Exciting Progress On Abandoned Farm Revival: Unexpected Visitor Joins The Effort!

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good morning guys we are back down here on the abandoned farm and I'm hoping we got what's going to be a big day ahead of us we got one more decent day which is today of some nice weather then they're calling for a bunch of rain so let's get done what we can while we can [Music] so here's what's kind of on the agenda for today guys I believe I got a treat for you the master himself Jerry said he was available he's going to come down and give us a hand we got a little bit of uh trash and debris over there on the other side it want to get picked up and get throw I shouldn't say trash it's just bunch of stuff that needs to be gotten rid of that was uh the scrapings off the old Berry yard I guess is what they are over there we're going to get those in the bottom with this Pond and then hopefully Jerry's going to hop on the old 850 and uh is that going to come out of there or not J's going to hop on the old 850 and hopefully we're going to start getting some of this um Pond closed in before the next rain hits while he's doing that Aon and I are going to try to get this scrap metal pile Oh that is a lovely mess right there folks that is nice we're going to try to get this scrap metal pile load it up and hold out of here while we can still get a truck in here while it's not muddy all right I almost wonder if I shouldn't throw that back on top of the fire let it burn some more that wood out there what do you guys think that is beautiful but anyways check that out fire burned up nice last night so much o s in there holy cow just keeps going and going and going [Music] all right let me get this fire throw together we're going to go get the uh dump [Music] truck go get the dump truck and try to get the scrap met load up I believe well guys got the fire all throw together I believe she's going to take off again well that's uh well that's going we're waiting on Jerry to get here we're going to run down and grab the uh triaxle and uh that way we can start getting some of this scrap metal loaded up and out here can't remember if I showed you guys or not I know there was a little bit of video loading these um millings up a crash the other day hold I think three or four loads of millings off the lot down there and widen out the entrance into our road here and it is awesome and absolutely perfect for hauling uh getting the semi in and out of here now especially with all those trees going we got out of here yesterday uh visibility man it is awesome getting in and out of here beautiful all right let's go get the other truck all right pulling in the building here crash left the heater run in the truck the other day and I didn't try to stop start it but I'm hoping we don't have another dead battery issue out all right fluid's checked fingers crossed come on baby please start he dodged a bullet on that one I am not for sure where's the gear I need a gear where's the gear no nope still not a gear try again not for sure why am I it's going to be the best way to get over there we might go back behind Tom's building here see if we can cut across this way I oh yeah Flawless plan Fire's trying to take off think that's going to be more than one load what do you guys think all right we kind of need a loading zone here we're going to combine these two piles into one we get the truck in here safely without all our G Jerry aon's going to be in trouble he's on Jerry doer why Jerry caught Aon on there not me oh hello [Music] wo waiting on there to get that cleaned up go ahead and get this pin in there rework tailgate come on baby perfect for as beat up as what this bed is this uh swing gate still works surprisingly well look who's back [Applause] oh Bo going down oh boy yeah you better watch it he that out there real quick yeah 10 four he [Music] [Applause] not a lot of B there no I see much metal at all [Music] come [Applause] all right get that P for you up oh gra metal may be one of the most higher great than you it's right [Music] [Music] not bad it's uh it's like your tarp rail it's right in line with hard rail come back on that head's hanging over the bed about a foot maybe not quite a foot they don't want tree lims there what you say I think going out yeah decent load of scrap on the truck it might fit in one more load I don't know it's going to be close Jerry's got that original brush pile cleaned up which looks awesome we're going to go around the corner here we got a little bit of stuff we want to pick up uh that was left over from um just some random old telephone poles and some old rock and just some debris I think they pushed up there over the years we're going to get that cleaned up get it throw down the bottom of the pond we get it buried and eventually Jerry will be to the point where he can start pushing this thing shot Super Trucker this is kind of the stuff I'm talking about guys there's just a little bit of everything in here lot of it's some old fence some old brush possibly an old building that was tore down at one time just dumped and laid and Scattered out through here so Jerry's kind of pushing in a pile A it'll come over here we'll get them loaded out and kind of get this all cleaned up once and for all hold [Music] on load on head out that's a little soft right there all right guys Aaron's heading out of here with the uh second load that's got all the big stuff there's just a little bit of random stuff left here we actually got a a little bit of a hole right here Jerry's going to make out disappear old nozer and Jerry are both getting there done we're going to head all the way over to the other side of the farm we got a few loads of that debris we pushed up off the uh those is the field we need to get loaded up and get in there before we start closing that pond in what we got to do we get this place all cleaned up we going to celebrate my fishing in my pond up there I know I think that's going to be the next thing on our list is take your pond out I'll just clean the dam up no already talk we may not be on speaking terms but we are on the same terms as theond go it stays all right this is the last little bit of uh stuff we pushed off to the side here think we'll get that all in one load it'll be close be close I got some little stuff on it might actually burn but I think we're just going to throw it in the bottom of the pond is filler so all right all right let's load her up this remind me of a big bird nest yeah I guess it does kind of remind me of a big bird nest too [Music] see all right air is going to go D that in the bottom of the pond that should be our last load of debris to go in in there I'm going to take off and uh we're going to go get that load of strap dumped in the recycling center and then whenever we come back we'll get the rest of that loaded up hopefully for the train hits I think from from there it's just a matter of getting everything cleaned up so that's that looking compl different when hole gone all right guys we're pulling into the scrap yard anybody want to take any guesses on uh what we got Full House in here looks like 