Building a Wooden Clock
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Ronald Nelson
Views: 275,543
Rating: 4.9176364 out of 5
Keywords: wooden clock, grandfather clock, DIY, wooden gears, pendulum clock, #wooden clock, Clayton Boyer, woodworking
Id: rvU37Aho4FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This is awesome. You mention in the blog that you didn't want to use a laser cutter for personal reasons. Were there any parts of this clock (besides the weight) that might be too thick for a laser cutter? Do you feel any of the wooden parts will not last very long?
Looks amazing! I have a new project.
Beautifully executed project! The technique you showed is great for non-90-degree angles when the inside won't be visible. When the look of the inside surface is also important something like u/i-make-robots might work better.