Building a Warhammer Army List for Blood Angels Sons of Sanguinius! 40k 10th Edition

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[Music] the [Music] [Music] oh what's going on everybody welcome back to another art Wars stream this time it is build a list and we are going to be building a blood angels list here today for you that's going to be played live next week on the YouTube game and I believe that's blood angels into new and improved death guard yes yes so death guard will be it's kind of it's a classic matchup from uh from back in the day I remember playing that a fair few times on stream and uh so we're looking to put on the table again new death guard and then new Space Marines rules yep so we are going to be using the new Space Marine rules in this but if you're unfamiliar with build a list is a weekly feature that we do where we design a list from scratch that we intend to play on stream and the whole point of the video is to kind of go into the thought process of list building like what are our choices where do we start and uh how do we kind of build all the tools that we want into a single cohesive list exactly exactly now normally this is live but SS and I high five are at Tampa right now G W Tampa uh playing front of the world Jack's going to be playing blood angels spoiling that right now oh yeah 100% definitely definitely don't check BCP I uh if it says something different it's blood angs if it play says something different it's blood angels uh no so let's we're building a list and we're going to play it uh we're going to play it live on camera if you like this type of content please give us a like subscribe to the channel and leave a comment below letting us know what you think of the list how you're feeling about blood angels in the new meta what's working for you we'd love to hear your ideas and in addition if you want to see more content from us check out the War Room in the description below the war room. and uh there's a 3-day free trial check it out there's blood angels content in there uh like their state of the faction video which deck did and there's a ton of new Space Marine content uh coming out in there uh including on all the different detachments related to Space Marines that's right that's right so the first question when you're doing a Space Marine list is what Detachment are you going to choose I'm still not 100% but I think the one that I think is the most interesting currently is Vanguard spearhead so you do get a lot out of you do get a decent amount out of suns of sanguinius I'm not I don't really want to play Death company without plus one strength and attacks on the charge if I'm being real with you or the plus one attacks at least um blade guard at five attacks at strength six is just a whole different Beast to four attacks at strength five right it's you just hit these break points that are so much nicer so it is possible that looking at this I go oh man maybe this is just one to be sons of sanguinius cuz you get all your melee units hit that much harder but you do get some interesting things in the Vanguard spearhead as well as getting interesting things in the rest of the detachments I feel like uh something like uh well the Gladius didn't change at all so I don't think that's particularly interesting uh something like the Anvil Siege force or the iron storm or the storm Lance I think doesn't really show case like YB blood angels right you can be a red painted chapter of uh the iron storm and that's totally fine that's kind of all of our iron storm content and uh you'll you'll see some of that uh I think last week's game was uh iron storm yep so if you want to see what blood angels can do with the iron storm well it's basically exactly that and I think that's super cool but it's not blood Angel specific um Firestorm kind of the same deal nothing really blood angely in there except every Detachment is going to have the sang War and it doesn't I'm coming to find you I'm coming to find you uh that's just how it is and I'm going to give you a hug I'm going to ask what's wrong what's going on champ first company task force is something we don't talk about it's fine so I think the Vanguard spearhead is the coolest personally it's like a bag of tricks it is now I will say Sunset sanguinus is not a bad Detachment it's not a bad Detachment you get plus one strength and attacks to everybody on the charge you have access to Lance and lethal hits you have access to fall back and charge you have access to fights on death a lot of uh abilities to manipulate uh combat which I think is really good for blood Angel specific units so if you're going more Suns of sanguinous I think you go very heavy into the melee units and we might end up there but right now we're going to start with a Vanguard spearhead which is more of a more of a mixed bag has no damage output Buffs at all uh it has a or damage output for melee for shooting it has one and it's quite good but the 2 CP melee weapons gain Precision is all right I mean it means abdon ain't living through a first round of combat anymore you know uh that's something it's very important to me I'm just moving the sangor in here oh yes big time I'm just I'm not even going to play around yeah no the sangor is in the list let me see how many points he is I think he's I think he's 140 now I think he got cheaper yeah he's 140 that bad boy in the list sweet yeah the sangor is