The Life of Moby - Most Aggressive Fish on the Planet!

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[Music] [Music] folks at home welcome back to the backyard bass pond we are finally recovering from hurricane sally we got the pond back in order we even got the fence rebuilt and guess what we've got another hurricane coming through tonight man i'm so ready for 2020 to be over but one of the most common questions i've been getting here lately is when are you going to move moby into the backyard pond so i decided to dedicate a video or at least most of a video to moby we're gonna talk about his future and when he's gonna get in the pond as well as his past a lot of you guys may not have been subscribed to the channel when we first caught moby's so let's take a quick look at the life of moby and how he became who he is today so it was definitely apparent from the first day we caught him that he was one of the most aggressive fish i've ever seen even as a little fingerling bass he tried to eat a minnow that was almost his size oh i caught a little pass look at that i thought i missed him look at this that seismino that is incredible right there it is what you think yeah we got to keep him got to keep him liz agrees and i knew we had to keep him so we started him out in our 55 gallon planted aquarium see what he thinks about it he's so much smaller than bonnie and clyde were we put them in the catfish is probably gonna be roughly the same size and uh that's why we didn't want to put that crappie in here he's just a little too big we want to be able to keep these for a while as you can see he fits right in he'll have plenty of hiding spaces it at that small size good comparison yeah they're the exact same size i'd say the catfish and the bass check in and see how moby's doing i cannot keep up with this guy's appetite look at him he'll swim back and forth opening and closing his mouth like he's starving i feed him three worms a night every now and again a cricket and he just keeps eating so i think it is finally time to drop him a minnow in all right not sure if you can see how big the minnow is but we're gonna drop it in it may go quick yep it's gone look at that belly so we're gonna test some of the smallest lures that are on the market today and i have no doubt that moby's gonna eat some of them but we'll at least get to see his reaction a different style bait let's drop it in all right first lure is a cricket and i can already tell you moby he's wound up he's ready to eat so i got liz helping me out we're gonna drop it in you're going left or right liz all right we're going to the right oh yes definite strike let's go to the left all right pull it on oh we have to and it was right around this time we ended up catching his other tank mate mccoy and mccoy was almost identical in size to moby but look at the difference in their mannerisms you could tell moby's always wired up and extremely aggressive so it didn't take long to figure out that feeding time was going to be an issue because moby would eat all of his food and all of mccoy's food because he was just faster all right now we are going to do a live bait test we got minnows and worms we're going to drop them at the same time and see which one they prefer to eat all right liz let's go now all right so maybe got the minnow oh and he got the worm man you are one hog the other bass is hiding out he's right over there let's drop him another worm in man moby ate that one too he's got two worms and a minnow in his mouth right now he's a hog that's a big one both of them are going to have time with that one gosh moby's going to try to eat it hopefully why do you eat so much all right no more feeding for him let's drop one in while moby's got that in i know mo we can't eat anything else another little bass should be able to get that one yet worked out good and look at moby this is how fish become 10 pounders now i've been raising pet bass my entire life and i'd seen a lot of stuff but one day we were feeding moby and one of his favorite things to do was jump out of the tank and grab worms out of the air so we basically did it every night and one day he jumped a little too high at just the right angle and hit the side of the tank and flopped out and after he fell about three to four feet hit the ground we picked him up dropped him right back in the tank and he never skipped a beat and went right back to eaton folks you can't make this stuff up if you had a pond full of moby's you could just cast out there catch the fish release them and turn around and cast again and catch them again like this does not happen with any other fish his appetite and eating that next meal is the only thing he cares about and unfortunately mccoy got sick a few months after this and didn't make it and thankfully that's the only pet bass we've ever had not make it in a tank rest in peace mccoy mccoy's out after the laser that's hilarious all right i don't want to tease them too much but i do see we have another appearance from bolt that's our snail and it didn't take long with that kind of appetite for moby to start getting really big so we started introducing new species to him this was the first crawfish he had ever seen even though the crawfish was probably too big for him to eat moby was going to try to get one of those pinchers oh moby's backing down he gave him a good quick hit got him again and then over the course of the next couple months his staple diet was a mixture of crickets worms and small minnows two oh might have been three three thinking about it thinking about it folks look at how much moby has grown he is a tank now he it looks like he doubled in size from the time we left you hungry moby let's start it off and then we could see he was quickly going to outgrow the tank so we moved bonnie and clyde into our new backyard pond and it was time to move moby from our 55 gallon tank to the 300 gallon aquarium so i wanted to do a test i wanted to put some minnows in the 300 gallon aquarium and drop moby straight out of the net into the aquarium and see if he would attack the minnows so he started off by just getting a little acclimated but as soon as he saw the first minnow attack mode does not surprise me one bit it doesn't matter if he's in a puddle tank or a pond he is always aggressive oh here he goes this is his first venture across the aquarium and now they meet one on one what do you guys think about each other uh-oh moby's flexing on him oh moby's going for the minnow that is incredible that is incredible he said you had a minnow sitting under your tails i'm gonna come up there and eat him this is unbelievable moby what do you think about a bluegill i don't know for sure that moby's ever seen a bluegill we caught him when he was a hatchling so he's probably never seen a fish like this before and so now moby had a little bit of room to grow he definitely started eating every shad in sight and started packing on the weight all right drop him in this all right there he is yeah she just went over there and crushed him look at the claw sticking out look at that moby just crushed that crawfish way faster than i thought he would fingers off but we're gonna see if we can get a little airtime how about that because i literally can't put my hand up here without him smashing it i hate sticking my thumb down in there every time that is insane moby you are too much buddy you're way too much just let me get the top off and i'll feed you i promise [Music] all right now that we're all caught up let's talk about moby's future plan so we've got a backyard pond with our other two pet bass bonnie and clyde in it i never wanted to put moby in there because he's so aggressive i didn't know how they would all interact so we just bought a new farm we're building a five acre lake and right now as soon as the lake gets built i think we're gonna stock it with bait and move bonnie and clyde into the five acre lake and that'll be when we move moby into the backyard pond leave some comments down below if you'd like to see this or vice versa put moby in the five acre lake and leave bonnie and clyde in the backyard pond and either way whichever fish ends up going in the five acre lake we're going to try to put a tracking device on it so we can always track its movements throughout the lake and know where it's at all right now it's time for a farm update the farmers came through and got all the remaining peanuts and it was pretty cool one of the farmers let sarah and i take a lap around in this tractor here's a quick look at how they pull them in and the peanut hay is removed from the peanuts and all the peanuts get stored in the hopper and as soon as the hoppers get full they have these off-loader trucks come around that collect the peanuts and then they take them and dump them in an 18-wheeler and i learned that most of the peanuts on this property will be used to make snickers but overall really cool experience on watching that process and just like that all the peanuts are gone and man this is the first time i've seen the farm with nothing on it and it is a lot of open land got a lot of projects coming up here in the future and i was finally able to capture some video footage of the fox squirrel that we call foxy so foxy is basically like a pet that comes out here every day to the farm and eats all the peanuts and i'm sure that foxy is going to be very disappointed that all the peanuts are gone now also a lot of you've been asking about the turtles i got one quick clip of master splinter he's one of the five baby turtles that made it over to the big pond he hangs out on this rock every day with ranger i'll try to get more clips of all the other baby turtles in an upcoming video but that's gonna wrap up this video make sure you're subscribed that way you can follow along with all of our pet bass and our new farm pond coming up here in the future hope you all enjoyed this video and we will see you all next time [Music] but i can tell you people they were the devil's children
Channel: BamaBass
Views: 1,869,545
Rating: 4.9027181 out of 5
Id: lbI1Ld0h3xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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