Building a #Porch Start to Finish

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what's up everybody we're back here on site for the best house now you guys have been seeing a lot of the Interior but now that we're basically done on the inside we're going to be on the outside and our goal is to get all the lp smartside installed but before we can do that uh we are going to install and build and frame up a porch on the front of the house this is the front porch it's going to be a 24 foot wide porch eight foot deep we're going to have the same metal roof we're going to have a white metal ceiling and then cedar post so it's a very standard design for our building something we've been doing for probably 10 years now is these six by six cedar post I just like the look of them and so do our clients so that's why we keep doing them and then on the back side there is a even bigger back porch that runs almost the length of the house and that's what we will do next but without further Ado let's go ahead and get into it so Greg just got done sweeping this area up what we're going to do is find the points where obviously the the poor Char I mean we're going to try to use the concrete as our guide but we all know that concrete's never exactly perfect so we're not we're never stuck to the concrete we always try to make sure that our structure is square so we'll get some points on the wall find out then where square is we got the 180 out here a little bit overkill for this small ports but honestly it's still just better than pulling diagonal tape measures and everything and it's probably more accurate definitely at this scale so we're just going to set this Plum dot this uses very little effort no need to do math and find a diagonal Dimension with your tape so now with the 180 set up and locked on we can get a perfect square all the way up here if you don't have the 180 if you're just going to use a tape measure you can always take those points give yourself an eight foot run 24 foot rise going to give you a diagonal Dimension you can come right back here but that does require multiple people holding tape measures and then what you have to do is then go from this point down here plummet up and all of those little intricacies can introduce error versus this gives us an exact Plum line straight up the wall perfectly Square that's pretty sweet we just need a ladder so I can so I can get up there and Mark it I'm going to make a mark all the way up so we can just snap a line down but remember half of an inch in let's just grab this receiver oh actually I can see my I can see my laser way up here actually I can see it on the whole wall when I kind of look down but we're just going to go ahead it's literally right on this joint so now we can snap a line down this and it will always be here as our perfectly Square line and then measure from here over 24 feet and then we're going to be square on that wall we've got that locked on we'll take it over there let's check it right there go ahead and pop it all right you can just hold it oh no it's exactly 24 feet I guess that's the benefit to using lasers and Technology no guesswork and you just get perfect results uh let's go ahead and Mark so I'll go and get the brackets all marked you keep cutting your Lumber up I mean I'll just go ahead and get them installed then I can get lasers and check for elevation so what we're going to do is just line up the edge of this bracket with our line with our mark and this is where we're going to go ahead and drill a whole 5 8 I don't really oh I might need the this ain't gonna work so what we're going to do is take our marker this is a little bit easier with this because we've got dust extraction here and that's all just from that one hole so this thing does a pretty good job and the reason I like it in fact I did a video on this SDS the reason I like using the extractor but it's going to make putting this Fastener in much better all right these are six inch Simpson Titan HD anchor bolts and that's what we're going to use to hold these brackets down I don't really think that these brackets need to be super strong because we're actually tying into the existing structure of the building but I mean this is this is what we actually use to Anchor the the main house to the concrete too so these things are pretty legit foreign 35 11 16. I'm just marking grade from the laser and then I'll do the math on where I need to be in a little bit it's exactly the same 35 11 16. this one is 13 16. and three quarters okay so now that I know the height relative to the laser which really doesn't mean anything right now I can then figure out exactly where my grade is uh determine eight foot and then each one of these those two are the same this one is actually lowered by an eighth and that one's only lower by a sixteenth so what that means is I've got two of the same size posts this one's going to be an eighth longer and this one's going to be a sixteenth longer so really we're just going to go ahead and zero out at eight foot so our porch is eight foot tall and uh I can go ahead and cut up my six by six Cedar and get that big old beam saw out okay so now what I'm doing is I'm using