one of the best possibly the best lone op in the game a a fight first LAN op who hits like a train has an amazing rule to come in from reserve and mess with your opponent's plans yeah no he's just good he's pretty if you're running any sort of blood angels thing uh you should get him I have seen people people arguing that the sangor is in fact bad and I I don't want to cast dispersions but I suspect that if they're looking for the thing that is bad they should first look inwards um Vanguard spearhead is amazing why do we want Vanguard spearhead though Vanguard spearhead does a couple things one gives you the blade driven deep which lets an infantry unit infiltrate which I think is pretty cool Ghost weave cloak which lets a character become a loone operative okay get stealth not bad um there's some other ones in there that are decent the hold attachment gets minus one to hit and cover uh if your opponent is outside of yeah so I could take two sangor I definitely would if you are outside 12 Ines of your opponent you get those durability Buffs you can sticky objectives at the start of either command phase you have armor of contempt same as anyone else you have some stratum the big ones are one CP if you're more than 12 in away you get plus one ballistic skill and AP that is really really good has to be infantry but it's very very good calculated faint where you move D6 or 6 in when your opponent declares you as a charge Target is absurd it's absurd it's a incredible Mobility thing and then gorilla tactics lets you pick up units and put them into strategic reserve and then put them back down fantastic great that's the good stuff so at the end we'll weigh whether we want to be Vanguard spe or sons of sanguinius but you know currently we're trying this all right first up what are we doing to what units are we going to use with strike from the Shadows mhm I think a very good one is um a squad of inceptors the squad of six inceptors with bolters cuz then they hit on twos and you I believe they are 2 230 220 I believe 220 220 oh yeah they went down Five Points yep so should be 110 for three guys which is quite reasonable for what you get here they also just mess with your opponent screening too cuz they still have their rule where they can come 3.1 away Y and blow you up and six inceptors with bolters at 12.1 in using the Strat um actually hits very very hard they hit on twos with full rolls if you're targeting your oath Target and then you they're twin linked and they're ap2 so you just pile on a ton of saves onto your opponent because you can reroll full hit rolls fishing for those sixes to get the sustained hits and then you have full rerolls to wound as well which lets you point at a Target and say I wish you to stop living yeah it's really really good it's really really good I want a second unit to use strike from the Shadows CU inceptors can kind of be a one-way ticket uh so I am down to take a second one bam that's a decent amount of the shooting package I want to take you drop them in you pay a CP you blow your opponent up and you want to do all bolters no plasma that's right I think this is these are dedicated I'm going to spend strike from the shadow when this unit shoots every turn and with that the bolters become significantly better yeah um so then we want to look at what unit do we want to infiltrate with blade driven deep um and the question is it's probably death company or sanguinary guard right it's probably one of those two now sanguinary guard got a lot cheaper and I like them quite a bit right they're um my favorite unit in the game uh which is something that I say every time it comes up but they did get a lot cheaper they are now 35 points a model and them in combat is not the best it is four attacks at strength five ap2 damage two which isn't amazing and they hit on threes instead of twos uh they are a bit tougher to kill than usual in combat they are minus one hit minus one to wound if you have the warlord in there but in shooting they are not so I think probably what you want to do is you want to include death company mhm right death company natively reroll to hit come with Inferno pistols and power fists and they hit pretty damn hard so I'm going to say 10 death company with jump packs and how many points is that going to run us that's going to run us 260 260 that's not too bad though that's not too bad really is not so bad for an alpha unit that can just hit you turn one yes um and what you want to include with that because we need a generic character not lamaris unfortunately is we probably want a chaplain with jump pack which I believe is now 75 points I think it went cheaper I'm going to double check though okay and his enhancement is going to be I don't think that changed think the points here are correct in the back and Vanguard spearhead blade driven deep is 25 25 25 he be probably 100 points yes blade driven deep a very cool sounding one it is it's why I said it every time I had the opportunity to um so that is an expensive unit right it's 360 points you need to make sure if it takes a one-way trip that's not the end of the line it's value town it's got to do value it's got to do value it's got to do more than just kill a unit it's got to kill a unit and like block your a bunch of stuff that can't fall back and do things um buy you a whole turn yep capture enemy Outpost exactly so if we're looking to do that right if we are