Building A Brand New Farm Shop From The Ground Up!

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I think I got it I think I got it here at shop where we're loading up skid loader because we've got a freaking new job finally feels like Greg and I have been on the same jobs for the last couple years Greg are you excited to start a new job I don't know if you can hear him over the machine we got the skid loader running we're gonna load up a couple things on the trailer and we got to go down and get our first delivery we've got our columns and our sonotubes coming uh I think tomorrow morning all of our lumber shows up this afternoon our Midwest permacon brackets show up a couple days for us will be a lot of moving moving surround set up and I want to kind of take you guys through a little bit of that and we're gonna be building a shop a 60 by 64 and I want to know in this video um down in the comments things that you guys want me to talk about I've done a lot of videos but I've also get you know gained a lot of followers over the years that maybe haven't seen some of the early videos where I really started with basic post frame building um so my thought was to kind of go back and reintroduce a lot of you to the basics of post frame to hopefully help a lot of you see the benefits and also maybe go out and build your own so let me know Down Below in the comments the things that you want to see maybe that I can make a dedicated video on all right get the Kubota loaded up bucket Forks auger and uh we'll go ahead and throw those saw horses on too you always need a good set of saw horses I've really been liking the BNB 20K so this 20K trailer is super singles uh so double axle but only singles no doubles like that gooseneck over there this thing turns backs up real nice ah I almost I almost forgot this and this could have been catastrophic okay something you always must do yeah this ain't going nowhere okay we're good good to go all right first time at the site and uh it's kind of a beauty sometimes see how much this uh sticks out of the ground well I'm pretty sure that's all full Gravel Road Rock so lots of gravel means big holes we'll get them all dug and filled up though [Music] thank you foreign [Music] let's get a sharp it could be a f sharp maybe there we go all right there we go yeah trailer wasn't connected all the way it's not good when you want trailer brakes yeah okay we're good all right guys I am excited I hope you guys are excited too it has felt like ages since we've been to a new job site because it has we've been doing some highly detailed long-term jobs some homes over the last couple years of like big projects and we're finally going to be doing a nice run of like workshops buildings that like we cut our teeth in in the post frame industry things that were what we consider good and efficient at and um yeah so hope you guys are excited for this new ride make sure you guys subscribe and follow along with the build it's going to be a workshop I think a very standard size workshop with a lot of standard features and we just drove by the uh the barndominium that's always cool when you're driving around the countryside and you see your past projects um if you don't know what I'm talking about that was a pretty epic home so we're just gonna get down to the job site it's only about 10 minute drive and we'll get started all right guys so we just got done with this layout I actually did a full video on layout if you guys want to nerd out and get in deep on what the layout is uh how to get this perfect square with batter boards and streamlines and now what we're doing are you exact uh is just marking all the Post locations we've got a big garage door here 17 10 and a half and then we're going to be able to well we'll be able to start digging our hole all right hold it there I'll run this out are you exact footage okay Seven Ten and a half 15 23 31 39 I always read out my measurements so Greg can correct me if I'm wrong uh 47 10 and a half 55 10 and a half it's always something dude oh what is this just needed a little bit of muscle Greg we haven't dug holes in about a year so this I don't know do you have to change oil in these things once in a while never done that I'm always of the mindset that preventative maintenance is for the birds you know you fix things when they're broke you know well we probably need more make sure it's all good yeah yeah oh up not bad Greg all right let's just start with a easy-ish one huh okay you notice how Rusty that is wait till this first hole is done oh yeah that's only like what eight inches of gravel this is where the problem is Greg because it's gonna be hard to know exactly where my hole is [Music] you got those crumber shoulders ready over there you're just trying to start going down and don't stop until you hit like something solid yeah otherwise now because it's all that it came in pretty good like this do we worry about it caving in or no nah probably not [Music] [Music] I mean we're barely out of the ground and look how much gravel came back in [Music] so we're digging these holes about we're basically burying the the auger up to the bottom of the pumpkin the pumpkin is that big round thing at the top and that ensures that we're at least down below 48 inches which is the well 42 inches is our frost line but a little bit bigger footing is never going to hurt anything so once I get down to death I just got to make sure I get all this debris out clean it out as much as possible we're always going to get a little gravel down there old Greg is gonna you got your Stamper great do we have it we should have our Stamper we'll just pack all that gravel down at the bottom and then we'll pour our concrete [Music] [Music] the problem is with so much gravel every time we make a a pass going in all the gravel that's going to fall around the outsides I'm worried about not knowing where to go though when I come back I want to see an ax yeah please this is where it gets interesting man this gravel is so dry and so much of it we got two things going against us way too much gravel and dry