the same grade mark on the wall knowing that if this is my zero I can do eight foot minus the elevation to those brackets that I just went through and showed you guys and that's going to give me five foot zero and five sixteenths from this point up on the snap line we made I can measure five foot zero five sixteenths that is the top of my eight foot porch post Greg can I get your hand buddy just don't get any mud on it okay good all right here we go all right so when we got those elevation marks on the brackets each one of them was a well actually two were the same and then the other two were both different the two that were the same they were also the highest bracket we went with eight foot even that's our zero point so now this this post goes on the bracket that is an eighth inch longer which is what we determine with the laser so now I'm just going to make it an eighth inch longer what that's going to do is it's going to zero out the top of my post so that the header is all the same and all the differences are made up down at the bottom at the post bracket so hopefully that makes sense it's the same thing you know that's that's what you do with a grade stick you are able to differentiate elevations and then make it up and this is where we're going to do it at the bottom of the column okay ready Greg [Applause] so we're going ahead and we're using these Lumber locks it's a structural connector screw and uh we're just putting a couple in making sure that it's as Plum as possible with the plate level and we're going to straighten and square and Plumb everything up with the structure even more precise later but this just gets us as close as possible for now I'm not going to go crazy why don't you go the other way all right cool so now that we have the bra the brackets and posts done we've got the headers cut for this front we'll go ahead and install those then what we'll do is make sure that these are perfectly Plumb and get a dimension back to the wall that way if we just cut this at eight foot like we think it is it could be in or out depending on if this wall is perfectly plumbed so we've learned just to hold off on those do the ones that we know are right which are the front walls and then we'll go from there um a little more one more yeah right there buddy hold that okay all right so now that we have these front three put together Greg is going to plumb up this column as perfect as possible uh with the plate level and then I'm going to take my ldm and I'm going to get a measurement back to the back to the wall just to ensure as precise as possible just makes our job a lot easier I can't even make this up see that the foot exact yeah I mean that's good that just means our wall is Plumb out here so eight foot exact that's just good confirmation and now we'll go ahead and cut this one up stick it in there and we should be golden just putting a temporary toenail in what I like about the grk is that it doesn't really mushroom so you get a pretty decent finish even when you're going in on a toenail like that which is important if you're looking for tight joints foreign yeah that'll be good for now all right so I'm just taking a block of six by six we've got our snap lines this is where this is going to terminate and I'm just temporarily placing this two by underneath for it to set on and I'll show you guys how we fasten the actual Cedar so first thing I'm going to do is I'm just going to put a toenail in this and that's just to hold it so it doesn't fall off that block but that's not all we're going to do we'll we'll get to that in a little bit later we want to make sure now that everything is straight and Plumb so we'll start bracing things off we'll get some framing up against the wall that comes out supports these mid columns and gives us something to start bracing to oh right there now nice thing is we've got a Gert that runs right through here and it was kind of semi-planned so that we have nice structure behind this guy because this is what will Mount our ceiling to okay so that's two inches 91 and a half foreign so that's that then I'm gonna go five and a half six and a half seven inches this is important here because this is I found them on the ground it's just what I had man don't judge me in set for our sheathing dude it's perfect man I know nice work first time dang I mean I'm not even kidding you that's actually where I wanted it to be okay we'll leave that there for now that'll get a little hanger later got it foreign you like it yep now this is just a form of redneck engineering so this isn't like some detail that's called out this is like over time we've just kind of learned where hey if we do this it's going to make it a little bit stronger and you'll see as I put this up here what this is going to do so this is our outside framing board but also this two by six that we framed in like so is going to give us a place to screw down into this six by six and when we connect everything on the end wall it's going to give us more structure so it's just a little bit added and then it gives us a little bit of nailer for our ceiling also on the inside hey Greg guess what that one goes perfect right to my uh inch and a half