looking to buy ourselves a big old turn what are we looking to do then well what we're looking to do then is we are looking to capitalize on that big old turn and uh that probably means more death company if I had to guess just a redundancy Factor there well so what I want is I want this unit to be disruptive you don't always throw it away turn more that would be a huge mistake a lot of the time but when it goes in I want it to blow up a key resource and stop a bunch of my opponent's resources from activating and if you're doing that the best thing you can do to follow up on that is to follow up on that with additional units and is that going to add Lamar it sure is actually I'm I yeah no that one is getting Lamar's in here right quick lamaris is 11 10 10 and he is very good who's our Warlord sanguinar uh it could be anyone really I mean what we could do is we could take a captain and put him in a squad of sanguinary guard the problem is this list doesn't hit as hard as sons of sanguinius right if we're going Mass I mean let me add up some points and see where we're at right because we have we have the sanguinor we have the chaplain with blade driven deep we have Lam mares we have 260 plus 260 Plus 440 we have 1310 that's not unreasonable I mean the thing we could do right is we could go sons of sanguinius and go melee Rush down mhm I really like these inceptors though shooting is is very valuable especially with all the rolls they have they do hit very very hard being able to clear the screens being able to threat force your it the thing is a death company will force most opponents back but as soon as they have very good screens they can still kind of be relatively aggressive move blocking them forcing them to land in front whereas the inceptors any of that stuff is just going to get picked up where you don't have to commit death company into a screen I really like true that's true I would like one long range shooting unit um we're also going to need some Mission play here yes we're going to need some Mission play here what I would really like I think is uh I don't know if we need long range shooting I think we need like one more I think we need one more melee threat and then cuz that's going to be most of our gameplay and with the inceptors as this as the I'm going to shoot people to death like if I need to shoot something the inceptors are going to do it yep and then I need one more melee threat and then I need Mission play and that's probably where the list would end up right yeah so let's we have a really amazing Strat gorilla tactics here yep to uh go back into Reserve yes which is fantastic for scoring yep you're able to pick up Scout squads even though Scout squads can pick themselves up that's uh it specifically affects two Phobos or Scout units but Scouts can already go up they have that on their data sheet they do do what if they are outside 3 in but within 6 in then the Scout data sheet is turned off but this isn't so what are we thinking infiltrators so that they just really fully screen our back Scouts the low op access Scouts are one of the best units in Space Marines so I would say bare minimum we're taking two squads okay uh they're 55 points a piece they teleport around the board doing secondaries they are very good they have to be outside 6 in of your opponent's models but then they can just do it they're 55 points like they are how many do you think here at least two squads at bare minimum two squads it's probably going to end up honestly put in three yeah let's not beat around the bush that's where we're going to end up so three squads of Scouts Games Workshop thought they stopped Scouts and then they were like all right new kit new time oh yeah they're back oh yeah Scouts are so good for their points they just teleport around doing secondaries holding space at dirt cheap and uh yeah then when you need them they just pick up put down pick up put down I'm envious um so the last thing we could do is we could take a squad of um of intercessors to Sticky objectives cuz sticking objectives is quite good I don't I don't know if that's really where we want to go here these guys one of them holding our back field seems pretty reasonable the kaladis Evers sir package is like as much scoring as we're ever going to need if we add that on here then we are golden in terms of scoring yep let's do that and then see if we want to cut points so that's going to be a cadus plus an ever that leaves us with 360 points left okay Kus assassin mhm and that gives us access to uh effect ability if we really need it leave out the ever we already have a loone op in the sanguinor and if we're going to include the ever I probably would just take like a gravis Captain with uh the lone operative stealth okay so the kaladis can stay in cuz the cadus teleports and does cool stuff the ever this list right here we have 435 points left so how do we want to spend that well saying you wanted one more melee threat here I would love one more melee threat which one are you thinking um well I don't really think there's anything that is as good as death company at being a melee threat what about uh death company on foot out of a rhino death company on foot out of a rhino is pretty good let me see how many points they are I believe uh they're not too many the Rhino does make them quite a bit more expensive so they are for a 10-man squad they are um 30 points cheaper are you