A Reunion At The Convent

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to day 347 of the grand Oran rebuild and uh we are back in the thick we're nearly there just bear with us there's only a few little tweaks left to do and it will sound amazing what do you think are you are you ready to play have you been practicing I haven't no no no no no I haven't but uh it's nice to have you back thanks and I think um pip pip be happy to see you if you I think it's just lovely to be reunited yeah with the the old girl it's been way too long but anyway now all joking aside it's not that many days in the oran re as you know um it was a once- in a-lifetime experience which we both uh cherish because it was um yeah it was just so interesting there was so many challenges well it still works that's a it hasn't collapsed no so obviously you did something right yeah well we we did something right yeah and everyone else and again it was a massive massive team effort it was far more extended than just us but we were at the end of it um yeah we we were we did the final bits but we had all those team members and and that's what made it happen and uh it it was H yeah it was just fantastic it was a real challenge do you come back for Dad's birthday party I have a very very privileged to be here for uh which is today yes yeah happy birthday Mick so um 80 I know play something for Dad's birthday oh yeah oh I could do yeah if I remember how to play I'll just oh I don't need to switch it on look oh no let's uh oh [Music] oh that one stuck Nick ah oh there you go almost if I had a practiced that would have been perfect there's no need it's far better yeah there we go stra straight off the bat but yeah as you can see um there's a few tweaks we didn't um oh we didn't get around the odd little Cipher here and there but odd Cipher that's got worse since you come in what have you done no I think it's be I oh yes ah that one's stuck it works perfectly no problems at all nothing to see here turn the lights off um so yeah there's a few little uh tweaks we never in the end we never got to set up the keyboard or it was set up it leveled up it was Christmas you had to go home and be with your family and do Christmas stuff we were on a bit of a deadline but we made it and I haven't been able to do this stuff because I it's a Twan job yeah someone needs to be up the back so that's going to be uh while we're here yeah so um I've got to fix the key I think the first job is just to have a look uh because what can happen yeah yeah one of the little Rod things has dropped out I think so we just need to is that how it how it works VOA oh la la I know it's one it's how is that she gone but it's not in the bottom either just needs to clip in there you got to just Michael's good at this when we first did it he um he managed to cuz you had to put in the two key we obviously didn't know how the the final it all came together but it's a very tricky bit to get The Pusher The Pusher is not in the bottom oh oh no there you go fixed there you go okay and just like that it's done so all in all not so bad why was [Music] that ah I disconnected that thing hadn't I that's why [Music] there you go there's a split in the there's a split in one of the boxes which I did I did fix and I hoped it would last but it might be a much much bigger job it might have to completely take this whole wind chest out all the pipes and deconstruct the entire thing and repair it but that's a big job but once it's done it'll be done I think we'll have to have a proper reunion for that it'll be like the second that'll be like a week's job you mean when we move it onto the gallery move it move it onto the gallery want to move it I think it look nicer up there I think it would look nicer up there well why not INF for Penny in for pound we've moved it once we can move it twice and actually do a proper J and we'll do a proper job the second time there no it's good no but we're experts now so they say top of our game no no organ we can't handle bigger the better the bigger the better can we get a bigger one I think I think one is you come just to playay my organ a you it never gets better does it it doesn't grow old [Music] welcome back everyone so over the weekend it was my dad's 80th birthday party and we had all of the family over and it was absolutely amazing but I didn't film any of it but what I did film was Michael and Nick having a reunion with the organ cuz I thought that would be quite funny um those two really do make me laugh so this morning it's just Janis and I dad's having a day off and we've got some proper work to be cracking on with so let's do it good morning yanice good morning Billy good morning everyone did you have a good weekend perfect so we got a crack on today yanice we're going to cut a beam and lower it down and prepare it for installation on the gallery so so what's the word let's gon [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so today yanis and I managed to cut a beam at both ends lower it down and I've cut it in half almost in half to the exact size we need for it to fit between the beams up there like I did last week so we're going to do the coping method tomorrow morning cut it also it's ready to put up but also at the same time tomorrow we need to raise I was going to say lower um raise a beam up by 40 cm actually tying into it um with the gallery design so we're going to have all of the structural stuff done this week and then next week we're going to start doing all of the floor joists and things like that and then we can start walking on it which I'm really really excited about um I've just got to find some L brackets I have ordered some but I don't know how long they're going to take to arrive but I reckon if I go out and have a bit of a hunt around the um local Builders Merchants I reckon I can find some which will be quicker than waiting two more weeks for the ones that I ordered to arrive I can always send them back um or use them elsewhere I never actually send anything back I just use it elsewhere it goes in storage and we' always got a use for something um so yeah having all of the structural stuff done this week will be absolutely amazing that is the deadline so hopefully by Friday we'll have it all in and exciting times um I've just noticed how wonky the room is I have been doing some really really exact fine measurements today off camera and the gallery won't actually be a perfect square it will be more of a slight rectangle but you'll never notice you'll never ever notice it's just because the room isn't that square and I'm trying to keep the gallery 160 or 165 all the way around and the room is 7 and 1/2 M that way but it's only 7 m 30 that way or something like that um so yeah it's not going to be a perfect square but it will look really nice um also the doors are slightly off center to the gallery as well which is little bit annoying um but the doors I have are actually smaller a lot smaller than the ones that are there there so I can just shift them over 20 cm and then they'll be centered to the gallery but also the beam which is directly above my head on the next floor is off center as well so we've got to figure out um something to do that we've got to put a flitch beam on that to support it cuz it's got a huge crack in it and then we're probably going to encase it with an oak how would you explain it an oak like cover essentially which will make it look like a beam still um and maybe we can make that slightly bigger to make it you know more Center to the room because nothing nothing is square in this building um so yeah cracking on tomorrow thanks for watching everyone and yeah see you tomorrow
Channel: The Pethericks
Views: 96,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O0Ay5RFyHxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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