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so we recently hit 600 000 subscribers on our YouTube channel so in celebration I invited eight of you guys onto my server to build me a bloxburg house so these are the eight people that I have chosen and each of them will be allocated a different type of room for example we've got someone doing the kitchen the living room the bathroom front yard the list goes on we have a whole construction team but not only this but I also said that you guys have to finish the house in one hour they are on a one hour time limit and they'll each have a different budget to work with and if you guys want to participate in a future video like this all you have to do is be subscribed to the channel so that being said let's get started so here is today's construction team we've got Marilyn Monroe we have a clown they've literally been here so long that they are starting to stink so um I think it is finally time for them to build the house as you can see this is the show of the house and now all they have to do is decorate it okay the one hour timer starts now oh okay they already beat me in build mode like calm down it has literally not even been five seconds and we've already got a refrigerator a table and a fence I also told them to surprise me with whatever theme they want to do this is kind of scary the last time I hired you guys to Build Me Up bloxburg house you guys want to know how it turned out like this is how it turned out like someone built the North Pole on my roof this one is a little bit more organized so hopefully we'll get a proper structure going on as you can see when you walk in this is going to be the living room and we've already got a fireplace and the living room kind of goes into the kitchen back here and swoops into the dining room and then over here we've got my bedroom bathroom and the garage we've also got a pretty big front yard so I'm really excited to see what they come up with with this the thing with this challenge is that it does take a lot of Teamwork because they do kind of have to bounce off of each other I love how irresistible is talking us through his process doing a feature War we obviously need a fireplace okay it's already been four minutes and they've made actually a lot of progress surprisingly the one thing I am concerned about is the fact that there's gonna be like eight different themes in the house also my room this is going to be my bedroom by the way look how beautiful this is already like this whole curved thing is just my chef's kiss okay so the original plan was to ask them to build me a traditional Japanese slash Zen home and when I said that they gave me blank stairs they're like Alaska I don't know how to do that and I'm like okay so I just told them they can use whatever theme they want I have high hopes for my bedroom look how it's I don't know why it's giving me like spaceship Vibes oh okay there's a lot going on in the front yard the person doing exterior is currently working on painting the house looks like we're having a brick house today someone just goes I don't know what I'm doing right now I don't usually use bricks for my exterior so this is going to be kind of fun also the garage is doing a really good job as well like back here I love the little LED lights on the wall oh my God look at the living room living room is on a roll right now this is beautiful like the roof oh my Lord okay they have exactly 50 minutes left and the house for you is already at thirty five thousand dollars it's gonna be one expensive house I go 50 minutes left and everyone's like already 50 help no oh my gosh someone said I'm literally up at 2AM for this I don't know why you do this every single time I invite you guys onto my videos for like apparently 4am for me and I'm like okay backyard so far they've just added like a tree oh it looks like the garage got rid of their sink and is instead adding a laundry room you can tell there's two different people working on the house right now because so far the living room is completely different to the kitchen oh the backyard got rid of their tree and is now adding a fountain I'm glad you guys are giving me a fountain in my house there better be some touches of green in my house if you know me you know my favorite color is green so I'm wondering what they're gonna put back here and if they're going to change these doors I don't know who picked like the most standard doors but give me some nice luxury modern doors please here he goes oh my God this Palm be looking like a gateway to Hell oh yeah that's that's a very questionable pun but we love it we love to see it oh someone is adding fairy lights at the front of my house how scrumptious okay what's going on in the backyard why is there a swing coming out of the fence this bedroom is actually looking so cute we've got some Square pillars is this meant to be my bed like I love reading the chat it's so funny someone goes I have the Ken song stuck in my head and irresistible goes the Ken song is amazing and then Isabella goes for real well I love when my subscribers Bond over the Ken song from Bobby I'm just kidding anywhere else I'd be a tan oh my Lord look at this living room I don't think I've ever had a living room this luxurious before damn I should get you guys to build for me more often I can tell this kitchen is actually gonna be amazing it has like a really good layout to it and I actually love these Craftsman cabinets I don't use them much but I definitely should I don't know what vibe everyone's going with though that's what's confused whoa okay the bedroom's gonna be a Japanese style isn't it oh my days the person working on the front yard keeps deleting and then like redoing it so far I kind of like what they're doing I don't know what this is oh it's a flat roof oh that's kind of creative wow this backyard is actually looking so pretty it's giving me like when you go to your grandma's this is what their backyard looks like it's kind of cute I like the little