thinking of taking them with um y old advanc and chargy Tao so the thing about Tao it does get pricey it does get pricey it does get quite pricey and a 6 inch moving unit advancing and charging is not better than a 12-in moving unit that charges with a re charge mhm uh I think we could just slap a 10-man death company with no character and just slap him in the list um the nice part about the chaplain with the jump pack is they they get uh plus one to wound which means that they will hurt really bad so if we do that we are I don't think we need to hit any harder in combat yeah probably not probably not we have our yeah we have our scoring locked up so now the thing would be can we include one more thing to shoot what do you thinking here um well if we take a look at so we've heard um like aggressors have been quite popular recently um aggressors are pretty damn good how many points do we have we have 175 and I I'm willing to cut like a squad of Scouts to get us to a reasonable level because we have a decent amount of of points we don't have the Libby dread combo here we do not have the Libby dread but I don't know if this really supports it doesn't really work with uh it doesn't the interceptors don't need it yeah I do think the liby dread uh combo is quite good where you use the librarian dread knot to throw units around the board and then shoot mhm um but I may have fallen a bit in love with death company it's a little hard to tell um yeah it it's possible that what we want is to cut death company and put in like the Libby dread and then another shooting unit but I I just don't think you get value out of it unless your whole list is designed around it yeah we could go company Heroes company Heroes is a pretty decent unit it's like 95 points and you we need get a solid unit we would need a captain um it's not bad we could as far as shooting units go we don't have a ton of options that are very good that's unfortunate sternard veterans uh got a little bit gutted it's sternard and um the aggressors kind of overlap a bit with the Bolter ones here the Bolter inceptors yes they don't really Target different things I mean so our anti-tank really is the combat and potential rerolls from the bolters yes I I mean I I do think okay so bit of a meta thing here right last week we did Vanguard spearhead for you know just generic Marines and then this is blood angels Vanguard spearhead and this includes a bunch of death company and sang work CU I think they are very good unit units the best anti-tank long range unit you're going to find in Vanguard spearhead is Devastator centurions I think I have just flipped through the book I don't see anything else cuz there you want an infantry based shooting unit that does a decent amount of damage now we don't have enough points for Devastator centurions not even close we could drop death company one un death company and get them in but we don't have to do that honestly it could just be as simple as instead of Devastator centurions Devastators just Devastators regular Devastators let's take a look at their profile come on come on regular Devastator squads are significantly cheaper uh I don't I'll have to look up the exact price point but they are significantly cheaper um which weapon you thinking gra multi melas L cannons for the long range probably the last cannons honestly now they're all ballistics go four which would go to ballistic Skill 3 with the strategy there's just they're all ballistic skill 4 you're probably targeting the oath Target so you get re rolls to hit in that case probably grav cannons because they wound on twos just for the extra volume and they'll get the plus one EP right uh yes they get the plus one AP to ap2 okay and that is like a cheaper unit you can teleport around a little bit try and find little um little little places to put them I don't believe they got cheaper I believe they are still 120 points for a squad of um for a squad of five and you can just pick it up put it down shoot your grab cannons and the fact that uh you don't get wound re rolls means I'm a little Leary of anything that's like low number of shots wounds on threes or anything so at least grab cannons are 12 shots that wound on twos and our ap2 ignore you know not ignores cover but you know uh if it remain stationary the G ignor cover that's cute you said 120 uh they are 120 yes okay so that leaves us with 55 points left we can't take a fourth Scout I would take a fourth Scout if I could we could do is we could cut the cadus and get in another Devastator unit yeah I don't hate that no I actually kind of like that to be honest with you probably with the three Scout squads we don't really need the cadus three Scouts and the sanguinor like I feel like we're probably okay right we should be and this way we against like cheaper vehicles or wounded stuff we can commit five dudes instead of 10 death company so we have the sanguinor with the chaplain with lamaris with three units of Scouts plus a lot of death company my God plus uh two un of inceptors plus two units of Devastators and we end up with 25 points left so the question is do we want to change anything around with 25 points is there something that we would want to do can one of the scouts become something else become something that is 80 points I believe so so let's take a look now a lot of space or there's a shooting Runo that's 150 points 145 there really isn't one that's