line okay nice for these connections here we're just going to use these 12 inch drks really trying to get as much end grain because we are going to the end grained up here on the post below it but this is it's not going to go anywhere [Music] we just throw one of those per connection I mean once this thing is all sheathed there's not going to really be anywhere for it to go anyway nothing beats these grk screws I mean this is a pretty large Fastener to not need any pre-drilling nice so we're gonna put uh two of these on each connection and you'll be good to go okay we'll go ahead and go ahead and give this a try in speed too see what happens okay that worked out pretty good holy cow bro that just took that 12 inches like it was nothing all right now it's time to cut our Rafters I like to use just a 2 by 12 rafter that way I can hand frame it exactly and I'm going to show you guys real quickly how I do this math so I think what I'll do is I'll draw a picture that'll be the best way to do it and then it will make sense conceptually for you guys so we've got our building here and we've got the top of our porch here okay so there's my outside post there's that two by six we put up here's my building we know that this Dimension is eight foot and we've got a 16 inch actually 16 and a quarter because we're going to give ourselves a little extra overhang so what I can do okay we're just going to clear the calculator is I'm eight foot plus 16 inch one quarter that's nine foot four and a quarter that's my run okay what I'm trying to do is to find out the pitch and the angle and the dimension of this rafter right here so so we know the Run nine four and a quarter I know I'm going to have a two inch pitch so that's a 212 pitch okay now what this is going to give me automatically is my rise which over here is one foot six eleven sixteenths but even more importantly my diagonal 9 5 13 16. so what I can do with these Dimensions is okay this is the top of my two by twelve rafter this is the bottom all I need to do is cut myself a long 212 pitch here a 212 pitch here use the dimension of 9 5 and 13 16 and it will automatically give me this Dimension perfect and if we do our job well if this is level if this is plum then everything is going to be seated properly so let's go ahead and cut it and we'll see if it works all right first thing I'm going to do is since I'm doing four rafters I have the beam saw I can go through all of them what we want to do is just line up the face of the top we're going to screw them all together all right good enough there and then we're going to do the same thing on the other side making sure that we're within the dimension of our rafter which we already know from this little drawing is nine five thirteen sixteenths so we're going to be almost to the whole end of this 10 footer we're just going to go somewhere in here all right Square the reason I am making sure that my top side is even is because not all Lumber is the same Dimension even if you're buying a 2x12 sometimes it's not all the exact Dimension and we want everything to be consistent from the top side because that's the dimension that we know that we want to work with okay so now what we can do this is we've already checked Crown this is the top so we'll just do that just to be safe we're going to take our Square which fell on the ground over here and what I've done is set this up at a 212 pitch this is the Martinez Square I've showed it a couple times I really wish that he would make this because the benefit for people I think is huge it's so easy to set this at whatever pitch you want so in in essence this is a 212 I've got it at 3 and 18 which is a factor of a 212 pitch just trying to maximize the dimension and so now what I can do this is my top side I just line that up on there we're going to avoid that guy right there I think right about there and there is my 212 pitch now could I came in here and put my Square here yeah I probably could have done that but I can promise you I found that this I don't have to look I don't have to try to wiggle it around and make sure it's right where it needs to be I can see where it's at and make a perfect cut so let's go ahead and cut this with the beam saw then we'll measure down our diagonal Dimension we did in the math and then cut our bottom all right now with the beam saw I'm just going to go ahead and cut all these at the same time [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] take from this point here remember that's what we were measuring we're going to come down and we're going to Mark nine foot five 13 16. now that is my Long Point way down here and now what we can do is take this Martinez again oops I'm hitting my saw we're just going to slide it down until it hits that point right there Precision being important okay and this is the line as you can see I put my screw in a horrible spot and we're going to extend this with a with a long level four footer might work okay let's see we're right on our Mark there oh even the four footer is not going to be long enough it's a shallow pitch okay that's a long pitch cut that's a lot of work for the beam saw so Greg I might need your help when I start