cold and just like that you have an upside down inverted fish tank all right i'm gonna get out of the pond let everything settle down and see who gets in there first look at that guys literally a minute after we put it in todd's back over there fanning a bed [Applause] he's literally fanned all that pea gravel for weeks now he's about got it bunched up against those big rocks but you can tell he's not gonna stop his spawning duties just because we put a new aquarium in that's funny so we just put a thousand golden shiners in and they're all bundled up on this end of the pond i'm hoping that if i can spook them over there they'll get some in the tank and that may draw the fish in there so we're gonna see if we can get some on the head over that way so it looks like we got one of the shiners flickering on the surface here and look who it is coming after him one of the ninja turtles man they're getting big definitely can't call them baby ninja turtles anymore now it looks like we got several mosquito fish up there in the top of the aquarium that's not the same as the golden shiners that we stock in the pond but look here it looks like one of the bluegill are coming in to check it out looks like he's bumping his nose on the aquarium side now let's take a look at the underwater view and it looks like they're definitely liking the new structure and playing a little bit of hide and seek so i feel like it's kind of like when we dive underwater and we get to see the perspective of living like a fish now we're giving a fish the opportunity to get above ground and see what it's like to live outside of the water thinking about building a nest right here in between the cinder blocks got another bluegill coming up and i'll be interested to see if they go after those mosquito fish they like to eat them but it's hard for them to catch them but i feel like they can trap them in this aquarium oh he might go for him then he decided now all right so while we wait on more bait to get in here we're gonna go check out some of the other pets all right folks welcome back to the turtle and crawfish tank where we have our tiny baby turtle we call squirt and then our little but growing crawfish back in the background that we call sebastian you can see squirts he's the outgoing type always wants to be front and center reminds me a little bit of moby but this is when action happens right when i drop a couple pellets down here the crawfish comes out the turtle comes out and usually it's battle royale you know just dropped a couple pellets in usually i have to lead squirt over he's not the smartest turtle in the world but he will follow you surely he's about to smell it it's sitting on your back now he smells it oh it looks like they're all gonna drift back there to the crawfish oh he finally figured it out got him here's the fight [Laughter] drop the sinking pellet down it shouldn't take him long to get one a little bit of a fight there you go he's got it now all right folks it was a pretty friendly feeding tonight a lot of people commented that the crawfish once it gets big enough will harm the turtle as soon as that happens if we see him start getting too violent we're gonna take the crawfish out leave the turtle in here until he's a little bit bigger because there's a look at my finger he's still tiny well let's see oh i might have a moby on her hands where he tries to bite your finger now it's time to head out to the farm and we got some good news our new five acre pond build should start within the next week or two and one of the first things we had to do was get our 100 plus year old oak tree that had fallen down during the last hurricane cut up and out of the way because it's actually in the area that we're going to be digging the pond but right now we've got a really good plan to utilize every bit of this tree so all the branches and tops of this tree are going to be set aside and then put back into the pond and use this fish structure and then we're eventually going to be building a camp house out here so we're gonna take all the long straight limbs and use them for hardwood flooring and also panel boards and then last but not least we're gonna cut some slabs out of this giant tree trunk and make some live edge oak slab tables and island tops but let me tell you this was an all-day job there's so much wood in this tree and then with the diameter of the trunk being over seven feet and halfway buried in the ground when it got blown over it was quite the task but a lot more details from this tree removal and the start of the pond project coming up in the next video and now for a quick game camera update the soybean field that we planted is definitely a success the deer have been grazing through it every morning and you can even see that some of them are starting to put on a little bit of antler growth folks sun setting out here at the farm and you never know what you're gonna see check this old guy out hey i don't know kind of looks like a snapping turtle but i'm not that familiar with turtle species oh the reason made me think that's because the tail looks like an alligator tail let's see if he snaps at us that might just be a box turtle he's moving real slow and this is our 300 gallon tank but we can't film one of these videos without feeding moby is definitely the most aggressive fish on the planet we're about to drop the minnows in now all right folks another week another thousand shiners going into the pond buying tidying them fast here's a quick look at what size they are that's the best time about getting them in may i don't know if they'll sit still long enough for you to see it but they're all pregnant so they should be spawning here if they stay alive and we'll have some baby shad in the pond [Music] [Music] he's about to jump back into the pond didn't he and off he goes so i made the mistake of doing this experiment on the same day that we did a heavy feeding in the pond so i'm going to drain it tonight give it a few days and then add this aquarium back in you'll probably see it again in our next video well folks make sure to hit that subscribe button because we got a lot of cool things coming up like the lake build over the next month or two and it's all gonna happen really fast but thanks for watching this video hope you all enjoyed it and we will see you all next time [Music] they were the devil's children
Channel: BamaBass
Views: 214,234
Rating: 4.9616904 out of 5
Id: Ge7DDX5zsss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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