as good as Devastators at uh 45 now we could we could take a tank but I don't really love tanks in this list we could take a whirlwind it's exactly 145 now and it would hold the Back Field it's not the worst I don't without oath being as good I don't like it as much anymore it's not really going to be that consistent at doing anything no it's going to be very consistent at actually doing nothing um we could uh there's really just not much to spend it on to be honest with you um yeah there just really isn't uh Devastators are the best infantry shooting unit uh honestly the question is do we need four units that are all trying to use the same strategy um the answer is probably no do we want to turn six inceptors into a real like Hammer unit do we want cuz Devastators I don't think a 145 are going to turn into a real unit yeah but devastated or inceptors at 245 might um what can you get for 245 that's it's an excellent question uh things capped out on death company and yeah uh not not a hell of a lot anything else blood Angel specific that you would want to add in here so something like a ball Predator is not bad because it's good into um it's good outside of O cuz it auto hits mhm unfortunately instead of it is be 250 for two of them and not just off just off so the flamestorm cannon is a very good gun it would be pretty decent you have a lot of flamers helps out uh against light infantry that sort of thing um we could could take a A furio or not a furios where's where's the death company dreadn now it's unclear how many times the death company dreadnut gets to swing uh unfortunately it is uh 165 the Furioso why is the Furioso cheaper Furioso hits pretty pretty damn hard it's it's ap3 twin linked which is actually nice cuz ap2 on the redemptor is a bit embarrassing um honestly honestly uh we can't even uh change out a Devastator unit for a gladiator cuz it's too many Gladiators 150 uh yeah that's this is this is a little bit on the uh unfortunate what if we do 10 105 death company that could work how many we got 130 points back so we'd have 155 yeah okay that's pretty good what would that get us 1555 would get us probably a gladiator of some kind it would get us something that doesn't care about strats doesn't care about having to use abilities um ballistas dreadnots are going to be 140 that's not bad they're quite good at 140 honestly what we probably want to do is leave it as is and just swap one of the Devastators for a ballistas it'll just be a little tougher it'll push a point a little more and uh we'll just do that okay that it's it's just a bit better at what you want to do it doesn't synergize at all but that is okay it's got a decent data sheet and I think that's what's important here that's the long-range gun it just pop out finish off that Target or put a bunch of damage so you can finish it off yep and this is going to this is going to be fun so we're going to get to run at you with a whole bunch of death company uh I believe the phrase is get wrecked Get Wrecked Get Wrecked that's what's going to happen here and uh it's going to be fun be f is there any other uh like tricks we would want to build around with Vanguard so there's just the one trick of running away when your opponent targets you that's pretty much it uh and then infantry teleporting and getting uh better damage the question here is why are we Vanguard spearhead mhm and I think the answer is I'm not 100% sure it's to get these bolur interceptors doing stuff sure I think what we want to do what we want to do is we want to switch over to Sons of sanguinius cuz we we you know we still have plenty of time to to fuss around with this what what what's making you hesitant about so we're not actually getting a lot of value out of out of uh the Vanguard spearhead here we have the one unit that's infiltrating but that's that's it it's just one unit right we have the one unit's infiltrating but that is all that that that he does and then after that uh we are basically just running away when someone hits tries to charge us but if somebody tries to charge us in the sanus we can just fight on death and kill them MH right and we hit harder when we actually hit and I don't it's it's literally just the inceptors being better but I don't actually know if we need that as much right if we cut ballista dreadnots are so good outside of um outside of needing like benefits or Buffs or whatever at 140 that I could just see us turning our inceptors into like more ballistic dreadnots and then going heavier into combat and just using the bullet to struts to pick up tanks and things like that and using our combat to kill the stuff that we yeah I looking at this I'm pretty pretty confident actually son of senu yes is where we want to be all right so in that case we've got this guy who gets yeah he gets merked unfortunately okay so enhancement guy is done and then we're probably not going to run any inceptors at that point probably not we still have a bunch of mission play and probably none of that I think I think we literally just copy the ballistas and just run honestly three of it probably just really good outside of any kind of Buffs so if I calculate this right I'm I mean you can tell right now I'm not really sure what direction to take this in um but if we Analyze This where's the Supreme confidence we have 385 points left okay and we have decent Mission play we have good combat we have good shooting