cutting this sucker I might need some help [Music] first things first let's go ahead and screw this here and unscrew this guy hold them we're going to put it here all right I think I'll just start it here and then we'll kind of lift it up over it and then back down it probably will want to pinch it yeah okay we'll just start running it and see what happens [Applause] [Music] that's a lot of work man that sucker is getting pinched I think okay I'm gonna come on that side wait a second oh no no we'll be fine we'll be fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign get them look at that that might have been a very small hassle to do all that but I think it's worth it because now we've got four identical Rafters that we can also turn over and we will Mark all of our purlin locations right now as well so Greg if you hold me at the end hold me it probably doesn't really matter um we're gonna go two foot on Center but 5 8 cheating we need to come up the hill I think it's a 3 8 of an inch a half inch piece of sheathing what I'm trying to do is this is my this is my rafter here and this is my sheathing 5 8 and I'm trying to remember what this Dimension is so that when my I plane in I'm right on the edge of my fascia 5 8 diagonal two inch pitch that would be my rise eighth of an inch yep so it's not much because we're so flat right the steeper it gets the further you have to go away so all we're going to do is we're going to do an eight so you're there so if I'm going to be normally here I'm going to come up an eighth of an inch this is my two foot layout Square those around all right now we can go ahead and pull these apart and we've got four Rafters how solid is this you think I'm good to walk up there right okay man so we're going to make a 16 and a quarter inch minus an inch and a half and that's because that's actually where my sub fascia will be nailed we're going to do this on this end and because I'm too lazy to walk back down we're just going to go ahead and walk it out Greg don't bang her too much let's go ahead we'll mark another Mark over here foreign it's right here don't do this at home kids train professionals okay hey Greg would you hand me that Cirque saw what this is going to ensure is that the facial line is straight and this is a two-fold solution to a problem that you'll see just after we're done cutting these ends off foreign [Applause] foreign yep so now what we get to do because we just snap lined this fascia what I can do is double check that my post is also 15 and three quarters from this fascia now this is 15 and 13 16 almost 7 8. what that means is that this is actually out of a line so by using this now as a checkpoint I can measure back I'll pull this one screw that I have here Greg go ahead and give me a tap out keep going one more one more right there so now that is 15 and three quarters that is in essence making this post line just as straight as that string line that we just snapped go more a little more ah just a touch right there right there you know if I remember correctly though you always see things to the right remember like your brackets like it's consistent like you're at least a very consistent guy I'm not I'm not mad something I didn't do that I probably should is I need to probably check okay good to make sure that this is in the right spot sideways we want to eight foot on Center all right now that that's done we're ready to put our Rafters up Greg did you take my ladder bro Greg you know what I need to do I need a 2x4 that's cut at 20 inches 20 yeah 20 and a quarter can you cut me a 2x4 at 20 and a quarter good right by uh right into a Gert okay how's it look down there Greg that is my mark foreign okay so now you can see the kind of you know homemade rafter here we'll do a little bit of tweaking we'll get some gusset plates nailed in on the inside to kind of turn this into like a an actual truss but it's going to be a pretty stout trust the unfortunate thing is because we're doing a drop down purlin we will be doing a ladder on the outside so our overhang we will build it install it it's getting 5 8 sheeting um and we're going to have a very short run from a fascia board up to the wall so I'm not too worried about it and be nice and strong so we'll just go ahead and install all these rafters now we're just going to be temporarily you guys can tell we do a lot of temporary um it could be because we make a lot of mistakes and we need to make sure that we can remove things but also because we're going to come back through and put our actual like structural Hangers On but for now I like to just put some screws in look at that right on my mark that's how you know that at least you cut a good angle and then we'll come back through and we'll put our hangers in here so one of the things that we did during the framing stage was that all of these Post locations behind this wall obviously are specific to the design of the post location on the porch and everything lines up so that bearing points are always transferred to a post so right behind here is a solid post with blocking all the way on so when we fasten we're going to something solid so in case you were curious that's what we're going