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in today's video I'm going to be building a Pinterest house in bloxburg so the idea of this video is I go on Pinterest I type up house and whatever the first image is I have to recreate it and then for the bathroom I go on Pinterest type up bathroom and the first image that pops up I will have to build that bathroom and so on until we have a completed house and this idea was actually inspired by one of you guys called star girl so thank you star girl give me a little kiss on the forehead M love you so yeah if you guys want your ideas featured in a video make sure to comment them below or else so let's get started I think I'm just going to type up house right okay so I'm on Pinterest now of course my whole Pinterest is just houses but I go on the search bar I type up house press enter and the first house is this one right here okie dokie so this is the house we are recreating and I'm also going to put this house on the bottom right screen here so you guys can actually see the house that I'm building as I'm building it and seeing if it's pretty accurate I think we might start off with the garage garage looks pretty big I think it's a five blocks and then the walk goes back a little bit and then we have like a big fat entryway and then we got another little section right here and the good thing is about this is that it comes with a floor plan so I don't have to like guess what the floor plan is and also I kind of um stuck at floor plans so I'm going to quickly go sketch out the layout of this house real quick okay as you can see the back of this house the left bit is only one story while the second bit over here is twostory ah I see very interesting when someone actually told me to do this idea I was so happy because if you don't know me I love Pinterest I feel like I use Pinterest in every single one of my videos so I think the biggest build hack I can tell any new bloxburg players is if you're new use Pinterest I cannot stress this more Pinterest has helped so much okay wait I thought of something what if I place two slanted roofs at the back here and then I connect them together okay it kind of works it kind of looks a little bit stupid I notic if we zoom into the photo they have a chimney on the left here so so we can't forget the little tiny chimney oh wait this chimney connects to the floor oh it's a fancy chimney okay well I'm guessing like all chimneys do that but whatever wait wait I can put chimneys on the side like that uh since when either this is big shocking news or I'm just an idiot all right we've got the chimney now to paint the house so this looks like it's made out of a concrete and Bricks it's actually a nice house the more I look at it like sometimes I will never know what colors to paint my house and that's when Pinterest comes in handy for some reason that sounded like a brand deal this video is sponsored by Pinterest no it is not I wish that would be cool now this section here looks like it's made out of a dark brown slate so slate in a brown color Ooh La La damn that is actually looking not bad now next we've got Windows looks like in the photo they've primarily used these framed windows I'm not actually a big fan of these windows I reckon we can do a cheaper alternative and instead use clear windows and then some sexy small square beams to outline the window why do I just sound like Jennifer coage whoever lived in that house watched my videos and I'm actually building their house how weird would that be like I don't know about you guys but I'd be pretty creeped out if a YouTuber accidentally built my house here I come here I come we're getting there we just need the doors in the garage we have a door exactly like this one it's called Uh the French double door we we okay finally garage door what like the closest material to this garage color oh maybe this that's pretty accurate all right I think we're going good now if we zoom up here we have some lanterns on the front bit of the house this is so fun because like if you don't build in bloxburg it feels like I'm doing a color in book and I have to look at this photo and kind of color it in but in bloxburg does that make sense maybe I sound like an idiot I don't know another thing we're going to quickly do is replace this dumb Play-Doh looking grass with actual grass now don't get me wrong love the Christmas update love the snow I'm sick of seeing this stupid grass why would you say that fix it why would you say that so look at that scrum yum yum and last thing we're going to do is make the driveway a squared foot path so big fat squares like this and voila the house is done this is what the house looks like on Pinterest and this is what it looks like in blackburg so the next thing we are going to do is I think the living room so we're going to jump back on Pinterest we're going to type out living room and do the first thing that pops up which is this oh damn damn okay okay fancy okay so the photo is going to be shown in the bottom right corner so you guys can actually see what I'm doing the first thing that caught my eye with this uh living room was the big fat TV that was hung up on the wall as well as these pillars on the right side so what we're actually going to do is use Twisted wood and then get some planks and bring one forward and then one back and kind of copy this pattern until we have something similar to the living room also look what I've been doing I've been slowly bringing them out oh my gosh Jesus alas you had one job mate you know how celebrities get cancelled on Twitter and like Instagram and Snapchat when it comes to Pinterest I love Pinterest so much cuz name the last celebrity that got cancelled on Pinterest you can't because Pinterest is just an unpro queen and