I actually don't hate this there's not really a bad way to fill this out the way I would probably fill it out is I would probably add like a uh a blade guard Squad plus a character plus a like a chaplain of some kind just to keep the death company doing what you want them to do so you thinking the six blade guard here yeah I'm thinking six blade guard they're not that expensive they're not amazing outside of suns of sanguinius honestly but is they hit quite quite damn hard is it one word or two yeah it's one word and what is it 180 it's 180 for six okay so here's what we could do right we can attempt to take another chaplain gives him plus one to wound which is very nice uh or we could give them the judiciar and the judiciar makes them fight first and gives them a solid beat stick character can what any enhancements uh no not really judiciar it's AR judiciar and I believe there's 70 now that's pretty cheap that's pretty cheap and there's nothing in Sons no no enhancements that are worth adding let's go over this so in Sons of sanguinius the enhancements we can give him decent ones right we can give him he becomes tougher improve his AP by one give him a two up save um there's one that's while in enemy units in engage range have their OC characteristic of their models in their unit but to minimum one um Archangel Shard is he gets Lance and anti chaos 5 plus on his weapon which is pretty good except for the fact that you can get Lance in a strat so you know there's there's that and then finally every time um anytime your opponent has to fall back from you they take Des for escape enhancements are not really the strongest to this on the S yes that's fair so what does this leave us at so this leaves us at plus 180+ 70 leaves us at 135 points remaining okay 100 35 135 um not enough to get an MSU like another FIV man or another like small combat Squad uh it is actually yeah so we can split up first off we can just split up uh a unit of the death company we can leave them together but we can for 135 fit a fiveman death company in there so what are you thinking like a fan foot death company uh a fan foot death company is probably pretty good could also go for the Assassins we could also go for the Assassins so if we went for 90 points we'd end up with 45 points left which gets us a cheap little nonsense unit Imperial the Imperial henchman for 40 points yeah that's pretty good um the other thing we can do is we could uh take an impulser for for the blade guard plus Judiciary package and what would that leave us with that would leave us I believe it's 85 points or it's 80 now yeah I think it's 80 that leaves us with 55 points no we can't get another Scout Squad can't get another Scout Squad in there um H man this the last like 100 points it's always the toughest right it's always the hardest part of the list um damn oh my God I'm in pain SS um I like the impulser I like the mobility on the blade guard yeah I think I think we definitely go with an impulser here it's 80 points impulser is pretty damn good all right so let's throw the impulser in here and then we have what awkward number left 55 it's not awkward I know exactly what unit I want to buy with it okay 80 what are we going for oh Scouts it's Fourth dra Scouts battle line yeah no they're battle line for sure um ah this is tough man so we could drop a five uh five death company so it's 10 105 and we get another Squad of six blade guard I don't mind that I actually probably like that a lot I like having one five man honestly so that I don't have to commit 10 if I don't want to yeah that sounds good I like that so that's 130 and that's quite cheap and it's not going to have a character so it is just a very cheap missile yeah we could honestly sub out the second unit for a fiveman and we get like an impulser plus a character that could also work yeah and I have two beautifully painted blood Angel impulses oh I would uh that's so weird that's so weird Okay so let's change the second unit to a fan we have one 10 man with lamaris that's going to slam and now me let me go through and add points and see how many points this leaves us with10 + 70 165 plus 260 + 260 plus 40 unfortunately they're not in the app yet with the updated points okay that leaves us with a decent number of points uh that leaves us with 315 that's that's a good amount so we could take another Squad of Blade guard yeah let's just load up here yeah I like blade guard are good in Suns of sanguinous they're quite good they hit hard okay so that'll give us the another blade guard and I assume we want a second impulser I would love a second impulser that leaves us with 55 points left again stop no so do you want do I want a second character with this um the answer is kind of yes I mean judiciar are like miserable to try and deal with if you can't do like behind a wall they just fight first and it's like oh my God I'm about to take this much damage before they get to swing um judicial ones are pretty good the other options would be something like a captain um what is 5 like how are we getting more points it would be it would be we'd be cutting Scouts right Scouts cutting Scouts cuz we have impulsor to run around and do do nonsense actions like later in the game yeah uh I feel I feel comfortable dropping one scad of Scouts I think that's okay we have 110 points left somehow we're still going to end up with 55 left after this what we're going to