birdhouse at the back here I used to actually own a birdhouse do you guys want to hear a funny story so I don't know if you've ever watched the Tinkerbell movie but pretty much this girl she had this little bird box and she turned it into like a fairy house and she would collect fairies so when I was little I bought a birdhouse and turned it into like other little fairy house and every single day I would check if fairies flew into my birdhouse okay bathroom is doing really well I don't know why there's just a random toilet paper stand in the middle of the bathroom but not gonna question it I like the way they've done the shower though that is really creative oh guys the garage is giving me green Walls they have heard me did I not say before that I wanted green wall somewhere beautiful someone goes if I don't finish Alaska's the one to blame yeah sorry about that I feel like I should be helping them I just said is there any room you guys want me to do I'd appreciate the entryway SOB okay I can do the entryway no problemo so the entryway is here I think I'm gonna base the entryway off the living room because I want it to be similar the person doing the living room is gonna love me because I'm gonna match it to their living room looks like they have a modern traditional living room so I guess that's what we can do for the entryway firstly we're gonna get rid of these doors because let's be honest it kind of suck and I feel like a nice painting here as soon as you walk in would be kind of cute I guess we can put a chair like in the corner with some pillows you know what I miss my pillows the pillows at the hotel that I'm staying at absolutely soap and sometimes when I'm sleeping I just think how many people have slept on these pillows and I'm just like even when I'm at a restaurant if I'm aiding from one of the utensils I'm just like I am disgusted I am disgusting okay so far I think the entry here is actually pretty cute oh I've lost track of time guys we've only got 30 minutes left I'm sorry oh my gosh is this what it's like for you guys to build like on a timer this is why I do an awful job at being in a build battle hey why am I scared my hands are shaking is this the pressure that I put on you guys I'm gonna speed build this yeah you've seen dreams speed build Minecraft but have you seen Alaska Violet speed build a house in bloxburg okay what else do we need we need a carpet oh my gosh mate I'm scared I'm scared we've also got this awkward section here so uh I guess we can have like a bench with like a hook rack I never knew how fast time goes when you're building that's crazy okay the last thing we're gonna add is just a few more paintings and that is it okay the entry area is done thankfully let's see how everyone else is going oh my gosh we've got a green kitchen you can definitely tell there's two people working because we've got detailed flooring in the first half and then the second half just have one layer of floor I feel sorry for the person doing the kitchen because I did give them the job of the kitchen and the dining room so we might not have a dining room but it's okay all my days look at this bedroom how are the plants doing that I haven't checked on the bedroom in a while but this is beautiful oh we've got a really big chandelier in the bathroom I feel like I may potentially hit my head on that but as for the person doing the backyard they are doing an exceptional job this is Beautiful Everything is like thought out so well oh we haven't checked on the garage in a bit oh damn look at this God oh wait you know who else we haven't checked the front yard oh wow okay person doing the front yard and the person doing the exterior of the house this is actually stunning I've never had a front yard like this it's really creative um you've got a little bit of a problem the person doing the front yard this is meant to be a driveway you know where the car comes out I don't know how we're gonna get our car out of the driveway if there's a fountain guys I don't know how but they have 20 minutes left and they still have a lot to do and I have no idea if they're gonna finish in time it's fine if they don't finish in time not only will I not have a house in real life I also won't have one in bloxburg okay you know what while we let them build should we have a look at their plots okay whose is this over here oh okay we've just got got some dinosaur eggs italic why do you have dinosaur eggs on your plot okay who is this person water okay it looks like Porter is building a beach home as soon as I walk in it goes beach house oh wow I love this house this is this is definitely wait is that my initials hold up someone has my initials in their office that is so cute and lastly we have a house over here oh this is giving me like Italian Villa Vibes we've got zika slim trees oh what's what's going on here Isabella you're planning a little child Army like I think this might be a boarding school or something because we have like a lot of chairs in here why did someone add a stuffed Santa into my inventory I'm scared I think the person doing the kitchen is done because now they're working on the dining room I'm laughing at the fact that this person still has a fountain in their garage oh okay garage we've got some pink motorbikes oh I would so drive around in that why does this feel like Barbie's garage I kind of vibe it though okay dining room hello out of all of the doors you know what doors they choose these standard doors actually the dining table is kind of cute I like the idea of having a small dining table instead of like a brand one actually let me know in the comments if you guys actually eat at your dining table because I don't I would leave this eat on the lounge sorry I'm not fancy okay they now only have 13 minutes left okay let's see what the bedroom's up to oh this is so cute this is actually generally like my dream bedroom one thing the bedroom doesn't have though is a lighting oh person doing the living room though is like healing it okay