I love her so much like if I'm ever having a bad day I'll just jump on Pest and boom my day is automatically 10 times better the only weird thing with this house though is um there's no specific theme so who knows we might get like a bright bubbly bathroom and then a dark modern bedroom we have no clue so we're going to have custom War paper at the back here like that's very fancy and then for the TV cabinet that's the thing with blockx bag we don't have many TV cabinet options this one's pretty accurate I mean I guess I can use two of these and just place them together like that that should work and we might just put one more basic shape on the top so then it's like accurate to the photo bloxburg actually has this exact item in the game I don't know what it's called though but I know they have it and it's super expensive as well oh this is going to drive me crazy now because I know they have it I just don't know what it's called he goes like 15 minutes of my life trying to find this thing 15 minutes later H found it boom natural sculpture $800 and it's exactly this thing looks like they've also got some stacked books in here and I think that is this section of the living room done as for the coffee table though they have a fancy coffee table so we're going to do a custom made one using basic shapes the only problem with this photo is that we can see the first half of the loung room we don't really know what's going on with the second half so we're going to have to just um guess yes I guess I swear I built this exact coffee table for one of my subscribers a few videos back and I said it before and I'll say it again it feels like I'm building an Ikea set so lastly the top of the table and then voila coffee table now for whatever is on top of this coffee T I cannot name one single item on this table I'm too poor for this what is that I'm just going to guess it there's going some books here every single time I see something that I don't know I'm just going to add a vase and hope that's what it was huh see there we go there there's how coffee table now it looks like they've got a rug underneath here the only confusing thing is um you can't really see what they've added for the lounge so I'm just going to guess looks like they had dark lounges so you know what I'm assuming they just used these lounges like a massive Corner Lounge there we go not too snubby so I think that is our living room all complete I am obsessed with how this turned out so I think the next thing I want to do is the kitchen okay let's go so we're just going to type up kitchen boom what comes up this ooh she kind of mm- I want to have the kitchen along this wall here this kitchen looks like a uh Japanese styled kitchen I am honestly obsessed with now what if we use carpet for the walls I know very very weird but in the photo here it looks like they have a backs Splash and we're also going to have the image right here so you guys can see how accurate I'm making this don't worry guys it's going to be so accurate you're not even going to be able to tell the difference you know for so long I've struggled with like find finding my favorite style of kitchen I think I found it I feel like in a kitchen I want it to be very calming especially when I'm cooking so I don't know I think this is just the perfect type of kitchen and for the tiles honestly the photo looks like they used linen maybe a wood texture like that that looks like T straps okay just this wood yeah that looks better we've also got the fridge right here and again if we Zoom all the way into this photo it looks like they've got a stove top on one of the benches and they have the sink on the island very cool very creative so stove top right here and then we'll just fill the back in here with some clutter okay we got some cooking pots here I wish we could place the pots on top of the pans but for some reason we can't which is very stupid and you can't really see what's on this angle of the kitchen so oh my gosh ANS just sent me $69 what is she doing this girl right here she's a weiro anyway back to my kitchen so this back bit is done as for the island bench though we might just play it safe and use a modern Island and again it kind of looks like late for the countertops like that oh my God Ang just said what video is this it's giving Pinterest I'm doing a Pinterest only house damn and kind of psychic okie dokie so we've got the sink here looks like they have a big fat bonsai tree on their Island bench but you know what I'm not opposed to I love my bonsai I don't know if I've ever told you guys this but I've had of a Bonsai it's like uh 33 years old yeah that's my child my child is older than me but leave me alone I love that Bonsai uh I don't have a name for it though so you know what whatever the top comment is whatever your name is I'm just going to name it after you now for the furniture on top of the island bench I have no idea what any of this is so you know what I said if I don't know what something is I'm out of Nas guys NS just said it's my birthday tomorrow let me be in the video tell your Editor to keep me in or I'll un oh my gosh editor be careful and's going to come for you if you don't put her in the video you're going to scare away my editors an anyway side note Ang's birthday tomorrow so happy that's in do me a favor please get out of here get out of here man okay so this is how the kitchen turned out this is what it looks like on Pinterest which means the next thing we need to do is the dining room to the left here so dining room let's have a look okay this is not a dining room we're technically going to be using the second photo which is this oh this is a very fancy dining room okay is that a wooden carpet interesting and again the photo is going to be in the bottom