to do now we can put a 2 by 12 hanger here and go into something solid all right especially when working by yourself because Greg's doing other tasks as much work that you can do on the ground the better I've got all my fascia marked and screws already placed so what we're going to do and hopefully everything is good you know when you do a lot of pre-assembly it gets a little nerve-wracking because sometimes um if you make a mistake it kind of compounds itself so you hope everything just kind of keeps going the way it's supposed to so now that we have this we're just going to set this right up to this little overhang look at that look at that that is beautiful you can see my little tail right there is right where it needs to be that's kind of nice doesn't always work out that way this one too you can see it sticking out right there now it looks to me like this fascia used to go right there okay we got one more to attach and I think it's going to also be good Greg how's those blocks going nice I should should be just money okay I'm actually gonna bring it right there now this one's a little bit long you see that see this little tip could just be a very poor cut on my part oh really yeah yeah can you go to that end give me a little push right there beautiful [Music] okay face you're done now on to purlins oh so this board is going to support the ceiling on the inside and we've learned that we can't forget to do it because it's really hard to put up there when the sheeting is already on all right because we are doing a smart side soffit we also need nailing every two foot so we're just taking some scrap two buys we're putting them in every two foot and what this will also do is give us a opportunity to straighten out any of the fascia that maybe is a little weird but this face actually looks pretty good so I don't think we're going to have too much of an issue the thing is smart side wants nailing on 16 inch soffits every two foot I think it's probably Overkill but we're just going to follow follow what the manufacturer suggests now these will all get hangers once again we're just temporarily screwing and then we'll come through it one time and do all of our hangers when we get the compressor out go ahead [Music] so here I'm cutting end fascia and I'm just using mass so hopefully things are where they're supposed to be because I'm not gonna guess it I'm just gonna go ahead and cut to fit [Applause] foreign thank you I'd like all the purlins to make up our overhangs naturally it's a lot easier for us a lot less work but we'll go ahead and screw this all together I think it'll be just just fine you good where do you gotta go buddy wait why what's wrong with you [Laughter] jeez Greg I guess when you gotta go you gotta go I'm gonna try this I ain't got time for Greg I don't remember what I did here that is my outside set a couple screws that's not far enough foreign okay well I messed that one up I wasn't expecting that were you [Music] all right so you go up go up so it's got to be spun and then flipped around yeah I should have known better because I marked this side sue me dude [Music] all right go ahead and get one in for you uh you might want to work it up and down looks pretty good I might actually move these in when I get done this all ends up all right we'll put some Nails also through ring shankers Hobb is gonna wait for Craig I'm gonna try to be smarter all right [Music] then I'm liking it well I didn't expect it to take all day to frame this up we're just getting our bearings straight and getting back on this job site because now that we're on the outside I'm excited to get all this done we got the first porch framed up now it's ready for sheathing we'll get our Steel on it and then basically we won't touch this again until we run our siding around all right we didn't get everything done in one day on this little porch so of course today it's like 20 degrees colder but we've got hangers to put on all the framing and we've got uh sheathing to put on the roof we got ice and water which is a high temp non-granular very important for metal roof and a little bit of sheathing to do on these ends and then this port should be done so let's just get right into this better than nothing it's actually snowing out with all these hangers we're using 10 Penny joist hanger nails in fact you know they're going to look something like this and a lot of people might say well aren't you supposed to put 16 pennies and actually most brackets they should all say exactly what is required and on these brackets we can use 10 common or 16 sinkers so we're putting 10 pennies in all of these holes and just filling them up all right all right before we go ahead and start our sheathing we're always going to make sure that this is square we plumbed up the front I feel like it's more important to be square than perfectly Plumb because if you had to move a post an eighth inch one way or the other no one's going to see it if it looks good it is good so we're just going to go ahead and check for square so we're about 308 and three quarters Greg let's double check it God I love this weather it's awesome compared to tomorrow tomorrow's going to be nice uh 56 or