Building An 8 Meter High Library

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[Music] a [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] morning Dad morning what you up to um well what it is here there's some a big pillar going up to the top of the the roof and uh there was there was a um floor joist floor joist went through here took the floor joist out and they started to drop so going to go to Peck them up when when we originally took off the um the stud work around this wall here that was already like that so it dropped before we took the floor joist out so you're going to consolidate it a bit aren't you it' be fixed I'll stop it from going any further so you've got some stones and some concrete mixed up yeah and you've got yanice to help help you yeah my driver your driver so you're just going to put some cement in and pack it out a bit yeah give it some strength yeah I'll pack it up the stone in there and in the underneath it so it can't go that's the main bit yeah [Music] it's lovely watching people work isn't it Rick it's better than doing it yourself is it England englishman's favorite past time there's always someone else to blame for the results as well if someone else do it but it looks like he's doing all right he's doing a good job yeah he knows what he's doing the I think after about is it 80 years dad almost this this June and he's got a little bit of sense in him still a little bit left yeah somewhere got more I didn't want to say anything mate right so um Dad has repaired the dodgy bit of stone work which now looks really good um so we're going to remove the section of floor below your feet Y where this morning all of the concrete was taken off um good job guys really good job um so yeah like Friday last week it's going to be really dusty so we better crack on let's do it let's do it [Music] o [Music] [Music] o m [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so all of the planks and dirt and whatever you call it yeah that is Mega dust it's not normal dust is it there's a lot of it as well is there there is yeah so we're going to pull out the well there's only four today isn't there four one four yeah just get to four today do that one perhaps yeah we'll do that one tomorrow um so we're going to do the last section of this side of it tomorrow but yeah today we've done quite well so yeah pull them up and let them drop let's go for it don't break any [Music] Windows ready [Music] what have you done what do you think you've you've made a massive hole in the floor the ceiling well yes it's the seeding here yes I can't believe it well that's only that's only well just over a quarter that needs removing this is going to be a pretty big Library Billy it is yeah the biggest in the region for sure well I don't know about that but it will definitely be the biggest private Library possibly oh yes of course in maybe the department but I don't know cuz there are some chatow with quite immense libraries oh well but this is not a chatow this is a Convent no so you'll definitely be the convent with the biggest library I don't know about that um but yeah so once it's all removed yeah and all of this Mega dust is gone cuz this is the worst part of the job yeah I can see that um we're going to start re we're not reinstating putting in the still work for the gallery wow and once that's done I'm going to be really happy because at the moment there's quite a lot of anxiety with this project renovation anxiety Billy yeah I get the same mate yeah and um at this stage it's like oh we're just ripping the building apart what we're going to do um but it will come together yes and you can see how well well made the building is I mean the walls are super thick Y and I can't believe they used concrete for the floors obviously you know that's how they do it it's good it's solid um and it's better than dirt yeah but well there's still quite a bit of dirt I must say but your beans your floor joists they were um they were doing the job big old thick boys they used they're not your normal size should we go a bit closer you can give us a size example with your hands maybe as thick as you like size example with your hands all right look at that yeah this it's massive quite substantial it's mive Billy yep cracky you imagine back in the day how many they had to get in get up get in place oh I dare not think about it mate this is a colossal structure yeah and uh it's not going nowhere no it's not going anywhere you can see it's fairly I mean it is very well built in fact it is yeah you know this would this would stand for hundreds years more definitely apart from that that that saggy beam over there that that looks a bit dodgy but it's all good um you know you and your your Lads are doing a fantastic job yeah and uh it's inspirational it's inspirational especially for someone like me with my tiny little baby renovation project this is something to uh look up to well I'm glad you're uh excited about it I am indeed and uh yeah you keep cracking on at your house and I'll keep cracking on here mate yeah yeah not quite the same my house can probably fit in roughly in this little not this little area but this area here you just plunk my house within it yeah it doesn't matter about size mate it's what you do with it that counts that makes me feel so much better Billy thanks for that
Channel: The Pethericks
Views: 96,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french chateau restoration, chateau renovation dan, escape to rural france latest, chateau youtube channels, chateau diaries, escape to rural france
Id: eofHmUpiE-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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