35,000 we got a couple ton on always amazes me what you see in here super nice boat over [Music] there Lao tanks tillers oh Rock Box all right let's see if we can get this stuff to actually come out of the bed piece of wire stuck up there [Music] all right that dumped out pretty smooth we're out of here collect our money and hit the road all right not too shabby guys we had uh about 3 and 1/2 about 3 and 1/2 almost 3 and 3/4 tons and uh kind of just shy 600 bucks so that's $600 more we have before let's go by get their load find the gear why can't I not find the gear in this truck well check this out guys just got back from taking off out load of scrap Jerry's got all this over here bladed up cleaned up looks absolutely awesome got a lot of this stuff down the bottom the hole kind of spread out got one spot right there's got some wire I'm going to hop down there with the excavator here in a minute help him on that a little bit but he's going ready start pushing this thing shut let's go over here and get this uh what's this scrap loaded up and I think we're going to try to make that P disappear I going get low oh l i oh almost Stu go it's going to be close guys but I think I think we're going to get her it's a full truck oh yeah we should be able get the tar cloes and get down to ro heck yeah I don't know how but we got her all on there thank goodness that's like 7even tons of crab in a 3 ton B I believe anyways back over on this project Jerry is wasting no time as you guys can tell the dam is coming in and he tells us it is time for this pile to disappear so uh guess we're going to take some of that water dip it on there try to cool it down and then get all these stumps situated down here in the bottom to where uh yeah he can bury him [Music] all right this s to be interesting let's see how this goes see if we can use this water to our advantage there's not near as much water there as I thought there was oh yeah Sizzle Sizzle big old snap and turn over where's there at you got to big old snap turtle over here on the loose yeah I just ran them out they actually just ran back in I see him [Music] all right got to do a little relocating here hopefully we can find them oh I see his head so I ain't got my uh hi flers on or my boots so yeah yeah s come on right up to me [Music] yeah oh yeah I'll get him relocated for sure all right all right I won't play games I'm about put him I'm about go put him in another Pond I know all right so that Bella right there since we took his home I'm must stick him in a another Pond and uh oh boy he stinks and uh get him relocated [Music] this [Music] that's what I was getting ready to say you didn't very good be do a very good job stirring up that fire that's a good way to get fired I know that hay that hay just does not burn Like Straw H [Music] yeah oh Gary coming at us that uh that 850b is felt mistreated maybe got another Silver Spoon there guess I'll have to make a hanger for it put on the 850b [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] he going to say anything big chunks if you want it I'd throw them back up in here uh where you started pushing spreading it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all two here beb now I think rest of it all looks pretty good a shadow just scared the crap out of me yeah I don't know what was coming after us I think Jerry's in his happy spot over there what do you think I think he is yeah I'll tell you what man that old Dozer still gets her done don't it yeah it do all right well I think we need to let Jerry do his thing I'm going haul out a load of scrap off and uh I'm going to let you P down on the road a little bit all right we are making some serious progress serious progress I like to see having all this cleaned up man look how much room we're gaining I know another reason not to take that other Pond down even more reason the problem is that Pond's going to become the biggest eyesore we got so it's going to have to go by the time we clean that bank up we get that top water diverted to that pond it'll stay full all the time it'll look beautiful I'll have you mow it once a week for me and I want I don't even my 30t all the way around I don't even mow my own grass once a week you need to keep clean that way you know I I can see the snakes and I can walk around it without walking through I your PRI so all right let's let Jerry do his thing we'll check back with him in a little bit all right [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh man oh man guys so close but yet so far away I had to run to one of the Gunner's ball games Jerry unfortunately ran out of fuel and time but man oh man what uh what a difference this is looking absolutely awesome I don't know if you guys are excited but I am super excited about this Jerry got our swell cleaned up a little bit right here we got all our scrap metal hauled off got our brush piles cleaned up got well a little bit of stuff still smothering down there I'd say at this point close to uh I don't know you guys want to call it 2/3 at least 3/4 2/3 3/4 majority of the Pond's in the majority of the pond is in it looks absolutely awesome this dirt is a lot better quality than what I thought it was going to be so I think we'll actually be able to plant have a crop here this will be usable area again I'm so damn excited it's ridiculous it's nice seeing this place getting cleaned up if you guys haven't yet go back and look at the videos we bought this place absolutely insane the transformation we made here just in the uh last little bit last couple of days have been been good days as well so unfortunately guys they are calling for a bunch of rain tonight I'm hoping hoping hoping hoping somehow we miss it we need one more good day down here get this finished up I got a little bit of work I want to do down there getting that prepped up and I'd like to get a little bit more of now that we kind of know what this grade looks like kind of get the grade finished around that building uh so I may have an opportunity to get some millings so it'll be nice to be able to get those to uh go around there but it's going to have to wait for another day hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did big old thumbs up want to make sure you don't miss out on what's coming up next i' consider subscribing if you haven't already I will and catch you on the next one later guys a
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 90,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew camarata, bulldozer, construction, diesel creek, dig drive dyi, digger, dozer, excavation, excavator, grading, heavydsparks, larson farms, letsdig18, letsdig18 volvo, matt's off road recovery, millennial farmer, mini, mulcher, mustie1, out door with the morgens, stanly, trackhoe, welker farms, abandoned farm, farm, land clearing, clearing land, land clearing equipment, diy, brush fire, old farm, case construction equipment, brush clearing, hauling scrap, scrap metal, recycling, trucking
Id: SiQyfv5PZ7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 45sec (3165 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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