something yeah look over your left hand there you go and so here we're 309 so what that means is that potentially this needs to go the front needs to move this way just a hair all right just for a guide I'm going to put a little tick mark here on this board and this is what we're going to push this way we don't need to go much right there Greg you already moved it probably more than we need let's hold that okay should be good to go now all right so we were 309 and 308 and three quarters so now we want to be in the middle which is 7 8 and I know you guys can't see that but if you look at my tape we are dead money right on that Mark there 308 and 7 8. definitely good enough to feed this route okay let me nail this off that is absolutely no reason to be using text Shield but that's what's up on that roof and uh we had enough pieces so no sense in not using it it's very small cost to use Tech Shield over regular and hey this porch roof will be potentially 30 degrees cooler than a standard attic if it didn't have Tech Shield right so we're using two inch ring shanks should be plenty plenty good and always space your sheathing that is important as well for expansion contraction I don't know if we're going to put the ice and water on it's a little bit cold out right now we just got some snow that came through luckily it's not really sticking anymore we're probably gonna have to hold off on the ice and water so let's go ahead Greg and we'll get that weather logic we'll get these ends that way that's all done also I do have the steel for the roof for the ceiling it's all on order so as soon as that comes in we'll be able to finish this but at least now we've got a we've got a roof over your head if you want to sit underneath the porch Greg we'll be able to get the other side out of that too all right so remember at the beginning of this porch frame up I talked about how we were going to be supporting this 6x6 so we did that large grk structural lag into the column but now that we're installing this sheathing okay this piece of sheathing right here is basically going to act like a gusset plate on a truss where we're going to be nailing off and attaching this 2 by 12 to this two by six that's on top of this that we then screwed into other two by sixes that are screwed into the top so it's in essence adding quite a bit of structure actually for something that is literally just supporting its own weight because all the roof is on this 2x12 which is bearing on the post and back here at the wall which is on another column in the building so I always get this question let me just tack this up I always get the question of how we are fastening this this is just a temporary support until we're done framing but this is not going to go anywhere now unless this whole porch gets ripped off because when we're done nailing this it's all going to be basically one piece anyway so hopefully that makes sense and no I'm not an engineer this just seems to me to be probably Overkill and strong enough all right guys we are now done with this porch as far as like the structure goes it's a little bit cold today we've got just some snow so I'm not going to put the ice and water on right now tomorrow it's supposed to be mid upper 50's so ice and water really likes that sun in order to adhere properly and I think it even says on the packaging don't install under 40 or something like that even if it doesn't it's a pain to install when it's cold out so we'll get the ice and water tomorrow and this is ready for smart side fascia soffits steel roof so yeah that's the frame up of this porch we got one more now we're going to do on the back side that's going to be basically the same as this so I think what we'll do is we'll just go ahead and run through a bunch of time lapse footage of it getting put together and then that'll be it for the porch framing [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] guys that is the porch Frame Up video and hope you guys enjoyed it a pretty dang simple way to add up what I think is a great visual appeal to any post frame that really brings it to look more like a regular home not just a post frame home which I think are beautiful anyway but it's a good way to dress up a building so anyway if you guys enjoyed that please hit that thumbs up it helps a lot and obviously if you guys want to see the exterior of this house come together with LP smartside lap siding and we've got some brusetta stone make sure you hit the Subscribe button so you guys don't miss out and we'll catch you on the next video
Channel: RR Buildings
Views: 376,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barndominuum, building a barn house, building a barndo, building a barndominium, building a house, building the best house, epic buildings, epic post frame, home tour, how to build a house, pole barn, post frame, post frame home, post frame house, rr buildings, shome, shouse, stick frame vs pole barn, the best house, building a porch, how to build a porch, porch build, post frame porch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 32sec (3092 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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