right so you guys can see a side by side view okay the thing that caught my eye most with this dining room was the dining table because that looks like the most fancy thing ever I think the closest thing to that is if we place two dining tables face to face with one another I'm sick of using Linen in my kitchen but that's literally what color this is It's linen not completely accurate to the photo but I don't care okay we're going to use Simple reclining armchairs in our dining table why because we be fancy like that nice fan fancy carpet material okay as for the chandelier cuz as you can see in the photo they have a really big chandelier kind of looks identical to this one right here and last thing on this dining table is again weird looking items which means more now you know what we're going to have on here a lemon Bowl yes sir I don't know why but lemon balls just make tables look [Music] fancy okay and I know technically this photo here doesn't have a fireplace has a fireplace over here but I feel like this dining room is missing a fireplace right at the end like see how much better that looks compared to just nothing there okay so with that done I think the next thing I want to work on is the [Music] bathroom let's go which is actually going to be in the second story so if we just type up bathroom first thing that comes up is O I've actually done this bathroom in the past before believe it or not okay you know what considering I've done this bathroom before I'm going to do this one this one's pretty similar but it's not exactly the same and we're going to have it right in here we're going to have the bathroom here because this one doesn't have any windows and it looks like this bathroom also doesn't have any Windows it also looks like the whole thing is made out of concrete a very Zen feel I love what they done at the back of this shower they have an insert where they place all their shampoo and conditioner and such and if you zoom into the photo you can even notice they have LED lights all on like the top section of the shower okay so we can have a lot of soaps here like this I don't get it what is with people having like 18,000 skin care products you literally only need shampoo conditioner body wash and then like a few skincare products and that's it I feel like people nowadays use way too much skincare on their face like one of my friends right I'm not kidding you're going to be shocked they use soap on their face every single morning and their skin looks so like clean it's scary like to be completely honest most skincare products nowadays are just a slam a slam and aam anyway back bit's done as for the shower itself looks like they got a modern shower set and they also have a wall here looks like they got a sliding door as well which is perfect because then we can match it with some of these framed windows okay pretty accurate as for the sink I love this sink so much looks like a floating sink so we're going to use one of these bad boys they only used one but we're actually going to put two and I don't know if you guys can see this but if we zoom into the photo we have the toilet behind the sink you can barely see it but it is there that's going to go right there oh and they got a black toilet I swear ages ago I was like I've never met someone with a black toilet before like imagine just being like Oh yeah I own a black toilet how would you even clean that thing oh my God wait you can resize this mirror uh hello I did not know that okay that's cool in that case we're going to have a massive round mirror just like in the photo and then we'll copy some of these snuggy pendants by the sink okay not too bad I think that is pretty accurate to the photo okay so with the bathroom done I think the next room I would like to do is my bedroom which I'm very looking forward to now when I type up bedroom on Pinterest first thing that comes up is this oh oh my damn okay I'm actually looking forward to this so the photo is going to be down here so you guys can see a reference I don't know what type of theme this is I think it's a mixture of like modern or Japanese style I don't know but I love it and the first thing we're going to do is a very detailed floor and if you can see in the photo all this wall here is made out of Windows so we're going to have lots of Windows here and we're even going to do like fake curtains by adding some round pillars so now that that's done we can start working on the bed oh this bed is so pretty you know what this bed actually looks exactly like this one here I thought I was going to have to do a custom bed but looks like I did not have to today it does however look identical to one of those influencer Cloud beds also one thing I noticed with the back wall as well this looks pretty cool looks like they have uh some storage cabinets out here and we may even create a fake W using a basic shape another thing I noticed is that they use a lot of LED lights especially around the bottom and the top of the bed I've never thought about having LED lights in the bottom of my bed but you know that's actually a pretty good build idea especially if you want to make it look like your bed's floating okay so far oh my gosh that is looking comfy I can like 99% guarantee you I do not know a single thing in that photo okay I'm going to zoom in all I can see is book books and just random stuff here so that's what we're going to do books and just random Decor oh incense sticks yes we need some of these back here you know what bloxburg needs to add to the game diffusers okay back bits done now we just need to decorate the bed oh that looks so comfy usually after like I'm finished build I'll usually like bulldoze the plot but I'm not going to lie to y'all I do not want to bulldoze this plot I want to keep