do is we're going to take a judici here and we're going to take a squad of um inquisitorial henchmen okay and that is going to be on the nose I need to double check the points cuz it's not in the app but if we need to make some 10-point adjustments I'm sure that's easy he said 55 points for imperi inquisitorial acolytes or henchmen yeah henchmen and that's 40 points they can literally hold our backfield objective yeah they are or just be in strategic reserves and just go investigate signals good s okay this actually feels like a lot of stuff yeah this feels like a good redundancy we don't have to overcommit against things we have tools all over the place and everything basically rerolls to hit uh the blade guard reroll ones to hit off their ability death company roll hit at all times ballista real hits against things that are above half strength so then you basically just use oath for whatever the sanguinor is going to run after which I kind of like I'm not going to lie whatever the Sanger goes and Slams on he uh he gets them and the no wound re rolls is definitely hurts I mean I I could before this list comes out I could swap over judiciar to chaplain or something like that I think you have the points to do that I think they're pretty dang cheap uh the points in the book don't mean anything but I don't know why I'm looking at them chap is yeah I think a chaplain is 65 and that would make the unit hit absurdly hard like six blar coming out of a a thing but I like the Judiciary that fight first is means they're good defensive piece as well yeah you have them behind a wall and an objective your opponent just can't really deal with them at all mhm and that's just good but yeah totally an option to switch out um do you want to just quick pull up uh the old Games Workshop unfortunately it's not out yet oh that's right yeah we're allowed to talk about it we're allowed to say whatever just not released yet it's just not released so who knows when it's going to be released does not have it yeah I mean I would assume it's released with the book but we have not heard anything to say that so hopefully this is basically on the nose I know the blood Angel points there are no changes in blood angels so the sangor lamard and death company that's all correct uh impulser and toist I no blist are 140 no questions asked I know blard are 180 no questions asked quitor henchman that's all fine I know the points on Scouts the only thing that's I'm pretty sure imp posters are 80 and then judiciar is at 70 I would need to make sure but worst comes to worst if it's 75 one of the judiciar stays a Judiciary the other one becomes a chaplain and we're we're chilling all right well I like this list I think this is going to be a ton of fun uh this is very similar to the type of list that I would run in eighth edition yes with this Army just a bunch of stuff just a lot of stuff good amount of speed and you got layers so they're like okay I just got hit by two death company squads here come the BL guard yeah those those blade guard hit man on the charge they get Lance and lethal hits they reroll one St natively they have five attacks a piece like they are not they're each like custodians when they hit you it's not okay yeah and then they fight first custodians you fight on death with them and you can fight on death yeah it's pretty it's pretty scary so I'm really happy uh with this list I'm excited to see it on the table so if you're um you know wondering when we're going to play this it's going to be the following week it's going to be up against quinton's death guard which should be a very interesting game and um I think think blood angels are going to have a good time I think so I hope so yep if you like this list let us know what you thought about in the comments below if you're trying other options that you're having success with with blood angels let us know in the description if you're using different attachments also let us know we'd be excited we always read the comments so always excited to hear what you have to say and um in addition give us a like subscribe to the Channel all that massively helps us uh grow our YouTube channel and continue providing you with all this uh 40K content for 10th edition on top of that if you want more we do a ton of extra content pieces every single week in the War Room coaching match games we've got Jack theory that happens every week we've got no thy enemy tons and different series uh so check it out there's a three-day free trial the war room.vs dotv sign up check it out uh watch as much as you can and uh hopefully we'll see you in there and you also get access to our awesome Discord Community absolutely very much worth it uh if you're looking to come hang out with us in the Discord y you know do your best become your best learn the game become your best Jack come on Ah that's the tagline but uh thank you so much everybody for joining us and I can't wait to see this blood angels list on the table it's going to look amazing it's going to fight amazing and uh we hope you enjoy this one all right bye-bye thanks so much so long for now [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Art of War 40k
Views: 12,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5DVn8Cjn1eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 30sec (2490 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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