conditions so nothing is packing man I feel like I'm way back Greg am I good all right [Music] yeah so we got two feet of gravel that doesn't want to compact because it's just too dry and it's not really compacted and so that's backfilling and just falling in and we're just going to be cleaning out gravel until we're blue in the face so the goal is we'll bury the pumpkin up there on these make sure we get way down into virgin ground and unfortunately there's going to be some gravel that's going to fall in but gravel's okay we'll pack that in with our Stamper or and compactor and then we'll pour our concrete right on top of that I mean it'll be a good base it's not going anywhere but it's just a real pain to dig I should be putting this auger in the ground about three times maybe four per hole on this I'm going in and out about eight times because it just keeps filling up [Music] not the end of the world just makes our job a little bit longer I'd say good conditions I'd probably dig two to three holes per one just because it goes that much quicker when the digging is good of course I say that and a lot of you guys are in uh you know areas where you've got nothing but Rock and debris in those holes you can't dig for two seconds without having to pull something out we have pretty good dirt so we can't complain too much Greg there's a lot of remember New York oh it was bad it was bad and all that rust off though exactly what if I hold your legs and you you kind of go head first in there I mean I'm the stronger one so me being up here to pull you out is important here let me let me take this off there ain't no way you're getting it no because you I don't think you have the that's why I said why don't knock it in the bottom hole because we'll never get it you ever listen flip over go ahead first you hold on to it I will pull you out I will dude I promise I will do it no no okay we got like a pretty good sized Rock in here at Greg like fall down and come on dude you can do it man you have the longer arms than me remember we've talked about this I'm stronger I pull you out you have longer arms yeah here I'll hold that I put in my pocket no I'll put it and put in the yeah all right I will not let you go okay I will pull you out without my mind bro I can I can deadlift like 400 pounds so pulling you out with that rock 315 is easy though come on I got you I got you buddy this is all us okay team Teamwork Makes the Dream Work oh let me clean some of that out for you okay let's clean some of this out all right hey Greg you want I got an idea what if we put a Sono tube on the ground right here you slide through it okay that'll be like your your and then I can tilt it up it'll give you a nice little slide and then I'll pull you out no I thought maybe you want something to lay on wanna get something I'm telling you man I think a tube would be just ideal we'd put you in that tube I don't know if I'll fit oh this is gonna be so ideal let me show you okay now you go ahead and start getting in there okay as you go I'll lift you up I will well this will keep it this is gonna be great this is gonna work great okay okay I won't yes this is perfect you how far do you gotta go eight inches I can do that okay you tell me when I feel it you tell me when come on come on oh my God come on buddy let's go let's go let's go see look at you just listen to me hey you're getting your hat dirty that's a rock I told you we could do it man we worked together we worked smarter not harder oh it's a good one I told you at work dude and I saved you from getting super dirty we got all of our holes Doug we've got our tubes which I asked about these these are not sonotubes these are the coil inserts I was looking for a okay this one was Earth Brown crinkle so metal came into a factory on these the roll former that we buy a lot of our materials from and we just buy these uh tubes they get a cut down the middle so that we can form them to our hole so we do an 18 inch auger and then what I can do all that we need to be careful around these holes we're gonna have to do some clean out um because they keep falling in what I can do is just take these screws I'm going to kind of form it a little smaller and hopefully I got the right size oh yeah so now we can just put them in here we can find our grade with our laser that we'll set up and then we'll backfill the gravel so even though this opened Crater of a hole is here it's not a big deal because we're buried down into virgin tight ground doubt well that was weird what I mean is it's not this loose gravel it's nice virgin ground that hasn't been Disturbed and we want that for our footing and that is a nice tight hole that we can then set our tube in and then we'll just kick this gravel fill this all back in and we'll be ready for concrete so we're gonna get our laser set up we're gonna get all of our tube set up and we're going to rock this out so we can get our concrete poured get it spinning fast all right so we got the rotary set up remember remember when we started this this was our high point so we're just going to come over here to the gravel and we're going to set the laser we have nothing else to kind of go off of it's just kind of whatever we want to do here and we know that this is what's going to be the best solution and then you get that tube pushed down to about there thank you and that's actually pretty tough It's a pretty amazing we just set that in that hole but the friction of the ground I mean you can't even push this tube of cardboard in in that range but I'm going you know what I'm saying it's too that's too far into the ground oh my gosh okay well that's too much tube we don't want that much too hey there's a frog in there look at the poor little guy why don't you lay in there I'll put a tube in you go in and get him like you did that Boulder yesterday come on little buddy oh come on bro we're doing this for you all right buddy you made your choices unless you go down there and save them I'm not I'm done I got work to do Greg you should be talking in your Kermit voice come here little bunny um what are