it okay I'm not a roleplay Channel but damn this house is making me want to role play I feel like the bloxburg roleplay Community definitely definely hates me I find it really funny because um my little cousin loves uh I think it's Lexie peach peach Lexi loves her so much and she gets bored of my videos because all I do is build so okay bed is done oh that looks so pretty okay that is our little Pinterest bedroom done however we still have like a whole section over here and you can't really see what's on the opposite side of this so I'm going to guess # guess and hope for the best wow you know what they would have in here a fireplace for sure that have a big fat fireplace right with a big fat TV oh yeah we then have the garage in here so when we type up garage it comes up with a house for some reason then it comes up with a toolbox and then it comes up with a garage so technically this is going to be like the third photo but I guess this will do okay this is like a 10 car garage and this garage is only fit for two cars so we're going to have to try and make this work now by the photo it looks like we've got a fully concrete garage also you guys keep making fun of the way I say garage what is wrong with the way I say it I say it totally normal right leave me alone okay I like the pillar in between the cars so you know what we might do something similar and then we'll have some wall lamps just like the photo and you know what we don't have any cars in our inventory but we can have a quad bike and a motorbike and you know this actually works out better cuz it takes up less room okay well I guess that's our Pinterest garage all complete so the last room in our Pinterest house is obviously going to be the office which is going to go in here so when I type up office the first thing that comes up is ooh this beautiful again Japanese style minimalistic office oh I love this so much okay so the photo is going to be down here first thing I noticed is the wallpaper what is that wallpaper honestly I think I'm going to leave it the dark slate to be honest I don't know I think that's a pretty accurate description we then obviously have some gorgeous curtains and for the table do we have a desk similar to that photo uh this is kind of similar yeah I guess we can use this we going have storage units up here a big fat painting of absolutely nothing I don't get that why buy Canvas even though it's got nothing on it a massive bonsai tree okay you know what we're going to copy this bonsai tree from the kitchen place the chair here and then try my hardest to fill this in so it looks like the photo okay and I think that is pretty accurate to the photo which means the High Pinterest house is all complete and she comes to a total of $161,000 what is the name anyway this is how our little Pinterest house ended up looking again pretty accurate compared to the photo this is a side by side comparison now coming on to the inside so as soon as we walk in the first room we have is the living room to the right I am obsessed with this living room this is definitely what my dream living room looks looks like and personally I think I done a pretty good job making this as accurate as the photo so here's a side by-side comparison I didn't know what was on this side so I kind of just guessed it and yeah I think the gray couch was a nice touch so now if we head straight over here we then have the dining room not my favorite room in the house but again pretty accurate to the photo and lastly we have the kitchen a nice little Japanese inspired kitchen this is a side by-side comparison of the photos a solid 6.7 out of 10 I don't even know we making up these numbers but yeah so if we come through this door we then have my personal favorite room in the house which is the bedroom darling this makes me want to renovate my entire room in real life to make it look exactly like this bedroom so here is a side by-side comparison honestly I prefer the bloxburg version just because this way I can actually uh sleep in the bed have a nice little nap and uh I don't know turn on the TV watch some golden ram ram call it a day so yeah then we have the closet this closet closet is pretty cool as you can see I got some decals here cuz I didn't really know what to add on this section but yeah honestly this closet's kind of basic um firstly we have the bathroom up here this bathroom looks so weird I hate the material that I use for the walls in the floor but compared to the photo I think it looks almost identical except I could have changed a few more materials but besides that it's all right we then have the office oh my God guys there's a floor missing down here stop um anyway ignoring that I love this office so much this is a side by-side comparison to the Pinterest photo and the bloxburg version only Improvement this office could have had was just adding more lighting but I mean hey if this was my office I don't think I would ever leave so yeah this is where I do all my important business meetings such as figuring out how to trap you guys in my basement anyway we then got the last room in the house which is the garage so this is how the garage turned out pretty basic um yeah there's really not much about this garage except for it sucks so I'm closing it so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed me building a Pinterest only house in bloxburg this was such a fun Challenge and I would love to do this again in the future so definitely let me know if you guys would want to see something like this again and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Alaska Violet
Views: 1,315,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fzBgtHF84bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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