with 10 minutes left I genuinely don't know if they're gonna finish in time and by the looks of it the front yard's still not removing the fountain so um it's fine when you have to use your motorbike you just have to kind of maneuver your way around this here he goes I wonder what Alaska is thinking right now I'm thinking with eight minutes left where on Earth is the driveway they just go crash into the fountain let's hope they haven't forgot anything for some reason they still decided to use these God awful standard doors I don't know why is that a plain marking on my floor let's get rid of that oh no irresistible goes I hope she didn't stalk her plots yeah I promise I didn't stalk your plots hey yo what's of the random decals at the front yard and this was a massive basic shape hey you know what I'm actually gonna hop on out of build mode and wait for the timer to go off as you can see a few people have already finished you know what I'm kind of excited to see what the plot value is this house so far it kind of looks like a typical like 70 to 100K house I don't know with you guys you guys have expensive taste oh my gosh who is adding plants to the roof one minute left y'all be scared shaking in my socks I'm shaking in my Crocs they are terrified why do I do this to them shaking in my air force ones and the time okay the total plot value comes to 247 000 oh my gosh yo what did you spend in there oh the plot value 247k here we have the exterior of the house you know what it's actually not too bad I really like it I like the amount of the is that RuPaul from RuPaul Drag Race once I'm crying okay so firstly we have the front yard you know what the person who done the front yard done a really good job except for the fact they did not add a driveway instead of a driveway they have a fountain which is blocking the garage and then in here we've got the garage oh I don't know what theme they went with exactly but I am loving these pink motorbikes see guys look at this let's say I'm driving on my motorbike how am I meant to get out huh look at this this is not safe who needs a driveway when you have a fountain yeah true true hi Lady Gaga Lady Gaga no babe that's rude pool okay the entry here is actually made by Yours Truly myself oh I forgot to change the decals that's that's great okay and then over here we've got the living room this living room is honestly so cute I think it fits all of us to be honest let's have a look it's kind of giving like a luxurious modern Vibe why does it feel like I'm in like a school meeting right now I'm like that's my principle this back bit is actually really cute I like the water back here hope the water doesn't like wet the book is that a photo of me on the okay all right moving on and then over here we've got the green kitchen this is everything I love love green kitchens so I think Ange done the kitchen so Ange done a really good job on this it's kind of giving me like Cottage core Vibes where are the limes I love limes I love them what do you do with all those limes I actually didn't even know that they were in there there's no toaster to make toast well luckily for you I have celiac disease which means I'm allergic to toast so don't really need a toaster do I also have a dining room here thankfully I was afraid that we were going to run out of time to actually add a dining table but luckily we did not wow a photo of our Lord and savior I think they all like the photo of Gordon Ramsay okay back here we've got the backyard I said it before and I'll say it again this backyard is beautiful they literally added everything you need they also added the swing the wrong way I love the fountain what I don't like though is um this spider it looks like I'm just watching my children play in the backyard is that a furry okay now we also have the bathroom which is in here oh wow you know what I actually didn't check the bathroom much I wanted to kind of be a surprise but they've done a really good job I love the big vanity table over here I'm definitely going to be using this why is everyone staring at angel on the toilet last guys that enough toilet paper for you let's have a look oh yeah actually I might need more to be honest who's in here oh what the hell boy I like the shower I like how this is like a big open concept you know what I love about this shower the fact they added a stool this is really creative got a nice toilet here I'd appreciate if you you know didn't stare at me on the toilet and screenshot oh my God you know what happens when I sit on a toilet you guys upload it onto decals for the whole bloxburg to see everyone and their mum can now see this photo okay now lastly we have the bedroom which is what I'm most oh excited about oh my days not my best are you kidding me this is beautiful we've got a massive closet with all my green clothes good job italic we've also got my desk here dear diary oh this person's writing in their diary today I embarrassed myself putting a swing set backwards okay now lastly we have the bedroom oh I actually have no words can I sit in here oh wow I love love these bed shapes they're amazing I love sleeping in Wood okay but generally I would sleep in excuse get off of me okay but overall they done a pretty good job in building my house so I'm definitely excited to start living in here you know now that I have um 600 000 alaskans I'm actually a pretty big bloxburg mum so I might have to add a few more bedrooms to fit all of you guys in I'm gonna do the outro like this guys thank you to these eight amazing people for building my dream bloxburg house and again thank you guys for 600 000 subscribers this is absolutely insane and I am very excited to see what the future has in store so I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and I will see you in the next one bye okay
Channel: Alaska Violet
Views: 221,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3u0TRUYXJl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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