you doing Greg he's done put him out of his misery or pull him out I ain't got no heart for this I'm sorry you better you want to go down there go fast go fast yeah yeah there we go good work he is a lucky frog okay that is what we want to do we're gonna kick some dirt so now we just go ahead and do this deal throw some of this gravel around this guy an inch yeah that's good I literally pulled out the amount of gravel that just flew back in up 16. [Music] thank you about four foot yeah four feet plenty of Pier yeah not worried about that and there we go okay I didn't see that back there it's okay good enough [Applause] so some of these holes where we have grass at almost the level we're in the virgin ground here really quickly which means we have a nice tight hole so we don't have to use that big tube we're actually just going to cut it down as long as we get a nice solid see this is all Solid Ground here as long as we can get our tube in there and get it you know set that's all we need to do we don't need a tube to go all the way four feet down so that's what uh that's how we can really save a lot of effort and time is by not utilizing a full tube just cutting them down to the size we need and we have only 27 tubes and 31 holes Greg so we can't use all fulls we need to get away with hopefully these this corner just using halves and then we should have enough [Music] [Music] foreign that one in up go ahead I'm going to hold it here okay I want to go down just a good okay yeah that was good that's great all right [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] concrete man it's the most stressful part of the job once we're done with this my stress goes away but you only get one chance with concrete before it gets hard [Applause] so we're putting about a third of a yard of concrete in every one of these holes maybe a little bit more some a little bit less it just depends on how opened up the hole got on us but with the sonotube we could calculate the measurements a lot better Greg I hit the button it's I don't know why they put the button right next to the button I'm supposed to hit with the button I'm not supposed to hit [Applause] come on back all right yep this is where our concrete is starting to get a little bit drier than I want I don't like wet concrete because the drier it is the stronger it is but also we gotta kind of find a balance between nice and dry firm concrete and setting our brackets in there so [Applause] we're about done with this truck I think so we're gonna let it go but this is kind of pushing the drying Factor okay we gotta get all of our strings up and now we got to recheck all of our Dimensions real quickly make sure we like it and then we're going to get our marks and set our brackets 50 yup good stay there let's check diagonal 88 four and a half stay there oh no go ahead and come on down here good stay there I'll check this diagonal four and a half okay [Music] good Center good all right so these are Midwest permacolin brackets um this is a three-ply two by six bracket and what I want to do is we've marked these lines the center of the post column and I've got a couple Stabila torpedoes now this is kind of I've done a lot of these videos and I've gotten a lot of feedback and people are constantly saying the same thing because typically I don't have this torpedo I stick this bracket in I'm looking at the center of the bracket I'm looking at my level to see if it's plum and I'm just kind of shaking it around until I get it where I'm in the center of my bubble and I'm pushing it down and that's it now a lot of people are going to say you only plumbed it up one way what about this way here's the deal okay I'm gonna take two of these now you come in here and you tell me which one should I plumb because I got two levels and each of them are going the other way because these years not this severe but these ears are opened up so I can get my column in there I cannot Plumb side to side so I'm going to eyeball it my eyeball is good enough for this because when my column goes in there I can then plumb up the wall with my chains and lock it in and these ears have a little bit of flex this way in that way they're really rigid in and out so as long as I'm Plumbing here good to go [Applause] yeah I'm leaving off the line you don't want to touch it give it a nice little shake at the bottom get that cream around everything good to go okay for a corner bracket you can see this is my sidewall all the brackets are the strongest in this this Force here so my corner brackets are going to be the same way I'm going to run them just like my end wall and with these I actually am going to have another level so I'm going to make sure that I'm running Plum off of this line but then also I want to make sure that the outside of my bracket the bottom outside of my bracket is going to be Plumb with this string line because when this corner post goes in I don't want it to be sticking too far out and since I don't really Plumb these uh these ears I got to make sure I at least Plumb the bottom to the string line I think that makes sense right guys because the bottom is always going to be the exact same Dimension but the ears they go out so I can't Plumb off of those I have to plumb off the very bottom so I'm just going to take my On My Level here and I'm going to go all the way in let's see shake it over Corners are the corners and jams they're the ones that take the longest because I feel like those are the dimensions that matter the most if you get a bracket an eighth inch off in the middle doesn't really matter okay so we're good maybe I can do that just a little good there good there so now when we cut this ear off the outside of my bracket should be maybe that move just a hair I better move that in just a hair like I said this is the important ones thank you there we go okay that's gonna be good all right so that's a corner these These are too wet yet we just poured these ones pretty wet we're not going to mess with those that's good for me all right first truck out of the way I like to bring a truck in if we can if if it's like we were pushing 10 yards which a truck don't like to bring 10 yards we kind of got a feel for what we're doing the concrete worked out good now we've got our holes that we've got caved in that we need to finish I don't know if Greg is going to try to give it a go he always gets kind of nervous but he does a great job in the skid loads I don't know why he gets nervous he's going to be just fine uh so we're going to do that while the other truck goes back gets filled up and then we've got a gotta dig a couple dead men and if you don't know what a Deadman is stay tuned we'll get to that in just a little bit but we're gonna go finish these up Greg is marking a Dead Man location now a dead man for us is just a pure of concrete that we're going to put some rebar into and that's so that when we are constructing the structure it's going to be like let's see a 60-foot truss let's call it 10 feet about 30 feet in the air when we set that first truss on that end wall and there's going to be nothing to secure it to so these dead men will they will be anchors in the ground and that's what we can chain off to so we're going to go ahead and dig those there's really no Rhyme or Reason they're Perfection needed we're just going to dig some holes and then we're going to fill them with concrete concrete did I say that weird I don't know nice hole Greg I like it where's the center is that about right right about there okay [Music] let's see how good this hole digs having no gravel there [Music] no that's good that's good [Music] look at that black dirt [Music] look at that two two passes you're cleaning it up where's your gravel rig buddy oh look at that that is what I'm talking about [Music] you know if we would have had all holes in a situation like that with four inches of gravel it would have taken us half the time to dig the holes and we would have had a nice tight hole instead of a crater to backfill but oh well it is what it is [Music] yeah I see the little bit a little bit more splatter here today or this truck is it's nice you know get these controls so we can we can do exactly what I need to do to fill this up it's not because I'm like a control freak like yeah I am type A but it's just because I can see exactly how fast this thing is filling up and I can control this versus having to get mad when the driver doesn't hear you doesn't shut it off in time or he takes too long to get it started up again it's all it's all right here I think it's more efficient for us right Greg that's what it's all about okay usually people always want to know like what kind of slump do we use for the piers what what's our lead time on setting the pier after or the bracket after it poured and so typically what we will do is have like what is maybe considered like a curb slump but this is a lot wetter than normal so I'm not I'm not typically fond of my my Pier concrete coming out this wet so we're gonna have a little bit longer of a lead time waiting for it to set up enough to set our bracket but typically typically when we get done unloading the truck with a curb slump we can come back through and set our brackets this is going to take a little bit longer but that's not bad though is it Greg you don't mind this do you yeah it'll set up pretty fast yeah look at I'm like I got four different buttons I'm working with I got my my concrete scooper here I'm I'm keeping track of what you're doing out of the corner of my eye because God knows I gotta at least keep an eye what I'm doing a lot I'm doing a lot right now there's a lot going on but then again I'm also just standing here watching this concrete pour but there it's like it's like you've got the it like comes and goes what oh I'm flattered up aren't I yeah so this is the dead man and we're just gonna pour this it don't matter we're just gonna fill it up right we'll pull it out later so this is only a couple what how much weight Greg about about 1500 pounds oh wind's dead right now you like that you look a little heavy on it I'm not so I got gap between my string so we're fighting the wind just a little bit so Greg's just eyeballing making the sure the center of this is good and we're just going to pin this string line without touching it right right where we like it you like that Greg I mean I'm basically bouncing right between those two yeah yeah okay yeah I like it [Laughter] [Music] good enough for the girls I run with all right that's the last bracket so second pour was infinitely more I guess comfortable I don't know why maybe less stress you get through the first one everything goes good you feel confident but we got all these brackets set now what we're going to do is let them set up overnight tomorrow we're going to come back we're going to get all of our elevation marks on each bracket we're going to cut post we're gonna start building walls and that's going to be a new video guys so uh I hope you guys enjoy this series we're going to be back to building a farm shop the thing that a lot of you guys followed this channel from the beginning on is just building post frames man being out here look at this this is a gorgeous job site we got a lake down here we're on the middle of nowhere so make sure you subscribe follow along drop me a comment down below if you learned anything in this episode or what you might be looking forward to in future episodes so we can hopefully incorporate that into the content but uh concrete day is always stressful so I'm gonna go home relax and we'll be back tomorrow with more work
Channel: RR Buildings
Views: 156,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barndominium, building a large post frame, construction video, farm shop, garage build, how to build, i beam fabrication, insulated workshop, kubota, large post frame, large workshop, new build, pole barn, pole building, post frame, post frame work shop, rr buildings, wall framing, workshop, workshop goals, large farm shop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 20sec (2420 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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